So who will Undertaker face at Survivor Series if he returns in time?

I am Mr. Excitement

Occasional Pre-Show
I read a post yesterday on WrestleZone stating that the WWE does believe Taker can do 2 matches a year instead of one meaning Survivor Series and WrestleMania. I guess he went through 2 operations on his knee I think. But anyways if he does compete in a match at Survivor Series who should it be against any why?
Ok, now heres my take on this. I think if they want him in a match at Survivor Series there gonna need a decent build up and I think that should start at the 1,000th episode of RAW! Undertaker should return not saying anything just him make it onto the stage and Kane attacks him basically takes him out turns Kane back into the monster for a good two months and have Taker return around Survivor Series leading up to mind games with Kane. Kind of like there WrestleMania 20 match up with Kane. Yeah its been done before but Taker is comfortable fighting Kane hes fought him many times and it could be one last run for Kane with his mask vs Taker. If he doesnt fight Kane it should be Brock Lesnar at Survivor Series. WWE does not want Brock to embaress Taker at WrestleMania.

Give me ur opinions on my opinions. And who you think should face Taker at Survivor Series.
I agree with I am Mr. Excitment statement. He should face Kane at Surivior Series. But i feel it would be bettter if Kane won them match taking out The undertaker again. Kane begins to terrorize the roster again leading up to the Royal Rumble. Kane FINALLY WINS the rumble but instead of choosing a title. Kane wants a chance to make it into legend as the only person after 20 wrestlemania's to face and defeat the Undertaker on the grandest stage of them all. Undertaker can come out and say i want revenge for what you did to me at surivor series. Also he could mention that at bragging rights in 2010 Kane buried Taker alive. That has never been addressed and it could be good to bring it up again. To make the match even more interesting is have Paul Bearer make a apperence (I GOOD APPERENCE) has him be the guest referee because Paul has had problems with both taker and kane the last few years. That would be a great match at wrestlemania. I think Brock is just a waste because we already saw Brock and Taker inside a Hell in a Cell match. Honestly we all know Brock could easily beat Taker 1 2 3 in any event so why. I would love to see Brock vs HBK at Mania instead of Taker but thats just me.

What do you think of Taker and Kane battling out for a good year SS and Mania ?
I believe it's going to be Brock Lesnar.
It was reported a couple of times that WWE wants Brock vs Rock II for Wrestlemania 29. If The Undertaker returns by Survivor Series then having him face Lesnar means money fo the WWE and Vince McMahon.

But let's say that they decide that Brock's dates are so limited that he can't make it to Survivor Series and he makes his first appearence after Summerslam at the beginning of Wrestlemania season. Then, I believe it would reasonable to have The Undertaker face a rising star. I'd like to see him taking on either Barrett, Rhodes or Ziggler. These guys don't have to win but it will be good for them to get involved in a feud with The Undertaker.

Finally, maybe The Undertaker will just make a cameo at SSeries in order to set up his match at Wrestlemania 29.
I think we might see someone like Barrett or Ziggler go against The Deadman, picking up a shock pinfall over him. I lean more towards Barrett as I think that win could really elevate him beyond the ceiling. Kane, Jericho anyone would put on a good match with Taker but logic says if the Streak remains then the SS match is where he puts someone over. I can also see a Tag Main Event like last year or him being part of a 5 on 5 survivor match.
Hopefully Undertaker's Survivor Series matches are used to put over new stars, so I hope he gets either CM Punk or Daniel Bryan this year and loses to his opponent.

The best way to establish the credibility of Bryan would be to have him defend the WWE title against Taker at Survivor Series and have Bryan win clean over him, Bryan surprises 'Taker with a rollup win

This would also make 21-0 more meaningful as the Streak Feud would INSTANTLY be able to use "Taker lost his last match, he must be old" as fuel for good promo work.

This can be used as a blueprint: Taker loses at survivor series; goes back in hiatus to build Mania streak...everyone wins
I would like to see Taker and Brock have a very brief confrontation at episode 1000. After Summer Slam have Taker and Brock start to build a feud. Let them roll with Lesnar's MMA gimmick and lead "camps" into Survivor Series.

Team Lesnar:

Brock Lesnar
Big Show
Mark Henry

Team Undertaker:

Brodus Clay
Christian (?)

This would allow Lesnar and Taker to face off without going one on one. This would be a great start to their Mania feud.
This is certainly interesting, and to be honest I am not quite sure. My first thought was Brock vs. Taker at Survivor Series. I really want to see Lesnar beat HHH at SummerSlam so not to make Lesnar 0-2 since his return. Lesnar is established as an unstoppable monster again and outcomes the Deadman to challenge him. At Survivor Series, I would have Brock win in one of those matches where both men end up being sidelined until post-Rumble. Then, both return and the Undertaker issues another challenge to Brock, this time on the grandest stage of them all. Obviously Taker would win. That is only one option.

Another option is Kane as someone mentioned above. Though it has been done 50,000 times, 49,900 of those times have been pretty damn good. I don't know who I would have win, though I lead towards Kane if only to put doubt in the minds of viewers that Taker won't be able to get it done at Mania. Plus it puts Kane in position for another big push (not that he really needs one). Unlike Lesnar though, I would not have a repeat match at Wrestlemania29 with Kane, have Taker develop another feud.

I will give one more option and that is Undertaker can wrestle a young up-and-coming man (as people above have mentioned). Which young wrestler would face the Undertaker is the question. Two superstars ring out for me and one in particular: Dolph Ziggler and Wade Barrett, with the one being Barrett. Nothing against Ziggler's abilities, I just believe that Barrett would be able to put on a better feud and match with Taker. Once again, I would have Taker lose, not only for the reasons mentioned above, but in this case it gives lots of "credibility" to a young heel such as Barrett.
I have enjoyed the last few Taker Mania matches however the last time i was proper pumped up for a Taker match was when Orton was trying to add Taker to his list of legends. So i think it should be a young guy preferably Barret or Ziggler have one of them beat taker at survivor series this would put them over and begin the build up to a mania match.
That is a great question, so many options, that is hardo to pick just one, a lot of people mentione Kane, wich is great, and some other people mention Brock Lesnar, wich in my opinion, since he's only going to be in the WWE a limited amount of time, and since The Undertaker does not have many matches left in him, it would be kind of a waste of time, so they should get Taker to wrestle someone who is in the current roster and needs this match more than Brock Lesnar, some people mentioned Wade Barret, that would be a cool way to put Barret over, his career would elevate a lot, but i was thinking that The Undertaker should face Sheamus, that would also elevate Sheamus's career, and it would be a great match, i would say Cena, but Cena doesn't exactly need The Undertaker to get over, he already is, and my last choice would be either Alberto Del Rio or Damien Sandow, ADR is always talking about his "destiny",he can build this match as his destiny to greatness, or Sandow ho is always, acording to him, is trying to make this world a better place, he can start something like getting rid of the living dead, or something, even if he losses to Taker, it would put him on the map.......
The WWE already missed a golden oppurtunity to recycle one of their storylines...and give Ziggler a HUGE push........they could have had Ziggler "KILL" all of the legends who has been on the last few Raws building up to the 1000th episode. On the 1000th Episode, have Ric Flair return to kickoff the show and offer his managerial skills to Dolph.......have Dolph answer at the beginning of the 3rd hour by burying Ric......feed Dolph some QUALITY faces up until Survior Series season in which The Undertaker returns to stop Dolph
Wade Barrett hopefully they will give him the Wwe Championship some time soon and give him a big push so it would only be right for him to fight The Undertaker. Think about it if he wins the Money In The Bank Ladder Match and then cashes the case in near SS and then wins the Wwe Championship maybe then The Undertaker can come back seeking the Wwe Championship and also revenge on Wade Barrett for when The Nexus attacked him at Bragging Rights and helped Kane Bury Him alive.

I know a lot of people think he will fight Kane or Brock Lesnar but who would want to see that again he has fought Kane so many times over the years and he has fought Brock a fair amount of times, so i say he fights some young superstar
The WWE already missed a golden oppurtunity to recycle one of their storylines...and give Ziggler a HUGE push........they could have had Ziggler "KILL" all of the legends who has been on the last few Raws building up to the 1000th episode. On the 1000th Episode, have Ric Flair return to kickoff the show and offer his managerial skills to Dolph.......have Dolph answer at the beginning of the 3rd hour by burying Ric......feed Dolph some QUALITY faces up until Survior Series season in which The Undertaker returns to stop Dolph

So basically making Ziggler following the Legend Killer path? Boring and not needed when Orton is on the roster. Ziggler can make it on his own without the need to rehash a story like that, his push will come from the MITB or Rumble.

Undertaker v Kane, how many times do we need to see this? Its been over done to the point where there is no reason why the two need to feud and that was shown in their last feud.

Undertaker has limited fights a year, they are not going to put him in a bout with midcard talent when they can put him up there with the big guns (The likes of Cena, Brock, HHH are miles ahead of the likes of Ziggler) and advertise the hell out of it. Lesnar is bound to have one bout with Taker, its likely the last time they can get the two together in the ring and given that Lesnar has his UFC background and Taker's moveset has adapted MMA type moves, its bound to happen. Not to mention there is history should they break away from the Deadman gimmick.

Likely this:
Undertaker v Lesnar at Survivor Series
Undertaker v Cena/Jericho at Mania
undertaker and kane do not need a match, all I want is to see is these 2 guys interact with each other, maybe in the ring, or in a backstage segment, heck why not for one night these 2 have a tag match together. We have not seen the deadman and masked kane have anykind of interaction, in a match, either a tag match and backstage since the attitude era in the summer of 1999, when both gimmicks were at the peak of their powers. The last time undertaker and masked kane were in the ring together was survivor series 2001

Undertaker has faced kane in all his incarnations, either in the ring, tag or backstage segments
the one sleeve and full sleeve kane between 97-00
first tanktop kane 00-02
halfmask kane 02-03
unmasked kane 03-11
but undertaker has never interacted with resurrected kane

So it would be brilliant for maybe the last time we see these 2 have some sort of collision. Kane is a totally different animal under the mask, and it would be awesome if these 2 did something atleast backstage at the most
It should be Undertaker versus Barrett in a Buried Alive Match with the storyline being Undertaker finally seeking revenge on Barrett for the Nexus attack which left him buried alive. Barrett should go over and then Undertaker should not return until it is time to begin building his WrestleMania feud, with whomever that ends up being - preferably, Brock Lesnar.
I hope we find out something about Survivor Series on the 1,000th Raw episode. Taker is the only person on the roster who was on the 1st Raw (think about that...)

I truly think it's going to be Taker/Lesnar at WM. Doesn't really matter who Taker faces at SS - I see Lesnar interfering or jumping in after the match. Maybe Kane makes the save(?) Maybe he can face Punk in a submission rematch of Breaking Point 09. Maybe Taker faces Cena one last time and Lesnar runs down to destroy them both and end the PPV.

I just don't see Wade Barrett in this spot. WWE leaves plenty of storylines open; Nexus/Taker will just be another.
Personally Im leading towards Brock here for 2 reasons. 1st I do agree that WWE doesn't want to do Taker/Brock at Mania because Brock is the 1st viable opponent in years to end the streak and u can't have him destroy Taker like he did Cena and Taker still win. That would kill Brock's credibility as a legitimate fighter and I doubt he would come back to lose every match he was put in. 2nd its been said for a while after Summerslam Lesnar only has 2 more dates left so it would make more sense for him to work Survivor Series and WrestleMania then to save a date for Royal Rumble because frankly who do u pit against him then? The only viable opponents for Brock are Cena who he just fought, HHH who he's about to fight, the Taker and maybe Punk or Big Show. If he works Rumble he has to be in the Rumble match and if he is in the match he has 2 win right? I think we get Taker vs Lesnarat Survivor Series then Brock vs Rock and Taker vs Cena at WrestleMania.
I think we get Taker vs Lesnarat Survivor Series then Brock vs Rock and Taker vs Cena at WrestleMania.

Brock/Rock at WM, I'll give you. I can believe Cena/Taker at WM, but I hope it doesn't happen. I still highly doubt Taker will lose despite who he faces.

Sure, I guess Taker/Cena. Meh.
I agree with the above statement but not sure about Kane. My logic on the Kane thing is based on WWE 2001. When the WWE staged Austin V Taker, because it had been done so much in the previous 3 years then it became a low drawing feud. Kane and Taker feuded as recently as Summer 2010 (vegetative state storyline). Kane's relaunch earlier this year was bungled and his only saving grace was that he beat Orton at WM (which also damaged Orton's babyface aura).

I would like to see Taker v Cena at Survivor Series in a very quick feud (I am leading to something here) where Cena loses to Taker clean. Then I would have Cena win the WWE title the next evening on Raw, and as Taker comes to ask for a title shot - lesnar attacks Taker - setting up a feud for WM 29 between them two). As for Cena, I'd like to see him go on to face Daniel Bryan at WM29. (I would like to see Punk V Austin at WM 29, and Punk V Rock at WM 30)

The reason I would have had Cena lose clean to Taker at Survivor Series this year, is so that the next years Survivor Series, Taker and Cena could begin their feud ready for WM 30 which is when I would like to see Cena turn heel and cheat to end the streak.
Daniel Bryan vs Taker would be a classic. Would love to see that. Taker loves his MMA, and Bryan's the perfect candidate to allow Taker to do whatever he wants with him.
What I could see WWE doing is having him fight John Cena at Survivor Series. Then having Cena beat him. This would set up a rematch at Wrestlemania with the streak on the line. Perfect way to hype it. Cena would have just beaten him and so it would be believable that Cena could beat him at WM. I'm not saying I want this to happen, I'm just saying that I think it's realistic that WWE could do this.
I completely disagree with all of you sheep saying the same thing over and over. Lesnar? Kane?.....really?

For all the whining that goes on about rehashing the same feuds, you would all seriously want to see yet ANOTHER Wrestlemania match between Kane and Taker, especially after Taker VS HHH III just took place. As for Lesnar, I don't see how any outcome would be favorable. Everyone knows Brock could take Undertaker in real life especially considering Taker's shaky health, so Taker winning looks too fake. And then if you have Brock win, what's the payoff? Brock is likely done after WM29 and I can't fathom why he would be given the prestige of ending the streak.

Given the current roster, John Cena makes the most sense. They haven't feuded at all since Cena became entrenched in the main event, and would actually cause one interesting debate as to who would go over in that one. Love him or hate him (i'm mixed on him), you can't argue Cena is the best current choice on the roster. Especially considering the caliber of Taker's last several opponents at WM, it would make more sense than an up and comer.

CM Punk would be my second choice, but that doesn't scream "must see" for me, although a Punk VS Austin match is influencing that because i'd rather see that so much more. Guys like Rhode, Barrett, Ziggler, and even Bryan are great candidates for World/WWE Title matches, but they are nowhere near worthy of challenging for the streak at this current point in time.
The reason I would have had Cena lose clean to Taker at Survivor Series this year, is so that the next years Survivor Series, Taker and Cena could begin their feud ready for WM 30 which is when I would like to see Cena turn heel and cheat to end the streak.
I think this is brilliant except for the build-up starting at Survivor Series next year. Buuuut, Cena vs Taker at Mania 30, Cena beating Taker by cheating possibly brass knuckles could make John Cena the most villiffied heel in WWE. It will happen one day a John Cena heel turn in the next 2 to 3 years. But WWE needs to unleash the rising stars of WWE soon. Rhodes, Ziggler, Barrett, Ryback , Sandow etc (Just some names.) But im not gonna get on a rant about a heel turn for Cena. But YES, Taker vs Brock this years Survivor Series, WrestleMania 29 Cena vs Taker, Brock vs Rock, Punk vs Austin. End Of Story!
I think he should face an up and comer namely Barrett. There is still unfinished business there as he was leader of Nexus when Nexus and Kane buried Taker alive. Barrett wouldn't even have to win to get a rub from Taker. Taker could then leave that match and build to his Mania feud.
I think it's likely (if Taker does return) that he faces someone like Lesnar or HHH (again). However, if WWE go a different route and have Taker go against a younger guy, any one of Barrett, Rhodes or Ziggler are fine by me. Those 3 are the most ready up-and-coming guys to have that headlining match. To me, if WWE do something like that I would rank Rhodes as the best option (I think he would offer the best overall feud because the build up and match would both be very good), followed by Barrett (the presence would mesh well with Taker so feud would be good but the match may falter slightly) and finally Ziggler who tbh would probably have the best match but the feud imo would be difficult to get behind imo.
If Punk still has the WWE title come Survivor Series it will mark one year as champion for him and 22 years since Taker debuted, that would be the ideal match for me.

However I think Cena will be champion by then and I could see Cena vs Taker happening which would be fine by me as they haven't worked each other in nearly a decade.

Either way Taker should lose to set up the notion he is weakening to try and get some steam behind whoever he faces in the streak match at Mania.

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