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So why is the Miz a heel?


Pre-Show Stalwart
he goes on all the late shows. He does a bunch of advertising. He does so many apearences for charity events and things like that. When he goes on those late shows, he is hilarious which isnt the best thing for a heel. He shouldnt be liked if he is a heel and when people think hes funny they will cheer for him. He could easily pull off a face character. The catch phrase is easy to mimic for the fans. All he would need to do is tone don how awesome he thinks he is and turn Cole against him.

So should The Miz turn face?
I don't know where you've been, hes been confirmed as the next Face of the company by Vince McMahon ever since he won the RAW Money In The Bank ladder match, so that pretty much answers you're question hes turning face sooner rather than later, and yes he should turn face the guy's a natural I think he can be a good heel and a good face kinda like how The Rock was, I'm not comparing Miz to Rock but you get my point
He is a heel because he behaves like a despicable, nasty, weak, cowardly little weasel.

And he has this babylike face that you just want to punch.

And no, he can't be a babyface. Not now. It's way too early for that.

I predict that he will eventually have to turn face because the fans won't give him any other choice. As you said, he is on the late shows, he is hilarious, he has the catchphrases for fans to get behind - it will happen. Just not now.

Right now the fans still overwhelmingly hate him. Just read the stuff the Miz haters are going to post very soon in this very thread. :D Why give that up? It would be a terrible waste of a heel.

Also I don't think he could pull off being a babyface just now. He has just settled in his role as a little weakling who somehow, someway avoids losing the title. It's the perfect role for him. As a face he would have to start dominating his matches. I just can't see that happening anytime soon.
he goes on all the late shows. He does a bunch of advertising. He does so many apearences for charity events and things like that. When he goes on those late shows, he is hilarious which isnt the best thing for a heel. He shouldnt be liked if he is a heel and when people think hes funny they will cheer for him. He could easily pull off a face character. The catch phrase is easy to mimic for the fans. All he would need to do is tone don how awesome he thinks he is and turn Cole against him.

So should The Miz turn face?

I don't think he should turn face ATM but I think its part of the problem with having the sports entertainment thing pushed so heavily...

some of the best feuds were the ones you thought could be real...

Hogan vs Savage in the 80s
Bret Hart vs Shawn Michaels in the 90s etc...

They hated each other in and out of the ring...wrestling hadn't really broken the 4th wall at that point and there was still some slight measure of reality...Nowadays they are treated more like actors....yeah on tv I hate ya but then let's go hang out on in public...
WWE still got orton, cena and HHH...these r the main guys in the buisiness, like it or not and all of them r faces, u still got christian and mysterio on smackdown who r faces and a rising main eventer (hopefully) in JoMo. Point being, why cant Miz remain heel? its not he's time yet to take over the WWE as the poster boy, not as long as u keep sticking cena and orton everywhere. But Miz is an awesome heel and he gets heat from the crowd. who cares wat he does behind the scenes, that has nothing to do with his contributions to the company in the ring.
The guy can pull of a face, without a doubt but we so many faces, u need a top heel who can carry a title without lookin like a joke ( only Del Rio and maybe rhodes can be the only heels to do that)...then when the cena era is done, turn him face, keep him heel, i really dont care...because he'll always be awesome!!!
he's a heel cause he's really really good at it. I know his face push is inevitable at some point but i'm still skeptical on how well he can do in that role, I don't know if his charisma will come out as much as a face but then again i never thought he would amount to anything as a heel and i was dead wrong.
I fell the Miz is at a point where the fans will accept whatever he ends up doing. He is a solid heel but if business indicates he needs to be a face it will happen, and the fans will go along because he is in tune with the crowd. CM Punk also has this ability.
I do believe that if the draft goes down the way i hope it does (John Cena on Smackdown and Del Rio on Raw), then we might see a Miz face turn sooner rather than later. But I highly doubt they'll risk John Cena going to Smackdown.
some of the best feuds were the ones you thought could be real...

Hogan vs Savage in the 80s
Bret Hart vs Shawn Michaels in the 90s etc...

They hated each other in and out of the ring...wrestling hadn't really broken the 4th wall at that point and there was still some slight measure of reality...

All the rumors I heard about Savage and Hogan not liking each other took place well after there feud in the 80s and I believe Hogan was even responsible for bringing in his friend Savage into WCW. I realize they later had problems but I don't think it was ever a factor in the 80s feud. When Hart and Michaels disliked each other outside of the ring nobody really knew about it. Obviously when the screwjob took place you started to get an idea but by that point Bret was already gone. So I believe the point you mean is that the storyline made you think that they hated each other in and out of the ring which still takes place today when a good storyline is in place. Look at Cena and the Rock, thats basically the whole premise of this rivalry.

On the subject of the Miz, no matter if he is a good guy or bad guy in the ring the thing the WWE is realizing is the more mainstream media attention they can get the better. The Miz is helping business and while he will probably one day be the face of the company I don't think its a requirement at this point for him to continue making public appearances and being a good guy.
OMG WHY? Why can you not just leave well enough alone? Fans do this ALL the time. HHH was a heel for SO long before he became a monster face. Yes he had a short stint as a face with DX way back when but overall he made himself and his popularity through being a heel. You do NOT have to have fan boys like yourself and little girls nationwide cheering for you to be a face of the company as you have already stated he does late night shows already.

Can you not just like the guy the way he is or does he have to be Super Cena for you to get behind him? Cheese and freakin crackers. You do realize for there to be a great face, you need great heels right? You can't have one without the other.

Everyone seems to love Morrison, I personally don't get it because he bores the living hell out of me. His promos are dead awful and he cant keep me interested. That being said he can wrestle a little and a heel Miz vs. a face Morrison would be a good match or two or three. Now why not let Miz help catapolt Morrison into the upper echelon? I hope he doesn't but thats what great heels do.

Why not just make everyone face and have no heels? This is such a dumb thread, im sorry.
to silrock316, i think you missed the point. No one on here said Miz must be SuperCena, and no one said the only way to be face is to be indestructable. He was just asking if Miz should turn face or not. Which I think the general consensus (mine too) is that not yet, but he will. And probably not while SuperCena is running around, probably for the reason that, while Miz will never be SuperMiz, you wouldn't want him competing with Cena for face status. At least not until he is a credible face. However, I agree with the OP that it is odd that Miz is so likable and funny on talk shows and if you didn't watch wrestling I'm sure you would think he's a good guy. For instance, Conan O'brien making "Ginja Ninja" T shirts (which I own), thats not what HHH would have done in 1999. I can't even recall a HHH talk show interview until he was face and came back from his injury to face Jericho as Wrestlemania 18.
That being said it just means that when he turns face he will already be set to go on full throttle.
hate to say but his catch phrases arent for Face. him saying im miz , and im awesome is douchebagery. He playing a douche bag role cause everything he says or does just want hit him and hurt him. this is a dumb question to start a thread have u not watched Raw the last year. He is with and even bigger tard in Riley goes around claims he is the best when 75 percent his wins are by interference. thats a Heel not a Face
This thread is interesting. Miz should be face, yet at the same time he needs to be heel! He should be face because of how he got to the top! He did it through hard work. And also seeing what he came from could inspire people. He could be one epic role model for kids and teenagers! Unlike Cena. But i don't think he should turn face. He has the intensity of a heel. He can cut some amazing promo's, but i don't know if these promo's would work if he was a face. Maybe in a few years, when he's held the WWE title 2 more times, he could suddenly switch. But not now. Not with all the Rep he's built over the past 2 years. If he turns face now, it's kinda like he's starting again. But in a few years, Yes.
Miz as a face would just not work for me. If Miz is a face how is he going to beat monster heels like Sheamus for example? Cena does it because he fights back against the odds and has his super strength. Miz has em... he's intelligent supposedly but no face has ever got over by being intelligent. He's em well he's not great technically so that rules that out. He's not a high flyer. He's a brawler and quite a small one at that.

I think if Miz turns face you'll quickly see him disappear because while he's alright on the mic (I think he's overrated personally but I'm probably in the wrong there since so many disagree) he's not actually anything good in the ring. That can work as a heel because he can cheat. It doesn't work as a face unless your last names Guerrero.

Miz as a face would just not work for me. If Miz is a face how is he going to beat monster heels like Sheamus for example? Cena does it because he fights back against the odds and has his super strength. Miz has em... he's intelligent supposedly but no face has ever got over by being intelligent. He's em well he's not great technically so that rules that out. He's not a high flyer. He's a brawler and quite a small one at that.

I think if Miz turns face you'll quickly see him disappear because while he's alright on the mic (I think he's overrated personally but I'm probably in the wrong there since so many disagree) he's not actually anything good in the ring. That can work as a heel because he can cheat. It doesn't work as a face unless your last names Guerrero.

Sorry for the double post but I realised straight after I posted it that some people might think that was me saying Eddie was a bad wrestler. I wasn't I was more pointing out he got over as a face despite cheating.
Miz is heel because of his spotty wrestling background and coming from reality television. Sure he is recognizable so he gets pushed onto the late night circuit (and I believe he will be the face of the rebirth of mainstream WWE and the start of the "Entertainment" era).

However he is Heel because he has little wrestling background and therefore doesnt go over guys like Orton, Cena, Punk cleanly. The minute he goes over them cleanly, he will lose his heel antics and become a face. This has all been a way for WWE to excuse his championship run as he isnt as established a star as guys like HHH, Taker, Edge, Cena, Orton.

I expect him to drop the title to Cena sometime over the summer in a move that turns Cena heel andd when Miz recaptures the title before Mania 28 he will be a face and head to the big show the face of the company while the two previous faces of the company battle it out (Rock and Cena)
For me, the only way to get the Miz over as a face is an amazing submission maneuver.
I think this is because he is undersized in relation to other potential top guys.
What I mean is, I don't see him as being able to go toe-to-toe with bigger guys without some sort of ace-in-the-hole. Generally, that's dirty tricks and heel tactics.
If he had a truly painful submission it would "level the playing field".
I believe that most of the people that see him on a late night talk show are old enough to realize that The Miz is a character on T.V. and Mike Mizanin is the guy who plays that character. Like if you see David Caruso on Letterman and he doesn't have his sunglasses, you're not disappointed because you know he's an actor playing a part.

All the things Miz does, i.e. talk shows, Make-A-Wish, etc. is alot of the same things that Cena started doing when he started to get noticed and look where it put Cena. Vince has got to love a guy that will put him and the WWE brand in the sights of as many people as possible. It's all part of going from "wrestler" to "Entertainer".

As for The Miz turning face, it will happen, but not for some time. Unless somehow a major heel is brought about. Through the Draft, they'll bring new people for Miz to fued with since he's gone through Cena, Orton, Morrison etc. already. I just hope they aren't too quick to take the title off of him and let him carry the ball as far as he can.
I'm sure he will turn face eventually, he's getting some face pops now. He plays the part of a heel so well. I can see why some posters don't think he could be a face. But back in the day no one thought HHH could be a face, because he was a natural heel. Don't get me wrong I'm not comparing the Miz to HHH. He has a long way to go before he is in the same league as HHH.

Even as a fan of his I'm not a hundred percent positive. That he will be successful as a face. He would almost have to completely change his whole look and persona. Way more than someone like Orton does when he goes from heel to face. HBK was never a big guy, even before his back injury he was about the same size as the Miz.

However when he was the WWE champion even as a face. He carried himself like he thought he could kick every other wrestler's ass. No matter how much bigger his opponent was. He also had a look on his face like he believed it and that made him look like a believable champion. The Miz will have to do something similar. If he wants to be a believable main event level baby face.
You can be the face of a company as a heel.
the nWo represented WCW for a couple of years,
The Rock and Triple H Served as the faces of WWF as heels for short amounts of time.
The Miz is basically counter balancing John Cena right now, and having miz turn face in the current setup of WWE, would be a tragedy.
I don't know where you've been, hes been confirmed as the next Face of the company by Vince McMahon ever since he won the RAW Money In The Bank ladder match

Really? When did Vince McMahon say this? You used the word "confirmed" so it's much more than putting two and two together, you've obviously had a private discussion with Vince McMahon about this, seeing as he's never come out and said anything like that in any form. The fact is, while Vince may like him (according to dirtsheets, and you're afternoon tea conversations with him) Triple H does not. Infact Triple H has scoffed at the idea of Miz being the face of the company (while on G4, promoting The Chaperone.) And Trips is the future frontman for the company, and he definitely has Vince's ear. Plus if history tells us anything, Vince McMahon is fickle and changes his mind on a dime. Miz is not the future face of the company. The only person whoever said he was was The Miz himself... and Michael Cole.

The Miz could never be a face, because outside of the few people on this forum who pop massive broners for him, The Miz is not likeable in any sense of the word. He's incredibly douchey and completely annoying. He has the size and look of someone who has to cheat to win, even though people on here complain that he doesn't mow everyone down like Goldberg.

Miz just doesn't have what it takes to be the top face, he's passible in the ring and overrated on the mic.
Really? When did Vince McMahon say this? You used the word "confirmed" so it's much more than putting two and two together, you've obviously had a private discussion with Vince McMahon about this, seeing as he's never come out and said anything like that in any form. The fact is, while Vince may like him (according to dirtsheets, and you're afternoon tea conversations with him) Triple H does not. Infact Triple H has scoffed at the idea of Miz being the face of the company (while on G4, promoting The Chaperone.) And Trips is the future frontman for the company, and he definitely has Vince's ear. Plus if history tells us anything, Vince McMahon is fickle and changes his mind on a dime. Miz is not the future face of the company. The only person whoever said he was was The Miz himself... and Michael Cole.

The Miz could never be a face, because outside of the few people on this forum who pop massive broners for him, The Miz is not likeable in any sense of the word. He's incredibly douchey and completely annoying. He has the size and look of someone who has to cheat to win, even though people on here complain that he doesn't mow everyone down like Goldberg.

Miz just doesn't have what it takes to be the top face, he's passible in the ring and overrated on the mic.

Actually the reports after The Miz won the Money in the Bank was that Cole's words were directly from VKM. What did Cole say oh yea "There he is, the future of RAW, The Miz." And That was reported by Wrestlezones own Nick Paglino. One thing on this note...most of the crap that comes out of announcers mouths come directly from Vince himself, why do you think they wear those damn earphones with their mics.

But to answer the question, Its easier to play heel than face. Give him time to be 100 percent comfortable and he will be ready, but they wont change him until something happens to either Orton or Cena. But on that note we may see it sooner than later with Edges early retirement.
I think he's going to be like the opposite of Cena. Booed by kids, cheered by the older audience. I think it's brilliant.

On commentary Miz was pretty much quoting a lot of you guys when ripping on Cena. He's highly entertaining (according to pretty much everyone who doesn't a grudge against him for being on real world and has accepted that he actually loves wrestling). So basically he's the foil to Cena. Cena is corny and appeals to kids, which the IWC hates. Miz is gonna be the voice of the IWC (from what it looks like) and so kids will hate how annoying he is but the IWC will treat him like black people treat Martin Luther King. Maybe not that extreme, but you get the idea.
i cant say im sorry when i say this, i would boo the awful the miz as a heel or face (which he could never pull off). i couldnt see people cheering him cause he sucks, and his voice is only matched by the dreadful sound of a angry house wife (which is worse hen a bullet in the head X_X).
^^^^I say this a lot, but every try thinking about it from other people's perspective? He gets pretty awesome reactions and from what I've seen, he works hard and really can work an audience on the mic.
No the Miz should not turn face. Fans hate him. He cuts heel promos to get more hated. He likes getting boo'ed. Just because he does the talk shows and public appearances a lot doesn't mean he needs to be a face. Doing those things is part of what got him his push in the first place, he's proving that he's a guy WWE can get behind in the future. You can do that and still be a heel. He wouldn't work as a face anytime soon, not unless he starts cutting sarcastic promos to mock the heels rather than trying to get fans to hate him, which most of them still do.

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