Sleep Suggestions

Yeah staying up isn't a good idea. I've done it for most of my college career, which probably explains why I just got off probation.

Lol, I'm such a goody two shoes it aint even funny. I never got in trouble during school ever... seriously. No detention. No fights. No arguments. Watching violent shows and playing shooter video games or sleep cycles just don't have an effect on me... besides, even if I do, I do it rarely.
You sound exactly like me. I jsut don't always go to class, or do any work. In regular school I watched wrestling, played violent games and never got in any real trouble.
Longest I've ever gone without sleep? 50 hours.

Amount of sleep I get every night? Around 7-8 hours at the most.

What helps me get to sleep, is not thinking about sleep. Seriously, when you actually try to get to sleep, it's virtually impossible. And when you're waiting for your mind to drift off, then it's even harder as well. My solution to this, is a music player. Stops you thinking, and you can fall asleep, simply by listening to some very old music. Frank Sinatra is good for that.

I could not function on less than 5 hours sleep a day though. Coffee is not for me, so yes, it would be impossible.
Whooooah. 19 hours of sleep right then and there? Damn.

I usually get a Pepsi for class anyway to get some sugar pumping in my body. It generally helps make me more alert.

Thats just it. Pepsi, or any type of soda doesn't keep me energized or awake. Literally, I've been capable (before) of drinking half a can of pop, then instantly going to bed and falling asleep. Or, if you want a different situation, when I've tried staying awake, I've drank multiple cans of pop, and they still don't have an effect on keeping me from falling asleep. So, the overall point.. caffeine doesn't keep me awake.

What helps me get to sleep, is not thinking about sleep. Seriously, when you actually try to get to sleep, it's virtually impossible. And when you're waiting for your mind to drift off, then it's even harder as well. My solution to this, is a music player. Stops you thinking, and you can fall asleep, simply by listening to some very old music. Frank Sinatra is good for that.

I could not function on less than 5 hours sleep a day though. Coffee is not for me, so yes, it would be impossible.

I used to play music all the time. That was honestly the best way for me to fall asleep, ALL THE TIME! I had a really old radio, I could turn a sleep nob to about 1 hour. I'd never have to reset it, I'd be out before it went off.

When I used to stay the night at my friends, I'd play their stereo in their living room really low, but enough to where I could lay and listen. It was always the best way to calm your nerves and just drift off.

The only problem is, I can't do that anymore, because my daughter sleeps in the same room as me. Therefore, if I play the radio, it'll wake her up.. and typically, that kid can fall asleep for 10 minutes, get suddenly woken up, then never get back to sleep for another 3-4 hours.

I COULD buy a headset, but then I wouldn't hear her if she started suddenly crying, or if my Father was yelling for help. And thats one of the main reasons I'm still living at home.. to be there for my Father.
Poor Will...Sounds like you're having a hard time lately, with the whole lack of sleep thing. It's good to hear that you're still there to help your father too. I don't mean to get personal or anything here, so I won't say much, but I really hope that you're enjoying being with your father when he needs you. I really admire that in people.

Sleep: Defying Will since 1982.

One day, they'll invent pills that eliminate the need for day.
Poor Will...Sounds like you're having a hard time lately, with the whole lack of sleep thing. It's good to hear that you're still there to help your father too. I don't mean to get personal or anything here, so I won't say much, but I really hope that you're enjoying being with your father when he needs you. I really admire that in people.

I love both of my Parents. Yes I argue with them, even at the age of 25. Yes I get annoyed by some of their decisions in life, even at the age of 25. And I definately feel as if from time to time I'm now making their decisions for them.. although the truth is, even at 25, I'd be completely lost without them.

My Father is and has been in very bad health for a while. Hes had several heart operations, and even more heart attacks. This is why he is in constant need of someone in the home. My Mother still works, a factory job. I dispise factory jobs because of what they've done to her. Its literally worn her body to nothing.

Sleep: Defying Will since 1982.

One day, they'll invent pills that eliminate the need for day.

Truth be told, even with a pill that'd eliminate sleep, I wouldn't want it. Sleep is one of the greatest things life holds. You get the ability to leave real life for a bit of time. To escape into a realm, a fantasy world. If its a wonderful dream, it can make you awake in a great mood. Thats why I love sleeping.. when I can.
As it does in my breathe, I never sleep, cause sleep is the cousin of death.

Rep for anyone that knows the song.
I know my daughter would likely kill herself on one, because she'd insist on jumping off as fast as she could, just to see what it'd do.

Like my Courtney, your Gabrielle sounds like an active, fearless one who is going to be keeping you on your toes for years to come and giving you gray hair before you’re 30!

My Wife and I have been married for over two years. We hit a rocky patch recently, but its being smoothed out. I take full blame for the ignorance.
I wish you and your wife all the best. I wanted to share this quote with you as it seemed to fit your situation: "Love is not sweet talks and flowers, but love is forgiving and compromising." (author unknown) Relationships are sometimes hard; you have to try all the time. It sounds like you’re on the right path.

If you don't mind me asking (and if you do, tell me to shut up) how old are you? How old were you when you were married and had your daughter?
I am 29. I got married at 19 and had my daughter at 21. Yeah, I know 19 is young. I was going through an 'I’m burnt out on college-working all the time-living at home-never having any fun-life sucks in general' phase. I wasn’t in love but thought he was the answer to my problems at the time. Needless to say, I only ended up with more problems. I definitely lived and learned, but it all made me who am I today and I wouldn’t do it over because then I wouldn’t have my daughter.

It takes a huge step to get out of an abusive relationship, so I'm sure you're a very strong Woman.
It wasn’t easy leaving him and starting over. It was very scary at first and my self-esteem was basically non-existent then. Even now, everyday there are challenges that could get me down if I let them. For example, I had right knee surgery last Friday (why I haven’t responded till now). Recovery/rehab is going to be tough and I’ll be tested, but I know I can do just about anything as I have a very strong will. One inspirational quote that I have posted on my desk that keeps me going is “Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength.” (unknown author)

No.. haha somehow I sense a bit of hostel nature coming from you for that question. I take it you've been bantered by several others about living in a state but yet not liking things from it.
Not so much. If anything my attitude comes from being a DUKE fan whereas most of my family/friends are Carolina fans. Naturally, there is great rivalry between the two teams and their fans, and my team’s been getting the worst of it in recent years.

I've seen a lot of episodes of Cops, and randomly enough, a ton take place in Carolina. I might of seen you if this is the case. Lol
:schild29: The worst I’ve ever gotten are parking tickets, speeding tickets, and one seatbelt ticket. Otherwise, I’ve been the model citizen.

We should talk more. I'll explain to you on why you should love the Panthers. Starting with their team uniforms. Who doesn't love Blue, Silver and Black?!
Attention class: today’s lesson will be on why you should love the Panthers…deserving of its own thread?
Like my Courtney, your Gabrielle sounds like an active, fearless one who is going to be keeping you on your toes for years to come and giving you gray hair before you’re 30!

Well, if its Kevin Nash styled "silver" hair, then I'd be perfectly fine with it. I think his hair looks amazing. Although trying to take on a Pro Wrestler's hair style has never seemingly worked for me in the past. (Raven's blonde streaks & curly hair, Jericho's blonde hair w/ red tips)

Gabrielle is definately a handful, but I'd never quit on her. And I'd die running out of energy before I'd stop wanting to play with her. Then again, I'm sure I'd opt to try and rest while she watched cartoons. :p

I wish you and your wife all the best. I wanted to share this quote with you as it seemed to fit your situation: "Love is not sweet talks and flowers, but love is forgiving and compromising." (author unknown) Relationships are sometimes hard; you have to try all the time. It sounds like you’re on the right path.

Its often hard to figure out what path is right or wrong. What choice is good or bad. The best advice anyone could give is to follow what you feel is best, and take the leap into the unknown. If you don't, you'll regret the "What If's."

I am 29. I got married at 19 and had my daughter at 21. Yeah, I know 19 is young. I was going through an 'I’m burnt out on college-working all the time-living at home-never having any fun-life sucks in general' phase. I wasn’t in love but thought he was the answer to my problems at the time. Needless to say, I only ended up with more problems. I definitely lived and learned, but it all made me who am I today and I wouldn’t do it over because then I wouldn’t have my daughter.

I wouldn't consider you too young at 19. Maybe blinded by the wrong reasons, but not too young. I agree with you on questioning myself if I got married for the right or wrong reasons. I felt it was the best situation at the time, I felt it was what would help me. The same thing goes for having a Family.

This is kinda a continuation of the above reply. I love my Wife, that won't change. But we've had our differences and our problems. Furthermore, I've come to terms on falling in love with someone else while being married to her. Which in marriage terms is the "mother of all sins."

I don't ask for forgiveness for my actions, because I followed what I felt was true, what I felt was right. I was 23 when I got married, my Wife was 20, going on 21. We were married on Halloween in 05. At that point, I thought everything fit and made sense.

We had our daughter the following year, in March of 06. Things got rough with lack of attention for me. I guess you could call it selfishness. I felt like there were problems in my marriage that I wanted to fix, but she didn't. I took almost a year trying to fix them alone and finally gave up. At that time, almost as if it was a sign, someone else came into my life. That I later fell in love with.

Things have once again altered, changed, and my Wife and I have a lot of things that need fixed and worked out. She understands now more than she was willing to then, and a lot is in part to my attention swaying away from her to another. Unfortunately its not as easy for me, because I don't claim to fall in love with someone without truly believing it and having great reason for it. Again, its a work in progress, it'll take time and energy, but if its meant.. it'll be.

It wasn’t easy leaving him and starting over. It was very scary at first and my self-esteem was basically non-existent then. Even now, everyday there are challenges that could get me down if I let them. For example, I had right knee surgery last Friday (why I haven’t responded till now). Recovery/rehab is going to be tough and I’ll be tested, but I know I can do just about anything as I have a very strong will. One inspirational quote that I have posted on my desk that keeps me going is “Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength.” (unknown author)

First I'd like to state you have very beautiful quotes to guide yourself by. They're definately inspirational.

Now, as far as rehab goes. I know first hand how it sucks. I had an ankle/foot injury that required two reconstructive surgeries and the rehab of learning how to walk again. I was a kid at the time. I'm sure you have an idea on how hard it must be for a child to stay focused on something so hard.

More recently in life, in 06, I had a fallen arch that required rehab and learning how to walk on that foot again. Apply pressure, anyways.

The most important thing to realize is you're no longer just living for youself. You're no longer just doing things for yourself, you're doing them for your daughter as well. She will be more than enough to get you through anything. She is your muse, your inspiration.

:schild29: The worst I’ve ever gotten are parking tickets, speeding tickets, and one seatbelt ticket. Otherwise, I’ve been the model citizen.

:disappointed: A seatbelt ticket? Come on, who forgets to put a seatbelt on. tisk, tisk, tisk. lol

I've had speeding tickets, and traffic violations. (ran a red light, accidentally) I'm proud to say I've never left the drive-way without my seatbelt on. I typically don't even leave with others in the passenger seat until they buckle up either.

Attention class: today’s lesson will be on why you should love the Panthers…deserving of its own thread?

Oh, if you ask for it, I'll definately give it to you. Unfortunately, there are several in the bar room who've grown more than tired of hearing about American Football talk. So it'd have to be a thread in the Sports section, and it'd have to be open for debate and discussion, as posts made in that section have to make sense.
I think avoid tea coffee and drink hot glass of milk and forget stresses will help a nice sleep. Reading nice books magazines will also help for better fast asleep
Its often hard to figure out what path is right or wrong. What choice is good or bad. The best advice anyone could give is to follow what you feel is best, and take the leap into the unknown. If you don't, you'll regret the "What If's."
Very well said. There can be no reward without some risk.

Things have once again altered, changed, and my Wife and I have a lot of things that need fixed and worked out. She understands now more than she was willing to then, and a lot is in part to my attention swaying away from her to another. Unfortunately its not as easy for me, because I don't claim to fall in love with someone without truly believing it and having great reason for it. Again, its a work in progress, it'll take time and energy, but if its meant.. it'll be.
As I have not been in that situation, I won’t pretend to know what you, your wife, and the other are going through. I think you said it best with “if it’s meant…it’ll be” - only time will tell.

Now, as far as rehab goes. I know first hand how it sucks. I had an ankle/foot injury that required two reconstructive surgeries and the rehab of learning how to walk again. I was a kid at the time. I'm sure you have an idea on how hard it must be for a child to stay focused on something so hard.
Wow, just wow.

More recently in life, in 06, I had a fallen arch that required rehab and learning how to walk on that foot again. Apply pressure, anyways.
Sounds like you are pretty strong yourself.

My surgery went fine. I had a torn miniscus and my kneecap was slipping out of alignment, so I had two procedures done Friday. I tried to walk too soon this weekend and pulled my quad muscle. That hurt like a b!%ch and I have pain with every step. So now I’m in a leg imobilizer and I’m keeping it elevated on 3 pillows and doing pretty much constant ice packs per doctor’s orders. It’s been a ROUGH week.

The most important thing to realize is you're no longer just living for yourself. You're no longer just doing things for yourself, you're doing them for your daughter as well. She will be more than enough to get you through anything. She is your muse, your inspiration.
Indeed. I learned and took that to heart during my pregnancy before she was even born. It’s all about Courtney!! She has been so wonderful this week, helping me out around the house and praying for me at night.

A seatbelt ticket? Come on, who forgets to put a seatbelt on. tisk, tisk, tisk. Lol
I didn’t leave the house without my seatbelt on either. I have a pet peeve about that too. The car doesn’t move until everyone is buckled up. I was less than 15 yards from the Nanny’s, was running late that morning, I had just undid the seatbelt and put on my turn signal for the driveway, when a state trooper came along and decided to be a complete @$$hole. What was he doing patrolling a residential subdivision anyway?:headscratch:

Wow that's a really great quote.
Thanks Becca. I’m always on the lookout for good quotes.;)

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