Simpsons -V- Family Guy -V- South Park

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Simpsons, Family Guy or South Park: witch do you like best

  • Simpsons

  • Family Guy

  • South Park

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new "FN" jack

for me it's the simpsons.

Family Guy needs simpsons to survive

they don't air Family guy over here so i have to rent DVDs, and i don't watch South Park

Overall: The Simpsons
Family Guy sucks
Simpsons rule even though they where on T.V for a long ass time and its funny.
But South Park is so funny and the swaring and jokes.
my vote gows to simpsons
They are all hillariously funny in their own right and are all guilty of stealing ideas from each other, but the simpsons is the only one that most people could actually relate to and see themselves when they watch it.
I also would never let my young children watch Family guy or South Park as much as i love them.

Simpsons is a clear winner and you will never see Family guy or South park reach seasons in the double figures.
Proto Man said:
I disagree. I think Family Guy can survive well on its own without the aid of another show.

I whipe my ass with that remark. stupid ass dad, stupid ass son, smart no friends daughter, neat and tidy mum.

THAT RIPS OFF SIMPSONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111!!!!!!
Simpsons is easily the best

I used to love southpark but it got stupid after a few sieres's. 1 and 2 were good but the rest were daft and boring. The film was OK though
the film sucked the second time.

same as team america.

basketballs is the best by far.
The Simpsons for me

Family Guy is a rip-off of the Simpsons but its still funny so who cares

South Park is great too but sometimes relly on cheap jokes, "Theytookourjobs"
new "FN" jack said:
I whipe my ass with that remark. stupid ass dad, stupid ass son, smart no friends daughter, neat and tidy mum.

THAT RIPS OFF SIMPSONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111!!!!!!
The Simpsons isn't the first show w/ a dumb father.

Bart is more hell-raiser while Chris is just dumb.

Lisa is smart, but Meg really isn't. I doubt Lisa's the first daughter on TV to be unpopular.

Marge is the voice of reason more or less, similar to Lois, but Lois is definitely more flawed than Marge.

Family Guy's humor is more reference-based than The Simpsons, which is more sight-gag and physical. That, and The Simpsons has been on TV so long it's almost impossible for any other show to nto touch on story ideas it has. I believe it was covered in an episode of South Park.
but Family Guy takes simpsons ideas.

Peter became death.

Family Guy looks better than the old ass Simpsons. The Simpsons cartoon looks old but Family Guy haz better color and more ppl in there R fuckin funny than the old ass Simpsons. Family Guy is even rated TV14 and tha Simpsons is rated TVPG the more violence, cuss words, sexuality it has tha more ppl will watch it. I've seen the old asss Simpsons and dey aint dat funny but Family Guy makes me laugh all tha time it's fuckin more funnier than the Simpsons.
Family Guy doesnt have more people then simpsons.
family guy's ok, but not as funny as the simpsons. south park is only cool when you've nothing else to watch. homer's still the best
Family Guy is like a fart first it's funny, but then it smells
I fail to see that some :shit: show like Family Guy can be funnier than either The Simpsons or South Park. Nothing funny about it at all! :flipa:
Family Guy is toilet humor..... but in a bad way.
The simpsons has become the stupidest show on television and i say that having watched the new season of south park, Family guy is one of the funniest shows on television just watch a bunch of quagmire clips or somethin that isnt from the return season. and the simpson movie is gonna suuuuuck
yer i agree about south parks new series when garrison was getting a sex change they showed real footage of people getting sex changes.
Simpsons was good. After season 7 it became old and stale. So I moved to Family Guy witch I love.
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