Family Guy Vs The Simpsons

I used to be a big Simpson's fan, but now I kind of just watch it when I'm bored. It's definitely not as funny as it used to be, but the fact that they've managed to come up with enough decently funny material for 20+ seasons is impressive. Clearly enough people still find it funny.

I think it's a bit difficult to compare the two shows, because while they are both rooted in situational family comedy, the similarities sort of end there. Personally, I've never found Family Guy to be funny. I've watched tons of episodes trying to understand why my friends find it so hilarious, but it's never really done it for me.

To me, The Simpson's is a show that a lot of us probably grew up with. It's been since before I was born and I can't remember a time in my childhood when my dad didn't have it on the TV during dinner (in fact, I hear it on in the other room right now). I've had teachers play episodes of The Simpson's that relate to what we're studying (I watched the Halloween episode with Edgar Allen Poe's "The Raven" in an English class once). I think the difference in the creativity behind the story lines is what makes me like The Simpson's more. I just find it more creative than Family Guy, especially when they're making fun of something stupid (like Twilight, that episode was hilarious).
I grew up with the Simpsons, it had the charm and humor growing up, that, I just had to laugh. Nowadays, it could be better, but it's not like they're putting shit out there. Sometimes, it can even be pretty good.

Onto Family Guy, I found it to be one of my personal favorites also, like the Simpsons, it had this charm and humor, but FG, contained more edgy and abrasive humor.It was amazing for a while, and I preferred it better than the Simpsons. However, recently, unlike the Simpsons, which has just been mediocre-okay lately, Family Guy has been hit or miss. The newer episodes, I find some of them absolutely amazing. I found other ones just terrible. That's just my opinion, however.

All in all, I'd give the edge to Futu-Family Guy, just because I've found it more enjoyable lately, and comparing mid-Run FG to mid-run Simp, they're practically even
The one episode where Stewie beat the living shit out of Brain because he owed him some money. The whole time I was watching that segment I just couldn't fathom how anybody could find that funny, I know I sure didn't.

Wow, you really are the only person I have ever met you didn't find that funny. It was so ridiculous, over the top and unbelievable that it was hilarious! A baby beating crap out of a dog like a member of the mafia trying to get someone to pay him back a debt? Brilliant.

I love both shows, but you cannot really compare the two as they are completely different kinds of humour. Family Guy does its best to be as offensive, controversial and shocking as possible while the Simpsons has just stuck to its tried and tested formula, which admittedly has become stale in recent years.

I would probably say there are more LOL moments in Family Guy, as some of the "just like the time" cut scenes are absolutely hilarious, as they reference popular culture and are just so ridiculous and "out there" that they make you laugh and go "what the fuck?!", but there are very few Simpsons episodes that do not make me smile and chuckle.

Both are phenomenal shows, and I have only small complaints about both. Firstly, I don't really like the Family Guy jokes about tumours and cancer. In my opinion those are subjects that shouldn't be joked about, but then again other topics they cover like Joe's disability I DO find funny, but they could be offensive to others. If you are going for the edgy extreme comedy you can't miss out any topic really, so there are bound to be some topics that aren't to everyone's tastes.

As for The Simpsons, I don't like how many celebrity appearances they have now. It seems like they are trying to copy that aspect of South Park and have become lazy, thinking that adding a celebrity can cover up for a sub-standard episode. News for can't. There are few poor Simpsons episodes (although I never enjoy the Treehouse of Horror ones) but they aren't as good as they once were, but it must be hard coming up with good jokes and stories after so many years and so many episodes.

I still really enjoy both shows. I own every single Family Guy series on DVD and have 5 or 6 Simpsons, but Simpsons is on TV literally every day about 4x so I do not feel the need or urge to buy their DVDs any more.
The Simpsons all the way, When it comes to cartoons and even animation in general Simpsons are probably G.O.A.T only rivaled by South Park.
Simpsons. Family Guy seems a bit too random with their comedy moments. I think that even South Park is better than Family Guy
I prefer Family Guy, but I would never fault anyone for liking the Simpsons more. I love Family Guy, and it appeals to my own sense of humor much more than the Simpsons. I used to watch it as a kid, and I loved it mostly because I wasn't supposed to watch it. But now I just don't find it as funny as a lot of other shows out there. If I had any sort of continuity, and had seen it since the beginning, I could probably give a much more in-depth reason why, but I just like Family Guy more. I've seen every episode of it though, so it's not really a fare judgement.
I am agree with you in this regard that Family guy is a nice comedy show to watch , Though simpsons is one of my favorite shows to watch. but family guy show has included some more interesting facts to make the show worth watching.
The Simpsons died in the early 00's.. Plus has humor I don't enjoy. Entertaining though.

Family Guy on the other hand, has adult humors that I do understand and enjoy.

So, I would have to pick Family Guy over The Simpsons.
I pick the Simpsons

On too management occasions I have found family guy to be "forced comedy" while the Simpsons flow more naturally. Plus in the end both shows will legends of comedy so I enjoy both. Doah! But the Simpsons still edge it out for me.
Its a good cartoon since 9 years and up some characters are best, the language is not too bad.We can watch this show with our family.Many people like this show.Simpsons got good response by people.Simpsons is one of the best entertaining tv show.

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You can't compare the two shows because apart from being animations and having the shows based around an American family they are both very different. Family guy is aimed at a much older age range and has much more room to push the humour and the boundries..The Simpsons although still edgy at times is much more family friendly. Like somebody already pointed out a Family Guy and South Park comparison would make more sense. Anyway I love The Simpsons and I love Family Guy both equally although tend to prefer early Simpsons. They are more hit and miss nowdays but still have improved from a few years ago when they mostly missed. Family Guy on the other hand hardly ever misses and is pure genius but it has not been around quite as long as the Simpsons so time will tell.
I don't watch the Simpsons much anymore but I will say what puts it over is the Treehouse of Horrors specials.

But these days I only watch Family Guy. It's so sick, there is nothing they won't do. They can decide to have a character just sit on his butt for the whole show and they seem to have carte blanche to do it.
I haven't read all 4 pages of posts, so apologies if I am repeating what someone else has said.

I've joined so many forums in my time on the internet, and this is a topic I see in pretty much 90% of those forums.

To me, I can not pick one over the other if you asked me up front; I would have to disect it to give you my opinion.

Like probably 100% of the people that posted here, I grew up with The Simpsons. Born in 1988, I rarely missed an episode from when I started watching (can't even remember I was that young), up until the year 2000 - which I think is season 9? So many awesome episodes! My friends and I have spent hours upon hours quoting, watching, talking about, and imitating things from these 9 seasons. I remember the exact point I lost interest in the Simpsons, and that was the all singing episode - Paint Your Wagon or something (yes, it's a season 9 episode).

I remember a few years ago I sat down and watched an episode from one of the later seasons to see what I have missed since non becoming a regualar watcher and saw this episode - where Homer wins a bike in some diner dance off competition and starts his own bikie gang - and remember thinking how much the animation changed, and how........non-existant the humor was. I thought that maybe it was a dud episode, so I waited for the next one to start: the episode where Marge gets breast implants; and thought the exact same thing.

What is going on? Why aren't the episodes as good as they were in the earlier seasons? Episodes like Homer Goes To College, Who Shot Mr. Burns?, and Boy Scouts N' Tha Hood had laugh after laugh, this is not entertaining at all!

The last straw for me was when the movie was released. I had to FORCE myself to sit and watch it. And could only sit through half. The constant replay of the 'Spiderpig/Homer' scene as the advertisement for the movie annoyed me. This isn't even funny!

If you compare Simpsons seasons 1-10, to Family Guy Seasons 1-10, I'd choose the Simpsons - easily. However, comparing Family Guy seasons 1-10 to Simpsons 11-20, Family Guy wins easily. I actually enjoy a lot of the cut away gags in family guy, the characters like Glen Quagmire, the relationship between Brian and Stewie, and lolz at the hate for Meg by everyone. It will be interesting to see how much longer Family Guy will be around for. Yes, the quality may have declined over the years since early Family Guy episodes, but it's still better than current Simpsons.

However, if you want to talk about a show that's stood the test of time, that would be South Park, but that's another thread.

tl;dr version:
Simpsons Seasons 1-10 > Family Guy
Family Guy > Simpsons Seasons 11 - current
I like Family Guy over the Simpsons.

I can only watch The Simpsons if I am stoned out my mind as it makes me geek because of there voices. That is the only way I can watch it. Since I don't smoke anymore I just can't watch it. I even tried to watch the new episode that was on today (sunday) and I changed the channle.

Family Guy is overall funny even if at times it seems forced. It has a good feel to it an Peter is the stupidest guy in the entire world. (cartoon world) I just can watch this show sober and still laugh my ass of so thats how I know I enjoy this show more than the other one.

Family Guy all day.
I find myself enjoying Family Guy a lot more then The Simpsons nowadays. I do occasionally chuckle at some episodes of The Simpsons, but I always laugh my ass off during an episode of Family Guy. I like their dark & idiotic humor, and the random jokes and cutscenes and stuff. An example would be like, when Peter fell and hurt his knee and then the next few minutes were just him groaning in pain, I found that hilarious. The Simpsons has been around for 21 years man, it's hard to stay that fresh for 21 years. The Simpsons has just gotten kind of stale for me.
the simpsons has lost a lot of steem, but it is still better than familey guy. the first 10 seasons of the simpsons is a hundred times better than any season of familey guy. i have only laughed out loud at familey guy a handfull of times.
U have made poll Dude.........
Leave it.
In my opinion Family Guy was nice as compared to The Simpsons show.
Because it's creation was great & nice.

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