So what now for Christian?


The Shark Should've Worked in WCW
Well, the Rumble has come and gone....

No Christian Cage. Matt Hardy is the assailant. Matt and Jeff seem destined for some ladder match at Wrestlemania (There's really going to be two ladder matches on a pay-per-view, counting MITB? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe it's actually a first). But now the question begs to be asked; What is to made of Christian's return?

I guess this actually has to be asked, first.... WILL Christian actually return? I mean, while there's reason to believe he's going to sign with WWE, no one has outright said Christian Cage has signed a contract with the WWE (As seen last night). I know it sounds silly to ask, but after all of this hype, is it even possible Christian will not go to the WWE? I say he will come back, but it's no longer the absolute guarantee I would have told you it was a month or so ago. The WWE's smart with negotiations. Edge has to be lobbying so hard for this to happen. What's the hold up here?

The next question is, does he even got involved in this whole Hardy/Edge thing? At this point, I can't see that happening. Some people have speculated that when (IF) Christian returns to the WWE, that he'll be paired up with Jeff Hardy to face Matt and Edge. None of that makes sense whatsoever. But first, I should point out that it makes no sense for Matt to be helping Edge in the first place. This is the man that has fucked his life over so many times. What would make these two want to be partners? But anyway, when Christian left, he had absolutely nothing to do with Edge. in the feud they had, Christian was the heel, and Edge was the face. Can Christian really just come back and become an automatic face? I just don't see the sense in that. Could Edge reform La Familia with Christian, Edge, Matt Hardy, Big Show, Vickie, and Chavo? I just don't like that idea. Way too many of the brands heels clumped into one big clusterfuck. It makes the odds just flat out unfair.

My theory is that Edge and the Hardys are about to become separate entities in their own feuds. Edge will start his war with Trips, and the two brothers are going to fight it out. More or less, what was supposed to happen at the Rumbe is going to happen at Wrestlemania. Christian will return, make an impact in favor of Edge, Trips will pull politics to make sure he overcomes even that, still wins the title (maybe with the help of Jeff Hardy), and Edge, Christian, Matt, and Jeff start off something amongst each other after Wrestlemania. It sucks, but that's just how I see things going at this point. What say you all?
I'm thinking Christian is a perfect foil in this feud. Christian can relate to having a "brother" outshine him, but he took the high road and left instead of betraying the "family." Christian can sympathize with Jeff and kick off a series of Matt/Edge vs. Jeff/Christian matches. There is no guarantee that it's Trips who's getting the WM match...who's not to say that it will be Jeff vs. Edge in a blowoff? Christian vs. Matt in a brother's grudge match? Given the angle with Vickie, a Trips vs. Show match could happen, leaving our two brother tandems to tear it up all through April. The feud already has a built in self-destruct button, and that's a double-turn (always side with the gamily first).

I truly believe it's still a question of "when" and not "if" when it comes to Christian.
I couldn't agree with you more, but is it possible that they might try some sort of angle where Christian comes back screws Edge out of the title against any competitor (most likely Triple H) then Christian and Matt Hardy form some sort of partnership to try and gain the titles on Smackdown. First they would go for the tag belts then one of them for the US then the other for the WWE championship. All the while Jeff Hardy and Edge (not as a team) each in their own way try to stop them. This could affect Shelton Benjamin, Carlito and Primo, Triple H and many more.

I guess anything is possible, might I even say a triple threat TLC at Wrestlemania that will see Christian/Matt Hardy vs. Carlito/Primo vs. Edge/(Chavo or Big Show most likely Chavo cuz he's lighter and can climb a ladder faster). This would leave Jeff and Triple H the opening to fight it out in a one on one match at Wrestlemania. My theory on this is that they want to make it big since this is Wrestlemania 25 and what is bigger than Money in the Bank, Undertakers streak (which didn't you get the feeling they were setting up Shawn Michaels Mr. Wrestlemania vs Undertaker's streak at Wrestlemania with that whole hell/heaven thing), plus a TLC and other big matches. They somehow have to add to the interest that is on this Wrestlemania, cuz it’s huge since Stone Cold is getting inducted to the Hall of Fame.

Wishful thinking on my part. But you are right things don't look so clear cut anymore, with Edge, Jeff, Matt and Christian (especially his return). Only time will tell.
Christian, a main event talker and worker with a mid-card look, will not generate how than a big pop if and when he returns to WWE. Vince let him leave due to that fact. I don't believe that it would be as big as Y2J returning, or even RVD, if RVD decided to re-sign. At least there would be a title possibility with him. Christian would cool off with the fans considerably with any major title hunt, especially as Vince would want to "punish" him with meaningless feuds for going to TNA (doesn't matter that Vince helped cause that). Vince hates internet leaks, too, so he could be swerving all of us by not doing what we expect. Heck, we might only get promos leading into his return, if he is truly re-signing.
Christian, a main event talker and worker with a mid-card look, will not generate how than a big pop if and when he returns to WWE. Vince let him leave due to that fact. I don't believe that it would be as big as Y2J returning, or even RVD, if RVD decided to re-sign. At least there would be a title possibility with him. Christian would cool off with the fans considerably with any major title hunt, especially as Vince would want to "punish" him with meaningless feuds for going to TNA (doesn't matter that Vince helped cause that). Vince hates internet leaks, too, so he could be swerving all of us by not doing what we expect. Heck, we might only get promos leading into his return, if he is truly re-signing.
I was shocked that Christian didn't return last night. I'm sure everyone and their mother thought he was going to cost Hardy the WWE Title. I guess Hardy vs Hardy at Wrestlemania is more exciting then Jeff vs Christian. Of course Triple H will beat Edge for the title because what will be a big PPV without Triple H going over and winning another title. Maybe they will wait until after Wrestlemania to bring back Christain because there really isn't any room for him right now on Smackdown.
I, too, had convinced myself that Christian Cage was returning last night. In fact, I actually bought a WWE PPV just to see it happen. Alas, I was disappointed (until RVD made his appearance :) ). I was genuinely shocked to see Matt Hardy heel turn against his brother. I think it is a brilliant angle that is a long time coming and I also think that Christian will fit into at some point.

As someone previously pointed out, there has been no official announcement that Christian has actually resigned. That doesn't mean he hasn't or won't. Maybe the WWE is playing this one right- keep things under lock and key until the time comes for his return. I can't fathom the WWE having a storyline including Edge and the Hardy's without including Christian. He just fits.
Christian was completely overhyped as returning last night for some reason that I'm not sure of. No one with any authority ever said he was coming back, or that he's even a member of the roster. We heard rumors about it on the internet and nothing more. I wouldn't be suprised if he was still in TNA at the end. That's how much limbo he's in right now. He'll be back on tv soon enough, but i'm not sure who it'll be with. He'd fit in well with WWE, but he'd also fit in well making a huge return to TNA to fight the Mafia for beating him up. Either way, he's not going to be a mainstay in the WWE main event scene as he's not that good in my mind.
Well as nearly everyone I was convinced he would return last night. I think WWE knew everyone would be expecting him to return last night so they made us wait. I was absolutely hoping for him to return last night, but I give WWE props, they fooled me.

Now onto the problem at hand, I agree with KB that he could very well end up in TNA again at any time. I'm sure they'd love to have him back. If however he does not end up back in TNA I can see Edge cutting a promo this Friday where he says hes better than everybody, and how good he is. This would be the opportune time for Christian to come out, as a face and feud with Edge.

I would not give him the title, but it would be a hell of a feud, and i'm sure the fans would absolutely love him being back as a face seeing as at the beginning of the Edge-Hardy match they were chanting we want Christian. So in short I say he will either return to TNA or come back to Smackdown and feud with Edge.
I say he returns in the Elimination Chamber. In a way like how Jericho stole the Championchip in the Scramble. Matt attempets and succeds at taking out Hardy and The replacment is Christian. Christian VS Edge at WM 25...With some type of Gimmick just to get the fans into it.
Christian is officially signed to WWE, not rumors. Dixie Carter of TNA herself even confirmed in an interview a few weeks ago that he was the 1st to jump ship and the 1st to jump back and she wished he stayed with them but he has to do what's right for him and his family so he's signed to WWE. they're just waiting for the right time to bring him in and i think it'll be after WM.
i'd doubt vince will give christian a main event spot at the biggest ppv of this year. the way i see it, christian comes back at no way out, somehow helping edge retain the title . then the angle will be triple h vs edge with christian, to make trips seem like he's against overwhelming odds at wm 25. this will be a fresh angle between edge/triple h, since they've already had a title match in the past. and i wouldn't be surprised if edge retains at wm 25 with christian's help. the hardy's angle will be separated from edge/christian at least until after wm 25.
The big thing is, that even no rumor mills or rumor sites have anything confirmed on Christian besides "secret meetigns and signings and shit like that". For the most part, I believe taht Christian is coming back, and eventually he's going to fit in with Edge at some poitn down the line, How, I don't know.

Am I disapointed that Christian didn't show up, of course not, that would be beyond stupid. Why would I be disapointed in something that had absolutely zero guarantee behind it. The Matt Hardy heel turn was a nice enough swerve, albeit a bit over due, and it did the job just right. Not only does it create a Hardy vs. Hardy feud, but it also creates both the Hardy's vs. Edge, and nothing will be as interesting as heel matt Hardy, a meaner more aggressive wrestler, vs. a heel Edge. The pshyology of that could be crazy.

Christian, with the Matt Hardy heel turn, now has a big opportunity to return as a face. The possibility of Matt Hardy and Edge (hell freezing over before it happens) forming an alliance, with Christian coming into make the hot save of Jeff Hardy would be amazing. Not only would he get a great pop for returning, but now he has set his self up to be a mosnter face when he returns by interjecting himself in this situation.
Ive been saying it for a long time now and i am so gad it has happend, matt hardy finaly turned heel, anyway its not about matt hardy its about CC, i do also believe he will return to WWE, only thing is nobody know whats going to happen to him, i personally would like to see him in the upper card but whether that is going to happen i dunno, also what everyone is forgeting is tyson tomko is also with WWE now, maybe he could team with him again, who knows all i know is he is wanted and needed in the WWE right now.
I think it will still be revealed that Christian is the guy that attacked Jeff before SS and the reason Matt attacked Jeff is just out of jealousy, it'll be interseting to see how they fit all this together.
Christian. So much hype for the internet Wrestling Communities most loved. Did not accomplish much in the WWE, but fans seem to love him. I love him and want to see him back in the WWE, just like everyone else. But why didn't he come back. Well as discussed already by myself and others, there are multiple possible reasons he did not return. But if he does, he would make a great paring with Jeff Hardy against Edge and Matt Hardy. It would give a whole new angle to the already though of pairing of brothers versus brothers. I am all for it, given the face pop Christian would receive, and the huge facepop that Jeff already receives.
I think Christian will get a huge pop from the crowd when he returns but it might be at risk of fading after the first night. I miss him, but I don't know if the attention span of the average fan is long enough to remember him, which is a shame.

I would say he returns in the Elimination Chamber to cost Edge the title, lights go out or something and he nails him with the Unprettier and Triple H wins the title. Edge vs Christian, Matt vs Jeff, Triple H vs... Undertaker? But that would give Taker 3 titled wins in 3 years and it would also make for ANOTHER one month title reign. Edge won in November and lost in December, Jeff lost in January, Edge would lose in Feb and Triple H would lose in March, and that's just a weak title picture.

Baring that in mind Edge is defending the strap against anyone but Undertaker and the smart money is on Triple H. Maybe Christian does some mic work up until Mania, cryptic promos, not taking a side one way or the other, then maybe even win the Money in the Bank? Probably a long shot.

Yeah ok I see the point, there really is little for him off the top of my head. Raw is definitely too crowded for him but he'd work well with some of those guys.
I'm guessing now that they'll capitalize on Christian's return by allowing him to be a face. After all, when someone makes a return, they're always cheered. Hell, Big Show was cheered so much that they had to change the WrestleMania match to make him the face lol.

Edge + Matt versus Jeff + Christian? I'd love to see Jeff get a rematch with Edge at WrestleMania to win back the title, leaving Christian and Matt to have that "Jeff/Christian....Jeff/Matt" singles match that we kept/keep hearing about.

I can't see Christian returning and being aligned with Edge now. That's too much. Jeff against Edge, Christian, Matt, Vickie's control, Chavo, and Big Show? Come on now. I'm a Hardy fan, but I wouldn't want to see him take on all of that and come out on top. That's selfish booking and its something I'd expect out of HHH but not Hardy.
I fully expect Christian to return as a face, and inject himself into the WWE Title picture. With the Matt Hardy heel turn, I see Jeff facing Edge at WrestleMania 25 for the WWE Title, and winning it back. That should set Jeff to stay champion for a while, because the WWE Title has changed hands too much recently, while adding to the excitement, de-valuing the title. Christian returning as a face would be awesome, because he could pull it off easily. Him coming in to save Jeff, the biggest face in the company, would instantly make Christian a HUGE face, and I mean huge. Christian can have a match with Matt Hardy at WM, although this is beneath Christian to say the least. Either way, i'm pumped for SD!. Just a thought though, HHH will NOT stay out of the title match at WM, it just won't happen..
It Could be like Trips winning the Title or Taker and them to vsing at WM25

and having a triple threat like someone posted earlier Big/Chavo Vs Jeff/Cage Vs Matt/Edge in a TLC

Tomko is in Dark Matches for WWE so prob no doubt he will team up with cage later on
Also if Cage returns b4 WM25 like people saying the Jeff/Cage vs Matt/Edge Edge will need to lose the title or i dont think it would be a tag then like Edge could still have the title but have a fatal 4 way then i couldnt c edge having the wwe belt and having this whole feud thing going on he would have to lose it if this tag is gonna happen so it could go to Trips Taker Or Maybe Big Show like have like a Big Show Taker thing for WM25 even tho it happened b4 taker vs a train vs big show it might happen but i think big show and taker has been seen enough
No. Its over for Christian for the time being. At least as far as the Hardy/Edge feud goes. If he was gonna make a return he just missed his window.

It was all set up perfect for him really wasn't it. For him to be the mystery assailant..... even if it was predictable, there would be no better chance for CC to make his mark on Smackdown and get people watching.

Now with Matt Hardys betrayal of his poor brother.... you can pretty much imagine where this is going now, and there just is nowhere to squeeze in an angle for a Christian return. I mean.... maybe its just me being old skool, but if he was gonna get involved, this should have ultimatley lead to a Hardys vs E&C tlc match of some sort, and Matts turn has just thrown this idea out of the window. So i'm just not interested in a CC return right now.
Some posts have already contained the words similar to "Edge and Matt vs Jeff and Christian" This match should absolutley NOT happen. It may be good and interesting to watch, but it is not the money match that some fans will want to see.
I'm not gonna say all, because I can't really speak for everyone, but one would assume that most people will want to see a classic feud revisited, like shades of No Mercy '99 or back in the early 00's , then to see a bunch of superstars just thrown together in any kinda tag mach at short notice. (If they wanna get Christian in there before WM theres about 9 weeks or so to get him in and to build some hype). it would be like WWE miraculously signing Bret Hart for Survivor Series, just to team him up with Triple H to take on HBK and Anvil Neidhart. It's just something that shouldn't ever be done.

So theres no place for CC right now, I think they should keep a lid on him and maybe try and get him on tv at a later date, when theres an oppertunity for him and ample time to develop some kind of interesting angle, and when he as actually signed a real contract. When/If he finally does make a WWE comeback, It should be under the best possible circumstances.
I for one love the idea of a Hardy vs. Hardy fued. Sibling rilvarys are the best and why not give a fued with the "Greatest" brother tag team of all time. I could see them both being a part of the MITB ladder match and taking eachother out in the process. It's time to see what a heal Matt Hardy can do.

As far as Christian goes. I dont think the fans should expect much if anything out of him in his first few matches. We all know how Vince deals with talent returning to WWE, Christian will have to take some tough losses before winning anything.
cage could come in elimination chamber Akaeem cuz the only reason they brang the chambers for nwo again cuz of low rating cage could do what someone said earlier of matt hardy taking of jeff and cage is the 6th contestant and him winning it by pinning edge to win it or sumthin he can still fit in
cage could come in elimination chamber Akaeem cuz the only reason they brang the chambers for nwo again cuz of low rating cage could do what someone said earlier of matt hardy taking of jeff and cage is the 6th contestant and him winning it by pinning edge to win it or sumthin he can still fit in

Even if i could make sense of that, I would still say no. This just sounds like something any optimistic Christian mark would say. Don't get me wrong i was a big fan of his, still am, and it would be great to have him come back at No Way Out, it really would. I just don't see it happening. If you say WWE are having ratings problems, now is not the time to be desperatly trying to sign old talent, Its the road to Wrestlemania ffs, All the best storyline plans have already been put in place and probabally planned since months ago.

Can i ask you a question? Trying not to sound too disrespectful. When it was Matt and not Cage that cost Jeff the title, was you still hoping that Christian was going to appear, as an entrant in the rumble prehaps? Even at number 30 when there was almost certainly no chance, did you still pray that he was going to come out and win it?
I wouldn't blame anyone for doing so, I was exactly like that when i was younger, marking out for Shawn Michaels or whoever it was at the time. But sometimes.... well most of the time actually, these things don't go they way you want them to. Anyway i'm just saying, expect for Cage not to appear anytime soon. Sorry.

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