Sid Vicious


Is it just me or is Gabriel like really adorable?
It's not just you. I've seen X say this a couple times.
While we're at it, I want to play.

Doing flips doesn't make someone a spot monkey. Back from whence you came, you Wade Barrett loving trollop.

It doesn't. But what else do Sabin and Shelly do? No. Seriously. People go about how they are so 'great', but all I see is flips, kicks to the face and the occasional funny dance. :shrug:
It doesn't. But what else do Sabin and Shelly do? No. Seriously. People go about how they are so 'great', but all I see is flips, kicks to the face and the occasional funny dance. :shrug:
Shelley has personality to spare, plenty of technical skills, and great heel instincts. Sabin's heel run wasn't too awful either.

On the other hand, wrestling like video game characters because that's what people want to see is obviously wrong. My mistake for thinking otherwise.
And it would last about four seconds before people started bitching. I love the IWC's hypocrisy at times.
Me and you created it together :lmao:

You know. Your so anti anti anti, that you actually DONT like Nirvana. Its like the sub cult to the cult.

Same thing with saying WWE is good, and Cena is an excellent wrestler. People dont actually belive it, they just want to look smart. Once something begins to reach a point of mass popularity, it becomes the new cool smart thing to go in the opposite direction.

This post should be stickied at the top of every single forum and filed under "The Motherfucking Truth".

There's about a bazillion people (okay, waaayyyy exaggerated) on this forum who are TNA fans who think Alex Shelly and Chris Sabin are "real" wrestlers. I can't remember the last time they had a match that had no less than 20 set spots. And what were those set spots? Ok. One of them prolly had a kick to the face, but everything else was flip-tastic.

Someone doesn't understand how a wrestling match works.
1.2 or 3.3.. What do you think works better?
You talk as though TNA has earnestly committed itself to that style of wrestling. Silly goose. You fail at logic. Kindly hang yourself using your Wade Barrett blow-up doll. K, thanks.
Someone doesn't understand how a wrestling match works.

Yeah. How dare I call out the fact that Alex Shelly and Chris Sabin show no emotion, don't play up to the crowd and completely no sell everything like ass munches unless the guy hits them hard enough and forces them to sell.

I love this thread. Went from questioning the awesomeness of Sid Vicious to possible 4 debates at the same time. And The Mighty NorCal said my name. haha :)
You talk as though TNA has earnestly committed itself to that style of wrestling. Silly goose. You fail at logic. Kindly hang yourself using your Wade Barrett blow-up doll. K, thanks.

Yeah. Your right about one thing: TNA does fail at logic. Otherwise there wouldn't be 59.2 swerves for the hell of it each iMPACT! :)

And I don't have a Wade Barrett blow-up doll. It's on my Christmas list, though.
Yeah. How dare I call out the fact that Alex Shelly and Chris Sabin show no emotion, don't play up to the crowd and completely no sell everything like ass munches unless the guy hits them hard enough and forces them to sell.

So you should probably stop typing.

First, yeah, clearly you don't understand how a wrestling match works if you're criticizing them for using spots. Literally every single wrestling match, regardless of the style or who is performing, has planned out spots. Every single fucking one of them. You know how every single time they cut to commercial on Raw or Smackdown one of the wrestlers just happens to have been thrown from the ring at that exact moment? That's called a spot, they do it so you don't miss much while the commercial is on. If you think a spot is just someone doing a backflip off a ladder into a table or some shit, you're incorrect. A fucking sleeper hold is a spot.

Second, you clearly have seen extremely little of Shelley and Sabin's work and decided to write them off immediately because they do too many flips for your taste. Don't play to the crowd? Have you ever seen a fucking MCMG match? Clearly you haven't. No emotion? No selling?

Just. Just stop. For your own sake, just stop typing right now. You don't want to go down this path.
I might need to do that thing where I compare Kurt Angle to alleged spot monkies. I'm seriously considering it.
Does your opinion on him in the WWE differ in any way? 'Cause it really shouldn't.
I might need to do that thing where I compare Kurt Angle to alleged spot monkies. I'm seriously considering it.

God I hate the term "spot monkey". So stupid. Everyone is a spot monkey, Kurt Angle and Bret Hart are two of the biggest spot monkeys in the history of professional wrestling but you never hear them called anything other than technical gods because their spots involve mat-wrestling instead of flips.
God I hate the term "spot monkey". So stupid. Everyone is a spot monkey, Kurt Angle and Bret Hart are two of the biggest spot monkeys in the history of professional wrestling but you never hear them called anything other than technical gods because their spots involve mat-wrestling instead of flips.
Some people on here are far too excited by the prospect of Randy Orton putting some stank on that headlock.
Does your opinion on him in the WWE differ in any way? 'Cause it really shouldn't.

I think it should. He was working with much much better talent that could carry his "Imma do some mat work, an Angle Slam.. OH! I do like a good ankle lock. Why don't you read the morning paper while I pretend like I am going to break your ankle? Hrm. Anyone wanna see me do a moonsault? It's pretty! [rinse, repeat according to match length]" behind.

Mah favorite Angle match is prolly vs Taker at No Way Out 2006. [/random]

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