Should WWE Strip Ric Flair of His Hall of Fame Status?

I think the WWE reserves the right to kick anybody out of the hall of fame due to certain circumstances such as disgraceful conduct. I believe Ric Flair should be kicked out of the hall of fame for these 3 reasons.

1 Disgraceful Conduct. Ric Flair has done nothing but disgrace himself since he left the WWE. He turned his back on a 6 figure on air role to join some glorified indy show where he went back on his promise to Shawn Michaels. Ric spit all over the wonderful send off he got which he didn't deserve in the first place. He owes Vince an apology.

2 Overrated. Bret Hart said it best...."Ric Flair is non stop non pyschology." Ric Flair has been the same old same old since day one. He has only been as good as the people he was in the ring with such as Bret, Sting, Race, Dusty and Shawn. Ric was never the leader he was supposed to be either, instead he back stabbed everybody he could to keep his spot. If he didn't get his way he cried like a 4 year old. Scott Steiner said every time he went to work he saw Flair crying like a baby over something everyday. Scott Steiner never cried and neither do I. Flair will never be half the man Steiner is or I am.

3 Horrible Family Man. Flair's family is a mess. His daughters ****ing around, his sons pushing mom off of elevators in malls and ric himself fist fighting with all of them like some kind of pathetic Fred Sanford. I wish Ric and his family would just leave the business alone.

I think WWE should hold a ceremony on raw where they publicly kick Flair out of the hall of fame. They could even have wrestlers make jokes at Flair's expense throughout the show. Who else should WWE kick out besides Flair?

Hall Of Famer Superstar Billy Graham is on the record saying "The only reason WWE is PG is Linda McMahons senate run"

Do you want him kicked out for that or how about Steve Austin who was arrested for beating up Debra. By your standards he should have never been in. Everyone should make fun of Flair live on RAW haha that's funny HHH will never let that happen.

His family is a mess wow holy Columbus Ohio Batman like the time Kurt Angle married a stripper who left him for his boss and had the whole thing play out on national tv, that did happen right. And I guess of your in charge Angle will never get in to because his family is a mess. Oh let's kick Hogan out as well because his son got reckless and his friend is a vegetable because of it. SMH at this thread.
You'd think Ric Flair rotting half-forgotten, old and broke, in a glorified indy promotion amounts to something like comeuppance. But no - Ric Flair has to be deprived of his status as a Hall of Famer because he joined TNA! because he bitchslapped everyone on his way to the top! because he ain't no family man!

Holy shit, OP, have you heard of this thing called proportion? Ric Flair may have become a walking talking embarrassment to those who still care enough to care about him and his flabby old figure, but he's still the Nature Boy, and his accomplishments cannot be denied! Who cares if Flair shat on himself and emerged as a pathetic joke at old age - what about his 16 (or 21) world titles? His longevity? The quality of his matches when he was still at the top of his game? The Four Horsemen? Evolution? The send-off match in Wrestlemania? If we're going to pick and choose and kick Ric Flair off because he's a mess of morality, then let's kick out every motherfucking sinner on the HoF roster - Hogan! Michaels! Austin!
this is one of the easiest posts..Should WWE strip Ric Flair of his Hall of Fame Status.

um, no. he's the greatest of all time. how are you going to kick out one of the guys that makes this "hall of fame" credible..(if you are this firey about Flair.why not Hogan?? helloooooo)

one of the reasons the OP pointed out was that he was a horrible family guy?? that didn't really come up on t.v, so as much as people want to know about these guys personal isn't our business at all.

besides, VKM shouldn't get mad at Flair b/c his sendoff was great, and like 14 people watch TNA (don't get mad at that joke and try to come after me tna people..get your buddies to watch that crap, then come back here) so it is like out of sight out of mind, half the wrestling world thinks Flair is retired. the topic may be top 10 most rediculous, but then again it isn't if it gets people talking
Yeah the OP seems to be a bit of a hypocrit, for whatever reason he just never seemed to be a Ric Flair fan, which is fine, everyone is allowed their own opinions. But to say Flair should be kicked out of the HoF because of things that many other wrestlers in the HoF are guilty of as well (Hogan, Austin etc.) is a bit hypocritical.

If they didn't kick Hogan out of the Hof after he gave his ring to Abyss, plus being guilty of all the same things you accuse Flair of doing, then nobody will ever be kicked out of the Hof (unless anoter Benoit situation happens)
Disgraceful Conduct. Ric Flair has done nothing but disgrace himself since he left the WWE.

Makes me think of Hall of Famer Pat Patterson, who temporarily lost his job with WWE for allegedly forcing sexual favors from male employees. You could argue that he wasn't convicted of anything. But then, neither was Ric Flair. Yes, he's a liar and has disgraced himself in other ways, but if society got rid of everyone who did that.....well, for one thing, government would shut down because there'd be no politicians.

Plus, WWE tossing Flair from their HOF would only generate publicity for a man who is employed by another wrestling organization, as would making a public display of removing him.

Even with revisionist thinking, no one can erase what the man has accomplished. Just leave it alone.
I think the WWE reserves the right to kick anybody out of the hall of fame due to certain circumstances such as disgraceful conduct. I believe Ric Flair should be kicked out of the hall of fame

For a long time, I would have agreed with you. However I can think of a couple of good reasons not to kick him out.

Firstly, if things ever go bad in his deal with TNA, they will want to keep the door open for him to return to WWE. Yes, he basically spit in their face by coming out of retirement to join TNA after getting a huge sendoff. Yes, he broke his promise to Shawn Michaels. They would want to make sure he returns to WWE, rather than join another potential rival in ROH or even an indy fed that would be more than greatful to have a legend help them out. No matter how bad the terms were between Flair and WWE, they would rather have him back so they can make more money and not lose potential money by letting another federation grab him if he ever leaves TNA.

Secondly.... If they strip him of his Hall of Fame status, what would the main reason involve? TNA. Vince would never acknowledge a rival federation. If he strips Flair of his Hall of Fame spot due to joining TNA, he would be doing just that.

I think WWE should hold a ceremony on raw where they publicly kick Flair out of the hall of fame. They could even have wrestlers make jokes at Flair's expense throughout the show. Who else should WWE kick out besides Flair?

That would make for an interesting Raw and could actually be a good storyline to bring him back with, if he did rejoin. An angle with a fake stripping of his Hall of Fame status. I don't think they will actually ever go through with removing him from the Hall of Fame though, for the reasons I stated above. As for who else to remove? Pete Rose and Drew Carrey immediately come to mind because they aren't even wrestlers and having them in the Hall of Fame is an insult to those who actually deserve to be in there.
Ric wasn't inducted because of his life and career now he was inducted because of his past which is what people remember about him most. I'll agree he's greatly gone downhill since leaving WWE but that doesn't mean his Hall Of Fame status should be revoked. Hulk Hogan has had a lot of issues since leaving too but you don't see them wanting to kick Hogan out because it's what he did in the past that got him there not his present situation. Ric Flair does care about his WWE Hall Of Fame Ring because when Abyss won it from him in a match even though it's kayfabe and Abyss only had it on tv he was said to be very emotional about having someone else have it even if it was just for tv purposes. He may be a lunatic nowadays and should stay away from the business for the most part but he does still care about it and whatever is going on in his personal life he never lets it interfere with his performance not to mention no matter how old and beat up he gets he can still play his character just as good as when he was in his prime. To put it simply his personal life may be in shambles but his professional life has never suffered from his personal life. He always puts on a show no matter what he may be going through personally. He's going through enough he doesn't need to have the one last thing he has taken away from him.
This is a pretty stupid idea. Ric Flair, just like anyone else, has a right to work. As long as he wants to wrestle & a company is willing to pay him to do so, he has every right to do it. If he were wrestling for WWE, you'd probably love it. I find it funny that the same people who make fun of TNA for using older wrestlers love the fact that Kevin Nash, Booker T, & Jerry Lawler have been featured in storylines this year.

Overrated? Have you ever watched wrestling? Ric Flair is one of the greatest workers in history. He has had classic matches & he has drawn big crowds. And don't start on the backstage politics. Everyone does it to some extent. HBK & HHH have done it. Bret Hart did it. And by the way, Bret Hart has cried more than anyone in wrestling history. He did nothing but whine for 13 years before WWE took him back. And I like Hart, but the problems between he & HBK were a 2 way street. Even present day, guys like Cena & The Miz play politics backstage. It's part of the business.

Finally, just about every wrestler has a screwed up family life. The business is very hard on families. But that isn't a reason to remove someone from a hall of fame.
You know I thought this thread was just part of an acid trip when I read the OP. You got some splainin' to do...

1. Who stays retired? In any business, for that matter. His name is Flair, therefore he can make money by having the slightest thing to do with wrestling, now how are you going to tell Richard Fuckin Flair he isn't allowed to make money?

The Eagles had more farewell concerts then I have hairs on my ass; go climb up their asses.

2.) Why would you kick him out of the WWE Hall of Fame for his family being a mess? You wouldn't, you'd kick him outta the goddamn Parenting Hall of Fame!!!

3.) Don't compare yourself to Flair. Don't even compare yourself to your BFF Steiner. In fact, don't even watch wrestling. Your Koko B Ware statement confirms your ignorance and you're giving the rest of these freakin nerds a bad reputation.

4.) You'd honestly spend two hours slandering someone who has been irrelevant to you for years already? That's plain villainous. Be A Star, ass.

Don't start anymore threads. Don't post anymore if you can help it. I almost gave up drugs because of this.
If you where to kick Flair out of the WWE due to your point for nearly the exact same point you would need to kick out hogan (Not that i would lose any sleep)

Should flair be kick out? No matter what ot is he has done wrong he is still easily in the top 5 when you say name 5 wrestler to anyone outside of our fan base. He is still the 16 x champ and he is still the nature boy ric flair

Alot of the top guys Nash & Hogan to name a few have cryed like a little baby if they didnt get what they want Hogan even had complete creative control of himself in WCW and WWE so he didnt have to put anyone over if he didnt want to or the money wasnt right .

As for his family again Hogan & Austin have had big family issues and also i think bret has had issues in the past .

Everything you say about falir can be pind on at least 2 other HOFamers
This is simple: Nothing Ric Flair has done since being inducted has removed the reasons he was inducted in the first place. Ric Flair is one of the greatest professional wrestlers of all time, if there was a Pro Wrestling Mount Rushmore, his would be one of the four faces. His personal problems didn't erase his legendary feuds with Harley Race, Dusty Rhodes, Ricky Steamboat or Sting, his continuing to be a presence on TNA doesn't diminish the accomplishments of the Four Horsemen, his breaking his promise to HBK (Who says he is fine with it) doesn't mean he wasn't a multiple time world champion in multiple organizations.

Nothing Ric Flair has done since being inducted changes a damn thing about what he did BEFORE being inducted.
The Hall of Fame is for what you have done on WWE TV. POINT BLANK .

Flair was entertaining, good on the mic, worked great F'N matches. And you want to strip him of his life long accomplishments?
The Hall of Fame is for what you have done on WWE TV. POINT BLANK .

Says who? There are a bunch of guys who have never stepped into a WWE ring or who's impact in the WWE was nothing compared to what they did elsewhere.

Verne Gagne is in the WWE Hall of Fame. Not only did he never compete in the WWF, but he ran one of the competitors.

Nick Bockwinkel? He wrestled for Verne, not Vince Jr, not Vince Sr.

Bill Watts? He ran one of those competing organizations too.

The Von Erichs? Kerry is the only one that ever wrestled for Vince, and it was only for a brief time period. Certainly accomplished absolutely nothing during his WWF stint that would merit it.

Don't recall Gordon Solie ever working with the WWE either.

The WWE Hall of Fame is for people Vince McMahon thinks merits it, regardless of if their contributions were in the WWE, WWF, WWWF, NWA, WCW, USWA, AWA, Mid-Atlantic, Georgia Championship, World Class, or anywhere else.

In fact, if that were the case, then Ric Flair never would have merited induction either. Ric Flair's WWF/E contributions, while valuable, were nothing compared to what he did in the NWA/WCW. If it was WWE only, Flair wouldn't have gotten in to begin with. His WWF/E only career, with the exclusion of everything else, is not HOF worthy.
The Hall of Fame is a joke any way. Vince decides who goes in and who doesn't. No one votes it's all Vince. I could care less what Flair does outside the ring. If he wants to publicly embarrass himself so be it. The fact is while Vince and Hogan made wrestling popular, Flair Made wrestling. He was the last of the old school champions who worked every night everywhere. You can hate the guy all you want but to call him overrated is just plain stupid. Flair made anyone and everyone he worked with look better then they ever were. He could take a jobber and make them a star in one match.
What he does now is sad but it doesn't take away from what he did. And by the way if Tna is a glorified Indy promotion which it may be, and you think that is a key factor in kicking out of the HOF then should every wrestler who is in the HOF who worked for WWE when they were an Indy promotion (1973-1983) be kicked out also?
I think the WWE reserves the right to kick anybody out of the hall of fame due to certain circumstances such as disgraceful conduct. I believe Ric Flair should be kicked out of the hall of fame for these 3 reasons.

1 Disgraceful Conduct. Ric Flair has done nothing but disgrace himself since he left the WWE. He turned his back on a 6 figure on air role to join some glorified indy show where he went back on his promise to Shawn Michaels. Ric spit all over the wonderful send off he got which he didn't deserve in the first place. He owes Vince an apology.

2 Overrated. Bret Hart said it best...."Ric Flair is non stop non pyschology." Ric Flair has been the same old same old since day one. He has only been as good as the people he was in the ring with such as Bret, Sting, Race, Dusty and Shawn. Ric was never the leader he was supposed to be either, instead he back stabbed everybody he could to keep his spot. If he didn't get his way he cried like a 4 year old. Scott Steiner said every time he went to work he saw Flair crying like a baby over something everyday. Scott Steiner never cried and neither do I. Flair will never be half the man Steiner is or I am.

3 Horrible Family Man. Flair's family is a mess. His daughters ****ing around, his sons pushing mom off of elevators in malls and ric himself fist fighting with all of them like some kind of pathetic Fred Sanford. I wish Ric and his family would just leave the business alone.

I think WWE should hold a ceremony on raw where they publicly kick Flair out of the hall of fame. They could even have wrestlers make jokes at Flair's expense throughout the show. Who else should WWE kick out besides Flair?

Ok, you're wrong on so many levels. Let's look:

1. Disgraceful Conduct? First, you're not taking into account the same thing that the WWE and Vince do. Have they (the WWE) ever acknowledged anything that happened in TNA or some indy show that included their guys? Never. There's the WWE world, and there's the real world, but there's no other wrestling company's world. Therefore, what happens outside the WWE doesn't affect the WWE. Do you understand that? So, there's no chance that "disgraceful conduct" will be used to kick Flair out of the Hall of Fame.

2. Overrated? Well, shit. That's your own opinion, and even if it did matter it wouldn't change his status. Many people, who's opinions do matter, think he should be in. That's where you lose. He cries in the back? Great. He put on the best matches in the world in his prime. If he has to cry for 3 hours and weave a basket before a match just do put on something amazing, so be it. He cries? Really? That's your reason? Come on, man. HE WAS THE BEST IN THE WORLD AT PUTTING ON GREAT WRESTLING MATCHES. That's a stupid reason. You're not doing good here.

3. Horrible Family Man? Which hall of fame is he in? Is he in the WWE hall of fame or the family man hall of fame? Go look that up and reply to me. These are two completely unrelated factors that don't do anything to influence the other. Sure, maybe the business influenced the way he treated his family, but even then, IT DOESN'T MATTER.

So, all in all, you didn't really provide one good reason why Flair shouldn't be in the WWE Hall of Fame. Everything you listed shouldn't have an effect on his standing in the Hall of Fame, because everything you listed not only didn't have anything to do with his actual wrestling career, but nothing you listed occurred in the ring. The ring, where the Hall of Fame potential is turned into actuality. You fail. Try again.
Says who? There are a bunch of guys who have never stepped into a WWE ring or who's impact in the WWE was nothing compared to what they did elsewhere.

Verne Gagne is in the WWE Hall of Fame. Not only did he never compete in the WWF, but he ran one of the competitors.

Nick Bockwinkel? He wrestled for Verne, not Vince Jr, not Vince Sr.

Bill Watts? He ran one of those competing organizations too.

The Von Erichs? Kerry is the only one that ever wrestled for Vince, and it was only for a brief time period. Certainly accomplished absolutely nothing during his WWF stint that would merit it.

Don't recall Gordon Solie ever working with the WWE either.

The WWE Hall of Fame is for people Vince McMahon thinks merits it, regardless of if their contributions were in the WWE, WWF, WWWF, NWA, WCW, USWA, AWA, Mid-Atlantic, Georgia Championship, World Class, or anywhere else.

In fact, if that were the case, then Ric Flair never would have merited induction either. Ric Flair's WWF/E contributions, while valuable, were nothing compared to what he did in the NWA/WCW. If it was WWE only, Flair wouldn't have gotten in to begin with. His WWF/E only career, with the exclusion of everything else, is not HOF worthy.

I stand Corrected.
This is the most ridicolous post i have ever seen in my life lol! you should be banned for this! (joke) but really.

to the post, flair shoulnt be kicked out of the hof, are u serious bro! he is the man his matches were awesome, he was a great story teller, he was one of the best on the stick, what else do you want!! oh his family this n that bla bla that doesnt matter! ric flair got burried in wcw in the 90's still he is one of the most respected wrestlers ever. try getting your head out of wwe's ass ric flair is in the pro wrestling hall of fame his contributions were to the industry as a whole. you should stop kissing so much rock and stone cold ass there were great but even those guys respect flair and may tell you he is one of the best. This post my friend is an Epic Fail. you suck!
Guys chill out. Seriously.

1. First off, the way Flair conducts himself on scripted like that...whether its WWE or TNA
2. A person's family or personal matters should not have anything to do w/ his HOF status...especially where w/e his personal, family issues are they can't be as bad as what Chris Benoit did...and yet Ive seen some of you very same posters whenever the Chris Benoit topic comes defend him saying his HOF status should only be based on his in ring accomplishments, so I don't wanna hear this nonsense.
3. Heck if we're gonna kick Flair out bc of "personaly & family" issues, lying or w/e else...why dont we kick Eddie Guerrero out..even tho everyone loved him. He "lied, cheated, and stole" oh not to mention he was a druggie and killed himself from a drug he's related to Vickie (who I can't stand) why dont we kick him out?

All of ya'll need to sit back and let the HOF'er Flair do his thing....whether its WWE, TNA, ROH, some indy show, or sitting at home doing nothing.

And like ya'll said about people judging him....
1. like someone said...say it to his face in front of a national audience & unscripted...then we will believe it.
2. Just cause you see an "interview" of someone talking smack about a guy doesnt mean they actually mean it.

I bet if Miz was interviewed about Cena...the video we'd see is Cena is overrated, I can beat him anytime, I beat him at WM 27 n so on....when in fact he prob respects the man for what he has accomplished
this thread is rediculous, Flair openly stated that WWE retired him, and that he never wanted to retire in the first place. What the hell does money have to do with being stripped of 30+ years of wrestling. He didn't lie to anyone, especially SHAWN MICHAELS, he only said he was retiring from WWE because they forced him too. He has been for the most part happy in TNA helping them build it bigger, and he's doing what he enjoy's without the limitations that WWE gave him
I was never a Ric Flair fan, and never understood why he was considered the greatest of all time. It never clicked with me. However, I don't think he or anyone should ever be kicked out of the Hall of Fame. He was inducted for a reason...and for him to be taken out just because of his actions in a different company is ridiculous.

I love it when people try to bring up personal problems and try to mix it in with their professional careers. It doesn't mix, people! So quit with the bullshit. Like I said, I never understood the greatness of Ric Flair...but there's millions others that do and because of that he has a rightful place in the Hall of Fame, regardless of how many chicks he's banging on the side. (I'm just using this as an example, I have no idea what's going on with Ric and his family.)

It's the same thing with Benoit. He ended up being an evil and horrid person, but don't erase him from the history books and act like everything he did never happened. Don't make the fans out to be dumbfucks...we saw him win the title at Wrestlemania, don't lie to us. It's the same thing with Ric, we saw him win the 16 World titles and have great matches (some would say great, I would say "good")...but don't try and take away his titles and don't kick him out of the Hall of Fame.

That is all.
1 Disgraceful Conduct. Ric Flair has done nothing but disgrace himself since he left the WWE. He turned his back on a 6 figure on air role to join some glorified indy show where he went back on his promise to Shawn Michaels. Ric spit all over the wonderful send off he got which he didn't deserve in the first place. He owes Vince an apology.

Flair owes no one an apology here. Further, did you actually read the news at the beginning of 2010 when Flair stated his desire to start wrestling again? He asked HBK for his blessing, which Shawn gave him. If it was good enough for Shawn, why shouldn't it be good enough for us? Further, TNA is a professional wrestling company, the #2 company in the States behind WWE, not some glorified indy company, as you put it.

2 Overrated. Bret Hart said it best...."Ric Flair is non stop non pyschology." Ric Flair has been the same old same old since day one. He has only been as good as the people he was in the ring with such as Bret, Sting, Race, Dusty and Shawn. Ric was never the leader he was supposed to be either, instead he back stabbed everybody he could to keep his spot.

Drew Carey is in the Hall of Fame. as is Bob Eucker. What you're suggesting is essentially that those two belong in the HOF more then Flair does. The statement labeling Flair as overrated is not only rediculous, it's silly. Flair may have politicked his way into going over in matches, but find me a wrestler who didn't play that game, and I'll show you someone who didn't care about their career. HBK did it. Kurt Angle did it. Undertaker, HHH, and Randy Orton have. If you don't believe you're the best and try to show people, backstage or otherwise, then you're obviously not invested in believing you're the best. Flair is regarded by virtually every expert in the field as at least one of the top 10 wrestlers of all time. So if he's overrated, he's overrated by everyone except you.

3 Horrible Family Man. Flair's family is a mess. His daughters ****ing around, his sons pushing mom off of elevators in malls and ric himself fist fighting with all of them like some kind of pathetic Fred Sanford. I wish Ric and his family would just leave the business alone.

This is the worst argument yet. Hulk Hogan has a less then ideal family life, heck, his son put someone into a coma, his wife cheated on him with someone half her age, and I won't start on Brooke. Maybe they should kick Hogan out as well!

Or perhaps, you're making much-ado about nothing. You may not like Flair, and that's fine. He's not one of my all-time favorites either. But to suggest he should be kicked out of the HOF, live on TV, with wrestlers making jokes about him? You call Flair unprofessional, but where's the professionalism in that?

Guys chill out. Seriously.

1. First off, the way Flair conducts himself on scripted like that...whether its WWE or TNA
2. A person's family or personal matters should not have anything to do w/ his HOF status...especially where w/e his personal, family issues are they can't be as bad as what Chris Benoit did...and yet Ive seen some of you very same posters whenever the Chris Benoit topic comes defend him saying his HOF status should only be based on his in ring accomplishments, so I don't wanna hear this nonsense.
3. Heck if we're gonna kick Flair out bc of "personaly & family" issues, lying or w/e else...why dont we kick Eddie Guerrero out..even tho everyone loved him. He "lied, cheated, and stole" oh not to mention he was a druggie and killed himself from a drug he's related to Vickie (who I can't stand) why dont we kick him out?

All of ya'll need to sit back and let the HOF'er Flair do his thing....whether its WWE, TNA, ROH, some indy show, or sitting at home doing nothing.

And like ya'll said about people judging him....
1. like someone said...say it to his face in front of a national audience & unscripted...then we will believe it.
2. Just cause you see an "interview" of someone talking smack about a guy doesnt mean they actually mean it.

I bet if Miz was interviewed about Cena...the video we'd see is Cena is overrated, I can beat him anytime, I beat him at WM 27 n so on....when in fact he prob respects the man for what he has accomplished

i can not believe that you are going to put someone else into this and cant get the facts correct....EDDIE GUERREO DIED OF AN ENLARGED HEART NOT A DRUG OD...eddie got cleaned and stayed cleaned before he get things correct before you post
1 Disgraceful Conduct. Ric Flair has done nothing but disgrace himself since he left the WWE. He turned his back on a 6 figure on air role to join some glorified indy show where he went back on his promise to Shawn Michaels. Ric spit all over the wonderful send off he got which he didn't deserve in the first place. He owes Vince an apology.

No, he doesn't. A company doesn't retire you. You decide when you retire. An industry might retire you if they decide to have nothing to do with you, but that didn't happen. He continued to get work.

Flair wanted to continue to work in the ring. I don't think it was a smart move, but it's his move to make. To the best of my memory, you aren't let into the Hall with conditions. They simply induct them when they feel they deserve it, presumably. (Considering that some rivals of WWE/Vince have gone in, some haven't.)

Perhaps he went back on his promise to Shawn, but so what? What does that have to do with anything? Shawn isn't his world. He's a friend at best.

2 Overrated. Bret Hart said it best...."Ric Flair is non stop non pyschology." Ric Flair has been the same old same old since day one. He has only been as good as the people he was in the ring with such as Bret, Sting, Race, Dusty and Shawn. Ric was never the leader he was supposed to be either, instead he back stabbed everybody he could to keep his spot. If he didn't get his way he cried like a 4 year old. Scott Steiner said every time he went to work he saw Flair crying like a baby over something everyday. Scott Steiner never cried and neither do I. Flair will never be half the man Steiner is or I am.

This is clearly a hatred post at this point. Why would they NOW strip him of the Hall status, because he's overrated? Theoretically, he'd have been overrated to begin with yet they let him in. This obviously makes no damn sense and I won't comment on this portion any more as it's pointless.

3 Horrible Family Man. Flair's family is a mess. His daughters ****ing around, his sons pushing mom off of elevators in malls and ric himself fist fighting with all of them like some kind of pathetic Fred Sanford. I wish Ric and his family would just leave the business alone.

You mentioned Bret Hart, whom I presume you're a fan of as you quoted the guy. Bret admits to cheating on his wife in his book and to this day, doesn't seem completely remorseful about the situation. He also has feuds with his siblings and was on the road for 300+ days a year (by his own admittance) while his first (I believe) wife raised their children. Should Bret be taken out of the Hall as well?

The Hall has nothing to do with how you treat your family. Unless, of course, you kill them or something along those lines.
While I felt betrayed as much as the WWE is, Ric Flair shouldn't be stripped of his HoF status. That goes the same for Hogan. Their work and accomplishments that they gave the WWE can't be voided with their actions that they have done after they retire.

I'll go with the suggestion that WWE shouldn't mention any more of Ric Flair which I believe they are doing now. Even the 'chop' which is a basic move in pro-wrestling is banned since it gives the 'woooo' reaction that Flair is famous for. I think that's enough, but they should never strip him of his HoF status.

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