SmackDown LIVE(!), July 19th 2016 - All Shook Up

Yep. WWE tweeted it a little bit ago.
There is a God and he does love me.

JBL did nothing but draw me out of the action. Hopefully this is the last step before he is off my TV for good.

Graves on the other hand I'm ecstatic for. I've heard nothing but good things.
Bit surprised Nakamura didn't get called up. Dude is more than ready. But it seems like a decent enough draft.
I'd imagine the lineup of Ambrose, Cena, Orton, Styles, and Wyatt would seem far more impressive than the lineup of Rollins, Reigns, Jericho, and Sheamus.

New day, Enzo and Cass, Club , Dudleys, Shining stars and Golden Truth is a whole lot better than American Alpha, Usos, Vaudevillains, Breezango, Acsension and the hype bros, for a tag division.

Charlotte, Banks, Jax, Paige (the more established girls that could be a decent champion at this time, talking more about potential for Jax though) is better than Nataya, Lynch and who, Naomi or Eva Marie as the other immediate title threat?

Balor, Rusev, Cesaro, Zayn, Owens and Lesnar is better than Del Rio, Miz, Corbin, Ziggler, Kane, Kalisto and Crews.

So while the main event may seem more interesting on SD at the moment (debatable as well),Raw got the best superstar of each division, more depth in every division and more importantly the future of the business in Owens, Balor, Zayn etc.

So to me there is no doubt Raw has a better roster. Obviously this will all change once the shows start rolling through building the others up but, in the immediate future Raw looks like a show that you would see what is happening first instead of Smackdown.

It's cool that people are happy with the Smackdown roster though. I really think they should of moved one of Owens, Zayn, Cesaro or Balor to Smackdown because it just seems to have that future vibe about it. Though I see why each show was drafted like it was. You have to accommodate the 3 hours of TV so you can't just have nobodies to start off with.

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