Slammy Awards


A Post Is Worth A Thousand Words
If a thread's made up about this already, sorry, I didn't come across it.

So they announced on Raw that in 3 weeks (I think) there will be the new Slammy Awards. I for one am excited. I used to love the Slammys. Though, I'll admit, its a shame they can't have Owen steal one again :(

The only categories they've said so far that I can remember are Superstar of the Year and Diva of the Year. They said one or two more but I forget what they are. Personally, I think they would be best suited to give Superstar of the Year to Edge. He's made the most impact. Diva, come on, that's definitely Mickie.

But...they'll probably give Superstar to Cena/HHH/Batista and they'll probably give Diva to Maria or Kelly.

If they do a "Rookie of the Year" or "New Sensation" or whatever they want to call it, I can't see it being Manu, Swagger, Spears, Ortiz, Neely, Gabriel, Primo, Ezekiel, Goldman, or Braddock. This narrows it down to Cody Rhodes, Kofi Kingston, Evan Bourne, Ted DiBiase, and Vladimir Kozlov.

If I had to pick between those, Cody's the one who has accomplished the most.

Your thoughts on what's going to happen?
Man, I'm excited about this. I used to love these things. Owen Hart glorifying them to high hell. Great times.

I'm also excited about a 3 hour show, which should promise some good matches in between the awards presentations. I'm really interested to see how winning an award will result in pushes for some of the Divas and midcarders. I missed this concept, because it was always a great way to result in pushes for guys. Like the King of the Ring on a mini scale.

I'm expecting Cena to sweep a lot of categories, whether he fully deserves it or not. My prediction is Cena will win Superstar of the Year on merit of overcoming all the odds - twice - to win the Rumble and the WHC, but considering his not being anywhere near the title for half the year, I doubt he deserves it truly. I think another realistic prediction, perhaps not as likely as Cena, though, would be Orton - I mean, he was ranked #1 by PWI this year, after all. His injury will hurt him, however, and he didn't get an epic return build up like Cena did.

My personal candidate for Superstar of the Year is Edge, who has now had 3 title reigns this year, and put on 3 fantastic matches in his WM match with 'Taker, the TLC, and the HIAC match. All brilliant, and I'm certain one of them is up there for Match of the Year. Unfortunate that the break had to happen, but considering he had a return far more shocking than Cena's, I think he deserves it.

I assume we'll get a Match of the Year, and I can only assume of Edge and 'Taker's confrontations will win. I personally support the WM confrontation - TLC and HIAC were also great, but WM just had the WM magic. The whole thing was a great match from start to finish. I expect that Triple H's Fatal Four Way at Backlash will get nominated, as will Cena - Batista at SS.
this a real nice concept i like it. i see orton winning superstar of the year basically because before he was injured and lost the title he was carrying the raw brand beating people such as triple h,jericho,hbk,hardy and both trips and cena at the biggest event in the wwe wrestlemania so i think orton is very derseving of that category. match of the year will probably be ric vs shawn at wm maybe either that or one of taker and edge's matches but i cant wait for it basically any 3 hour show with some concept im down for it.
I'm hoping that this is being used as a prop for a storyline. Owen Hart and his slammy's were a great pairing and they were used to help Hart, so I hope they are used the same way again. Some cocky heel(Orton?) should win one as a way to let everyone know that he is the best, or maybe give Santino one so he can gloat even more about being great.

As for who I would choose to win Best Superstar & Best Diva, it would probably be Edge & Michelle McCool/Mickie James. Edge has had 3 title regins, a headlining feud, great matches and was the top heel this year. The only other people I think will even be considered is Cena & Orton, but both missed time due to injuries and 2008 wasn't there years. For diva's Mickie is obvious since she is the top diva in the WWE, won the women's title, beat Beth and had some great matches. McCool is probably controversial but it makes sence. She improved alot this year, had great matches with Maryse & Natayla, and also was the first ever Diva's champion(the belt might not mean alot to us, but it is still an accomplishment). But the best reason for McCool to win, is storyline purposes. If McCool wins this could be a way to turn her heel. Have her constantly brag and be cocky about her title & slammy and it would make her easily hated.

Whoever wins any award's it doesn't matter to me just as long as something interesting comes out of this(which sadly probably won't happen), I'm excited regardless.
I think i watched the slammy's once...for some reason todd pettengill singing horribly is the only thing I remember. I'm not really interested in the slammys, but someone jog my memory....are they awarded based on fan votes, or is it all storyline driven? I ask because if its storyline driven, then, well...whoop de doo (laced with sarcasm).
Supposedly these are the categories:

Superstar of the Year.
--I still say the only people that should be in contention for this are Edge, Orton, Hardy, and maybe Undertaker. But they'll probably give it to Cena or Batista, unfortunately.

Match of the Year.
--Why do I have the feeling that they're going to give this to Cena vs. Batista at Summerslam just to make it seem like the feud is better than it is? It really should go to Edge/Undertaker WM24.

OMG Moment of the Year./"Damn!" moment of the year./Extreme Moment of the Year.
--Why they have all three of these, but no "rookie of the year", I have no clue. Extreme will probably be Hardy doing his Swanton onto Orton off the top of that...whatever it was. I have no clue what they'd be planning for "Damn" and "OMG".

Diva of the Year.
--I personally think it should be Mickie, but they'll probably give it to Maria due to the Playboy thing. Its either that or they'll give it to Michelle for being Diva's champion or Kelly as a means of giving her something to possibly get into a feud with (maybe with Katie or Jillian out of jealousy), as Kelly is not in any title contention right now but has been improving. She'll probably be involved in a push by WrestleMania, so this may be the start of it.

Tag Team of the Year.
--There's only one choice here. Hands down, easily, 100%, without a shadow of a doubt, no questions asked, its definitely Morrison and Miz. Watch them crap out and pick Funaki/R-Truth haha. I think I'd stop watching wrestling all together. If we had vBookies on the Slammys (hey, maybe a good idea if we hear nominees ahead of time), I'd risk every single thing I have on Morrison and Miz winning this.

Best Musical Performance.
--????? C'mon. They should've had Rookie of the Year and given it to Cody Rhodes or Kofi Kingston. This is just an excuse for Jillian to sing, and they'll probably give it to Lillian's horrendous performance of her own garbage CD.

Best Finishing Maneuver.
--It'll most likely be either Undertaker's gogoplatypus or the RKO, but there's a chance they could give it to Bourne. I really hope its not Kozlov's ******ed looking "headbutt" (aka, the "obviously just pushing my hands into the person half the time with my head not coming close to them")

Couple of the Year.
--Santino and Beth. Nobody else that was a couple is still in the WWE that I can remember. We had a short thing with Dykstra/Victoria which went nowhere and Dykstra's gone as it is, we had a short Cena/Mickie thing, Layla/Noble went nowhere, Regal/Layla has done nothing so far.
I didnt watch the WWF back when these were around so i have no idea what these are about but im guessing its your typical award show just storyline based.....which sucks.
I'd rather they let the Fans Vote via or that stupid txt thing they do, then you can believe the answer to be authentic. I can see the majority of the categories being dominated by the main eventers but think it could be a great way to start storylines.

Heres My Picks:
-Superstar of the Year.
Jeff Hardy (WWE's Probable : Cena)
i dont think theres nobody better this year, he's been awesome, but they will go with Cena after his Rumble and title Win. Maybe The Undertaker for his Wrestlemania win over Edge.

-Match of the Year.
Jeff Hardy Vs Shawn Micheals on Raw (probable: Taker/Edge Mania)
This match was great back and forth action, unpredictable and great ending. Dont think anybody expected Jeff to get the win. i think the Taker/Edge mania match should get it though if the hardy/HBK match doesnt, Both men put on unbelieveable performances and after it made me stand and applaud.

-OMG Moment of the Year.
Hardys Swanton of the scaffolding (probable: Same)
This was amazing, one of the most crazy stunts i've ever seen so much could have gone wrong and yet it all went perfect WWE would be fools if he didnt get the award for it becuase theres not anything else that has come close to that this year

-Diva of the Year.
Beth Phoenix (Probable: Beth Phoenix)
She Reclaimed the Womans Championship and had those excellent Segmants with Santino i can't see anybody else winning this

-"Damn!" moment of the year.
That Stupid Dancing thing from the 800th Raw (probable: Same)
i've put this as its the only ''Damn'' moment i remember from this year.

-Tag Team of the Year.
Dibiase Jnr/Rhodes (Probable: Miz/Morrison)
i choose Di Biase and Rhodes due to the fact that since Di Biase's Debut that team has been on an incrediable Role capturing the tag titles twice beating Cena/Batista in the process. but i think the WWE will go with Miz And Morrison as they seem to be building them up recently so it seems logical to give them it.

-Best Musical Performance.
i dont care about this as it has nothing to do with anything. what a stupid award, has there even been any live musical perfomances this year apart from Mania.

-Best Finishing Maneuver.
RKO (Probable: FU or Batista Bomb)
i chose the RKO cos i love how it can just be applied in an instant. Randys Head punt is also a fave of mine. They will go with the FU or BB cos its used by the biggest stars

-Extreme Moment of the Year.
i thought this is the same as the OMG moment

-Couple of the Year.
Santino/Beth (Probable: Vicky/Edge)
The Santino/Beth relationship has been one of the most entertaining segments this summer and i hope it wins, but the vicky Edge one has gone all year round and with the reapperance of edge i see this winning
-Superstar of the Year: It's down to Edge or Orton, really, even though both men went down with injuries. Edge headlined his first Wrestlemania this year and as somebody already said; had three title reigns, whereas this was the year Orton elevated his game to solidify himself as a main event player. Batista hasn't done anything important all year and aside from his Rumble win and return, neither has Cena but I wouldn't be surprised if WWE awarded him Superstar of the Year (wasn't it "Entertainer" now?)

-Match of the Year: Woo, this is a toss up. Who knows what criteria they'll even be judging on, if they'll even be judging instead of just asking Vince what match he liked best. It'll most likely be a Wrestlemania match though, so probably Money In The Bank.

-OMG Moment of the Year: What the fuck does this even mean? Isn't this pretty much "Extreme" moment?

-Diva of the Year: Beth Phoenix; if she doesn't win it, really, it's highway robbery. No other diva has been as dominant. Beth Phoenix was beating other divas left and right before Michelle McDrool won the Barbie's title.

-"Damn!" moment of the year: John Cena's return. Kidding, of course WWE will never do that. Shit, I don't even know. Every RAW has a moment or two that makes you shake your head in disbelief, there are just too many to count but I'll probably go with Hornswoggle being revealed as Vince McMahon's illigitimate child (NAWT), only because that was initially supposed to be a serious storyline that would have culminated with WWE Champion--KENNEDAAAAAY!



-Tag Team of the Year: Miz and Morrison, there's no competition, really.

-Best Musical Performance: I don't even know why waste an award on this; there are only two possible nominees and one of them isn't even a real singer; it's a gimmick. Funny if Jillian sang a duet with The Honky Tonky man, though.

-Best Finishing Maneuver: Either "The Devil's Triangle" or Bourne's Shooting Star.

-Extreme Moment of the Year: Any one of Jeff Hardy's spots.

-Couple of the Year: NoFate007 said Glamerella? How about the power couple? Edge and Vickie. Really, an year-long storyline centered around the world title, with marriage and all. It's a shoe-in, especially now that they're apparently reunited. Wonder if Big Show will turn face and go afte Edge and Vickie now.
Superstar of the Year.
Hardy has had a great year but the whole suspension really hurt his momentum and I don't see him getting it. Cena & Orton both were injured during the year and I don't no if they will win. I think The Undertaker & Triple H may win since both have had a solid year. Edge is another big possibility, with his title runs, his great feud with Taker, and also the whole familia stable so I wouldn't be surprised if he one. Batista may be a long shot but I don't think he deserves it.

Match of the Year.
The Undertaker Vs. Edge match at WM 24, it probably the best choice and will probably win. The match had good intensity, drama, crowd reaction, and taker & Edge had good chemistry together. Other possibilities include Cena/Batista at SS(nothing spectecular but it's two of the biggest stars)Jeff Hardy Vs. HBK(a very solid match, with both guys giving it there all but nothing stands out. A far far far darkhorse(it has no chance) is the Melina Vs. Beth(Last WOman Standing Match. While I don't think anybody think's it is the match of the year, it certaintly is the Diva match of the year and deserves recognition. Maybe they will do a female version(probably not)but if so other matches include Beth Vs. Mickie Vs. Melina as well as an unpopular pick of Maryse Vs. McCool on ECW.

OMG Moment of the Year. This might be the Vince almost being killed but the explosion and such but really it wasn't very intense or OMG worthy. Hardy's swanton off the titantron is another big possibility and will probably win but I think it might get considered for extreme moment so I'm not sure.

Diva of the Year.
Like I said I think McCool should win it. She has accomplished and improved alot and this could help feud a possible Maria/McCool feud. I just hope it isn't the other way around and Maria get's the award(for her stupid pointless Playboy angle). Melina would have been a possibility if she was never injured since she was at a peak and when she turned face she was receving big pops and had some great matches with Beth. Pheonix & Mickie are both other options, both held the titles, had various moments with men(Santino & Cena)and Mickie is the most over diva so you can't count her out.

Tag Team of the Year.
It's down to either Priceless or Miz/Morrison. Ryder/Hawkins had a promising start once they became a part of familia but were only used as jobbers and they won they belts and did nothing with them. Miz/Morrison are my picks since they had a pretty decent run with the belts, although nothing stand's out with their tag run. Priceless has had the belts twice and are being pushed pretty good on Raw(or Cody is anyways)so they have a chance. Cryme Time are a long shot but they haven't accomplished anything so I don't see this happening.

Best Finishing Maneuver.
I can see John Cena and the great FU picking up the win. I hope they don't just try to appease the fans with these awards and give everything to Cena, Batista, and HHH. I would probably choose RKO since it's a high impact, quick and lethal move. There really isn't too many "flashy" finishing moves(maybe the Swanton?)

Couple of the Year.
It's either Santino/Beth or Edge/Vickie. I think Santino and Beth should win it but with Vickie being a GM and all I can see her and Edge winning. Both couple had a pretty good storyline and both were pretty entertaining. No other "couples" compare to thoes.
-Couple of the Year: NoFate007 said Glamerella? How about the power couple? Edge and Vickie. Really, an year-long storyline centered around the world title, with marriage and all. It's a shoe-in, especially now that they're apparently reunited. Wonder if Big Show will turn face and go afte Edge and Vickie now.

Wow, I totally forgot about Vickie and Edge. They're the new favorite. If anybody wins and its not them, it'll be Glamarella, but yeah, Vickie and Edge seemingly being back together means that they'll be the winners of this - even if she "rigs it".

Not sure they'll turn Big Show face, but its a possibility now that Umaga is going to be returning soon.

Oh and I forgot that Orton's punt has a very solid chance of winning the Best Finisher award. That's been featured very heavily this year.
Superstar of the Year: I would give this to either Undertaker, Edge, or maybe Orton. Undertaker has had great matches from the beginning of the year. Edge has been working his ass off and become the most hated heel in the company. His matches with Undertaker have been great and his return at Survivor Series was also pretty cool. And Orton has really solidified his place atop the Raw roster as one of or the best heel on Raw. I would have to go with Edge.

Match of the Year: Undertaker vs. Edge at WM24, Chris Jericho vs. Shawn Michaels (I don't remember where), or Triple H vs. John Cena at Night of Champions. Undertaker and Edge was one hell of a match but everybody knew Taker would win because it was at Wrestlemania. If it was at a different pay-per-view then maybe it would have been better, but it was still a great match. Chris Jericho and Shawn Michaels had plenty of awesome matches so I couldn't pick just one. This feud was one of the greatest of the year and these two put on one hell of a show. Now, maybe it was just because I was there but Cena and HHH was one great match. This seemed like the best match of the night and the crowd was deffinately into it. I would pick Taker vs. Edge WM24.

OMG Moment: This is dumb but I'll give an award anyway. Vince getting crushed by the big money. So Stupid.

Diva of the Year: Beth Pheonix deserves this more than any other diva out there. She's one of the rare divas that can actually wrestle and of them she's the best.

Damn! Moment of the Year: I know people don't see the difference in some of these awards but I do. I will give this award to John Cena's return at the Royal Rumble. This was completely shocking. And when I saw it, I said damnit! because I thought I still had 3 months of not having to see his ass on WWE TV!

Tag Team of the Year: Well there wasn't a whole lot of tag teams out there. But my nominees would have to be Miz & Morrison or Priceless. These were the only two I could think of as seriuous competitors for this award. M&M has really done good this year. They dominate ECW and are good wrestlers. Priceless is amazing. You got a Randy Orton in the making in DiBiase, and Cody Rhodes who is getting better all the time. I'm a big fan of their's and hope they win this award. I give it to Priceless.

Best Musical Performance: WTF? I can't even think of one nominee.

Best Finishing Move: The RKO, Devil's Triangle, or Bourne's Shooting Star Press. The RKO is cool because it can come out of nowhere. I like the Devil's Triangle but it's not as good as the RKO or SSP. The shooting star press would get move of the year if they had that catagory. Evan Bourne is amazing and his SSP is even amazing-er. I give it to the SSP.

Extreme Moment of the Year: Jeff Hardy jumping off the big thing onto Orton. That was freaking awesome!

Couple of the Year: Gotta give it to Vickie/Edge. There's nobody else to go against... well beseides Glamarella. But that's stupid.
Okay, well I've never seen a Slammy Awards on a WWE show in my life so it will be a new experience to me. And from what I hear, it sounds entertaining and unique. I will give details on who I think deserves the award, not who the WWE choose.

-Superstar of the Year.
Jeff Hardy. Simple as that. Nobody has worked off as hard as what Jeff did this year. 2008 basically turned him into a legimate main eventer and gave Hardy many opportunities to challenge for the WWE Championship. Not to mention the consistant good matches he's had with Triple H, Undertaker, The Brian Kendrick, Shawn Michaels and many more.

-Match of the Year.
To be honest, there's been no stand out match to me this year. There's been plenty of great ones, but no true classics. I'm probably have to go with Edge vs The Undertaker from One Night Stand in a TLC match. I personally love that match with all the high spots. The Money in the Bank match this year was great too. Batista vs John Cena was great as was Shawn Michaels vs Chris Jericho in the Ladder Match.

-OMG Moment of the Year.
John Cena's surprise return. I was literally stunned when it happened. I was speechless for a long time. Absolutely nobody predicted he would come back so early, much less win the Royal Rumble match. Amazing moment. Honourable mentions go to CM Punk's shocking World Title win when he cashed in Money in the Bank. Both great moments. Orton retaining at Mania was also surprising to me.

-Diva of the Year.
Beth Phoenix. I'm not the biggest Beth fan, but she had a great year. A few Women's Title victories as well as being in great angles with Santino Marella. Candice and Melina were injured this year. And Mickie didn't really do a real lot.

-"Damn!" moment of the year.
Finding out that Hornswoggle was Vince McMahon's son. They wasted this great angle on a midget, who was then later revealed to be Finlay's son which made this whole angle absolutely pointless. That definately made me say "Damn!".

-Tag Team of the Year.
John Morrison and The Miz. These two had a superb year. Both are basically considered upper mid-carders and have defeated almost every tag team in the WWE, including the Hardy's. They even had a competetive match against DX. Both have improved drastically this year and the Miz especially, proved to the world that he is indeed worth keeping around. It also made me realize that Morrison will almost certainly be a main eventer someday in the WWE. No other tag team came close to what these two accomplished in 2008.

-Best Musical Performance.
I can't recall any memorable musical performances this year, so there's no way I can take this award seriously. Lillian Garcia will probably get it from singing a musical performance that slipped everyone's mind, due to nobody really giving a shit about it.

-Best Finishing Maneuver.
Randy Orton's punt to the head. He took out CM Punk (as well as costing him the World Title), Triple H, John Cena, Ted Dibiase and many more. It worked efficiantly in angles more so than in matches. The WWE will probably give it to the Undertaker's Triangle Choke or whatever they call it. That move looks unique and even took out a few superstars too, including Khali and Mark Henry. Special mention to Evan Bourne's amazing shooting star press.

-Extreme Moment of the Year.
Jeff Hardy doing his Swanton Bomb from that 30 foot post onto Randy Orton back in January. Even though it didn't come off as being very realistic, it was pretty awesome watching it and it certainly left me in shock. One of the most memorable moments I've ever seen.

-Couple of the Year.
I really can't decide between Glamarella and Edge & Vickie. On one hand, Glamarella were extremely entertaining on Raw. They were involved in great angles and really made me laugh hard almost every single week. They still do. Both won the Womens Title and the Intercontinental Title. On the other hand, Edge won a few World Titles this year on Smackdown mainly because of Vickie Guerrero. Who was his lover and General Manager.

They took up a very large amount of showtime on Smackdown, which was also their downfall. Seeing those two get the upper hand every single week was far too repetitive and almost made me wonder why I watched the show. The draft helped things thankfully. I still can't decide though as both teams were great heels in their own way with great success.
Superstar of the Year: For me this is out of Cena, Edge and The Undertaker. The have both had great years and have one plenty titles this year. They have all had very good title reigns regardless of what anyone else says, and they have all been a great leaders for the company and the brands where they have held the respective belts. Edge for me sticks out the most as the superstart fo the year, he has had a great feud, shown excellent performing skills, and has put on along with The Undertaker one of the best matches ever.

Match of the Year. I think this goes to The Undertaker vs Edge at SummerSlam, Hell In A Cell is allways a briliant Stipulation and this match, along with the performers did'nt disapoint. From the bell rang they were at eachother's throats, Edge and The Undertaker had some great table spots and the spear through the cell was predictable but also another great spot. The match had everything, it even brought up parts from their previous matches which i thought was amazing. They both showed great heel and face psychology throughout the match too

Extreme Moment: I'd have to say Hardy jumping off the titron onto Orton, that really was OMG! Another moment they could do was the undertaker vs Edge ring spot in which Edge went to "hell". The crowd definently were like "WOW!". Another WOW! moment was also Morrison's huge backflip off of the ladder in the Money In The Bank match at WrestleMania 24, the crowd were well and truly stunned at that.

Diva of the Year: I'd have to give this to someone like Mickie James, i seen a few matches at the beginning of the year but i lost intrest in the diva's division. But the matches i have seen have mainly been good whenever Mickie is involved.

Tag Team of the Year: This is esily Miz and Morrison, they have had a great year with holding the Tag Champions belts and beating whoever was in their path. They have outshone anyother tag team in the WWE by a mile and deserve to get anawrd for their great work on ECW's Dirt Sheet

Best Musical Performance: I have a feeling Jillan will get this prestigious award...:lmao: Who else has sang in the WWE? So yeah, i'do with Jillian.

Best Finishing Maneuver: As a Taker fan it would have to be the Goglaplata, it is seemingly devastating when applied and has knocked out a few people, the fake blood after the move is lame though. Another in contention is Kozlov, the headbutt he does has certainly "hurt" a few people and looks very destructive

Couple of the Year: Obviously Santino and Beth AKA Glamarella, they have been a great couple on RAW and have really ma RAW entertaining to watch these past few weeks and months. No one else has been a couple apart from the DJ Gabriel and Alicia Fox which you can't really include them in the awards.

Another contender is Edge and Vickie, posibly the best heel couple around and many fans were sucked in by the brilliant acting and performing skills during their feud with The Undertaker
Superstar of the Year.

I can't honestly see this award going to anyone who has been away for several months so that eliminates Cena, Orton, Edge, and Taker. Jeff has had a very good 2008 but i honestly see the award going to Jericho. IC title win, furthering his own record, fueding with HBK, beating 4 other top stars for the WHC and then defeating HBK, Punk AND Batista in succession for the WHC as well (sure he did lose it briefly to Batista but you COULD blame that on Austin), and that's ALL within a year of making his return to the ring.

Match of the Year.
Yo Mysterio fan, would you care to point out when there was EVER a LMS match between Melina and Beth? There was an 'I Quit' match that in fact played out as a submission match, but i don't ever recall a LMS match between ANY divas.
I'm not sure who i'd give this award to tbh. Does it have to be a 1 on 1 match, because i'm inclined to give it to Raw's EC match at NWO, but i'm sure it'll go to Batista v Cena

OMG Moment of the Year. Probably will be Edge getting sent to Hell. Either that or Vince getting crippled.

Extreme Moment of the year: Probably Jeff off the titantron rigging, or Jeff off the top of the lorry at ONS on Umaga, or maybe they'll have Orton punting Punk, Cena in a flaming car at GAB, or Taker crashing through the tables at ONS, or hell maybe even Jeff Hardy simply defeating Taker in an extreme rules match.

Damn! Moment of the year: Lol, i assume we mean things that would make Ron Simmons crop and say Damn! Well i'll go with Santino and Honkey Tonk Man having a dance off during their IC title match

Diva of the Year.
McCool? F'n McCool? Are you shittin' me? What the fuck has she done except win the Butterfly title? I ask you? There is no way in hell this award won't go to a Raw Diva and it's got to go to the Glamazon, Beth Phoenix for maintaining her dominance over the Women's division. This diva has not only obliterated everyone who didn't execute a quick roll up, but she's beaten a man this year AND won her team 2 titles in one match! Beth Phoenix ftw!

Tag Team of the Year.
If Miz and Morrison don't win this it's going to be a disgrace. Priceless have done nothing of merit in the tag division at all. They won the tag titles by beating Hardcore Holly up. They regained them from Cena/Batista because they were fighting each other and now they've lost them again! How does that compare to Miz and Morrison who were never pinned for their tag team titles (and got no rematch btw), who have shat all over every other proper tag team on all three brands (except DX but hey what did you expect? At least they had the cojones to take them on) and Morrison was the final man on their SSeries team this year. Gotta go with M&M

Best Finishing Maneuver.

I agree that the punt will most likely win. That move not only helped Orton retain his title at WM this year, but also completely changed the landscape of the WHC race on Raw back at Unforgiven.

Couple of the Year.
Hmm, so we have a HOF widower and the ultimate opportunist, the most successful diva since Trish Stratus and the weakest IC champion of all of the times (and pure gold on the mic) Santino, or the 2008 KOTR and current IC champ and wasshername....... hmm, that's gotta go to Glamerella surely.

If they want to do something similar to Owen's escapades at the Slammy's it should definitley be done by Santino. Can you imagine how much he'd brag and strut if he won 2 Slammy awards?
Superstar of the Year.: This one has to go to Cena. He is the company's biggest star and no one else deserves this more then him. Only people that come close are Edge because he is such a great heel and really owns smackdown with Trips, Batista because he is arguably the company's 3rd biggest star, and he deserves something.

Match of the Year.: Undertaker and Edge at WM24. This was an amazing match, and every time I watch it I'm instantly drawn in. This is easily my second favorite match of the year, and I really can't think of many better then this match.

OMG moment: It will either go to Jeff's swanton onto Orton from the top of the metal thing, or the stage collapsing on Vince. The one I really can see winning this is the stage collapsing on Vince, because that was easily the biggest moment this year, and I see WWE giving that the award.

Diva of the Year : I think this should go to Beth. She came back and completely dominated the womens division on RAW. She has been the biggest diva in the WWE, and is a great heel diva. I can't really see anyone else win this over her because no one deserves it more then her.

Tag Team of the Year: This goes to Miz and Morrisson. When these two teamed up I thought it would suck. Then they won the tag titles, improved in the ring, and have become a great tag team. They both improved greatly during their stint as a tag team, and I enjoy every one of their matches.

Best Finisher: I see either the Pedigree or STFU winning this. Both are always over hyped about how awesome they are, and I don't see WWE giving it to any other. The real winner should be the RKO but seeing as Trips and John are the companys main focus I see one of those winning. Don't get me wrong their great moves but I think it should go to the RKO

Couple of the Year: I think this one is easy. Edge and Vickie. The only reason Edge got the title most of the times is because of Vickie, and they were possibly the most dominant couple on Smackdown ever, and they deserve this. They were a huge reason I watched Smackdown, and I really can't see another couple winning this.
Superstar of the Year: As much as I would like Jeff Hardy to take this award, I believe with his current storyline and everything that it won't be possible... If he had won the Title I would say easily superstar of the year but since he hasn't I'll have to disagree.... My guess would be Jericho,many other superstars such as Orton and Cena have been injured for part of 2008 and to help pick up the slack Jericho elevated his game to a new level.

Match of the Year: This will easily be Edge vs Undertaker in HiaC. Edge fit the role that Mick Foley set him up for perfectly in the match and even with Undertaker's career slowly coming to an end, as with his abilities in the ring the both put on an electrifying match that ended with everyone completely stunned.

Extreme Moment: I'd give this to Jeff Hardy and his Swanton onto Randy Orton, not much garners Extreme anymore in wrestling but Jeff Hardy is doing his best to hold onto the last bit of Extreme left and this swanton shows it.

Diva of the Year: Beth Phoenix really has to win this one she is one of the rare few in the womens division that can actually keep people interested in a match, mainly due to the fact that she can wrestle and is almost an unstoppable force.

Tag Team of the Year: Miz and Morrison, each emulate off each other bringing the best out. Morrison went into this tag team as the future star and Miz went into the tag team and the dead weight willing to be carried, but together they have each elevated there game to legitimize that they deserve to be in the WWE and are the strength off a very weak tag division.

Best Musical Performance: Jillian

Best Finishing Maneuver: RKO, I haven't heard any fans chant the name of any other finishers lately as much as they do for the RKO, and oddly enough it's with Orton's "heel" character that they do it for. People love to see this move and the fact that it comes out of nowhere, is fast, and lethal make this the best move.

Couple of the Year: Santino and Beth should win this one but they'll probably give it to Edge and Vickie since they've had more air time, personally I think that Glamerella is more entertaining and more deserving then Vickie and Edge.
I'm going with what I feel should be the winners, and not what WWE thinks, although I will make it where it can seem logical that they could be picked.

Superstar of the Year: - I actually think that Chris Jericho has it won this year. Other choices could be Cena and Orton, who were injured, Edge, who was out for a bit this year. and Batista, who has done nothing this year besides an 8 day title reign. Chris Jericho with the short time he's been back already held the Intercontinental Title and the World Heavyweight Title twice.

Match of the Year: - I say, like many others that it will be Undertaker vs. Edge at Wrestlemania 24. Iit had that Wrestlemania flavor, and the feel of the crowd and everything more. I say this wins, if not, then that Ladder match with Jericho and Michaels at No Mercy or Undertaker vs. Edge in the Hell in a Cell match.

OMG moment: - I'm thinking either CM Punk cashing in and winning the world title or Chris Jericho punching Shawn Michaels wife. If I had to pick one, it would be Jericho punching HBK's wife. It was a new twist and was one of the many things to upgrade the Jericho heel turn.

Diva of the Year: - It will either be Michelle McCool or Beth Pheonix. Beth is the most dominate diva on raw and has doen alot this year, being women's champion on 2 occasions I believe. Or I see McCool win it, especially if they plan on this heel turn, it could work and she could get snobby and easily hated with her attitude. If I had to pick, Ii'd say McCool.

Tag Team of the Year: - Miz and Morrison hands down. Can you think of any other team that was done more than these two as a team this year? I can't, the only team coming close, which still isn't close enough is Team Priceless, who were tag team champions twice this year, which on one reign, defeating Batista and Cena. But Miz and Morrison had a long title reign and have beat almost every team they fought. If they don't win, then it will be a highway robbery.

Best Finisher: - It's either Orton's punt kick or Taker's Devil's Triangle. The Punt Kick and The Devils Triangle have been heavily pushed on their respective brands, but I see the Punt Kick winning because of how far Orton has gone this year. So the punt kick I believe takes it.

Couple of the Year: - Either Glamarella or Vickie/Edge, and with the "reuniting" of sorts with Edge and Vickie, I say they win because they're back now and are the power couple of the WWE, if anyone else wins, like I said, it's Glamarella, but Vickie and Edge is the main choice.
So the Superstar of the year nominees were announced tonight on Raw.

Triple H
Jeff Hardy
John Cena
Chris Jericho

I was kind of shocked not to see Orton since he did have the WWE title during some of 2008 and had a pretty decent year. I think other than that it's a pretty good line up.

Triple H: Had a solid year, winning the WWE title and he has been holding it for a pretty long time(longer than any of the other champions who are nominated this year). As for being the superstar of the year, I just don't know if he has done enough or had the hype this year. After the trade to smackdown he had to duds of feuds(Edge & Khali)and to semi interesting but drawn out feuds with Hardy & Kozlov, nothing that "screams superstar of the year".

Jeff Hardy: My personal choice but I'm not sure if he will win it either. There is no denying this is the best year for Hardy. He had a mainevent feud with Orton and has been given many PPV title shots. He held the IC title, and had a pretty good feud with HHH and now is involved in a pretty big angle. The suspension really hurt the momentum he had in the Orton feud and I think will cost him.

Edge: Had a great year and would probably be the IWC's choice. His matches with Taker have been all solid(at the very least)and the feud was top notch. The whole Famila thing was good(but disapointing)and him and Vickie were the power couple, but with Edge just coming back from being sent to "hell" by The Undertaker will Edge's earlier accomplishments win out?

John Cena: While he is now adored by most of the IWC(at least on here)this really wasn't his year. The Royal Rumble return and winning it was amazing and exciting. But he was jobbed out at WM and had pointless feuds with JBL and a less then exciting feud with Batista. His injury also took some momentum away, but with his World Heavyweight Title win along with being the most popular superstar in the WWE right now, will it be enough to take top honours?

Chris Jericho: This really is the Cinderella story of the year, I do believe. He came here to "Save Us" but was quickly turned into a face midcarder. He won the IC belt and lost it, but it wasn't until he turned into more than just a comedy heel that Jericho really became legit. He had a great feud with HBK, but with two weak and short title runs and not proving to be a "draw" does that stop him from picking up the victory?

Batista: He has a good chance of winning it since he wasn't injured, suspended, or written off for a while. But really Batista didn't accomplish anything note worthy and I really can't remember what he did, so will Batista being solid but not amazing hurt him, or will his consistency pay off in the end?

All 6 had good years and I think it will be close but

Will Win: Edge, HHH, Cena, Batista, Hardy, Jericho
Should Win: Hardy, Edge, Jericho, Cena, HHH, Batista
Ok, some things are becoming even clearer...despite how many of us have been calling the same things since they first announced it. But naturally, the clearer things are going along with what the majority here thought anyway.

As it stand right now:

Superstar of the Year. - Well we have our nominees: Edge, Hardy, Jericho, Cena, Batista, and HHH. The first three I think are deserving. The last three aren't. Not a single person should be surprised if they give it to Cena or HHH, as we all know why that would happen. Batista has no real shot I think. They probably won't give it to Edge or Jericho just cause they're heels, and Hardy has a shot but you never know. Personally, I think Edge or Hardy should win it, with Jericho coming in third, then really a crapshoot. Batista is the least deserving out of all of them, and then either Cena or HHH I think.

Match of the Year. - Nominees: 2008 Royal Rumble, HBK/Flair, Money in the Bank, Undertaker vs. Edge (HIAC). WOW. WOW. WOW. Honestly, I'm actually shocked 100%. I was totally convinced that they were going to shove Cena/Batista down our throats as the best match ever and I'd be groaning with "wtf" thoughts all night. Wow. Its a tough choice, now. I don't know which one I'd vote for, but I have a feeling that they'll give it to HBK/Flair and use that as a means to answer the JBL offer. JBL made comparisons to wrestling when you're old and all, and if HBK gets a Slammy for that match, he could do that whole "you know what, we won best match, and Flair was older than dirt, so I'm going to keep wrestling" thing.

OMG Moment of the Year./"Damn!" moment of the year./Extreme Moment of the Year. - Still no clue what differentiates the three categories, but one of them (Extreme) will be Hardy's Swanton onto Orton or his Whisper in the Wind onto Umaga, and one of them will probably be Cena's return at the Royal Rumble, and the other may be a comedic thing.

Diva of the Year. - The nominees are apparently Mickie, Kelly, Beth, and Michelle. Michelle will only win it due to being Diva's champion (which is hardly noteworthy), Mickie will win it if they want the fans to cheer since she's the most popular, Beth has a legitimate shot at winning it on her record alone, but I wouldn't rule out Kelly just yet...despite how she's the least likely to win it.

Tag Team of the Year. - If Morrison and Miz don't win this, I will eat the only hat I own.

Best Musical Performance. - Who the hell cares? This should've been one of the website ones, not one of the show ones.

Best Finishing Maneuver. - Orton's punt or Undertaker's gogoplata. No other choices have a shot. Honorable mention though to Bourne's Shooting Star Press, but in comparison to those 2 moves, it won't win.

Couple of the Year. - No matter what, its going to be either Edge/Vickie or Santino/Beth. There's no way they're going to overlook those two and give it to Layla/Regal, nor would they throw it away and give it to Cena/Mickie. It would make more sense to give it to Edge/Vickie than Glamarella, but that's still a possibility.
Superstar of the Year: Triple H should win. Face facts: he's had the most successful title reign of the year, carrying the belt for 7 months straight, dwarfing the series of month and week long title reigns the WHC got. Edge is a close second, I believe, but his recent time off hurts him as does his very poor WHC reign, losing it to Punk. Hardy hasn't had any kind of major success this year, spending the most important part of it (WM season) suspended and not getting much nearer the title than before. Jericho hasn't had anything stellar, Cena's been out and even before going out he had a pretty weak year post WM, and Batista has no chance in hell. HHH has easily been the best wrestler this year, being part of the half of the crowd that spend the whole year active, and of that half, he's the only one who had a substantial title reign to his credit, a good, long, 7 monther.

Match of the Year: Out of that field, wow. If HIAC doesn't win, then there's a serious problem with the WWE. The Royal Rumble was an entertaining Rumble, but I don't think it's really deserving of any kind of consideration as a MOTY. HBK/Flair was, honestly, a broken down old man and a slightly less broken down and slightly less old man trying to make a match special when both were well out of their primes. Emotional toward the end, but not even the best WM match, let alone MOTY. MITB gets the same reasoning as Rumble. Then you stack it up with 'Taker vs Edge, who had easily the saving grace of SummerSlam (with Batista vs Cena getting a bit of that credit) and saw 'Taker give everything he had, as did Edge. Brilliant match and any world in which this HIAC match is not MOTY is a crazy, messed up world.

Surprise Moment Awards - Yeah, easy field. Swanton off the ring set, Cena return, and probably Beth kissing Santino.

Diva of the Year - Maryse is apparently no longer a contender, so I have ceased to care at all. Probably Mickie, because she's uber over. Or Kelly, to push her toward a title shot/reign.

Tag Team of the Year - Hmm. Either Miz and Morrison or Priceless, I give the edge to Miz and Morrison for a longer title reign and that DiBiase is out right now. Knowing WWE, they'll probably give us Cena and Batista as tag team of the year.

Best Musical Performance - ? How many musical performances have there been? Jillian's crazy shit? Santio rapping? What is this madness? Probably going to hype Jillian to high hell only to have Santino win.

Best Finisher - I assume it's a new finisher, in which case Hell's Gate (the gogoplata, they called it Devil's Triangle, now Hell's Gate) is easily the winner. Perhaps Bourne's SSP with a dark horse win, as it is really a gorgeous SSP.

Couple of the Year - Edge and Vickie. There's no other couple even worth mentioning, not even sad little Beth and Santino.
superstar of the year has to be edge. this guy has done it all been entertaining and won more matches then anybody else has.

match of the year. hard one either TLC at one night stand or hell in a cell at summerslam. for me it may be a surprise but i will say the TLC it had more spots and was way more entertaining and who thought that edge would really win i know i didn't

surprise moment would be Y2J punching HBK wife or Cenas return. it will end up being Vince probably and lead along further with this Mcmahons storyline

diva of the year easy Beth wins by a long shot enough said

musical performance well who gives a shit really i don't

tag team easy Miz and Morrison here and if not there is something wrong

best finisher is RKO or Triangle choke. or punt to head i will go with punt to head because of how many superstars he injured this year.
Superstar of the Year.
I say triple h should win it he had such a long title reign this year.
Match of the Year.
Edge vs Taker wm 24 enough said

OMG Moment of the Year."Damn!" moment of the year.Extreme Moment of the Year.
when Jericho returned for omg moment but i have no clue about the others

Diva of the Year.
Beth Phoenix she is such a good diva she is hot and can wrestle, so hands down her
Tag Team of the Year.
miz and Morrison because of the tag championship run and the all around greatness of their team.
Best Musical Performance.
this is the worst subject for the slammys but i guess i will say lillian
Best Finishing Maneuver.
Im hoping its the spear or the RKO the best 2 finishers in wwe

Couple of the Year.
--Santino Marella and Beth Phoenix they are so funny and Beth is good in the ring so definitely them no other couples have really done anything
Superstar of the Year.
Edge. The guy just rules and has had some awesome matches, especially with The Undertaker.

Match of the Year.
I want to say Edge v. Taker at WM24, but I gotta go with Flair/Michaels at WM 24. That was hard to watch. I'm surprised though Michaels/Jericho matches didn't get any noms.

OMG Moment of the Year
Hardy's Swantom bomb, Cenas return at the Rumble even though I hated it,Punk cashing in MITB on RAW

"Damn!" moment of the year
That stupid dancing in the ring on the 800th episode thing, or Melina's ring entrance

Extreme Moment of the Year
Morrisons moonsault with the ladder in MITB. It was gold.

Diva of the Year
Beth Phoenix has got to take it. Everyone on this list she has destroyed. They might give it to Mickie because she's so popular. I'm thinking they'll give it to McCool for storyline purposes, plus she'll get booed, but Beth beat her in the Champ vs. Champ match.

Tag Team of the Year
Easily Miz and Morrison. They're great together than separately although now Morrison is in line for a solo push.

Best Musical Performance
Anything Lillian or Jillian I guess. Who cares really?

Best Finishing Maneuver
The RKO or the Glam Slam. Both are awesome.

Couple of the Year
Gotta be Glamarella. Serious entertainment value and guarantees Santino's job for a while. They're to great together, plus it actually softened Beth.
So two new categories/nominations were revealed today:

Diva of the Year:
Mickie James
Kelly Kelly
Beth Pheonix
Michelle McCool

I see this coming down to Pheonix or McCool with Michelle winning(unless it's fan voted then Mickie's winning this.

Kelly get's the nod for how much she has improved in the ring, but she hasn't done anything note worthy.

Mickie had a less then memorable run as the women's title but it was also her 4th reign(tieing lita)and she also is the biggest star and fan favorite of all the divas and could be a dark house.

Pheonix would be the IWC's choice and she did have a very solid year. Who title reign was pretty good and her Melina feud was top notch aswell as her having some great matches.

McCool has also accomplished alot during this year. She has became the top face on smackdown and won the diva's title. She also has improved alot but I'm not sure she wilL be able to beat Pheonix.

Match of the Year:
Ric Flair Vs. HBK
Royal Rumble
Money in the Bank
The Undertaker Vs. Edge

I think the MITB & Rumble cancell each other out. Both were solid and had great spots but I don't see them winning. While the IWC and myself loved the taker vs. edge match the HBK Vs. Flair match was very emotional and I cannot see the WWE not awarding Flair and HBK the award.
They've announced some more nominees:

OMG Moment of the Year = CM Punk cashes in Money in the Bank to win the World Heavyweight Title on RAW, Undertaker sends Edge to Hell at SummerSlam, Floyd Mayweather breaks Big Show’s nose at No Way Out, John Cena’s surprise return at the Royal Rumble
--No way its Mayweather. I don't think it'll be Undertaker/Edge. Between Cena's return and Punk, I have a feeling they'll give it to Cena's return. Both were a real shock, and both would be worthy of winning, but since Cena vs. Batista wasn't on the "match of the year" nominees, and I thought they'd force that down our throats, it appears as though this may be Cena's best chance at winning one of the Slammy awards. You know that they won't have him win zero...and I can't see him beating out Hardy or Edge for the Superstar of the Year award. So my guess is they'll pick Cena's return to win this.

Couple of the Year = Nominees: Santino Marella and Beth Phoenix, Edge and Vickie Guerrero, William Regal and Layla, Finlay and Hornswoggle
--Uh...Finlay/Hornswoggle??? That.....well...that just sounds wrong to group those two together in with people that are working under the gimmicks of being, you know, romantically involved. They did that before, with the ad where F/H were dancing in a field and it said "the romance". Wtf? Lol. So nothing has changed for this. It'll probably go to Edge/Vickie, but there's a chance it goes to Glamarella. No chance for the other two.

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