So Hulk Hogan Wants Another Last Run?

Which Superstar Would Be The Better Choice To Face Hulk Hogan If He Returned?

  • John Cena

  • Randy Orton

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Just a quick comment about people being upset about certain wrestlers, in this case ... Hogan, not putting others over and being unhappy about it.

Something people should keep in mind is that in Pro Wrestling, it doesn't always have to be about "putting someone else over". Rather, what I think some people need to do is sit back, relax, and look at wrestling the way you should be looking at wrestling .... as Entertainment.

I think Smarks really tend to over-analyze a lot of things, that really aren't necessarily a focus of the Casual Audience. Now certainly, the majority of the business concerns elevating talent, especially now in this day and age ... but some times, it is okay to have a Special Attraction without necessarily the intention of putting anyone over.

In a match with Hogan vs Cena ... Cena really doesn't need a victory over Hulk Hogan. Although I feel Cena should get the victory in this case, he doesn't really need it to move on. The match, however, would serve its purpose by generating interest and producing PPV buys ... which was exactly the point of the Hogan vs Michaels match. Did Michaels necessarily need a win over Hulk Hogan? No. Did Michaels' career suffer by being pinned by Hogan? No. So what is the problem? Why can't people sit back and simply enjoy a feud, and look at it in the context of entertainment, as opposed to always being so damn worried about who is putting over or who is not putting over someone else ... especially if neither of the competitors even need a victory over the other one?

Hulk Hogan has done more to move the wrestling business forward, more so than any other wrestler. He is in a league of his own. An honor he has achieved may come with some special privileges and some extra consideration in preserving his image ... and continuing to still make him a draw with WWE ... even in this day and age. I don't have a problem with people jobbing to him, and likewise he has also shown that he is willing to job on occasion, as well. He jobbed to Rock, Triple H, Undertaker, said he would job to Austin .... and said he would job to Cena.

But my main point is that people need to stop hyper-analyzing the context of Hogan and Jobbing .... and simply sit back and watch the show as Entertainment, instead of always being concerned with Who is putting Who over ... especially if nobody even needs the victory, anyway.

I'd love to be entertained by it. The problem is that Hulk Hogan is no longer physically capable of performing in a match that I would consider to be even remotely entertaining. It'd be a big draw, no doubt, but the match would be very subpar, there's still the question of whether or not Hulk Hogan can even physically perform at a remotely decent level. John Cena losing to a man that's had his knees replaced, a hip replaced and a twisted spine will simply make him look bad. Hogan's ego has been stroked more than enough over his career. If this opportunity came around, let him give something back for a change. Let him put over a hard working young guy that deserves it.
I'd love to be entertained by it. The problem is that Hulk Hogan is no longer physically capable of performing in a match that I would consider to be even remotely entertaining. It'd be a big draw, no doubt, but the match would be very subpar, there's still the question of whether or not Hulk Hogan can even physically perform at a remotely decent level. John Cena losing to a man that's had his knees replaced, a hip replaced and a twisted spine will simply make him look bad. Hogan's ego has been stroked more than enough over his career. If this opportunity came around, let him give something back for a change. Let him put over a hard working young guy that deserves it.

Agreed. How could Cena work a match with Hogan? Hogan could do about 2 good moves in his prime. What about NOW?? Don't get me wrong, I was a huge Hogan mark in the day. He could work the crowd like no one else. But times change and people's expectations change. We have higher standards now. Hogan in his prime probably wouldn't make it in the WWE today.

I'm trying to imagine a match with Hogan today... let's see... it would probably be like this: Imagine the a wrestler with these traits: the worst of the Great Khali, the worst of Giant Gonzalez, and the worst of Yoko Zuna...after he died. That would be Hogan in a match today.
Hulk Hogan is the reason that any of us are here and that the company exists. He built the company. I know a lot of you think Stone Cold invented wrestling, but if not for Hogan, he would have had no WWF to dominate.

Hogan has every right to make as many comebacks and cash as many checks as Vince will sign.

I think if he does come back, he should feud with Orton. I would love to see Hogan and Cena vs. Orton and Orton. A little nostalgia is never a bad thing. I would enjoy seeing Hogan feud with both Ortons, as long as there was no one on one match between sixty year old men. A little tag at one PPV, a one on Hogan vs. Orton, with a Hogan win followed by an Orton punt, and that's it for Hogan's comebacks.

Punting Hogan in the head would solidify Orton as the best heel in the business and would make him and his character legendary.
Man when I was a kid, Hogan (and 'Taker) were it. Man I loved Hogan so much. I got into all of his matches, cried when he lost, was so mad at how much I loved 'Taker and how 'Taker beat him the first time (when I learned about it). I was a Hulkamaniac to the fullest.

When he came back in 2002 I marked out just like the rest of you. I was one of the ones in the crowd chanting Hogan when he was with the nWo when he first came back. I was so happy to see him back, "home."

With all that said, when he came back to face HBK and Orton I was so displeased with him that all of that went out the window. He didn't do what I thought was what should have happened or what was best for the business, (marks go ahead and say, "How do you know what's best for the business?)

Him beating HBK was alright, I guess, but I think that it would have went better the other way. HBK is still a big part of the WWE and a win over Hogan really could have cemented his legacy (IMO it already is, but Hogan could have helped) and been instumental in HBK actively trying to put over new talent.

However, him beating Orton, IMO, is unexcusable. Orton was still suffering from the HHH effect and was struggling to get into the ME in WWE. Now here he was, in the ME and he was facing the biggest wrestling star ever. WOW, what young guy wouldn't want to be in his position? Again, however, Hogan played the, "Hogan," card and beat Orton in what was, not a very good match. Orton really could have used the rub but was, again, held back by older guys. The Orton we have now could have been a year or two earlier and we might have someone else in the ME on Raw, that's all I'm saying.

So you ask me who he should face? HMMMMM. I think Cena because it hasn't been done yet and you could be cashing in on something huge. You missed out on the two biggest stars in wrestling history facing each other in Austin/Hogan, so why not have the biggest star today face the biggest star ever in Cena/Hogan? It would make money, plus I would be dying to see the two supermen and their 5 or 6 moves of doom do battle in a 20 min match. It would be a sight (and not in a good way). *laughs*

However, I really don't think it matters who he faces because given Hogan's track record, he is going to beat whoever it is and I already feel sorry for who that person is.

You Hogan marks can try and prove me wrong, but Hogan's career speaks for itself. The only arguements that you would have is Ultimate Warrior (WOW he was great wasn't he?) and Bill Goldberg (Good, but isn't going to be remembered as a great).
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Hulk Hogan is the reason that any of us are here and that the company exists. He built the company. I know a lot of you think Stone Cold invented wrestling, but if not for Hogan, he would have had no WWF to dominate.

Hogan has every right to make as many comebacks and cash as many checks as Vince will sign.

I think if he does come back, he should feud with Orton. I would love to see Hogan and Cena vs. Orton and Orton. A little nostalgia is never a bad thing. I would enjoy seeing Hogan feud with both Ortons, as long as there was no one on one match between sixty year old men. A little tag at one PPV, a one on Hogan vs. Orton, with a Hogan win followed by an Orton punt, and that's it for Hogan's comebacks.

Punting Hogan in the head would solidify Orton as the best heel in the business and would make him and his character legendary.

Rubbish! I'm sick of people saying "what Hogan has done for the business" as if it was a selfless act and he got nothing out of it! Vince pushed Hogan in a way no one will ever get pushed again.Hogan has become a multi millonaire because of WWE. He has starred in films, something he never would have done if not for his wrestleing career. He has got alot out of the business, so he should have given something back by jobbing to Orton in 2006. Instead he played his "creative control" card(and doesn't he love playing that) and hobbled to the ring to make a guy he could have pushed to the heavens lose to a clearly injured 50+ guy and for what?Hogan didn't need that win his place in wrestling history was assured. He could have made a new star,but wasn't interested in helping the business that gave him so much. He was only interested in his own ego. And you think Orton should job to him again?? For what purpose?Orton is the future,Hogan is the past(and will never wrestle again full time) so having Hogan go over will make Orton look weak,as if he can't beat a washed up has been with a false hip and busted knees.The purpose of old stars coming back should be to push the new stars but clearly hogan(and you) have missed this point.
Rubbish! I'm sick of people saying "what Hogan has done for the business" as if it was a selfless act and he got nothing out of it! Vince pushed Hogan in a way no one will ever get pushed again.Hogan has become a multi millonaire because of WWE. He has starred in films, something he never would have done if not for his wrestleing career. He has got alot out of the business, so he should have given something back by jobbing to Orton in 2006. Instead he played his "creative control" card(and doesn't he love playing that) and hobbled to the ring to make a guy he could have pushed to the heavens lose to a clearly injured 50+ guy and for what?Hogan didn't need that win his place in wrestling history was assured. He could have made a new star,but wasn't interested in helping the business that gave him so much. He was only interested in his own ego. And you think Orton should job to him again?? For what purpose?Orton is the future,Hogan is the past(and will never wrestle again full time) so having Hogan go over will make Orton look weak,as if he can't beat a washed up has been with a false hip and busted knees.The purpose of old stars coming back should be to push the new stars but clearly hogan(and you) have missed this point.

Hogan put over a lot a people in his career so you can't say he wasn't helping the business. Orton was suspended a few months before facing Hogan and you think Vince was going to let Randy beat Hulk? I wouldn't mind a Hogan match only if he is healthy and able enough to do it because he can come back whenever he wants to. The same complaints that can be tossed at Hogan should also be directed to Flair as well but I guess since it was a "retirement angle" it's ok.
Hogan put over a lot a people in his career so you can't say he wasn't helping the business. Orton was suspended a few months before facing Hogan and you think Vince was going to let Randy beat Hulk? I wouldn't mind a Hogan match only if he is healthy and able enough to do it because he can come back whenever he wants to. The same complaints that can be tossed at Hogan should also be directed to Flair as well but I guess since it was a "retirement angle" it's ok.

Explain this to me like I'm a two year old, because, I just don't undertand this post! I don't care if Orton was suspended, hurt, going to hell, IDC. Hogan being a veteran should have done the right thing himself and recognized that there was no reason for him to beat Orton, especially when he wasn't a part of the company anymore.

Exactly who has Hogan put over? The only people that you will be able to name, without a shadow of a doubt, is Ultimate Warrior and Bill Goldberg. Everyone else that you will even be able to think of, I already have a counter arguement waiting.

How is Ric Flair like Hogan? He is damn sure a better worker and was an active part of the WWE roster for his last year, so that already entitles him to wins in his advanced age. You are going to tell me that Hogan has put over more people than Flair? Hogan was better on the mic, in the ring, at putting people over, starting new things, being a champion, being a company man, than Ric Flair?

Posts like this one really hurt your credability, IMO!
Explain this to me like I'm a two year old, because, I just don't undertand this post! I don't care if Orton was suspended, hurt, going to hell, IDC. Hogan being a veteran should have done the right thing himself and recognized that there was no reason for him to beat Orton, especially when he wasn't a part of the company anymore.

Exactly who has Hogan put over? The only people that you will be able to name, without a shadow of a doubt, is Ultimate Warrior and Bill Goldberg. Everyone else that you will even be able to think of, I already have a counter arguement waiting.

How is Ric Flair like Hogan? He is damn sure a better worker and was an active part of the WWE roster for his last year, so that already entitles him to wins in his advanced age. You are going to tell me that Hogan has put over more people than Flair? Hogan was better on the mic, in the ring, at putting people over, starting new things, being a champion, being a company man, than Ric Flair?

Posts like this one really hurt your credability, IMO!

Let's see. Hogan has put over Brock Lesnar, made the Rock more of an icon, tapped for the first time ever to Kurt Angle. Hogan has put plenty of people over. How many has Flair put over in the last fifteen years? Yes Hogan was better on the mic, being a champion, etc. then Flair.

Why exactly did Orton need the rub from Orton. His credibility was already established after feuding with the Undertaker. Then he got himself suspended and after facing Hogan he teamed up with Edge to feud with HHH and HBK. Looks like losing to Hogan didn't affect him at all.
Well I think I’ll try and tell those people that think Orton should have won that match at Summerslam why he shouldn’t have won it. Orton wouldn’t have lost anything by losing to Hogan because he works for the company so he would have been able to get that win back by defeating someone else the next week. However, a win over Hogan could have helped but he didn’t really need it. On the other hand, Hogan doesn’t work for them full time so if he loses, who is going to defeat to get that win back and stay strong? Hogan would have lost if Orton won that match because he wouldn’t be able to get that win back.

Anyways back on subject, I only want to see Hogan wrestle if he can actually wrestle. I don’t want to see Hogan attempting to wrestle in pain because I just don’t like seeing him like that; it just makes me feel sorry for him. But if he could wrestle then my pick for his opponent would have to be John Cena. We have already seen Orton vs. Hogan once so why not put Hogan up against someone else if it would be a one-match deal. Also, there’s the fact that it would be a huge match because it would be the biggest star from the 80’s and one of the biggest from the 90’s against the biggest star in this current era. Lastly, I think that a Hogan- Cena match would be more entertaining and more interesting to watch.
LJL: You're right, Flair hasn't really put over anyone in the last 15 years, all of his people came from the 80's.

If you can count Brock Lesnar, The Rock, and Kurt Angle for Hogan, all of which were already very over and popular at the time, then their are loads you can count for Flair. Let's see: Ricky Steamboat, Sting, Dusty Rhodes, Magnum T.A., Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchord, Barry Windham, J.J. Dillon, Lex Luger (originally in NWA) "Mr. Perfect" Kurt Henning, and there are more. BTW, I credit 'Taker for putting Lesnar over as champ, but since people can be put over that are already widely successful and popular, you could say that Flair put Hogan and Savage over in WCW as they both defeated Flair about 3 times a piece before they faced anyone else. So Flair made them current with the new WCW audience.

No Hogan was not better than Flair at anything, however, he had Vince McMahon in his corner and with this backing he was able to make more money than anyone in wrestling. I dare say that Flair could have done the same with Vince, had he have been in his prime. Can't go on what if's though. All I know is, in an interview, Flair claimed Hogan was better because he made more money, but he wasn't a better wrestler and with the same interviewer, Hogan said that in his personal opinion, Flair was the best.

Why would it hurt Hogan to lose to Orton? As we have determined he wasn't with the company and he wasn't trying to get over. So how would it hurt Hogan to lose? Hogan had nothing to lose with that match and Orton had everything to gain.

BTW, I distinctly remember Hogan losing to Sting in that horrible match at Starcade '97 to the Scorpion Death Lock. Angle wasn't the first to make Hogan tap.
LJL: You're right, Flair hasn't really put over anyone in the last 15 years, all of his people came from the 80's.

If you can count Brock Lesnar, The Rock, and Kurt Angle for Hogan, all of which were already very over and popular at the time, then their are loads you can count for Flair. Let's see: Ricky Steamboat, Sting, Dusty Rhodes, Magnum T.A., Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchord, Barry Windham, J.J. Dillon, Lex Luger (originally in NWA) "Mr. Perfect" Kurt Henning, and there are more. BTW, I credit 'Taker for putting Lesnar over as champ, but since people can be put over that are already widely successful and popular, you could say that Flair put Hogan and Savage over in WCW as they both defeated Flair about 3 times a piece before they faced anyone else. So Flair made them current with the new WCW audience.

No Hogan was not better than Flair at anything, however, he had Vince McMahon in his corner and with this backing he was able to make more money than anyone in wrestling. I dare say that Flair could have done the same with Vince, had he have been in his prime. Can't go on what if's though. All I know is, in an interview, Flair claimed Hogan was better because he made more money, but he wasn't a better wrestler and with the same interviewer, Hogan said that in his personal opinion, Flair was the best.

Why would it hurt Hogan to lose to Orton? As we have determined he wasn't with the company and he wasn't trying to get over. So how would it hurt Hogan to lose? Hogan had nothing to lose with that match and Orton had everything to gain.

BTW, I distinctly remember Hogan losing to Sting in that horrible match at Starcade '97 to the Scorpion Death Lock. Angle wasn't the first to make Hogan tap.

Hogan had McMahon in his corner because he knew Hulk would be more marketable than Flair and he was right. Flair was played out fifteen years and Hogan was still going strong.

Hogan not being better than Flair at everything is ridculous. He was a better entertainer than Flair, a better storyteller than Flair, better on the mic than Flair, and the list goes on and on and on.

During the retirement storyline, why couldn't Flair put anyone over? Imagine the rub Kennedy or MVP would have gotten if they could say that they retired Ric Flair but sadly that didn't happen.
Hogan had McMahon in his corner because he knew Hulk would be more marketable than Flair and he was right. Flair was played out fifteen years and Hogan was still going strong.

Flair was played out in the mid 80's when Hogan first started to gain steam? I'm sorry but Flair was the biggest draw in professional wrestling at that point in time. He was still the biggest draw in professional wrestling until WM 3.

Hogan not being better than Flair at everything is ridculous. He was a better entertainer than Flair, a better storyteller than Flair, better on the mic than Flair, and the list goes on and on and on.

You would rather watch a Hogan match from the mid 80's to early 90's opposed to a Ric Flair match? Man, I see why you like Cena now. You really don't like good wrestling do you? Flair vs Steamboat, vs Sting, vs Windham, vs Rhodes, and on and on are ten times better matches than anything Hulk Hogan has ever done. If Vince wasn't promoting Hogan's matches, he would have been a jobber all his life. Why do you think he couldn't make it in Japan or AWA?

During the retirement storyline, why couldn't Flair put anyone over? Imagine the rub Kennedy or MVP would have gotten if they could say that they retired Ric Flair but sadly that didn't happen.

Flair didn't lose to those guys because they aren't very good. Look at where Kennedy is now and where MVP is now. Flair couldn't have helped this at that point in time because they weren't and still aren't ready for that. Unlike Hogan, Flair actually lost to the man that deserved it, HBK!
Jesus Christ the Slyfox effect has taken hold again.

Hogan...I have zero interest in seeing that old man in the ring ever again. It'd be like watching a senior citizen wrestle his cane. It'd be mildly amusing for a couple of minutes, and then it'd just be sad.

This Hogan dick-sucking has gotten old very fast. Is he one of the best ENTERTAINERS in the wrestling business? God damn right, probably the best ever. The man hasn't been worth a piss in nearly 20 years now though. His WCW run, while great for the nWo, was filled with shit match after shit match after legendarily shit match. Sorry LJL, I'll take Flair vs. Steamboat or Flair vs. Sting over Hogan vs. Warrior 98 any day of the week. I've never been a big Hogan fan though. I respect what he's done immensely. I just find a large portion of his career to be as boring as watching paint dry. It's the same reason I'm not a Cena fan. I recognize his talent, it's just not my thing, at all.

And PLEASE stop acting like Hogan was Mr. Company Man for putting over half a dozen people in the last two decades. Because we all know Hogan was an egomaniac who used his pull to keep talent down, and refused to put people like Jeff Jarrett over. He can put over Billy Kidman, but not Jeff Jarrett? Fuck you Terry.

If he were to come back, I'd rather have him against Cena. Atleast than I would only have to deal with one Cena/Hogan segment per show, instead of having them feud with different people and take up twice the amount of TV time.

Let's just pray he doesn't come back. We already have Vince in the ring, do we really need another senior citizen attempting to wrestle?
Flair was played out in the mid 80's when Hogan first started to gain steam? I'm sorry but Flair was the biggest draw in professional wrestling at that point in time. He was still the biggest draw in professional wrestling until WM 3.

You would rather watch a Hogan match from the mid 80's to early 90's opposed to a Ric Flair match? Man, I see why you like Cena now. You really don't like good wrestling do you? Flair vs Steamboat, vs Sting, vs Windham, vs Rhodes, and on and on are ten times better matches than anything Hulk Hogan has ever done. If Vince wasn't promoting Hogan's matches, he would have been a jobber all his life. Why do you think he couldn't make it in Japan or AWA?

Flair didn't lose to those guys because they aren't very good. Look at where Kennedy is now and where MVP is now. Flair couldn't have helped this at that point in time because they weren't and still aren't ready for that. Unlike Hogan, Flair actually lost to the man that deserved it, HBK!

I think you need a math lesson because fifteen years ago was in the mid-90's. Hogan was better than Flair in the 80's, 90's and even this decade. How many world titles did Flair win this decade while in the WWE? None. Hogan did.

You must have it engrained into your skull that I said I like Cena. I just correct people's misconceptions about him. And yes I will take Hogan/Savage, Hogan/Warrior, or even Hogan/Rock more than 75% of the matches Flair has performed. And you still haven't explained why Hogan is a bad wrestler. Chances are your explanations will be wrong.

Why did HBK deserve to retire Flair? Michaels couldn't gain or lose anything from it and it would have done wonders for a MVP. You know the guy who was in the middle of a almost yearlong reign as U.S. Champion. You can't say that Flair couldn't have helped Kennedy or MVP and you cannot base that off of where they are now.
I think you need a math lesson because fifteen years ago was in the mid-90's. Hogan was better than Flair in the 80's, 90's and even this decade. How many world titles did Flair win this decade while in the WWE? None. Hogan did.

Oh we're judging wrestlers on kayfabe championships won this decade now are we? Guess that means Triple H is 15 times the wrestler Hogan is.

Why did HBK deserve to retire Flair? Michaels couldn't gain or lose anything from it and it would have done wonders for a MVP. You know the guy who was in the middle of a almost yearlong reign as U.S. Champion. You can't say that Flair couldn't have helped Kennedy or MVP and you cannot base that off of where they are now.

Are you really arguing that MVP should have retired Flair? MVP?! That's absurd. Why did Michaels deserve to retire Flair? Because he's a legend, and the WWE doesn't have many of those left, do they? That match wasn't about Flair giving someone a rub, it was about saying farewell to one of the biggest legends in the history of this business, and who better to do that than a fellow legend in HBK? I'm sorry, but if MVP had retired Flair, me and 70,000 other people would have rioted. That would be unforgivable. MVP is good, but to RETIRE RIC FLAIR? That's absolutely asinine and makes zero sense.
I think you need a math lesson because fifteen years ago was in the mid-90's. Hogan was better than Flair in the 80's, 90's and even this decade. How many world titles did Flair win this decade while in the WWE? None. Hogan did.

What does World titles have to do with it? I don't know if you got the memo, but wrestling is scripted, or didn't you already know this? Who has more World Titles? Don't worry, I'll wait! Why do I need a math lesson? I'm going by when Flair was at his best and when he was at his best in the mid 80's to early 90's he was a damn sight better than Hogan. Hell, Flair/HBK was better than anything Hogan ever did.

You must have it engrained into your skull that I said I like Cena. I just correct people's misconceptions about him. And yes I will take Hogan/Savage, Hogan/Warrior, or even Hogan/Rock more than 75% of the matches Flair has performed. And you still haven't explained why Hogan is a bad wrestler. Chances are your explanations will be wrong.

Hogan: Great entertainer, horrible wrestler. I guess it is a matter of taste or preference. I really like to see more than 6 moves per match, IDK about you. All of those matches were hype, hype, hype, and then shit, shit, shit! Let me ask you something. In your, "Match of the Decade," thread, you call Flair/HBK one of the best 'Mania matches ever, but you have openly critized it as, I believe, two old guys trying to wrestle. Why is that? If that is the case, then what is Hogan if he comes back?

Why did HBK deserve to retire Flair? Michaels couldn't gain or lose anything from it and it would have done wonders for a MVP. You know the guy who was in the middle of a almost yearlong reign as U.S. Champion. You can't say that Flair couldn't have helped Kennedy or MVP and you cannot base that off of where they are now.

I don't know if Flair could've helped those guys or not, I still don't think they deserved it. You have told me many a time, you can't rush the main event scene. MVP was boring to me as champion. HBK deserved it because it because it was the passing of the torch to the next best guy and that was HBK!
Oh we're judging wrestlers on kayfabe championships won this decade now are we? Guess that means Triple H is 15 times the wrestler Hogan is.

Are you really arguing that MVP should have retired Flair? MVP?! That's absurd. Why did Michaels deserve to retire Flair? Because he's a legend, and the WWE doesn't have many of those left, do they? That match wasn't about Flair giving someone a rub, it was about saying farewell to one of the biggest legends in the history of this business, and who better to do that than a fellow legend in HBK? I'm sorry, but if MVP had retired Flair, me and 70,000 other people would have rioted. That would be unforgivable. MVP is good, but to RETIRE RIC FLAIR? That's absolutely asinine and makes zero sense.

I'm not arguing that MVP specifically should have retired Ric Flair. I'm saying that it would have been good for a young superstar to retire him. How many chances do you get to retire somebody and when those come you can seize the opportunity. The Rock put over Brock, Hurricane, and Goldberg before he retired and I just wish Flair could have done something similar. I just wanted to see somebody gain something from retiring Ric Flair that's all.
What does World titles have to do with it? I don't know if you got the memo, but wrestling is scripted, or didn't you already know this? Who has more World Titles? Don't worry, I'll wait! Why do I need a math lesson? I'm going by when Flair was at his best and when he was at his best in the mid 80's to early 90's he was a damn sight better than Hogan. Hell, Flair/HBK was better than anything Hogan ever did.

Hogan: Great entertainer, horrible wrestler. I guess it is a matter of taste or preference. I really like to see more than 6 moves per match, IDK about you. All of those matches were hype, hype, hype, and then shit, shit, shit! Let me ask you something. In your, "Match of the Decade," thread, you call Flair/HBK one of the best 'Mania matches ever, but you have openly critized it as, I believe, two old guys trying to wrestle. Why is that? If that is the case, then what is Hogan if he comes back?

I don't know if Flair could've helped those guys or not, I still don't think they deserved it. You have told me many a time, you can't rush the main event scene. MVP was boring to me as champion. HBK deserved it because it because it was the passing of the torch to the next best guy and that was HBK!

I thought Michaels was the icon, The Showstopper, The Main Event. Some consider him a bigger legend and a better wrestler than Flair so why would it be considered passing the torch?

I hate having to people who don't understand time and time again that it doesn't matter how many moves you do to be judged as a great wrestler. Hogan stuck to something that worked for a long time and he was great at it. I will take 90% of Hogan's matches over Flair/HBK which I never said was one of the best WM matches ever.

Did I say MVP would be in the main event if he retired Flair? No I didn't. And I think you meant Cena was the next best guy :)
I thought Michaels was the icon, The Showstopper, The Main Event. Some consider him a bigger legend and a better wrestler than Flair so why would it be considered passing the torch?

HBK is the The Showstopper, The Main Event, Mr. Wrestlemania, The Icon. I sure as hell don't consider him bigger than Ric Flair. Better in the ring? Yes. Bigger legend? No. HBK didn't need the torch, but it solidified him as the best in ring performer in the WWE. It was about Flair retiring and having the best match possible to go out on and there wasn't anyone who could have had a better match on that night with Flair than HBK, IMO. J.R. says it best: "No one, simply no one can out perform Shawn Michaels in big match situations!"

I hate having to people who don't understand time and time again that it doesn't matter how many moves you do to be judged as a great wrestler. Hogan stuck to something that worked for a long time and he was great at it. I will take 90% of Hogan's matches over Flair/HBK which I never said was one of the best WM matches ever.

There is more to wrestling than the moves, yes. Hogan was a great hype man, which is part of it. Man, when I listened to Hulk Hogan talk about chopping down giants, moving mountains, taking vitamins, saying prayers, etc. I expected wrestling classics and I was let down more than I was satisified. Hogan/Flair should have been the greatest wrestling spectacle and feud of all time, but Hogan wouldn't lose to Flair and Flair worked his ass off in their matches to make them good, but Hogan did his mediocre in ring work as usual. Flair had better psychology and was a better storyteller than Hogan. Any man that can get a pop from falling on their face is a f'n genius! BTW, you mention Flair/HBK as one of the most memorable matches of all time. Do we remember it because it sucked? I remember it as a pretty good match for Flair to leave on.

Did I say MVP would be in the main event if he retired Flair? No I didn't. And I think you meant Cena was the next best guy :)

You implied that if he had have retired Flair that his career would be in a different place right now. One can only assume that you mean the main event. Cena is definately popular, but could he have put on a better match with Flair than HBK? I'm doubting it!
Let's go ahead and look at the words you put in my mouth.

Rubbish! I'm sick of people saying "what Hogan has done for the business" as if it was a selfless act and he got nothing out of it!

Never said that. I understand that his compensation package was quite generous. However, he's broke and Vince is a billionaire, so who got the better of the deal? And since Vince owns the company, if he wants to sign some more checks to Hogan, who the fuck are you to tell him he's wrong?

Vince pushed Hogan in a way no one will ever get pushed again.

You should learn punctuation. Hogan made Vince richer than anyone man could do for another. Here you are acting like Vince got nothing out of the deal either. Where would he be without Hogan?

Hogan has become a multi millonaire because of WWE.

It's all gone because of the surgeries that his non existent pension doesn't pay for, and his bitch wife.

He has starred in films, something he never would have done if not for his wrestleing career.

And this has what to do with a wrestling comeback?

He has got alot out of the business,

You should learn grammar too. The business still exists today because of Hogan.

so he should have given something back by jobbing to Orton in 2006.

Why? Has it hurt Orton that he didn't? Not one bit.

Instead he played his "creative control" card(and doesn't he love playing that) and hobbled to the ring to make a guy he could have pushed to the heavens lose to a clearly injured 50+ guy and for what?Hogan didn't need that win his place in wrestling history was assured.

And Orton's career was completely derailed.

He could have made a new star,but wasn't interested in helping the business that gave him so much.

Yeah, that Orton, what ever happened to him?

He was only interested in his own ego. And you think Orton should job to him again??

Did you even read my fucking post? I said Orton should finish him. I just said that I'd like to see Hogan win, but if he doesn't, it doesn't matter. My post said that Orton should finish Hogan. He's the legend killer, and I am saying ORTON SHOULD KILL THE BIGGEST FUCKING LEGEND EVER. Damn, you're stupid. Everything you said in this post is about how Hogan didn't put Orton over, and I suggest that Hogan do a stretcher, career ending job to Orton, and you don't fucking realize it.

For what purpose?Orton is the future,Hogan is the past(and will never wrestle again full time) so having Hogan go over will make Orton look weak,as if he can't beat a washed up has been with a false hip and busted knees.The purpose of old stars coming back should be to push the new stars but clearly hogan(and you) have missed this point.

Please, stop posting. Don't come back here. You don't read posts. You're just making me hate your English teacher and not answering the post you think you're responding too.

You think that Hogan should have put Orton over to make him a star. Well, since Randy never amounted to anything after 2006, I am proposing Hogan give him a second chance and do the stretcher job. Who wins the match is inconsequential. Orton standing over an unconscious Hogan wouldn't "make him a star" or anything would it?
I don't know where the fussing started here, but it's my turn.

Point blank, hands down, a Hogan comeback will do wonders for the WWE and for business, and that is a good thing. If he wants to come back and he and Vince can work out a deal and a proper angle for him to be involved in, why would you not want it to go through? He is the biggest wrestling draw in HISTORY. That means of ALL TIME, no one is bigger...NO ONE. Why would you not want a guy like Hogan promoting the form of entertainment that you love again?

If he decides to comeback for another brief run he would definitely need a program with Cena and a program with Orton. He would be great to help Cena get some old school respect and pops from the crowd, and he would also help put Orton over as a great heel by getting punted to end his final run.

Cena will get booed to hell against Hogan but like the Rock it will take him to new heights, and make him the face of modern professional wrestling. Hogan losing would not hurt him at all. He could beat Cena on a televised event to get a win, but have Cena defeat Hulkamania cleanly at a PPV, preferably Mania. As far as Orton goes, he doesn't even need a match. He can just have an altercation with him like Flair did, brawl for a bit, get busted open but have Legacy jump him or something along those lines, then boom he's punted and gone.

The guy can work the crowd, and the guy can draw, and he still has a shitload of credibility on camera and in the eyes of the general audience. Much more than 99% of the legends still working in the business. Wake up and realize this is a business and they are going to do what's good for business. If Hogan wants to come back, unless you have 1/4 of a brain you know that it is good for business and should be done. End of story.
So Hulk Hogan had a new type of surgery not long ago in the hopes of wrestling again for another "one last run". I've been a huge fan of Hogan since I was young, and although I missed his prime years since I'm only 21, I've seen tapes and the guy still draws to this day. My question isn't should he come back because he says he feels great now, but who exactly he'll face to "pass the torch" so to speak.

At this point, you'd have to assume he's going to pass the torch. Look, nobody will be the next Hulk Hogan. You can't replace what he brought to the table, but someone needs to carry the company and become that next wrestling icon. There's really only 2 choices to go here. John Cena and Randy Orton. Both guys are main eventers and established enough to get the rub and be recognized as the face of wrestling. Now Hogan has already faced Orton, so facing Cena would make more sense. Here are some pros and cons.

John Cena
1. Known by everyone and over with the fan (and kids)
2.Would be suitable to carry the load
3.Fans kind of already see him as the face of wrestling
1.Almost entire career as a face
2. Face vs face feud
3. Styles wouldn't work well

Randy Orton
1. Hated heel but everyone knows him well
2. Would make a great face vs heel feud
3. Crazy Viper gimmick vs Hulkamania
1. Has already feuded with Hogan
2. May not be good to have a heel as the face of the company
3. First encounter wasn't too impressive

So take your pick on this one. If Hulk Hogan were to return, which of these 2 superstars would be a better choice to carry the load with Hogan just about done with wrestling at his age? Who is the better man to face Hogan? John Cena or Randy Orton?

I would love to see Orton work with Hogan again but because we have never saw Hulk Hogan work with Cena I would love to see this. I feel Hogan vs Cena could be well has a chance of being the biggest match in history. I know they will make a lot of money for WWE with this match.
Hogan wants one last run? He can barely walk as it is. I'd like to see him host Raw or come and be a mentor for someone. Maybe w/ Cena. Not in a wrestling capacity though. I do like the idea that FTS had about Orton destroying Hogan for the reason to give himself legendary status but that would kind of be going back to the well with the whole Legend Killer thing..and we all know noone ever goes back to the well in wrestling.lulz..
Hogan has value there's no doubt about it, the question is where that value still lies. Hulk can still work a crowd but his wrestling days need to come to end for his own sake. WWE or TNA should bring him in as a manger for his son Nick or even for Brooke. The Hulkster could make a fantastic GM for RAW, watching Vince and Hulk battle for control over Raw would be great.

I say sign Hogan even in a non wrestling capacity, he'll bring ratings up even if he doesn't wrestle. Vince gets the ratings he wants, Hogan gets the pop his ego demands, and the fans get to see an old favorite again.

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