Snooki's Coming To Raw

Sooooo, TNA stole WWE's 2/21/11 promo, now WWE is stealing Jersey Shore?

I've never seen, nor will I ever see, the Jersey Shore. I will be changing the channel when her face is on the screen, and just change it back a few minutes later.

I can't say anything else about it. This is just sad.
What a waste of time. So WWE goes from the begaing of the Month of having such returns as Booker T, Kevin Nash, The Rock, Trish Stratus and Stone Cold Steve Austin to wasting a paycheck on Snooki.

It is the hardest thing to watch over on TNA. When TNA has been stealing stuff from WWE for years. Beer Money comes from APA, Jay Lethal took the Macho Mans Gimick. Abyss is some hybrid between Kane and Mankind then the thing that got me to stop trying to watch TNA for a long time was the Shark Boy ripping off Stone Cold. Then these past couple weeks have the undertakers promos ripped off and then Stings enterance was a rip off of The Rocks and Undertakers combacks which there was proablly slim to none people that were saprised it was him.

So after all these rip offs from WWE, WWE desides to go and take their use of the Jersey Shore cast. Are you kidding me? I thought WWE was PG now. Which her just showing her face next week which reeks of sex, alchol and drugs will do a harder hit to the PG rating then Stone Cold, The Rock and Cena have been doing for the last few weeks. What a waste of time.
Maybe it's a way of Vince saying, "Kiss my ass TNA. Take the 2.21.11 promos, but we'll ruin your Jersey Shore spotlight, bitch."

Yeah thats funny cause they stole the 2-21 vignettes from wcw/sting 1997. WWE copies just as much as TNA does but their fans dont want to own up to it.

NEWSFLASH TO THE WRESTLING FANS THAT DONT KNOW... EVERY WRESTLING COMPANY COPIES SOMETHING AT SOME POINT. Look at how much the NWO was copied they had Japanese and ECW versions. The NWO was so successful they made WWE start copying ECW.

Stop acting like WWE is the high and mighty and that they are exempt from copying.

Besides this was a blantant low ball attempt to undermine TNA by Vince.. I laugh cause he claims that hes not in competition with TNA and he pulls this lol.
I think it is hilarious all the people that say they will not watch RAW because of this. I mean you are going to miss the entire show for what could be a ten minute segment at best?!?

It is obviously a marketing ploy to try and get media attention and more people watching...who cares....
My head nearly imploded when I first heard about this news, I absolutely detest anything Jersey Shore related. My Ex was big on this show and when ever she made me sit down and watch it with her I swear I could feel my jaw scramble to the back of my skull to try and eat my own brain. Its such a sad pathetic show full of sad pathetic people.

Oh we'll this really isn't something a flick of the channel can't fix. God it would be amazing his Austin made another appearance and stuns the crap out of Snooki. I can't even take her serious, every time I hear the name Snooki or see a picture of her I can't help but picture South Parks depiction of her, which makes me giggle each time.
Oh we'll this really isn't something a flick of the channel can't fix. God it would be amazing his Austin made another appearance and stuns the crap out of Snooki. I can't even take her serious, every time I hear the name Snooki or see a picture of her I can't help but picture South Parks depiction of her, which makes me giggle each time.

Hahaa I thought that was South Park's best and most accurate celebrity depiction. Did anyone else get nervous last night when the GM had the message for Vickie? King said "if you win your match next week..." I just thought goddamnit there gonna have Vickie get beat by Snooki, I won't be anywhere near a TV on Monday. When I first saw this I was pretty disgusted but I'm not to bothered by it anymore she probably won't be on too long. What the hell is a Snooki anyway? Is that some kind of Italian slang for trashy ho with a busted face
I can't believe how big of a deal you people are making of this. She'll be on, have her segment or two, and that will be the end of it. And if she does end up in an angle or something that carries over to WM, it will be an unimportant one. Hell, even if she ends up as someones valet who cares? you guys are acting like they're briging on Ghadafi of Ahmedenajhad. There's no way her segments will be worse than Al Sharpton's when he was on Raw.
oh gosh, please dont bring back guest host -__- . I hope this is just to get more viewers seeing as how jersey shore is a big show right now and the fact that one of the stars from there is coming to raw should be a good draw. i think she should have like one moment no shown the whole show. her and vicki could put on a good segment.
Yeah, there's absolutely NOTHING to look forward to unless the WWE has a really big swerve coming this week. I think "Jersey ****e" is the biggest waste of time in the history of television. This bitch will screw up any segment she is a part of and I hope Vince is aware of that. The only logic I can come up with is that Vince knows the world hates this bitch and he's banking on fans loving to hate her so much that they tune in.
If there was ever time when Miz needed to come out and insulted a guest host, IT'S this Monday. I swear if Miz comes out and lays down some good insults on Snooki, he'll become a cult hero.
What a waste. What viewers will this even attract? 15 year old girls. I'm sure their going to watch Wrestlemania because Snooki was on Raw.:rolleyes:

What an idiotic move. I can't stand anything to do with MTV due to it creating so many ****es. They think acting like Snooki is a suitable and normal way to act.

yea because Trish Stratus, Sable, Torrie Wilson, Dawn Marrie, Maryse, Miss Kitty. They were great role models for our generation right? dont be a hypocrit.

however I agree Im not looking forward to this, its not entertaining, its just loud and annoying

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