Should WWE Strip Ric Flair of His Hall of Fame Status?


Occasional Pre-Show
I think the WWE reserves the right to kick anybody out of the hall of fame due to certain circumstances such as disgraceful conduct. I believe Ric Flair should be kicked out of the hall of fame for these 3 reasons.

1 Disgraceful Conduct. Ric Flair has done nothing but disgrace himself since he left the WWE. He turned his back on a 6 figure on air role to join some glorified indy show where he went back on his promise to Shawn Michaels. Ric spit all over the wonderful send off he got which he didn't deserve in the first place. He owes Vince an apology.

2 Overrated. Bret Hart said it best...."Ric Flair is non stop non pyschology." Ric Flair has been the same old same old since day one. He has only been as good as the people he was in the ring with such as Bret, Sting, Race, Dusty and Shawn. Ric was never the leader he was supposed to be either, instead he back stabbed everybody he could to keep his spot. If he didn't get his way he cried like a 4 year old. Scott Steiner said every time he went to work he saw Flair crying like a baby over something everyday. Scott Steiner never cried and neither do I. Flair will never be half the man Steiner is or I am.

3 Horrible Family Man. Flair's family is a mess. His daughters ****ing around, his sons pushing mom off of elevators in malls and ric himself fist fighting with all of them like some kind of pathetic Fred Sanford. I wish Ric and his family would just leave the business alone.

I think WWE should hold a ceremony on raw where they publicly kick Flair out of the hall of fame. They could even have wrestlers make jokes at Flair's expense throughout the show. Who else should WWE kick out besides Flair?
Nah, if I were WWE I wouldn't make a habit of mentioning Flair (unlikely anytime soon anyway) and wouldn't preface his name with "WWE Hall of Famer", but actually removing him from the hall would be a bit much I think.

However I do agree with the three points you made to a degree. Kick out Flair though, and you might as well conduct a mass exodus as I'm sure he's not the only one that fits that bill by a long shot.

As for the having wrestlers make jokes about him, not sure how many would actually be willing to do that publicly under such circumstances. Most of them probably do or have idolised him.
If every wrestler with a messed up family situation wasn't allowed in the HOF or was to be kicked out, there would only be about 4 guys left in it and about 12 more left eligible.
If every wrestler with a messed up family situation wasn't allowed in the HOF or was to be kicked out, there would only be about 4 guys left in it and about 12 more left eligible.

It's not just the family situation. You have to combine all the horribleness that goes along with Ric Flair....add it all it up and you have to kick him out. He doesn't deserve to be in there with Austin, Hogan and Rock.
1. So what you're saying is you want Flair to be thrown out of the Hall of Fame for lying in a business based on a massive lie? Think about that for a minute.

2. Koko B. Ware is in the Hall of Fame. The amount of accomplishments you have doesn't really matter.

3. One of the biggest runs WWE has ever had was over Vince fighting with his family for control of the company. Vince's character is alleged to have slept with anything with two legs and a hole to put the genetic jackhammer in. I don't think morals matter much.

In short, no he shouldn't be thrown out of the Hall of Fame. He went in and a promise he made to Shawn should have no bearing on it. If they've made peace about it or even if they haven't, who cares? It's their business. The HOF is a token thing anyway and they would bring Flair more attention if they pulled him out, which is the point of the thing anyway.
1. So what you're saying is you want Flair to be thrown out of the Hall of Fame for lying in a business based on a massive lie? Think about that for a minute.

2. Koko B. Ware is in the Hall of Fame. The amount of accomplishments you have doesn't really matter.

3. One of the biggest runs WWE has ever had was over Vince fighting with his family for control of the company. Vince's character is alleged to have slept with anything with two legs and a hole to put the genetic jackhammer in. I don't think morals matter much.

In short, no he shouldn't be thrown out of the Hall of Fame. He went in and a promise he made to Shawn should have no bearing on it. If they've made peace about it or even if they haven't, who cares? It's their business. The HOF is a token thing anyway and they would bring Flair more attention if they pulled him out, which is the point of the thing anyway.

1 Being a disgrace and a liar are two different things. A liar could be forgiven but a disgrace should be cast away. My first point doesn't have anything to do with Flair lying either. The way he portrays himself is disgraceful.

2 KoKo B Ware was just as good as a worker as Flair and one could argue he KoKo was more entertaining. Again, Flair is vastly overrated and deserves none of the praise he gets. Shawn and Bret were both much better.

3 That was just a storyline. Vince has control over his own family. I know many wrestlers are divorced or have family problems but Flair's WHOLE family is a disgrace....there's that word again....disgrace. Flair does not deserve to be in the Hall of Fame.
1 Being a disgrace and a liar are two different things. A liar could be forgiven but a disgrace should be cast away. My first point doesn't have anything to do with Flair lying either. The way he portrays himself is disgraceful.

2 KoKo B Ware was just as good as a worker as Flair and one could argue he KoKo was more entertaining. Again, Flair is vastly overrated and deserves none of the praise he gets. Shawn and Bret were both much better.

3 That was just a storyline. Vince has control over his own family. I know many wrestlers are divorced or have family problems but Flair's WHOLE family is a disgrace....there's that word again....disgrace. Flair does not deserve to be in the Hall of Fame.

Cast away? What is this, ancient Israel? No one in the Hall of Fame is perfect. Shawn had a ton of personal issues with drugs and alcohol. Austin was arrested for domestic violence. Rock allegedly left the company. Vince McMahon Sr. was stupid enough to let Hulk Hogan go. Hogan allegedly used a bunch of drugs and steroids. No one is perfect and Flair isn't either. That means nothing on whether or not he should be in or out of the Hall of Fame.

Your second point shows you have little to no knowledge of what you're speaking of.

Yes, it was just a storyline. In other words, it's fake and has no bearing on what happens in the real world. Meaning you've established that there are two different areas to a wrestler's life and what happens in one should have no bearing on the other. Therefore, based on your own logic, Flair's activities should have no bearing on his Hall of Fame wrestling status.
I think the WWE reserves the right to kick anybody out of the hall of fame due to certain circumstances such as disgraceful conduct.
Well, the Olympic committee has the right to strip a person of his gold medals if they behave in a way that does not reflect well on the organization. That makes sense, as they are a global symbol that stands for unity and friendly competition. Likewise, WWE is a global organization of entertainment and competition. If Chris Benoit, for instance, lived a long life and entered into the Hall of Fame BEFORE the murder-suicide, I believe WWE should have every right to strip him of the honor. To that extend, I agree with you...

Ric Flair has done nothing but disgrace himself since he left the WWE. He turned his back on a 6 figure on air role to join some glorified indy show where he went back on his promise to Shawn Michaels. Ric spit all over the wonderful send off he got which he didn't deserve in the first place. He owes Vince an apology.
The amount of money Flair makes is none of my business, has nothing to do with his talent or ability, and caries zero weight in this discussion. He didn't really "turn his back" on it, as much as he was pushed into it, regardless. He did not "spit all over" his send-off. He was given an amazing retirement from the WWE, a company that he has worked for throughout much of the last twenty years. But Flair had a career before Vince McMahon, and he has just as much right to have a career post-Vince. He's a grown man, and he can make his own decisions on his future.

Look at it this way... In thirty years you'll hit the biggest milestone of your entire life: 40 years of gainful employment with Walmart. And when your time is up, maybe they'll give you a cake a throw you a huge party to wish you farewell. But does that mean you have no right to go work for Payless Shoes? Hell no! You're a grown man, and it's your right to work whatever shitty job a moron manager will hand you... So good luck with that.

GTFOutta here with your TNA bashing. Don't bring your ignorant hate for a successful wrestling company into this discussion if you're really not trying to use it further your point.

Bret Hart said it best...."Ric Flair is non stop non pyschology." Ric Flair has been the same old same old since day one. He has only been as good as the people he was in the ring with such as Bret, Sting, Race, Dusty and Shawn. Ric was never the leader he was supposed to be either, instead he back stabbed everybody he could to keep his spot.
Bret Hart said a LOT of things about Ric Flair. It'd be best to post a link to the entire part of his commentary on Flair, rather than selecting half a sentence out of context to support your point. It's true Hart thought Flair was never that exceptional of a worker, and to a point I agree that he has been over-rated. But near the end of his WWE career, his legacy alone made his matches worth watching and sold a lot of events. His final match was one of the biggest Mania matches in history - not because he was the greatest worker of all time - but because he has a longer legacy with more accolades than anybody in the business.

Over-rated, yes. But still one of the all-time greats. And if you want to point the finger at another exaggerated talent, Bret Hart doesn't exactly have the cleanest record in the world. His has his own skeletons in the closet, and you can't take every word he says at face value...

I don't blame Flair for back-stabbing and stepping over people to get to the top. There was no "safe money" in pro wrestling back in the day. You wanted to get to the top of your territory, and eventually to stepped on people. You clawed your way up and played dirty politics to get there. THe "dirtiest player in the game" is not a moniker dedicated solely to his in-ring style... Today's rather tame product and backstage goings-on don't paint an accurate setting for stories like Flair, Hart, or anybody from their age. Being that "locker room leader" you think he was supposed to be was nowhere in his contract...when he had a contract... You want to be the best at anything in the world, you take down the people in your way.

If he didn't get his way he cried like a 4 year old. Scott Steiner said every time he went to work he saw Flair crying like a baby over something everyday. Scott Steiner never cried and neither do I.
I'm sorry you are incapable of shedding tears... Scott Steiner's promo work and ring psychology gives me water-works every damn time! Honestly, I can't believe you're using Scott Fu**ing Steiner as a key witness in your case... Really? Heresay is not admissible in court, and I'm not going to justify it in this discussion either.

Flair's family is a mess. His daughters ****ing around, his sons pushing mom off of elevators in malls and ric himself fist fighting with all of them like some kind of pathetic Fred Sanford. I wish Ric and his family would just leave the business alone.
Famous people put their family in the spotlight, and it always has strange effects. Yes, they have a lot of issues, but if we're being honest... I DON'T CARE. I have never once Google searched for info on Flair's family troubles, because unless it directly influences an angle or the value of my wrestling product, I could literally not care less. Same way I don't let the Hardy's personal issues reflect on how I view their work in the ring... Flair's personal life is none of my business.

I think WWE should hold a ceremony on raw where they publicly kick Flair out of the hall of fame. They could even have wrestlers make jokes at Flair's expense throughout the show.
Yes. This is exactly what WWE needs to be spending time and resources on. In fact, just send Dolph Ziggler, Cody Rhodes, Wade Barrett, and Zack Ryder home that night. Give 'em a week off and just make jokes at Flair's expense...because that will project the product into the future!

You don't burn bridges. Ever. You always leave the door open to every possible angle, especially when you're as valuable a commodity as Ric Flair. Look, I don't care if you hate the guy, think his family issues devalue his accomplishments, or truly believe he should get kicked out of the Hall. But if you truly think Flair wasn't one of the most entertaining wrestlers, one of the best managers, and one of the all-time great promo're missing something huge.
It's not just the family situation. You have to combine all the horribleness that goes along with Ric Flair....add it all it up and you have to kick him out. He doesn't deserve to be in there with Austin, Hogan and Rock.

Well if we go by your way of thinking, Austin should be kicked too as he allegedly beat up Debra and was convicted for it.

And please we all know what a screw up Hogan and his family are, their not exactly quiet about it either.
Stripping Ric Flair of his Hall of Fame status would be assanine to say the least. However making a fool of yourself because your some washed up old hasbeen who just continues to devalue himself further more and continue to be a douchebag outside of wrestling is just enough punishment.
WWE doesn't deserve to kick anyone out of the Hall of Fame, because we can't blame them for personal issues or family issues.
They gave all they got for entertainment, maybe for the money. But the most did it for the WWE fans, some people almost died, like a-train, like austin, like cena broke or almost broke theyre necks.

Sorry if i have typing issues, but i'm a dutch kid with the age of 13.
It's not just the family situation. You have to combine all the horribleness that goes along with Ric Flair....add it all it up and you have to kick him out. He doesn't deserve to be in there with Austin, Hogan and Rock.

What about Hogan's constant personal issues. and repeated turning his back on WWE when he wasn't getting his own way and repeated trying to compete against the company that put his name in the spotlight

Austin is a self confessed wife beater

so why not kick them out too

Seriously get over it, they are legends whether you like them or not and in the WWE/WCW world they are Hall Of Fame.

Flair is Flair, he's always been an alchy, womanizing, self beating mooch, kicking him out of the Hall of Fame would achieve nothing, he was inducted on his "performance" achievements not what he does outside
No No No No No!

In all seriousness why would WWE even consider this? To acknowledge Flair again they would first have to acknowledge TNA live on TV, and all to strip him of his HOF name and then slag him off to the live audience. Vince cares about ratings, would it increase ratings if this week on Raw we see a vignette for the next weeks show which puts across that Flair will be stripped of his HOF status? Thats question is rhetorical, as no one would really tune in especially to see that. Quite a ******ed thread as the reasons for Flair being banished from the HOF are a bit personal, and if this was to go ahead im sure in some way or another there would be a lawsuit involved.
KoKo B Ware was just as good as a worker as Flair and one could argue he KoKo was more entertaining.

I wasn't going to flame you until I read this. Now it's on...

You are a massive tool and you clearly have NO idea what you're talking about. Statements like this should earn you an IP ban from this forum.

Regardless of your apparent mental inadequacies, I find it impossible for you to actually believe the drivel spewing forth from your mouth.

1. You mad?

2. Ric Flair overrated? Based on the word of Bret Hart? I suppose the massive amount of respect for Flair from almost EVERY wrestler to lace up a pair of boots means nothing now.

3. Horrible family man you say? Unless you're related to Flair, I don't think you have the right to make such an accusation. And even if he was/is a "horrible family man", his antics outside of the business hold no bearing on his accomplishments within it.

Bottom line is that Ric Flair gave 100% every single time he walked through that curtain, was (and still is) massively over with the fans, and is one of the biggest draws ever. Regardless of how you may feel, Ric Flair deserves his spot in the HOF.
Kick Ric Flair out of the wwe hall of fame? Don't think so.

Ric flair is one of the people who deserves to be in the wwe hall of fame more than some (not all) of the other inductee's simply because of the contribution he's made not just to the wwe but to wrestling as a whole.
The decisions he makes about his personal life and his post wwe retirement career are entirely his own business.

He brought spectacle and entertainment to the wwe and fans could always connect with him emotionally whether he made you laugh, cry or want to break something and its because he gave us these things that he's in the hall of fame and nobody could reserve the right to kick him out. He's legendary and it doesn't matter what else he does in his life he'll always have given his best to the wwe while he was given the opportunity.
I disagree with Bret Harts opinion of him. If somebody asked me who was the best heel in wrestling history I'd have to point to Ric Flair because even as a face you couldn't trust him and to me thats dedication to character and that's what builds a star and Ric Flair is certainly that.

Bret Hart seems to have a lot of bad things to say about other wrestlers and I can't help but think Bret Hart is full of it, even ego maniac Hulk Hogan said Flair is the greatest of all time, even if he was just saying it to be nice.
I wouldn't piss on Bret Hart if he was on fire.
It upsets me that everyone is turning their backs on Ric Flair.

Outside the ring he has done pretty much everything wrong. But man, everything he has done in the ring is perfection. The guy wrestles for free now because of all the money he owes. Ric Flair needs us in his life and the wrestling community needed him to make it what it is today.
I think it would be much much more disrespectful to kick Ric Flair out of the Hall of Fame, than anything hes done. The man worked his ass off for 40 years doing what he does to one day be a Hall of Famer, and one of the greatest of all time. Kicking Flair out of the Hall of Fame, would be a disgrace.
I'm quite sure that most will agree, that flair's personal/home life has seen better days, having said that, you can't take away his continual contribution to the buisness of wrestling itself. He deserve's the right to recieve the accolade of the hall of fame, based just on time spent in wwe alone.

As previously stated, there are many others prior to flair who have had rather dubious pasts, yet maintain their shine in the hof. Regardless of his "ability or lack of" as an in ring worker, you still should recognise his dedication and longevity in the buisness. Keep him in the hof.

Is king kong bundy in the hof? If not he bloody well should be.
This is an absolutely ridiculous thread.

So fucking what if Ric Flair has come out of retirement after his big send off. He spoke to Shawn Michaels about it personally, and Shawn was ok with it. How many wrestlers have matches after retiring? The answer is plenty. Look at Terry Funk, he still wrestled after about 4 retirements, including 1 ECW show specifically dedicated to him in which Vince had allowed the WWF Champion Bret Hart to work...what if Bret had suffered a career-ending injury on that show?! But yet Funk is in the HOF, as he damm well should be.

Ric Flair is the most successful world champion of all time, and if you are complaining about the backstage politics that he was involved in, and using that as a reason for his removal from the HOF, then you are taking about many other major stars, including Hulk Hogan who was far more into throwing his weight around than Ric Flair. Flair always did the job, and WCW put him in so many stupid situations that he had a right to sometimes get angry backstage. He is a legend and should be treated as such, not to be made to look like a fool.

And if you want to remove him for personal problems, again look at some of the other HOFers. Should Hogan be taken out for his ridiculous reality show, his stupid children or his bitter divorce? Austin is in and he beat his girlfriend allegedly. Grow up, the HOF is a way of remembering a wrestler's career and achievements, not a reward for a stable family life.

It saddens me to see Flair's personal issues and that he has to continue to work to pay the bills at his age, but that is no reason to take him out of the HOF, he is in and should stay in.

I would never watch the WWE again if they removed The Nature Boy from the HOF.
No No No No No!

In all seriousness why would WWE even consider this? To acknowledge Flair again they would first have to acknowledge TNA live on TV, and all to strip him of his HOF name and then slag him off to the live audience. Vince cares about ratings, would it increase ratings if this week on Raw we see a vignette for the next weeks show which puts across that Flair will be stripped of his HOF status? Thats question is rhetorical, as no one would really tune in especially to see that. Quite a ******ed thread as the reasons for Flair being banished from the HOF are a bit personal, and if this was to go ahead im sure in some way or another there would be a lawsuit involved.

Mentioning anybody doesn't mean you are advertising the competition.
Flair, Hogan or whomever that worked for WWE worked for WWE doesn't mean you are mentioning where they are now unless they actually say, currently he's in TNA which they wouldn't, they would just say he's doing his own thing.
Scott Steiner said every time he went to work he saw Flair crying like a baby over something everyday. Scott Steiner never cried and neither do I. Flair will never be half the man Steiner is or I am.

This sentence alone implies you have a "personal" vendetta with Flair. What, you went to a show when you were younger and he told you to go fuck yourself when you asked for a photo, right? Flair will never be the man Steiner is because, unlike most every other wrestler of his time, he never took steroids. I'm not entirely sure how comparing Flair to you makes any sense, unless it personal.

Which brings me to my next point, who are you?
Who are you to name and compare yourself to one of if not the most influential wrestlers of all time?
This is the most ridiculous thread ever! You are going on and on about character and morals and properly representing the it is an ACTUAL Hall Of Fame! For the sake of argument, say it was a real legit HoF, why or how could you kick somebody out when there is NO criteria to get in? Let me guess, you think Eddie Guerrero should be in, but not Ric Flair? Koko B Ware, Bob Uecker, Drew Carey, Sunny, and William Perry should be in, but not Ric Flair?
Ric Flair should have an entire wing dedicated to him, and Hogan should have a wing dedicated to him. They are and will forever be number 1 & 2, depending on what part of the country you grew up in. If it wasn't for Flair, and Hogan, professional wrestling wouldn't even be here today!
The only way WWE would even think of stripping him of his HOF induction is if he did something along the lines of Chris Benoit. Tarnishing his legacy is not enough reason to kick him out.
It's kind of ridiculous to put someone in the HOF for what they had accomplished in their career, then kick them out for what they did after they were inducted. "Yeah, you did great things...but upon further reflection, maybe they weren't so great." It would make them look like idiots, not Flair. I've never been a huge Flair fan myself, but he deserves to be in for what he did during his career...the fact that he's a bit of a jerk notwithstanding.
Flair will never be the man Steiner is because, unlike most every other wrestler of his time, he never took steroids.

Actually Flair has admitted on taking steroids on several occasions, but only for short periods of time. Unlike Steiner, who is a poster boy for steroid abuse, with one of the most unnatural looking physiques I have ever seen.

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