Should WWE Strip Ric Flair of His Hall of Fame Status?

This whole argument is... So so so stupid. Like, ridiculously stupid. As if Vince is going to call up Flair and tell him that he's been given the boot.

Put it this way... If a president screws up, are they erased from history?

Ric has been a loose cannon, but it's not like he's like Benoit, and had to be ignored completely to avoid bad publicity.

To be honest, the original question was so stupid that I wasn't sure whether thestud77 was a troll or just. Just, so so so stupid...
1 Being a disgrace and a liar are two different things. A liar could be forgiven but a disgrace should be cast away. My first point doesn't have anything to do with Flair lying either. The way he portrays himself is disgraceful.

2 KoKo B Ware was just as good as a worker as Flair and one could argue he KoKo was more entertaining. Again, Flair is vastly overrated and deserves none of the praise he gets. Shawn and Bret were both much better.

3 That was just a storyline. Vince has control over his own family. I know many wrestlers are divorced or have family problems but Flair's WHOLE family is a disgrace....there's that word again....disgrace. Flair does not deserve to be in the Hall of Fame.

TheStud you really have some serious issues dude. Flair has done more FOR the business than he has to disgrace himself or the business. He helped WCW compete with WWF which gave us a lot. He basically dedicated his LIFE to entertaining all of us. So because he decided to take a lighter schedule and be able to enjoy his later years and be around his family he should be kicked out?

Ok so then Hogan should be out right? How about Piper for his drunken slurs that have been caught on TMZ? You could find flaws in everyone. The purpose of the HoF is to recognize accomplishments in the pro wrestling industry. Not what you do outside of pro-wrestling. That is what you call an ambassador/public relations person. Ric Flair is a LIVING legend. His HoF spot should never be taken away unless he pulls a Chris Benoit (I know I know, but that is really the only reason he should be stripped of it).
Don't really see what your problem is. Let Flair make a disgrace of himself. It in no way affects the WWE Hall of Fame. All it does is show that with age comes insanity. Nuff said.
Ric Flair is in the WWE Hall of Fame, not in the 'Ideal Family Man' HoF. So, there is no reason that his private life should blemish his wrestling career. Him going back to wrestling and joining TNA was not that big a deal and surely not big enough to kick him out of the HoF.

Even if the WWE removes him from their HoF, it would not benefit anyone. WWE would get a lot of criticism for the move and it would adversely affect them.
I'm not a huge fan of Flair. I think he's absurdly over hyped and nowhere near as good as many portray him to be. I think he politicked and killed NWA and WCW more so than anything else. 18 to 20 fucking title reigns and many times he lost the belt, he got it back in 8 days, get the fuck out of here. He was always about himself never about the business or his company. He can work a crowd and handle a mike, but he's not great in the ring. Many people as good if not better never got their shot, becasue assholes like him (and Triple H and his clique, HBK and his clique) did everything in their power to kill many careers or stop them from making big paydays and having those big matches.

That being said, he shouldn't be stripped from the HoF, his career has been long enough and he is loved by enough people to warrant him being there, no matter how many times he's made an idiot out himself outside in the ring.
I find this thread pretty ridiculous. Personal opinions aside Ric Flair is considered by everyone in the business as one of the best wrestlers of all time. If you look at facts and figures he's one of the top 3 best at drawing money (with Hogan and Austin.) Ric Flair has worked with the best wrestlers from the old-school NWA and WCW days as well as the best young talent of the WWE in the 2000s. He's worked with the biggest stars in Japan and Puerto Rico, two of the biggest wrestling countries outside of the US. He's a 16-time world champion and remember that back in his day world title reigns didn't grow on trees. He was put in that position because he drew the most money. Sure he's had marital and legal issues but that's because he *is* Ric Flair. He doesn't get home at night and transform back into Richard Fleihr. He has lived, breathed and bled professional wrestling for more years now than he hasn't. He deserves to be in the HoF and he deserves the respect of every wrestling fan for his sacrifices regardless of whether he's working for TNA or WWE.
1) The guy's not allowed to ever get another job in wrestling because he's in a pseudo hall of fame? The WWE Ric Flair character got a storyline HOF induction. Guys are allowed to continue to have a life and do the things they want to do. Who says that Flair has to have a ridiculous travel schedule and off air role when he really wants to wrestle?

2) Did you really just claim that Scott Steiner was a better overall wrestler (in and out of the ring) than Flair? Steiner was ridiculously talented...then he seemed to get..umm..."enhancements" and he just became a gross looking strong guy who could barely speak English. Ric Flair is one of the best for the time he was in the ring. I think the overwhelming majority would agree with this. If he stayed with WWE would you not care about this point?

3) Can you name one guy who is a a stand up family man or overall pinnacle of humanity? Someone who has no divorces or horrendous relationships or no drug use (including steroids) or no history of violence? Come on, many wrestlers, especially "hall of famers" don't really have the greatest reputations. Again, if he stayed with WWE would you not care about this point?

What it basically looks like this post is saying is "I don't think Flair should be in the HOF because he went to TNA after WWE gave him a great sendoff."

I disagree.
What the fuck? Why? Who would care? No one would care.

Also, Flair didn't use the same ring psychology. If you ever actually watch him in his true prime, it's totally different. He's different against Steamboat than Sting than Hawk.

Who comes up with these ideas? It would be a waste of time and; as wrestling history has shown, eventually they'll be buddies again.

Not only that but really, REALLY? Misconduct? How many other guys have been to jail. Overrated? HE DREW. Bottom line. It does not matter what you or even bret hart think, bottom line is that Flair drew for about 20 years. Third...."horrible family man"? They're ALL horrible family men. Bret hart? Oh, yea, great guy, cheating on his wife with Sunny, the difference is, Flair never pretended to be some upstanding guy.
No Ric Flair should not be stripped because he has contributed a lot to sports entertainment.
Richard Fliehr however would never be admitted to the HOF and Ric Flair probably would have stayed retired if it hadn't been for Richard Fliehrs financial troubles.
I had to take the time to read every page of this thread and to say it was hilarious was an understatement. Regardless of anyone's personal sentiments, facts are facts. Although others have already made mention, let us review:

1.) Ric Flair has drawn more money than every wrestler in the history of the business with the exception of Hulk Hogan and Steve Austin. He was a consistent draw for 30+ years. That, in and of itself, is Hall of Fame worthy.

2.) In a business based on entertainment value, could anyone deny that Flair was supremely entertaining both on the mic and in the ring? Mic skills are top 2 all time (my opinion, second only to Dusty Rhodes). Ring psychology? I have to laugh at Bret Hart. While Bret was a tremendous tactician, he wasn't the performer or entertainer Flair was. Probably why he wasn't the draw Flair was.

3.) Politicking backstage? Read a book! I've read just about every book on the subject of professional wrestling and it's pretty unanimous among the men of that era (Hogan, Animal, JJ Dillion) that Flair was a great locker room leader and is the prototype of every professional wrestler - EVER. Flair always jobbed when asked. The only time I can think of Flair refusing to put someone over is Lex Luger and that was issues with Jim Herd. Plus, Flair had promised Sting he would put him over.

Fact is, Flair is certainly not what he was in his prime, but people like Hogan and Flair will always have that symbiotic relationship with the audience. While it is simply my opinion, Flair is, was and always will be the absolute greatest of all time.

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