Smackdown Vs Raw Match-Ups (Fixing Bragging Rights)

Mac Attack

I'm neat.
I think Bragging Rights has the possibility to be a very great PPV it just doesn't truly have that Smackdown Vs Raw Theme so I'm writing on how I would refine the concept of Bragging Rights.

No title matches (in a way). I would have the WWE Champion face off against the World Heavyweight Champion instead. See who is the better champion. Also, I would have an IC VS US Championship to see who is better in non title match. This would be one of the many various matches that must be Smackdown VS Raw matches. I think these matches have a very good possibility have having a large draw if properly pushed and pursued.

Make this the new Survivor Series. They can scrap Survivor Series. It may be a classic PPV but honestly it's lost its touch. If they were to scrap Survivor Series and put some real work into this PPV I think it has the possibility to be a PPV that lasts for years to come as long as they don't change it up as much. Instead of having Survivor Series incorporate the elimination tag matches as Smackdown VS Raw. This has great potential and I would also make madatory two elimination tag matches. All these matches accumulate points for your respective brand.

Next I would have a divas over the top challenge with the divas of both brands(equal number on both sides) face off and the winning brad receiving a point. This would be a great way to allow the divas to get even more air time on T.V and it would allow for them to get showcased. Also it incorporates the divas in a way that shows that the divas wil not be defending the title. I think this is more interesting and more better looking than a normal singles divas match.

GM Picked Wrestler Match. Explanation the general manager of the respective brands decides to pick a superstar who will represent the brand against the other general magers superstar They would have two picked superstars for two matches in order to have an odd number of matches. I think this would allow for some "dream" matchups to occur and it would allow for true competition to occur. I think it would be a great way too have interesting match-ups and give stars and interesting break from wrestling their respective brand wrestlers.

A better prize. So here is my proposal for a new prize. Have the GM of the winning brand award a brand MVP at the end of the night to the brand who has the most points and that person not only gets true bragging rights over everyone else on their brand but also allow them to select one person from the other brand and send them to the winning brand. I think this would be a good shake-up and be something people look forward to.

Sample Card:

Raw WWE Champion Miz Vs Smackdown WHC Champion Edge in a non title match

Daniel Bryan Raw US Champ VS Kofi Kingston IC Smackdown Champ

Divas Over the Top Challenge
Smackdown Divas (Laycool, Beth Pheonix, Kelly Kelly, Rosa Mendes) Vs Raw Divas (Alicia Fox, Bellas, Natalya, Maryse,)

Elimination Tag Match Team Smackdown (Kane, McIntyre, Barett) Vs Team Raw (Sheamus, Morrison, Punk)

Elimination Tag Match Team Smackdown (Mysterio, Christian, Alberto Del Rio) Vs Team Raw ( Evan Bourne, Dolph Ziggler,Dibiasi)

GM Pick Match
Raw Pick- John Cena VS Smackdown Pick Undertaker

GM Pick Match 2
Raw Pick Randy Orton VS Smackdown Pick Cody Rhodes
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Macios, I do like this idea, very much. It's better than that piece of Plastic they use nowadays. Also the fact that every match is Raw vs Smackdown, instead of 3 Matches, means that it's not REALLY obvious in the match. Good idea, with a better prize. Have some imaginary rep ;)

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