The Simpsons - Questions


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The Simpsons is probably the best TV Show ever...
Kids, Teens, Adults everyone in the world loves it and knows it!
But they made every season with the same "ideas" and "type", do you think that it's time to refresh the show?

Let me explain better. We have seen the same moral thought in every Simpson episode, Kids doing bad things, Kids doing good things, Bullying, Bad Parents, Good Parents and so one since their inception...
And i was thinking, should they evolve the show in time?
I would like to see Maggie in school, Bart and Lisa in High School, Homer and Marge the same, killing Grandfather, the opportunity of creating new characters!!

I'm not saying they should do it, but they could do it!
I am a huge Simpsons fan, i love the show, i will probably die, and The Simpson will go on in air, but at least they should make the characters getting old !!

I'm sorry if i didn't explain myself correctly!
I do not think the Simpsons in any way need to change. It has gotten its viewers through its format and I don't think it needs to change. They can change it when the actors who are invovled in the show say enough is enough. I think that Simpson's popularity is based on its format. Do I think that possibly it will change? Yes. Will the change be well recieved No. People really enjoy the current format. I do not think that now it needs to change because the truth is people still love it.
The Simpsons is a good show. It is now, what it has always been and that an animated comedy for adults. Listen, you may not find it as fresh or as amusing as you once did but that is not the fault of The Simpsons. In fact, the only people you can blame it on are the creators and writers of South Park and Family Guy.

Here's the scoop on The Simpsons. It is still as humerus as it was back in the 90's, the only thing that has changed is you. As South Park and Family Guy became more and more popular, The Simpsons was pushed to the back of the queue but it was through no fault of it's own. Family Guy and South Park are just able to offer more adult-based story lines that you, of course, are going to find more comedic. The Simpsons is just geared towards a family based audience and as you grow up and reach your late-teens/early twenties, you are going to want to see something more challenging to your mental capacity.

The Simpsons, if you watch it with the right mindset, is still an amazingly funny show. It is reaching it's 23rd season now (I believe) and it is still grinding out good story lines that get me laughing from time to time. I am not going to to pretend that it doesn't need some spark to get it back into the forefront of people's minds but it is doing exactly what it did 20 years ago and that is entertaining people. Those “people” just aren't you any more.

So no, I don't think it need freshened up or whatever synonym you choose to use. I think that if you are not finding it funny any more, then it is your turn to move on. The Simpsons is not geared towards you any more and I am sure that you could find a better use of your time.
I dint say i dont like it!! I said they could "evolve" the show!!

The Simpsons is better than Family Guy and South Park...
But c'mon can you imagine Bart start wondering about sexuality?
Lisa having a full time boyfriend that could show people the "truth" about relationships or something. . .

The show has to do that, maybe not right now, but in about 5 years we will probably see something new or else the ratings will start to decrease and the show will become stale!
Of course, Simpsons rules and it is such a classic show that everybody loves, so it would be something huge!!

I was just wondering about the topic and i remembered about posting this here xD

Edit: I know this show is now a "trademark" so evolve the characters would reconstruct the entire show and it would be very difficult to do, but do you think that could work?
I dint say i dont like it!! I said they could "evolve" the show!!

The Simpsons is better than Family Guy and South Park...
But c'mon can you imagine Bart start wondering about sexuality?
Lisa having a full time boyfriend that could show people the "truth" about relationships or something. . .

The show has to do that, maybe not right now, but in about 5 years we will probably see something new or else the ratings will start to decrease and the show will become stale!
Of course, Simpsons rules and it is such a classic show that everybody loves, so it would be something huge!!
I was just wondering and remembered about posting this here xD

Well, some of those issues have already been explored and there is only so far you can go with the. Here's the thing, if you start to advance the characters too much, then you are going to lose the essence of the character that was great in the first place. I do recall Lisa having a boyfriend in Nelson and another Irish kid. Nevertheless, I don't want to see them go too far with their character development since the characters they have are already brilliant. I do agree that some new story lines would be good for the show but that is nothing that Matt Groening doesn't already know.

Some would argue that the show is already stale but it comes back to what I said before, the show is switching gears. That is why it comes on before Family Guy and American Dad on Sundays. Families like to sit down and watch The Simpsons and it is still alive after 23 years, so I would suspect that it is doing well on it's own.
Well, some of those issues have already been explored and there is only so far you can go with the. Here's the thing, if you start to advance the characters too much, then you are going to lose the essence of the character that was great in the first place. I do recall Lisa having a boyfriend in Nelson and another Irish kid. Nevertheless, I don't want to see them go too far with their character development since the characters they have are already brilliant. I do agree that some new story lines would be good for the show but that is nothing that Matt Groening doesn't already know.

Some would argue that the show is already stale but it comes back to what I said before, the show is switching gears. That is why it comes on before Family Guy and American Dad on Sundays. Families like to sit down and watch The Simpsons and it is still alive after 23 years, so I would suspect that it is doing well on it's own.

Just adding to Dave's original point my family would never sit down and watch Family Guy let alone South Park together. My mom finds his over the top rude. However we do watch Simpsons occasionly together. This appeal has been a round for years. By keeping the overall same basic storylines it keeps people from the past nd present into the show. When the time is right I'm sure they will go onto something new however for the time being I am certain will see the same thing from those yellow people.

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