So what to do with Lesnar now?

After watching RAW last night I think Rusev might be able to actually have good match with Lesnar. He's touch, resistant and quick on his feet for a big man. Lesnar would get gased quickly trying to throw him around, and with Rusev's background, it could be a fairly competitive match. Two heavyweights.

Another thought after watching the Wyatt's/New Day fight is Strowman. My God the man is a beast. He was positively scary fighting in the mud last night, screaming like a madman. He legit looked like he could have snapped Big E in half. It's too bad he's so green though. If he had a few years more experience, he would have been able to give Lesnar a run for his money. By the time he gets that much needed experience, Lesnar will most likely be gone from the WWE.
Damas y caballeros,
Es un gran honor de presentar a ustedes aquí,
Un hombre de gran Royalty
Un hombre con una inteligencia superior
haciendo su debut aquí en WWE
Él es, Albertoooo Del Rrrrrrrio!

I can't believe this is even a question for people. Alberto Del Rio is a proven MMA fighter, with a record of 9-5. Not to mention, he's absolutely the best guy to put in the ring when you need somebody to work a returning big guy. Remember how well he did against Batista's return? How about when John Cena returned? Del Rio knows how to blend the WWE & MMA style, and he knows how to work the heel roll like a champ. He'll be a perfect foil to Brock Lesnar. He knows how to play to Lesnar's strength while also highlighting his very few weaknesses.

And if not him, then I would say Kevin Owens. Owens has hit Mark Henry with a Pop-up Powerbomb twice now, if that doesn't scream a legitimate opponent for Lesnar, then what does?
I can't believe this is even a question for people. Alberto Del Rio is a proven MMA fighter, with a record of 9-5. Not to mention, he's absolutely the best guy to put in the ring when you need somebody to work a returning big guy. Remember how well he did against Batista's return? How about when John Cena returned? Del Rio knows how to blend the WWE & MMA style, and he knows how to work the heel roll like a champ. He'll be a perfect foil to Brock Lesnar. He knows how to play to Lesnar's strength while also highlighting his very few weaknesses.

And if not him, then I would say Kevin Owens. Owens has hit Mark Henry with a Pop-up Powerbomb twice now, if that doesn't scream a legitimate opponent for Lesnar, then what does?

It's because casual fans won't accept Del Rio as a threat to Brock Lesnar. Casuals (and 90% of WZ users) only accept what WWE tells them is possible, and the thought of Alberto Del Rio, who jobbed clean to Kalisto a billion times, taking on Brock Lesnar is laughable. Del Rio's career was destroyed by the Kalisto feud.
It's because casual fans won't accept Del Rio as a threat to Brock Lesnar. Casuals (and 90% of WZ users) only accept what WWE tells them is possible, and the thought of Alberto Del Rio, who jobbed clean to Kalisto a billion times, taking on Brock Lesnar is laughable. Del Rio's career was destroyed by the Kalisto feud.

No, it's because Del Rio is less entertaining than a shovel. I'd rather watch paint dry than listen to an ADR promo. Is he a credible threat to Lesnar? Sure. But there's no interest in him so why the hell would he get a match with Brock? Because he has MMA experience? Who cares. That's not what pro-wrestling is about.
No, it's because Del Rio is less entertaining than a shovel. I'd rather watch paint dry than listen to an ADR promo. Is he a credible threat to Lesnar? Sure. But there's no interest in him so why the hell would he get a match with Brock? Because he has MMA experience? Who cares. That's not what pro-wrestling is about.

I'll take Del Rio over Lesnar ANY day. Del Rio wrestles circles around Lesnar, and Lesnar's "promos" are a billion times worse than Del Rio's.
I could go on and on about how much of a dominant and legit "beast" lesnar is. Had a career worth of accomplishments and great feuds is his first brief 2 year run with WWE. Went and won the UFC heavyweight title, returned and after what I consider a so-so start in his Cena and HHH feuds, ended the streak dominated his way to the title, and with silver tongued Paul Heyman as his "Advocate", became hands down the most legit guy on WWE's roster. Then WWE gets a golden gift without having to do anything when he returns to the octagon after I believe 3 years and wins. His credibility is at an all time high along with his massive drawing power for WWE.

What WWE has to change?

Nothing! Keep booking high profiled matches and make them competetive, but keep the beast unbeatable! Then if is going to leave after this contract that is when you put him in his final program with the wrestler who will finally conquer the conquerer.

Who can or should be the 1 to beat the 1 in 23 and 1?

Anybody honestly. Well any upper to main event level guy who is built properly can be the guy. At this moment there are mostly guys who can be that guy but need to be built well leading to the feud. Personally, like many have stated with their ideas, it should be a guy whose boost from the win would carry over to years of more success for the WWE. The guy I'd build to eventually to get that win would be Shinsuke Nakamura. The king of strong style vs the man who I believe JBL called, " the greatest combat athlete of all time". Nakamura is unlike anything we've ever seen at the top of the WWE mountain. His skill, Charisma, and Uniqueness could be something huge! However, no matter how over he could get on the main roster, I can't see WWE ever putting him in that position sadly.
I could go on and on about how much of a dominant and legit "beast" lesnar is. Had a career worth of accomplishments and great feuds is his first brief 2 year run with WWE. Went and won the UFC heavyweight title, returned and after what I consider a so-so start in his Cena and HHH feuds, ended the streak dominated his way to the title, and with silver tongued Paul Heyman as his "Advocate", became hands down the most legit guy on WWE's roster. Then WWE gets a golden gift without having to do anything when he returns to the octagon after I believe 3 years and wins. His credibility is at an all time high along with his massive drawing power for WWE.

What WWE has to change?

Nothing! Keep booking high profiled matches and make them competetive, but keep the beast unbeatable! Then if is going to leave after this contract that is when you put him in his final program with the wrestler who will finally conquer the conquerer.

Who can or should be the 1 to beat the 1 in 23 and 1?

Anybody honestly. Well any upper to main event level guy who is built properly can be the guy. At this moment there are mostly guys who can be that guy but need to be built well leading to the feud. Personally, like many have stated with their ideas, it should be a guy whose boost from the win would carry over to years of more success for the WWE. The guy I'd build to eventually to get that win would be Shinsuke Nakamura. The king of strong style vs the man who I believe JBL called, " the greatest combat athlete of all time". Nakamura is unlike anything we've ever seen at the top of the WWE mountain. His skill, Charisma, and Uniqueness could be something huge! However, no matter how over he could get on the main roster, I can't see WWE ever putting him in that position sadly.

Nakamura? Ugh. How could he possibly be taken seriously as a threat to Brock Lesnar when so many better stars were jobbed out to him? All Nakamura does is make faces like a kid with down syndrome who shit his pants. I couldn't take Nakamura seriously as a threat to Zack Ryder.
Nakamura? Ugh. How could he possibly be taken seriously as a threat to Brock Lesnar when so many better stars were jobbed out to him? All Nakamura does is make faces like a kid with down syndrome who shit his pants. I couldn't take Nakamura seriously as a threat to Zack Ryder.

He can be taken seriously because he kicks like a mule and his very quick on his feet. Besides as you have admitted many times before you don't think much of NXT and the wrestlers there. You have also admitted that you never watch it, so how do you know what Nakamura is capable of. Nakamura is a great wrestler, and while I don't think he would win, he could put up some serious offense. Lesnar would have to stay out of range of his kicks.

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