Simpsons/Family Guy joke *SPOILER


Rigistered Post Offender
Even though this is a short clip I'm still giving a heads up to people who may not want to see any of it before it airs.

So pretty much a bunch of people are mad I guess about a rape joke in the Family Guy/Simpsons episode that is set to air soon.

There a short video in the link where you can see what all the commotion is about.

What are your thoughts on the joke and the reaction to it?
What is so offensive about it? I mean, OK, they are mentioning rape in a joke involving prank call, but who is getting offended by that?

When you say some negative racial comment or negative comment about certain group of people its offensive, when you mention rape in a prank call who is getting offended by that?Would understand if he would said that rape is ok or something like that and could see that as negative but just mentioning rape, cmon...

Besides its "Family Guy". Dont think anyone who watched more then 2 episodes of it would understand some of their jokes so seriously.
Yeah this is actually a Family Guy episode not a Simpsons episode. It's on par with the rest of it. Not a rape joke, more to show the difference between Stewie/ Bart.

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