Sid Vicious

First of all, why can't "small" matches be great?

Second of all, did you miss his work against Punk, Bourne, Ziggler, and Hardy or his tag matches against Los Colons, Rey/Michaels, and Punk/Kofi? Not all of it's great, but it's enough to suggest Morrison is criminally underrated at this point and one of the better workers that the WWE has.

Small matches are usually rushed ones and don't give enough time for storytelling.

I did not miss his work but I just did not find them special. He's athletic but there isn't much of a story to his matches.
Small matches are usually rushed ones and don't give enough time for storytelling.

I did not miss his work but I just did not find them special. He's athletic but there isn't much of a story to his matches.
Dude, cut it out. Do you know what telling a story in the ring even means?


I know the video is backwards, but this match has a story. A big one. Told in a matter of seconds and the crowd ate it up. Even if the IWC didn't. So your argument about short matches not having a story is just stupid.
Dude, cut it out. Do you know what telling a story in the ring even means?


I know the video is backwards, but this match has a story. A big one. Told in a matter of seconds and the crowd ate it up. Even if the IWC didn't. So your argument about short matches not having a story is just stupid.

Should I ignore the fact that this is more of an angle rather than a match? Or maybe I should ignore that they had a pretty good feud going on and most of the storytelling had been done prior to this match? Or maybe I should ignore Layla in that pig suit too because thats in no way related to the story?
Should I ignore the fact that this is more of an angle rather than a match? Or maybe I should ignore that they had a pretty good feud going on and most of the storytelling had been done prior to this match? Or maybe I should ignore Layla in that pig suit too because thats in no way related to the story?
An angle more than a match? But it blew off in a 30 second match? So... You can have an angle in pro wrestling that does culminate in a match?
An angle more than a match? But it blew off in a 30 second match? So... You can have an angle in pro wrestling that does culminate in a match?

No but you could have given a better example. This is more of a case of a good storyline and good booking rather than a great match.
So this thread has basically proven my theory that, contrary to what everyone else is saying in here about how IWC smarks hate anyone that can't do flips, if a wrestler DOES in fact utilize a high-flying offense with flip moves, he is immediately shit upon and labeled a spot monkey.

Seriously, how the fuck is a 450 splash or tope any less of a wrestling move than a German suplex or figure four?
So this thread has basically proven my theory that, contrary to what everyone else is saying in here about how IWC smarks hate anyone that can't do flips, if a wrestler DOES in fact utilize a high-flying offense with flip moves, he is immediately shit upon and labeled a spot monkey.

Seriously, how the fuck is a 450 splash or tope any less of a wrestling move than a German suplex or figure four?
It's not, and that has been my point all along. They're both wrestling moves. The difference is that too many wrestlers rely on the 450 splash to pop a crowd, because they can't do german suplexes to pop a crowd, due to the fact they are terrible wrestlers.

If I'm a terrible wrestler, and I want to pop a crowd, I'll do a 450 splash, not a running bulldog. Why? Because idiotic fans (a category in which a good majority of the IWC falls under) will pop for a 450 Splash and think the wrestler who can do it is awesome.

Make sense?
Oh, and xfear, this thread is hardly representative of the IWC. In fact, I think there has only been two or three posters who have come anywhere near that philosophy that high spots=spot monkey.
Because their entire feud was story-driven. You take the story away from the matches and you just have senseless brawling.

I get your point. But there are also some matches which are not story driven. Like if you see Austin vs Hart at Wrestlemania 13 the match itself tells a pretty good story in itself. Not to say the storyline isn't great but the fact that the story is pretty much incorporated into the match itself.
I get your point. But there are also some matches which are not story driven. Like if you see Austin vs Hart at Wrestlemania 13 the match itself tells a pretty good story in itself. Not to say the storyline isn't great but the fact that the story is pretty much incorporated into the match itself.
The match was story-driven. Way to prove my point. Besides the match itself wasn't where the story started. It was during Bret's return at the previous Survivor Series.

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