Sin Cara and Evan Bourne

I thought Nexus was getting shipped back to the Orton Factory. Spirit Squad style. Le sigh.

Wait, is that Nexus or The New Nexus?
I agree with you a bit there, Sam, but would you rather have them, or Santino and Kozlov?

As for Nexus, I really hope this doesn't mean that they are sticking around after WM27.
It's not going to be a tag team, just a fun one-off for a house show. I'm sure of it.
Wouldn't be shocked if WWE decided to bring back a criuserweight/light heavyweight/X division for Sin Cara to play around in while he's getting over though, which would undoubtedly include Evan Bourne. Would be the final "anything you can do we can do better" from WWE to TNA. After all, the X-Division was one of the things that made TNA an alternative to WWE back in the day.
If WWE wanted to promote Sin Cara and get him over then they should have like 15 mnute challenges with him every week to show how good he(And possibly some of the undercard) truly are.
But having a criuserweight division means WWE can give yet another "fuck you" to TNA. Can't underestimate how much Vince loves doing that.
Probably, but you bet your ass that there's someone in WWE head office that knows that TNA got a decent amount of its viewers off the back of the X-Division, and that the self same X-Division is dead in the water at TNA. He doesn't take a rocket scientist to pitch the idea that throwing guys like Gabriel, Bourne, Steamboat, Baretta, DBD and Sin Cara would be a great way to bring some of those viewers back, while giving Sin Cara an environment where he can dominate and show off his speed before moving on to the heavyweight division where the fans would be waiting for his high speed shenanigans when the heel's doing his damndest to keep him on his back.
If Rey Mysterio has taught us anything, it's that cruiserweights don't necessarily seem the most impressive when competing against their own.
But Cruiserweight vs lightheavyweight should be gold. And WWE has plenty of sub 250 guys who have worked brilliantly with Rey in the past. Im sure Sin Cara will end up working with them all.
If I had my way, I'd put Sin Cara in a program with Punk. Alternatively, if he's going to SmackDown, have Cody go over Rey and then have Sin Cara feud with Cody.

Shit, can you imagine if he fought Del Rio for the title? I'd be glad, but I'd tell anyone who would listen it's because of Cain Velasquez.
Well, Rey Mysterio post-2005. Though, admittedly, that was to conceal the fact that he was no longer the best high flyer in the world. Still, I think it can still be applied to make high flyers seem more unique and interesting.
Oh, that. I agree about how contrasting styles help some people stand out. It did Rob Van Dam a world of favors. But I disagree that it was a calculated attempt to cover up that Mysterio was no longer able to move like it's 1996. Mysterio had simply reached that level of stardom where it wouldn't have made sense for him not to compete with the top heavyweights.
It's not exactly as if the WWE's been chock full of cruiserweights since Mysterio joined anyway.

Of late, they kind of have. There's Gabriel, Danielson, Bourne, Primo, Baretta, Hunico (Incognito), Steamboat jr, Tyler Black, Tito Colon/Epico and of course recent signing Sin Cara. sure, it's not a massive amount but more than enough to have a fun little division.

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