Sleep Suggestions

Do you drink it before bed? 'Cus I think you do, and that's why you can't sleep.


I drink unsweetened tea most the time. No caffeine to my knowledge. Its basically flavored water.

Will can't read, silly.

Its true. I don't read. I always buy tons of PWI magazines because they advertise 150 plus pages of color photos. Its hours of entertainment just trying to figure out what the pictures could be about.
I did that the other night, minus the blindfold and i fell right to sleep.

My computer isn't in my bedroom. Incase the thought of the light keeping me awake may of been questioned. As far as getting away from the computer, I've thought about taking a couple day leave of absense just to A.) Get some rest. and B.) Clear my mind completely, or as much as possible.

The only thing is. I know as much as I try to escape it, its like a mistress.. it keeps pulling me back in. I don't think I could live without the internet or being on it, anymore than most people claim they couldn't live without a cell phone.

Then again, I guess I would randomly assume if I had selective people (or person, rather) already in my life.. I'd have no reason to be on the computer even longer than I already am.
My computer isn't in my bedroom. Incase the thought of the light keeping me awake may of been questioned. As far as getting away from the computer, I've thought about taking a couple day leave of absense just to A.) Get some rest. and B.) Clear my mind completely, or as much as possible.

The only thing is. I know as much as I try to escape it, its like a mistress.. it keeps pulling me back in. I don't think I could live without the internet or being on it, anymore than most people claim they couldn't live without a cell phone.

Then again, I guess I would randomly assume if I had selective people (or person, rather) already in my life.. I'd have no reason to be on the computer even longer than I already am.

The CPU is like right next to my bed, It usually stays on though because if i turn the monitor off the whole cpu shuts down ( Don't know, but it does). On school nights i get like an hour and a half of sleep. If that? Everyone knows that isn't good, but their is nothing i can do about it. If i can though i try to sleep as much as possible ( not too long, but required sleep). I do it just to keep me focused, I live off of caffeine drinks which isn't good, and i can be beat tired, and i still have a helluva time getting to bed.
avoid the computer for an hour before you want to sleep.

the exercise thing i dont get though. i find exercising before bed gets my adrenaline going and feel more awake.
as for tea, it does contain some caffeine. not enough to get you buzzing, but probably enough to keep you alert for longer.
my tip would be just lie down and relax for a while before you go to bed. don't touch pills - i study pharmacy and sleeping pills are up with heroin and and smoking on the difficulty in quitting
Ok my two suggestions are pretty lame but they have worked for me in the past. Maybe some variation on them is worth a shot for you.

First I have to say that I went through this Golden Girls phase like 8-9 years (lol I know don’t ask) and so I have all these old episodes on tape. Since I’ve used this method many times, it’s like I have the shit memorized and so after usually only 5 minutes or so I am gone when I pop a tape in.

I discovered my second suggestion the hard way. I had to read the book ‘I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings’ by Maya Angelou and write a paper on it in college. I also happened to be having a problem with my eyes around that time from wearing my contacts too long so I couldn’t focus very well. I decided to get the audio tapes of the actual author reading the book aloud. I think it took me three weeks to FINALLY force myself to make it through those tapes. That woman’s voice would put me to sleep in like 5-10 minutes every time and I’d have to start all over from the beginning.

If all else fails, Mr. Sam had a good idea earlier. I have found that works too.
Watch a John Cena match.
Indeed Slim. I just got the impression from his first post and subsequent ones in the thread that insomnia seems to be recurring problem for him, not just a onetime thing.

Thanks Amy. (I don't actually know if your name is Amy, or you're even a girl, since your name is a movie too)

My sleeping schedule will never change. I've been this way all my life. I have a child, and shes become my daytime alarm. But outside of that, I've just always been a "night owl" and will always be that way.

The only thing I hate, is when I'm so wide awake during like 4a.m. and on, that I stay up into the day, and get tired around Noon and 1p.m.

Anyways, thanks.
Thanks Amy. (I don't actually know if your name is Amy, or you're even a girl, since your name is a movie too
She's a female, Will
Check her profile

The only thing I hate, is when I'm so wide awake during like 4a.m. and on, that I stay up into the day, and get tired around Noon and 1p.m.

I also hate this
eat a big ol bowl of cereal, and a fat turkey sandwhich. Heavy amounts of triptophan (a chemical that makes you sleepy) and carbohydrates. Knock ya right out buddy.
eat a big ol bowl of cereal, and a fat turkey sandwhich. Heavy amounts of triptophan (a chemical that makes you sleepy) and carbohydrates. Knock ya right out buddy.

Lately this shit ass sickness has been knocking me out left and right. I've slept great. (as great as can be anyways, without coughing up lungs and other shit in between) Although I've somehow managed to sleep the entire day and night away. There have been a couple days here recently where I've literally barely pulled myself out of bed, only to eat next to nothing and return to bed.

Maybe I should be sick more often. :lmao:
Thanks Amy. (I don't actually know if your name is Amy, or you're even a girl, since your name is a movie too)

My sleeping schedule will never change. I've been this way all my life. I have a child, and shes become my daytime alarm. But outside of that, I've just always been a "night owl" and will always be that way.

The only thing I hate, is when I'm so wide awake during like 4a.m. and on, that I stay up into the day, and get tired around Noon and 1p.m.

Anyways, thanks.

You're welcome Will. And my real name is Amy.

I have a daughter myself so I can relate to the days when she was my daily alarm. Got a bad case of the insomnia this week myself, particularly tonight/today.
You're welcome Will. And my real name is Amy.

I have a daughter myself so I can relate to the days when she was my daily alarm. Got a bad case of the insomnia this week myself, particularly tonight/today.

Insomnia isn't bad. Nights are great. They're peaceful, you can spend a lot of time just to yourself without all the hassle of the daily lifestyle and hundreds of stressful situations to drag you down.

I've love the night life, simply because I can sit alone and do my thing. I can spend hours writing and thinking. It works great, it just sucks during the day when I drag and don't have a ton of energy.

How old is your daughter? Mine will be 2 years old this month. Also, I noticed you're from Carolina, would you by chance be a Carolina Panther fan?
Insomnia isn't bad. Nights are great. They're peaceful, you can spend a lot of time just to yourself without all the hassle of the daily lifestyle and hundreds of stressful situations to drag you down.

I've love the night life, simply because I can sit alone and do my thing. I can spend hours writing and thinking. It works great, it just sucks during the day when I drag and don't have a ton of energy.

How old is your daughter? Mine will be 2 years old this month. Also, I noticed you're from Carolina, would you by chance be a Carolina Panther fan?

The best part about the night (after she's in bed *hopefully* it's by 9) is that I get some "me" time. Normally I watch tv and work out (my life is all about multi-tasking lol) but working out is kinda on perma-hold at the moment. I really enjoy the peace and quiet at night. My days are long and sound like this: get her up for school, make breakfast, pack a lunch, drive her to school then off to work for me, pick her up, also like four nights a week she has some Girl Scouts, church, choir, cheerleading, softball, soccer, you-name-it-activity going on that I rush her off to, then it's home, dinner, bath, homework/reading time, brush teeth, clean up the house a little.

Late nights also leaves room to worry about dumb shit, things you can't control, as you mentioned before.

She is 7. I'll watch the Panthers if they are on on occasion but a fan no. I'm not really into football so much.
The best part about the night (after she's in bed *hopefully* it's by 9) is that I get some "me" time. Normally I watch tv and work out (my life is all about multi-tasking lol) but working out is kinda on perma-hold at the moment. I really enjoy the peace and quiet at night. My days are long and sound like this: get her up for school, make breakfast, pack a lunch, drive her to school then off to work for me, pick her up, also like four nights a week she has some Girl Scouts, church, choir, cheerleading, softball, soccer, you-name-it-activity going on that I rush her off to, then it's home, dinner, bath, homework/reading time, brush teeth, clean up the house a little.

Your days sound very similar to my own. Minus the school/job situation. And the Girl Scout stuff. Your daughter seems to be involved in a ton of activities. I think Gabrielle (my daughter) will be the same. If she makes it that far. lol

My child is a daredevil, she loves to leap off of tall things. I know she loves wrestling, but its a bit ridiculous.

By how you said everything, it seems as if you're an only Parent? By no means do you have to answer this if its too personal. It just seems like you have quite the handful all on yourself.

Late nights also leaves room to worry about dumb shit, things you can't control, as you mentioned before.

I wasn't actually meaning to use that time TO think about stressful situations. I was meaning more, you can use all that "you time" at night, to sit peacefully and just relax and get your mind off of focusing on everything stressful.

I'll watch the Panthers if they are on on occasion but a fan no. I'm not really into football so much.

:disappointed: You live in Carolina, yet are not a fan. tisk, tisk, tisk. :p I'm a huge Carolina Panther fan.
Sleep? Who needs it! Life begins at night anyway. I say stay up for days on end, by the end you will be so tired you'll sleep for weeks.

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