Is there a realistic way of turning Cena Heel?

Good points....although I don't think everyone has to boo him to be a successful heel. Edge still gets pretty good applause from time to time. I think if you really wanted to go the everyone boos him route, that can be accomplished by his actions after he snapped. He can continue to build heel heat after his turn.
Ending The Undertakers streak would indeed be the biggest way to turn Cena heel. Whoever ends his streak will probably turn into one of the most hated men in the business. The only problem I see with it, is the thread title is 'Is there a realistic way of turning Cena heel?'

I don't think it would ever happen. I don't think his streak will ever end, despite the recent rumours it will. And if it was to end, I think it'd be to push a younger wrestler with potential. Cena is huge regardless. I mean, people tune in to hope for him to lose. It'd be to push someone with potential; someone who already has natural heel qualities.

As for the realistic way, I don't think there is one. Cena is one of those wrestlers that divides audiences. He has millions of fans, but his fair share of haters too. I think that will always happen, regardless of what storyline he's in.
Nope. It's damn near impossible if you ask me.

Mainly because the fans either love him, or they hate him. You have the people in the middle, which will cheer him but probably get annoyed if he keeps constantly winning. The little kids are always gonna cheer for him, because they won't understand if he turns heel, they'll just cheer because he's Superman for them.

The people who hate him won't boo him any more than they do now, because it would make no difference to them. They boo him because he is limited with regards to his moves, repetative with his promos and untouchable with him winning constantly, it would seem.

So, there isn't a realistic way of turning him heel. He'll continue to get the mixed reaction, and that will make him more interesting in my opinion. He'll have to deal with the mixed reactions, meaning his promos will be better, more interesting than him just saying "Oh my God you're all cheering!".
ya its gonna be hard to impossible to make cena heel.the only way possible in my mind of turning cena heel,is to make him either taunt,attack a major superstar like undertaker,hbk,HHH,evan bourne,or even kofi kingston.the only other way is for cena to say fu to the crowd and that he never liked them.
The complete irony to this thread is the fact that unofficially John Cena has been a heel ever since 2006. Any arena he walks into, he's got one half cheering and one half booing. That's working right now, because Cena still sells a ton of crap to children.. yet he can play off being a dick to the adults.

He's played the tweener role a couple times but never completely fell over into a heel role. Still, I think Cena is this generation's 'Rock' as far as heels go. It's going to be almost impossible to turn him heel, unless you can make the entire wrestling fan base believe he's turned his back on the business.
The complete irony to this thread is the fact that unofficially John Cena has been a heel ever since 2006.
Not true in the least. John Cena has ALWAYS been the face (with the lone exception at One Night Stand 2006). He might have gotten booed, but he still played a face character, doing thing that face characters do, and he embodied the classic good guy mantras (never backing down, overcoming odds, never doing drugs, etc.).

He might have gotten booed, but he was never heel.
Cena hasn't really been a heel since his initial heel run. The heat that he got over the last few years I've always thought was almost to the point of being X-Pac heat. It wasn't abnout what he did in the ring or on the mic. A lot of the fans were just sick of him dominating all the time. It was kind of similar to Hogan in the mid 90s. Everyone had seen it so many times that there was never any mystery anymore. The only difference is that instead of turning heel like Hogan, he got injured and wasn't the champion or #1 contender for awhile and its refreshed him in the fans eyes.
No, I personally don't think there is a realistic way of turning John Cena heel. Sure he gets mixed reactions, but thats because some smarks still think its 'cool' to boo him. But yet again, smarks boo a majority of babyfaces, as they seem to have an obsession with heels. He is the modern day Hulk Hogan. The only reason he doesn't get the cheers that Hogan did is because it is a totally different era. Fans are different and have changed. Whether you like it or not, John Cena is the face of the entire company. He is an inspiration to many as he has an amazing work ethic and has passion for the business that is unmatched by any other superstar of the present generarion.

Sure if the WWE wanted to attempt to turn him heel, putting the World Title on him would be the first step. I still can't see why the fans boo him when he even gets a title shot. He hasn't held the title for a year and has lost more pay per view matches than what he has won in 2008. The 'superman' booking is over, the fans need to realize this as I believe they still think Cena is superman, despite not winning hardly any big time matches this year. A 12 time World Champion like Triple H, who is the current WWE Champion, doesn't get booed at all when holding the belt. It just doesn't make sense to me. Sure, some people can say that Trips "hasn't been shoved down our throats", but he has been the champ a total of 12 times.

John Cena this year in my opinion, has put over Randy Orton(Wrestlemania and Backlash), JBL(Great American Bash), Triple H(Night of Champions) and Batista (Summerslam). Sure they are all already over with the fans, but Cena lost to all of them this year. So my question is, why does he still get booed despite losing many matches this year? Hell, he even got pinned on Raw by Ted DiBiase for the Tag Team titles a few weeks ago. So I don't want to hear anymore arguments of Cena being booked like 'superman'. If Cena did somehow turn heel, it would be a huge profit loss for the WWE as he is the top merchandise seller of the entire company. And also, smarks will most likely start cheering him over faces such as Batista and CM Punk.

So until Cena isn't the top star of the company, I can't see him turning heel at all. Maybe in 2010 it would be worth trying to turn him heel. But I just can't see it happening at the present moment. Sure Cena is starting to gain more respect by many, but he still gets a mixed reaction from the live crowd, especially when involved in a world title match. I won't be suprised if by next year, it won't be "cool" to boo Cena anymore. As Sly mentioned, ending the Undertaker's Wrestlemania undefeated streak might work, but it won't happen as I don't believe he should be the one to end the streak, nor do I think the streak will end at all.
There's always a way.
But it has to be done in the exact moment.

Right now, you guys said it well in many posts: Cena simply can't be turned heel. Call it from a corporate biz image standpoint, marketing, merch sales = what makes the WWE a successful company. Yes, Cena (among others) makes the company a success.

So, back to the thread focal point: yes, it can be done.

i think it was Sly who said it best: For Cena to become a perfectly credible heel, the guy need to make something really "disrespectful" to some huge star. Maybe ending Taker's streak, but honestly I dont see that happening. So,the most "realistic" way I can think of, RIGHT NOW, is: Jericho somehow loses the title against Punk, Cena returns and attacks Punk. sorry it sounds weak, but as you and I mentioned, this simply is hard to do right now.
I think he should but I just don't see it anytime soon, he still get a decent pop mixed with Boo's and that dude sells a lot of Merchandise that is the main reason why I don't see him turning heel anytime soon, it sucks that he is injuried again no matter if you like him or not

I would rather see him lose then to see him be out of action for a long period of time
this was my best logical idea

have him return from his injury and be relatively low on the card and hes there for a few weeks or months and then he snaps and destroys whoever he was in a match with(a tag match would be best) with a steel chair or weapon and he doesnt say anything yet, he leaves people wondering why he did that, and then he does the same thing next week and still doesnt say anything and he has cole and lawler saying "what the hell", well then he pops out during the main event and totally destroys whoever is in it (especially the face of the match) and lawler and cole again say what the hell, now he can either speak now or leave fans wondering and then start the show the next week with a promo, but either way he says the same thing "i came back from my injury and in the few weeks i was gone they seemed to have forgotten about my ass, here i am workin my way up the ladder again when i deserve to be at the top of it, I guess thats what happens when you dedicate yourself to a company so much that you break your neck, i was on top and drew every fan to this company for 4 years straight and then they want to treat me like crap, well im takin whats mine and its no more Mr. nice guy, that didnt get me anything except fans, and fans dont mean jack if my title aint around my waist"

anybody let me know what they think of that
i think that it would be awesome to see cena heel when he returns. with all the anger he has built up from being put out of action by batista he should return as a heel. when he first started in the wwe he was bad and everyone loved that gimmick. it fits him very well and it would be good business for the wwe!
Of course there is. Just smack the living crap outta another face with a weapon repeatedly for no reason one night. The next week, say he doesn't like the fact that the fans love his victim unconditionally, when Cena has done nothing but work his ass for the fans and there's a percentage that STILL hate him. Claim he's everything that HBK, the Rock, HHH and Steve Austin ever were, he's better than Batista (course, he'd have to have beaten him first), and he pisses all over Orton and Edge, and then maybe a month or two down the line he should form an alliance with JBL, and start wearing suits and ties every week, becoming the new John Cena, no longer a thug, but a professional business man, claiming everything he does now, is goof for business.... HIS business.

Old, boring, done a billion times, still works like a charm.
I would have him come back with a beard or a gotee, which would make him look a little more badass. Then have him with some sort of chip on his shoulder ala Samoa Joe. Have him beat opponents with dirty tatics but still remain face. The IWC fans will still boo and the marks will start booing because he's using dirty tactic.

Have him one night acknoledge the boos and say that he's taken them for over 3 years now but he's sick of busting his ass night in and night out only to have guys who never had any ass before call him out for not being a "technical wrestler" He would then say that he's not with all that armbar, german suplex crap, he kicks ass and for the past couple of years he's been the best at doing it. Then he would take shots at Triple H and Stephanie's marrage and status with the company and says despite that, the fans still cheer for him. Then he would go on Edge on how he "used" his affair with Lita to propell him to the top.
i am ahuge cena fan ...and i think he need to go back on his old rapper gimmick
just think about that ....Royal rumble ..30 man ...he comes out with his old theme music ...and starts rap on everyboddy who in the ring then he go to the ring beat every body then only batista stay with him its like batista vs cena ...and Cenaaa WINNN
the fact that he became abad ass rapper gimmik will give him ahuge pop ..maby the haters will stop boo him ....
now the heel way : he can screwed batista in a WHC match .. or fight Steave Austin in Wrestlmania ....think about it ...Austin comes to raw and anoucenmet that he choise already his apponet on Wrestlemania 25 ...and then cena comes out ..and he thnk austin for choising him ...and then FU !@#!$ from no where ..and then they fued till Wrestlmania 25 wich cena will win Austin :D

sry for my bad english im from israel
There hasn't been a face like Cena for a long time. And I don't think there is one currently that stands out like Cena does from any brand. And if Cena turns heel, there has to be a guy to replace him as a face, and a MAJOR face at that. CM Punk may have had such a face run, but he still didn't have such charisma, and at this point in time, there are too many heels in the WWE as is.

But, once again, "How," not "why?"

The only way for Cena to turn heel is obviously take out a face character. My best bet to really burst everyone's bubble is him feuding with Undertaker, and defeating him at WM in a Buried Alive match and having that match as an end-all career for the Undertaker, then gloating about how the Wrestling Machine (himself) took out the legacy that which was the Undertaker. Having him pushed as all hell as a face, then pushed as all hell as a heel.

That could work. Or it could backfire in ways Cena couldn't imagine.
I like The Undertaker idea which has been talked about but I also think that maybe if Vince hadn't been injured and taken off TV then I think that one way to turn Cena heel would be if Vince McMahon was in a fued with someone, lets say, Triple H and (I know they are on different brands, just bear with me) Trips was getting decimated by Vince and someone else, Shane. Cena was to come out and appear to be going to help Triple H and he helps him up and then out of nowhere puts him in a full nelson and Vince starts hitting Triple H and then Cena gives Triple H an FU and Vince raises Cenas arm in the air. What I'm getting at is, have Cena team up with Vince McMahon against a big face.

People hate Vince McMahon and I think if Cena was to team up with Vince it would give him some heat aswell.
I think it would work. It would not even be that hard. John Cena is in a similar situation the Rocky Miavia was in during 1997 (just to a bigger degree). Turn Cena heel by having this rumoured stable of Orton, Manu, and the Tag Champs come in and help him win a number 1 contender spot against someone like Shawn Michaels. THen they beat him up, chair his head a couple of times, and boom, heat he has. Then the next week you have him come down (in a city that is already anti-Cena) and have him do a Rocky shoot about how he busted a gut for the fans and they keeped booing him (like Rocky), then tell them, especially the kiddies, can stick it.

I know I should not completely relate this to the Rock, but remember when he was cheered while he was a heel, it still worked, it was not stale at all.

And please Vince, let Cena use more moves, I've seen his OVW matches, and he can do more than 5.5 moves.

Basically he needs to become three dimensional, in character and in the ring.
I love the idea of Cena turning heel by making the Undertaker tap out at Wrestlemania. But as much as I would love to see it happen, I kind of don't want it to happen too. And that's because the Undertaker fan inside me just doesn't want him to lose.

This is why I'd much rather see Cena vs. Hogan. This would undoubtedly be an even bigger match. Hogan against Cena at Wrestlemania. It would be a match for the ages. The best from 20 years ago vs. the best today. It is absolutely certain that Cena will get his ass booed no matter what happens. But if he makes Hogan tap out at Wrestlemania and ends his career, that would be way bigger than the Undertaker scenario, and I believe the fans would hate him even more for it.

If Hogan was able to have a match at Wrestlemania, Hogan vs. Austin would obviously be the dream match that needs to be done. But if that can't happen, then Hogan vs. Cena is the next best thing. I highly doubt this will happen, but if it did, it would be one of the biggest and most significant matches of all time.

No way Hogan would do a submission job to Cena. He won't job to Austin, he wouldn't job to HBK and he wouldn't job to Orton. So he won't job to Cena especially by sumission. The Undertaker losing by sumission to Taker boiled my blood. It would get him heat. But it will never happen. During his run from 2005-2007 I thought it wasa gonna happen but not now. He's been too vulnerable. He isn't supercena anymore. He does too much for Wrestling so no it won't happen.
All he needs to do is beat a major face. Like the biggest face. If he beat Stone Cold by using the Stone Cold Stunner. Imagine what would happen. Cena's fans will absolutely hate him and fucking boo him out the building, but the internet fans and his haters will all suddenly hate him, so it will still be the same when he comes out. It would be the same way with whatever you do. There are a lot of ways to turn Cena heel, but all it will do is give him new people to feud with, the fan's reaction will basically be the same.
Cena makes far to much money for the company to be a heel, and no one comes close to matching his merchandise sales. Back when Austin went heel WWE still had Rock to make sacks of cash, but there isnt anyone to carry that slack.

Cena isnt that widely hated-WWEs main audience demographic these days are young kids and they love Cena. Ive read that creative are thinking of ways to freshen up his character, which is needed, but a heel turn is financially a wrong move for WWE.

Ill bet we get a edgier Cena with more attitude and an Austin style 'fuck everybody' motto, but he wont be heel ever.
There is way to turn Cena heel. First, have a Mcmahon come out and get verbally trashed, by lets say HBK. Second, after a couple of weeks of this Cena comes out and says it is great to be back in the WWE. McMahon comes out and bla bla bla, suddenly the McMahon orders a match between him and HBK. With Shane we shall say as Special Ref, the match seems even and then bam! Cena gets the one two three. Then he fakes the handshake and beats HBK. Next week he is part of McMahon's team clean and no longer the gangster!
Honestly i dont think John Cena could pull off bieng a good heel. Here's some reasons.
1. Kid's love him and they'll cheer him no matter what just because he's John Cena.
2. He's just too damn goofy. All of his promos are based around trying to be funny (Which he isnt) If he could just be more intense and less goofy he might could be a heel.
3. This is the biggest reason. HE NEVER LOSES. Heels are basicly built to lose to faces. John Cena hardly never loses. I just cant see John Cena losing cleanly to a face Shawn Michaels or a face Rey Mysterio. And Heels have to do that.
Sure, there is a realisic way to turn Cena heel. Mega heel at that.

All they have to do is cart out a cage full of cute little puppies when he's cutting a promo in the ring. He must start saying bad things about Batista, HBK, and Triple H. In the midst of his trash talk, he needs to pull a puppy out of the cage, and punt the little fucker as far as he conceivably can into the crowd. Another sentence, another puppy being launched out into the crowd, this time out of a pumpkin gun. Another sentence, another puppy. And so on and so forth

Kids and women would instantly start crying and hate him forever. That's his primary fan base these days, piss them off, and the part of the crowd that actually cheers him starts booing him. No more Cena face.

In other words, it ain't gonna happen.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. And the Undertaker marks usually will come out in full force, but oh well.

Cena becomes champion the very first night he comes back. The smarks will be livid. Undertaker becomes champion next PPV. The smarks will be besides themselves with joy. Why the difference? Got me. But, it's important.

Both men carry the title to the Royal Rumble. Both men win their Royal Rumble match, and then are surprise entrants in the Royal Rumble. Undertaker and Cena are last two in the ring. Cena throws out Undertaker. Which leads to the match at Wrestlemania 25, Cena vs. Undertaker. Undertaker's streak vs. Cena. Title vs. Title.

They have the match, a good 20-25 minute affair. Undertaker chokeslams Cena, Cena kicks out. Cena FUs Taker, Taker kicks out. Cena gets pissed and cheap shots Taker. Taker shrugs it off (no-selling isn't hard for Taker), and Tombstones Cena. Cena kicks out. Cena puts on the STFU. Undertaker taps.

Undertaker taps out to John Cena, at Wrestlemania...Wrestlemania 25. For the title unification. The smarks threaten to blade themselves.

The next night on Raw. Cena comes out. He cuts a short promo, going heel and talking about what a bastard the Undertaker is, and calling the fans worthless pieces of garbage for not believing in him, and not supporting him throughout the last few years, booing him during what should have been some of his most memorable moments. Then, he closes his promo with "You people booed me against the Undertaker. But I don't care. Because I'm the champ, and the CHAMP IS STILL HERE".

There, you have heel John Cena. The good wrestling fans will boo him because he's heel, and the smarks will be so pissed off about making the Undertaker tap out at Wrestlemania, it won't even be cool to cheer him.

Heel John Cena. It'll never happen though, but we're talking soda cups being thrown in the ring heel turn.

you my friend, have earned yourself green rep. lol very nice sly..i think i could think of another way, maybe with batista...but NO WHERE near as contriversal/upsetting to the smarks/people lol...........

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