Slammy Awards

Superstar of the Year - Cena would be the obvious choice for this, and I think he might win it. But then you have to remember he wasn't there for all of this year, will that be a factor?

Match of the Year - It's between Undertaker/Edge and Flair/HBK. The whole point of wrestling is to wrestle for the fans, to get them into it. And argue you disliked Flair/HBK all you like, it certainly did that. It pulled at fans heartstrings, some were in tears by the end of it. When Shawn said he was sorry, it was a great moment. There really isn't a wrong choice here, but I think Flair/HBK should win it.

OMG Moment of the Year - Probably Cena's return at the Rumble. No one expected that.

Tag Team of the Year - No one comes close to The Miz and Morrison.

Couple of the Year - Definitely Marella and Pheonix. They are hilarious, love watching the show when these 2 are on it. Vickie made me want to die a slow, painful death, so she shouldn't win this.
Superstar of the year: Triple H. In all honesty, I would much prefer Chris Jericho to get this but I don't see Triple H losing this. He held the title from Backlash to Survivor Series and has had some good matches. Cena would win it if he wasn't out for most of the year.

Match of the year: HBK/Flair based on the face value. It wasn't exactly the best 'wrestling' match but it had a good story behind it and Vince isn't going to let this match not win.

OMG Moment: Cena returning at the Royal Rumble. I really was like OMG. Even though I would prefer CM Punk to get it. Cena will because Cena coming back got a bigger reaction from me than CM Punk winning the championship

Couple of the year: Santino and Beth. A very funny couple and are one of the main reasons I watch RAW now even though I don't feel like it I still watch it for them. William Regal and Layla haven't really done much.
Best Finishing Move.= Nominees: Randy Orton’s RKO, Undertaker’s Hell’s Gate, Big Show’s KO Punch, Evan Bourne’s Shooting Star Press
--I'm surprised that Orton's punt isn't there instead of his RKO, which now makes me think that the Undertaker's "Hell's Gate" is going to win it.

Tag Team of the Year. = Nominees: The Miz & John Morrison, Cryme Tyme, Carlito & Primo, Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase
--Still going with Morrison/Miz.
My Turn... And before I go on, what do you think the odds are of the pics they're using on are of the eventual winners? Moving along...

Superstar of the Year

We have Batista, Cena, Trips, Hardy, Edge, and Jericho. Right off the bat, Batista should not win. He has done nothing noteworthy this year, other then an 8 day long run as Champ. Not that glamerous. TWICE this year we were without John Cena, and he only just became Champion, so as much as people love him, I don't think he should take it. Same with Edge. He was huge, but alot of that was because of Vicky (on screen) and he did take quite a while off as well. Jericho had a hell of a year, winning the title twice, once in a match he wasn't even in. He also had Feud of the Year, hands down, and even had a foretable IC title run. Still, I can't see him winning, this is the WWE, and Jericho was ALWAYS filler for big stuff like this.

That leaves Triple H and Jeff Hardy. On paper, Trips should win this twice over for his year. 7 Month run as Champ, defeated Orton, Khali, Hardy, and several others to keep it. He was only even pinned twice (in two days I might add) in the whole year. But then you have the Jeff Hardy Story. The man was more over then anyone, he was on fire right before Wrestlemania, before his house caught on fire because of it (and the drugs, don't forget the drugs) but once he returned, he was on fire again, and has been biting at the heals of the Champ since coming to Smackdown. His was truely a Cinderella Story, and Jeff Hardy would benefit the most from this, by far.

But it's the WWE here. So expect either Cena or Hardy.

Match of the Year
Tough Call. As huge as it was, I'm going to say it WON'T be Flair/Micheals, now that Flair is gone. Besides that, tough call. Giving it to the Rumble will give quite a few people a Slammy, and Cenas surprise return made it that much more better. Still, the rumble wasn't the best of it's kind... The MITB was also exciting, had 7 of the top guys in the WWE, PLUS Matt Hardys return, so who knows. And then Taker/Edge. We all know this is the only one that even has a chance of winning, just to push storylines. Even if it was a really good match.

I think it'll be MITB, just a feeling. But if they do give it to Flair/Michael, I'll be shocked, yet not disapointed.

Diva of the Year
The Nomintees are Beth Phoinex and three other Divas. No predication needed, anyoneother then her wins this and it's a travisty.

OMG Moment of the Year
Punk Cashing in, Money breaking Shows nose, Cenas Return, and Edge going to Hell. Well, I don't think to many people were shouting OMG! when Taker beat Edge. I think more people were shocked at Big Shows RETURN that night, which was overshadowed by his nose being broken. Still, I can't see this winning either. So it comes down to Cena and Punk. No one whatsoever saw Cena coming back that night, let alone winning it. I know I personally shit myself. Same deal with Punk, although I know there were some people that had guessed it since it was really the only way to get a title back on RAW. Still, it shocked people that they actually used their last choice option. But I still think Cena takes this in what should be a landslide.

Tag Team of the Year
Miz and Morrison, Cryme Tyme, Priceless, and The Colons. Hmm... Am I really thinking about it? Cryme Tyme only returned right after Westlemania, nd were almost immediadly jobbing before meeting Cena, and shortly after that... More Jobbing. But at least they were around longer then Priceless. Priceless had a good month or so as Champs before Cena and Batista borrowed their credability for a week. But when they gave the "cred" back, it was tainted. And the Colons, seriously? The miricle here was that they brought Carlito back from the dead AGAIN, and put gold on him. How's he doing over on Smackdown anyways?

But they all had a better year then Miz and Morrison. Losers only held the Tag Titles for close to a year-ish. Psh. Oh yeah, I forgot. Morrison has actually given HBK a SUCCESSFUL Sweet Chin Music. When is the last time someone successfully mocked a future Hall of Famer? Oh yeah, I also forgot about the time Morrison outlasted his own leader in the Survivor series matchup. And did I mention how gay these guys are for inproving 10fold this year?

Thoe losers Miz and Morison and winning this, hands down... I so just wasted my time evening explaining anything else.

Best Finishing Move
RKO, Hells Gate, SSP, and a punch. Ironically, this is the hardest catagory for me. If they'd replaced the RKO for the Punt, it'd win hands down, but the RKO is like, 6 years old! It's a little late for it to win Finisher of the Year. Shows Punch has been impressive in all one feuds he's used it. Next. SSP is always a fun move to watch, and I'm super happy they brought it back.

Hells Gate should take this, and then get rid of the fake blood. This move has finished off every single person, hands down. But because this is the WWE, and I can't see Taker accepting a Slammy, I'd give it to Bourne.

Couple of the Year
Finlay and Horny? hahaha. Regal and Layla isn't even worth laughing at. So it's the uber comedy heal of Santino and the ever tough, double title winning Beth Phoinex, against Smackdown GM "Legit Heat "Guerrero and the man that held the World Title of THREE occasions this year BECAUSE of his Wife, Edge. Edge and Vickie should take this, but because I think they'll remind us of the breakup, I'd go with Glamorella.

And now for the catagores without Nomanees...

DAMN Moment of the Year
I'm willing to bet there is no actual moment. They'll announce somthing incredibly stupid, just to get Ron Simmons to say "DAMN"

Best Musical Performance
Seriously, nothing comes to mind. I hope to GOD they don't give it to Jillian. Odds are, the one person we're forgetting will come out and shut her up when she goes to accept her award early.

Extreme Moment of the Year
Mike Adamle as GM... No really, I'd go with one of Jeff Hardys many Swantons.
Well i might as well put my input in.

Superstar of the year

If batista wins this i riot! John Cena could win this but with him being injured and missing half the year im not sure about his chances. Jericho has a good chance due to his two title wins with numerous title defenses and a damn good fued with micheals! I would not be dissapointed if he were to win. Jeff hardy would be my undisputed pick if it were not for the suspension. He has had a tremendous year and officialy became a main event contender. Triple H has had a great year holding the title most of the time while putting on great matches. Edge is my pick because he has some of the best matches, promos, and IMO the best fued of the year.

Match of the year

I give it to either hell in a Cell or MITB. No reason needed just watch them and you will know why

Diva of the year
Beth pheniox. The end.
Damn moment of the year

Please let santino get this trying to do melinas entrance. Im still saying damn!

Omg moment of the year

Cena will win. There not gonna not give him any award.

Extreme moment of the year

Jeff hardy swanton bomb onto orton...or at it should win

Couple of the year

Edge/vickie they dominated smackdown all year

Best tag team

Miz morrison nuf said
Most Extreme Moment of 2008 Nominees: Jeff Hardy’s Swanton Bomb on Randy Orton from the RAW set, Undertaker falls off ladder through table as Edge wins TLC Match at ONS, JBL throws John Cena off stage into car windshield at The Great American Bash, Chris Jericho smashes Shawn Michaels’ head through Jeri-Tron on RAW
--Hardy's Swanton should win it, but if they give him Superstar of the Year, they'll give this award to Jericho.

“DAMN!” Moment of 2008 Nominees: Khali Kiss Cam on SmackDown, Jim Ross in sailor suit on SmackDown, CM Punk disguised in Mariachi Band, lays out Chavo Guerrero on ECW, Santino Marella attempts Melina’s Entrance on RAW
--Ugh. Who cares? I still think its stupid we're getting this and not Rookie of the Year. It won't be JR and it most likely won't be Khali's kiss cam. It'll be Santino if they don't do a comedic thing for the Musical Performance or Couple of the Year, but if they do Santino for either of those, it'll go to Punk since he won't win anything else. also posted four categories that will be posted exclusively on their website:

Breakout Star of the Year
Announce Team of the Year
Best Exclusive
Best Impersonation

So NoFate, you got your "rookie of the year" category.

Breakout come down to Kofi, Bourne, and Dibiase Jr. I'd like to see Bourne get it if he doesn't win finisher.

Announce team should go to Stryker/Grish, as much as I want to award Stryker more than Grish. Of course, no one's going to say Tazz/Adamle. Exclusive, I assume, is the best show on Hands down, it should be the Dirt Sheet.

Best impersonation. We haven't seen many good impressions except when it comes to Miz and Morrison psyching out which ever superstar or tag team they are feuding with. So for that matter, it probably could go to Cryme Tyme impersonating Miz and Morrison, or anything Santino impersonates. also posted four categories that will be posted exclusively on their website:

Breakout Star of the Year
Announce Team of the Year
Best Exclusive
Best Impersonation

So NoFate, you got your "rookie of the year" category.

Breakout come down to Kofi, Bourne, and Dibiase Jr. I'd like to see Bourne get it if he doesn't win finisher.

Announce team should go to Stryker/Grish, as much as I want to award Stryker more than Grish. Of course, no one's going to say Tazz/Adamle. Exclusive, I assume, is the best show on Hands down, it should be the Dirt Sheet.

Best impersonation. We haven't seen many good impressions except when it comes to Miz and Morrison psyching out which ever superstar or tag team they are feuding with. So for that matter, it probably could go to Cryme Tyme impersonating Miz and Morrison, or anything Santino impersonates.

Yeah its just a shame they're not doing that on the show itself, cause not many people pay attention to the website in comparison. The last time I paid attention to their website was during the Supplemental Draft, and even then, I was simultaneously checking WZ's own thread about it lol.

Breakout Star of the Year = Cody Rhodes has a strong chance at this, but it could be Kofi and it could logically be Bourne as well despite how the other two have more notches to their names.

Announce Team of the Year = They've switched so many places, its impossible to tell.

Best Exclusive = Dirt Sheet. Nothing else is of much interest...even though I've lost interest in the Dirt Sheet a while ago.

Best Impersonation = Probably something with Charlie Haas, though like you mentioned, it could be Morrison/Miz or Santino. They've done their impersonations. No clue.
I for one couldn't be happier that the Slammies are coming back, as they're just flat out fun. Back in the 90s I couldn't wait for these to happen and I hope they're back full time. It is something fun that doesn't happen often and it's a nice change of pace. Throwing in matches and a regular card makes it seem like a bigger show, especially taking out the whole USA Saturday night special to it. As for who will win, somehow Cena or HHH will win superstar of the year, and that's about my only sure thing for winner. After Santino and Beth's speech, I have a feeling neither will win anything, or they'll win something like biggest joke. Either way, most excited as this finally feels like they're getting the big time.
I'm hoping that this is being used as a prop for a storyline. Owen Hart and his slammy's were a great pairing and they were used to help Hart, so I hope they are used the same way again. Some cocky heel(Orton?) should win one as a way to let everyone know that he is the best, or maybe give Santino one so he can gloat even more about being great.

I agree, mostly about Santino. It's a great prop gimmick that essentially means nothing, but it best used by mid card heels. Why would any main eventer care about being a Slammy winner? They have titles to win/compete for! I could see him winning two awards and going on to say that he won more Slammy's then any other superstar for the next four months. Should be a good angle for him leading into Wrestlemania.

Superstar of the Year

It would be a great opportunity to hype himself. He would probably deliver the best acceptance speech with his new(ish) dark and brooding demeanour, maybe even play down the award's importance in comparison to his achievements.

Match of the Year

HBK v. Flair

Who accepts this award anyways... The winner, or the match participants? All of the Rumble participants may be an awkward/stupid acceptance. That's why my pick goes to HBK v. Flair. Only one person to give the acceptance speech.

Diva of the Year

Beth Phoenix

How could it be anyone else? McCool could be the only other viable threat. Beth just dominates any time she's in the ring, and most of her losses have been pretty cheap.

OMG Moment of the Year

CM Punk

He need's the exposure. I forgot this guy was on the roster. His revenge match with Orton was downplayed and never got to PPV, and as most have pointed out he is currently floundering on the undercard.

'Damn!' Moment of the Year


It was pretty hilarious seeing that entrance, but seeing him provide an acceptance speech for this dubious award may be funnier.

Tag Team of the Year

Miz & Morrison

Nearly unanimous opinion on this one. With their show and TV exposure (on every show I believe) I can't argue as to why they wouldn't get this one.

Best Finishing Maneuver


Build up is better than any other, but Bourne's is more impressive. Hard one to call. I would say that the RKO won more matches but he's reverted to the punt a lot more.

Extreme Moment of the Year


It was my favourite, but probably won't win. Would like to see another HBK/Jericho face off, and this may provide that opportunity.

Couple of the Year

Edge and Vickie.

They had Smackdown dominance for the first halk of the year, and look to end it in a similar fashion. Bracing myself for another nasty make out session... ah gawd... ah fack....

Best Exclusive

Santino's Casa

Have only ever watched this one a few times, so i guess i'm a little biased. I'm sure the other's are good, but Santino could sell this victory better than the rest.
Best Exclusive = Nominees: Cryme Tyme’s “Word Up!”, The Miz and John Morrison present “The Dirt Sheet”, Santino’s Casa, Out-think the Fink
--Dirt Sheet.

Breakout Star of the Year = Nominees: Kofi Kingston, Vladimir Kozlov, Evan Bourne, Ted Dibiase
--Well, Kingston has the best track record, but Bourne probably gets the biggest reaction. Kozlov has done nothing outside of dominate jobbers, and DiBiase has two tag title reigns but Kofi beats him since he had the IC and tag team. IC > tag. So my prediction is that Kofi will win, but I wouldn't be surprised if any of them won it.

Best Musical Performance = Nominees: R-Truth’s Entrance, Santino rapping to Akon, Edge singing “Heaven” to Vickie, The Miz and John Morrison rap
--They won't give it to Morrison/Miz as they're already going to win Best Tag Team, and my god, I really, really, really, REALLY hope they don't give it to freaking R-Truth. I hate that guy. So maybe they'll use this as Santino's comedic segment.

Announce Team of the Year = Nominees: Jerry Lawler and Michael Cole, Jim Ross and Tazz, Matt Striker and Todd Grisham
--I don't think any of these teams are particularly good, considering how Tazz ruins JR and Grish ruins Striker...but it doesn't matter. Prediction? They give it to Grish/Striker just cause they do more stuff on

Best Impersonation = Nominees: "Haas Hogan", "CHL", "The Glamahaas", "Mr. Perfect"
--Well, I'd go with CHL.
Best Exclusive: While I obviously love Santino's casa and think it's hilarious thee dirt sheet is also very well done. Cryme Time is big with the fans and since I think Miz/Morrison & Santino will win other award's they may have a chance. In the end I'm predicting the Dirt sheet.

Breakout Star of the Year: Kozlov had a very middle of the road first few months. He only defeated jobbers and did nothing very impressive. By the end he has a pretty decent feud with Hardy/HHH and showed that he has potential but I don't think he'll win.

I feel that although Dibiase may have the brightest future, and thought he had a pretty decent year, it was a tag effort and I wouldn't say Dibiase made the most impact this year.

The last two are very close, and while I think since they are very high on Bourne they may give it to him, I just think this was more Kofi's year. There is no denying Bourne made an impact on ECW and has became a fan favorite but he really didn't accomplish anything or have any stand out feuds, to call him the break out.

That leaves Kofi. While he had a similar ECW experience like Bourne, he was quickly drafted to RAW where he beat former heavyweight champion Jericho to become IC champ. While his title riegn wasn't that spectecular and his feud with Birchill didn't really excite the fans he still had the belt. Add his current tag title reign with Punk(pointless)and his overall package along with his fan support I would say it's Kofi's to lose.

Best Musical Performance:
All I say is Jillian was robbed! I can't believe they snubbed her performances of "Womanizer" & "Single Ladies". Anyways I am one of the few people who like RTruth and although the fans seem to enjoy his rap it's nothing majorly awesome. Vickie/Edge I don't even remember, and Miz/Morrison's rap have nothing on Santino's rap. I think Santino could be a big winner monday night.

Announce Team of the Year: Meh? I really don't hate or love any of the announce team(none are as bad as Adamle), but I will say Cole & King work the best and have the most chemistry.

Best Impersonation: So basically this is the Charlie Haas award and just like a Haas match, I could care less. I'll say the glamahaas because it was funny.

Superstar of the Year
Nominees = Batista, Chris Jericho, Edge, Jeff Hardy, John Cena, Triple H
I'd Vote For: Jeff Hardy, to help correct all the losses he's had recently, or Edge, or Jericho
WWE Will Give It To: HHH, unfortunately.

Match of the Year
Nominees = 2008 Royal Rumble, HBK/Flair, Money in the Bank, Undertaker/Edge
I'd Vote For: Undertaker/Edge
WWE Will Give It To: HBK/Flair, which will convince HBK not to take JBL's offer.

Diva of the Year
Nominees = Mickie James, Kelly Kelly, Beth Phoenix, Michelle McCool
I'd Vote For: Mickie James
WWE Will Give It To: Beth, or Michelle to help turn her heel.

OMG Moment of the Year
Nominees = Punk MITB Cash-In, Taker sends Edge to hell, Mayweather punches Big Show, Cena's Royal Rumble Return
I'd Vote For: Cena's Return
WWE Will Give It To: Cena's Return

Damn! Moment of the Year
Nominees = Khali Kiss Cam, Sailor Suit Jim Ross, Mariachi Punk, Santino/Melina entrance
I'd Vote For: Santino emulating Melina
WWE Will Give It To: Any of the three that aren't JR. I don't know.

Tag Team of the Year
Nominees = Miz/Morrison, Priceless, Cryme Tyme, Colons
I'd Vote For: Miz/Morrison
WWE Will Give It To: Miz/Morrison

Best Finishing Move
Nominees = RKO, Hell's Gate, Knockout Punch, Shooting Star Press
I'd Vote For: Hell's Gate
WWE Will Give It To: Hell's Gate

Extreme Moment of the Year
Nominees = Hardy Swantons Orton, Taker TLC Bump, Cena/JBL + Car, Jeri-Tron
I'd Vote For: Hardy's Swanton
WWE Will Give It To: Hardy's Swanton, or possibly the Jeri-Tron segment.

Couple of the Year
Nominees = Glamarella, Edge/Vickie, Layla/Regal, Finlay/Hornswoggle (for some reason)
I'd Vote For: Edge/Vickie
WWE Will Give It To: Edge/Vickie

Best Exclusive
Nominees = Word Up, Dirt Sheet, Santino's Casa, Outthink the Fink
I'd Vote For: Dirt Sheet
WWE Will Give It To: Dirt Sheet

Breakout Star of the Year
Nominees = Kingston, Kozlov, Bourne, DiBiase
I'd Vote For: Kingston
WWE Will Give It To: Apparently they already gave it to Kozlov, which makes no sense to me as he's accomplished less than Kofi and Ted.

Best Musical Performance
Nominees = R-Truth's Horrible Rapping, Santino's Funny Rapping, Edge/Heaven/Vickie, Morrison/Miz Rap
I'd Vote For: Santino Rapping
WWE Will Give It To: I don't care as long as they don't give it to R-Truth.

Announce Team of the Year
Nominees = Lawler/Cole, Ross/Tazz, Striker/Grisham
I'd Vote For: Lawler/Cole
WWE Will Give It To: Striker/Grisham...not sure why, I just think that's who they'll pick.

Best Impersonation
Nominees = Haas Hogan, CHL, Glamahaas, Mr. Perfect
I'd Vote For: CHL
WWE Will Give It To: Haas Hogan, as they're probably gonna turn it into a pessimistic thing since they're mad at Hogan's CCW.
Wow, I was so pleasantly surprised WWE gave Jericho the Slammy for Superstar of the Year. That and a clean win over Jeff Hardy compensates for the fact he doesn't have a snowball's chance in winning the title this Sunday.

HBK/Flair was expected to win Match of the Year. Don't know why they had to have JBL ruin it, though. I get the Slammy's aren't really to be taken seriously, but even though JBL got great heat for it, all Michaels got was "YOU SOLD OUT" chants.

Happy Beth got diva of the year, I expected Michelle McCcool but Beth really deserved it. She's been dominant all year. Michelle's only won the title at The Bash and I wouldn't even call her a dominant champion, considering her biggest hurdle was Natalya, who was hardly built as a dominant force since then.

Overall, I was pleased with all winners except Vickie/Edge, for some reason, even though I predicted they would win it. However, when I saw the vignette, Edge pushing Vickie's wheelchair then saying he was dragging her to hell with the Undertaker, it just didn't seem like couple of the year material. On the flip side, Beth and Santino have really meshed well together. Sure, it's mostly for comic relief but they genuinely entertain me without making me roll my eyes (IE: Cryme Tyme or Festus.)

Superstar of the Year = Chris Jericho
--Once Hardy won for Extreme Moment of the Year, I knew Jericho would win this. Very deserving. I'm so, so, so glad that they didn't give it to HHH/Batista/Cena.

Match of the Year = HBK/Flair
--Called it. Though I thought they'd use it as much better fuel for the JBL/HBK feud. They dropped the ball on that one.

Diva of the Year = Beth Phoenix
--I didn't think they'd give it to her, cause I thought they'd try to help turn McCool heel or try to reward Kelly for having nothing else to do. Good job.

OMG Moment of the Year = Punk MITB Cash-In
--I was certain that this would be Cena's award for his RR entrance, but hey, Punk's cash-in was very shocking too.

Damn! Moment of the Year = Khali Kiss Cam
--This confused me. I don't know why they gave it to Khali. Santino won NOTHING? They could've had some funny stuff come out of him with a Slammy award. Totally botched this one. Worst award of the night. And the presentation of it wasn't funny at all, just a bunch of random "heh" kind of things one after another. Shouldn't Khali be jobbing out to heels right now and on his way out the door with a future endeavors email?

Tag Team of the Year = Miz/Morrison
--No surprises. Funny presentation. Admiral Ackbar gets some thanks haha.

Best Finishing Move = Shooting Star Press
--I was shocked, as I thought they'd give it to the Hell's Gate.

Extreme Moment of the Year = Hardy Swantons Orton
--As stated above, once Hardy won this, I knew he'd lose Superstar of the year. Definitely the most extreme moment, though, so its well deserved.

Couple of the Year = Edge/Vickie
--Called it. No surprise.

Best Exclusive = Dirt Sheet
--Everyone called it. No surprises.

Breakout Star of the Year = Vladimir Kozlov
--So Kozlov, the guy who gets no real reaction and has spent the majority of his WWE run beating up jobbers, gets the award over former IC and current tag champion Kofi Kingston, or 2-time tag champion Ted DiBiase, or Evan Bourne, you know, the guy who's took off like a rocket? Typical. Can't wait till Kozlov gets relegated back down to the midcard "jobber to the stars" spot.

Best Musical Performance = R-Truth's Horrible Rapping
--At least I DVR'ed Raw last night, so I didn't have to sit through it. Fast forwarded that segment so fast I think I screwed up the space/time continuum.

Announce Team of the Year = Striker/Grisham
--Aka, Matt Striker wins Announce Team of the Year. In no way is this an award for Grisham.

Best Impersonation = Glamahaas
--I'd have went with CHL, since that gave him the biggest reaction, but really, who cares?
I liked seeing the Slammys again but like I mentioned in the Live Forum I would have like to see the winners care they were getting a slammy. Jeff Hardy left his slammy on the podium before his match, Khali said he didn't care about awards or that's what they said he said, and Jericho threw his slammy on the ground when Cena was coming. CM punk care and so did Beth I guess and the Miz and John Morrison who are on RAW Smackdown and ECW every week were "proud" of their award. I personally would like to see somebody carry their slammy award like Owen did. I thought it was funny he went everywhere with his slammy. If they brought it back then they should let the wrestlers or exuse me the "entertainers" give some significance to it.
As I mentioned earlier I think the wrestlers have given rspect to the slammys. Several wrestlers carry their slammy to the ring like R-Truth, The Miz and John Morrison, Beth Pheonix. I think that this is a way to bring significance to it, and I'm pretty sure now it will be back next year.

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