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Should TNA Have Let Ric Flair Attend the WWE Hall-of-Fame?


Pre-Show Stalwart
I know Ric Flair had a long respected run in the WWE and it makes sense that he would want to attend the Hall of Fame ceremony which inducts Shawn Michaels, the man who "retired" him. But personal feelings aside, should TNA have let one of their biggest names attend a rival company's event?

If the shoe were on the other foot, with a WWE wrestler having a visible presence at a TNA event, Vince McMahon would bring down a sh*tstorm on everyone involved. He'd sue the person in question, he'd sue the company for allowing it, he'd sue the entire Impact Zone audience for having seen it for free and he'd sue their travel agent for booking their holiday!

I'm not even saying TNA could stop Ric Flair from attending in the first place, but if I were Dixie or Jeff or Bob or hell, Panda Energy, I'd be taking him to one side and respectfully saying "Ric, I know you've got history with Shawn, but you're under a TNA contract, you're this side of the fence, don't you dare go to Atlanta this weekend".

What do you guys think?
Why not? It was not a big issue that TNA wrestlers were at the HoF induction when Flair went in. It was also no secret that John Lauraniti and Jeff Jarrett had met publicilly when WrestleMania wa in Orlando.

Truthfully, as long as they are not on TV or DVD then it should be a non-issue. Visibility is subjective if the fans around them know who they are and the fans watching at home or DVD have no idea they are there.

But do you honestly think that TNA wrestlers have never been to a WWE event if it was a house show or TV taping? Do you honetly think ROH guys are not attending Axxess, the Hall of Fame induction or WrestleMania?

But by your logic, then, CM Punk should be heavy critcized and verbally beaten for being backtage at the RoH event in Atlanta since he would have some chance of visibility if a fan saw him there.

Truthfully, you are making a mountain out of a mole hill. You cannot openly tell your employees what to do with their personal time if it has no impact on the company a a whole.
TNA is a second rate company that puts on worst shows than your local wrestling promotion, so it is no issue to wwe for them to be there. On top of that Flair can go where ever he wants at this point in his career. Another case and point, Hogan is in WWE all stars, Warrior and Savage as well.
Absolutely. It's pure win/win for TNA. They can use every last bit of exposure that they can get. Having Ric Flair, one of their premiere names, present at the HoF ceremony gets them notice even if the name TNA is never brought up. It looks good from a PR standpoint, and shows the world that they have a true wrestling ambassador on their roster.

It would be completely different the other way around. TNA is a distant number two to WWE, and needs every ounce of exposure they can get. WWE does not. Vince McMahon would gain nothing from having his talent visible at some event of theirs other than give them legitimacy. With his history of ignoring the competition when he is in a dominant position, Vince would never okay such a thing.

But if TNA management was asked at all, I'm sure that they were completely on board with Ric Flair attending.
Im glad Flair is here in Atlanta for WM Weekend seeing as how he is a WWE Hall Of Famer and has ties with HBK with the last Match in WWE. TNA should respect his decesion to be here and enjoy Shawn's HOF Induction.
If the shoe were on the other foot, with a WWE wrestler having a visible presence at a TNA event, Vince McMahon would bring down a sh*tstorm on everyone involved.

The difference is Vince CAN unleash a sh*tstorm. TNA CAN'T. I've watched TNA since the beginning. The way TNA is now, they will NEVER compete with WWE. Bottomline.

Flair can do whatever he wants. He is a legend and if TNA has a problem, I'm sure he can easily find work elsewhere.
Flair is secrectly signed on a legends contract with independent wrestler claus....

But it shouldn't be an issue. I am sure that some NFL players are fans of other teams and attend other teams matches..... it isn't an issue.
I know Ric Flair had a long respected run in the WWE and it makes sense that he would want to attend the Hall of Fame ceremony which inducts Shawn Michaels, the man who "retired" him. But personal feelings aside, should TNA have let one of their biggest names attend a rival company's event?

If the shoe were on the other foot, with a WWE wrestler having a visible presence at a TNA event, Vince McMahon would bring down a sh*tstorm on everyone involved. He'd sue the person in question, he'd sue the company for allowing it, he'd sue the entire Impact Zone audience for having seen it for free and he'd sue their travel agent for booking their holiday!

I'm not even saying TNA could stop Ric Flair from attending in the first place, but if I were Dixie or Jeff or Bob or hell, Panda Energy, I'd be taking him to one side and respectfully saying "Ric, I know you've got history with Shawn, but you're under a TNA contract, you're this side of the fence, don't you dare go to Atlanta this weekend".

What do you guys think?

I think TNA should have let Flair go but for business purposes I understand why they didn't. I highly doubt McMahon would sue somebody over this, so it's purely speculation. I think it takes way too much time to sue and file suit. But Flair is a grown man and TNA doesn't own him, he works for the company, so he does have a right to go if he wants, so long as he's not seen on camera.
Guys, It's the Hall of Fame, Tna doesn't recognize NWA HoF, NWA Titles (before NWATNA with a few exceptions including Flair) or even the Official Pro Wrestling HoF, but one thing they do publicly recognize is WWE, both title runs and the HoF, hell am I the only one who remembers the Hogan/Flair HoF storyline? Hell I'm kind of shocked that Hogan isn't in attendance considering how close he is/was to the entire class this year (Carey doesn't count).
also, did everyone forget that Tommy Dreamer a TNA talent and agent was openly backstage at WWE EC ppv? He made no effort to hide it even retweeting Joey Styles tweet about being there backstage.
I doubt TNA cares very much that Flair is at the Hall of Fame. He may have not even informed TNA that he was going. Even if they didn't want him to go he would have gone anyway. They probably wouldn't make it an issue knowing that HBK is a close friend of his. Also he's under contract to TNA, so he couldn't appear on camera or do anything to make TNA look bad. Otherwise he would be liable for breech of his contract.
To put an end to "it isn't like he is appearing on camera", a) he did, he is shown on the Wrestlemania Diary giving HBK a belt buckle, and b) the HoF is recorded and packaged with the Mania DVD as well as shown Monday night. Ric Flair is one of the biggest names in wrestling, I'm sure at some point when the camera pans the audience Flair will be shown, more than once wouldn't surprise me.
If the shoe were on the other foot, with a WWE wrestler having a visible presence at a TNA event, Vince McMahon would bring down a sh*tstorm on everyone involved.
This reminds me of the time Robbie McCallister of the WWE Tag Team the Highlanders was in Orlando for WM and went to visit a friend working for TNA. His friend informed tNA of Robbie's visit and got a promise they wouldn't make a big deal out of. They honored their word by taping him in the audience and making a big deal about it which got him in trouble with Vince. What do you expect from a low class company...
I take back the part about him being shown during the HoF taping, a friend at the event told me Flair was never shown on camera during the event meaning unless they put the diary on the DVD he is only shown in the diary on wwe.com and youtube
Yeah there have been a few occasions where WWE has punished wrestlers for attending TNA events or socializing with TNA stars in public. I think TNA should be the bigger men and let him go to it, if he was invited. I honestly dont think they would, forbid him or punish him from going (after all this is hypothetical).

After all, its the HoF ceremony, its not like hes backstage at Wrestlemania, it really doesnt mean a whole lot.
Business competition and the WWE HOF bashing aside, it's a big deal to a lot of people. It's a night where the performers get a last thank you for the entertainment that they provided.

I don't think WWE should focus on any TNA, ROH, or any other wrestlers in the stands. I don't think ROH, TNA, or any other group should draw unnecessary attention to wrestlers from other companies. Some are bound to become friends and have bonds with the people they work with. It's not like they're going out and selling tickets for the competition or something.

It would be great if all the companies would take the high road instead of trying to one up each other or embarrass someone.
If that makes TNA a low class company, how does it reflect on Vince and the WWE?

To me, its like if we were watching a basketball game between two teams and the camera pans into the crowd and the annoucer is like hey theres so and so of a third team.

It shouldnt matter if that wrestler is in the WWE, in TNA or anywhere else. UFC calls attention when Taker, Austin and etc are in the crowd. Its just calling attention to a star in the crowd and no maybe Robbie isnt and was never a star but at that time he was apart of a big tag team push.

I remember once when I had one of those big dish sats in the backyard I could pick up live feeds of WCW before they aired. Sort of like that video of Taker practing putting Paul in the cement. One of the times I watched it. It was them getting ready to tape Thunder and the crowd is starting to come in and everyone is sitting down.

The camera pans into a woman in the crowd and you hear Tenay say "Whats she doing here?" The woman was Barbara Bush from The WWE. This was while she was while she was appearing on WWE TV too. I dont think they ever said anything during the actual show but the camera man was just panning around the crowd and he just happen to find someone from the WWE sitting in the crowd.

I mean, to me...as a wrestling fan...I would hope that wrestlers are wrestling fans and I would hope they are allowed to go to events as they see fit. Didnt Edge text Christian when he won the TNA Title? Implying he was watching the TNA PPV at home? or atleast was told by someone who had been watching?

Just so this isnt consider too far off topic. I think the same is applied here. We dont know who is in that crowd. Theres that picture of Daniel Bryan in the crowd and that was before he was signed to the WWE at all, wasnt it?

I remember reading on WZ about DDP walking into the room and getting a pop from the fans...are you telling me if a random TNA or Indy guy walked in there and the fans knew them they shouldnt be allowed to cheer? And that person shouldnt be seen on camera at all?

Its The Hall of Fame...they are wrestlers being put in it who never really had much to do with the WWE. Its WrestleMania. Even though its a big name for WWE a ton of wrestling events are going on around this week and its all in the name of WrestleMania...not just WWE but WrestleMania.
Well from a TNA standpoint, if there is a WWE guy in the crowd. Of course you are going to pan to him. It would be silly not to. Heres a guy from the rival company, enjoying your product and thats how I am sure Vince sees it. To call TNA low for doing it, is just crazy. WWE pan to celebs and to other sporting stars all the time, it shows that these guys like the product. If your a fan of lets say... Mark Wahlberg and you see Mark sitting ringside of a WWE event, youre gonna be like oh sweet, Mark likes it, I might give it a go. Its simple exposure in a business that is built on name recognition.
Well first off. If WWE was going sue TNA for something, it would be for having an ECW tribute showing. Having the fans scream 'ECW! ECW!"

Or having them scream a "Fuck You Vince" chant as well.

Ric Flair is attending the hall of a fame, and it's great. Especially for HBK. It shows great respect for the Heart Break Kid.

Now as this going to a good thing for TNA. Well, it's hard to say, because one, not too many people know what is Ric Flair is doing in TNA. Because not too many people know about TNA. We know this.

When you see Ric Flair, you don't think TNA. You think.. The Nature Boy.. MEAN GEAN!! WHOA!!!

You don't really think. Immortal, or the Hall of Fame ring match.

So, it's great for HBK. No one else really has gets that much opportunity for it.
This reminds me of the time Robbie McCallister of the WWE Tag Team the Highlanders was in Orlando for WM and went to visit a friend working for TNA. His friend informed tNA of Robbie's visit and got a promise they wouldn't make a big deal out of. They honored their word by taping him in the audience and making a big deal about it which got him in trouble with Vince. What do you expect from a low class company...

Oh for Christ's sake, this is the type of shit I can only expect from people who act like self professed experts of the wrestling business. All that bullshit you hear about this and that is just mere speculation dude, get over it! Just because you heard on the internet that Robbie McCallister showed up at a TNA event and was ratted out by a buddy of his, who I might add you did not provide the name of isn't enough evidence for me to believe that he was dimed out.

And don't get me wrong, TNA is not my favorite wrestling brand, but are you trying to make WWE out to be humanitarians as well? I mean if you're going to resort to calling one company low class I am sure you're like many other IWC dilettantes out there on the internet that is looking to just find every excuse in the book to rip on TNA.

But anyway, getting back to the point here about what the OP said which in my opinion he's made a big deal of in my view is the attendance of Ric Flair at the WWE Hall Of Fame.

Who seriously gives a shit if he's with TNA? The sad thing is is that Vince has made it so much of a prerogative of his to ignore wrestlers that jump ship and don't allow them to do any participation with anything WWE related, however these past few years things have sort of changed with that. See Hulk Hogan's appearance in WWE All Stars and Mick Foley's book plug from a few months back and it seems the company's mindset has changed. As well it should, networks like NBC and ABC have worked together in joint broadcasts in the past and movie studios like Universal and Warner Bros have cooperated in joint productions in the past. Hell Harley Davidson even made the engines for motorcycles that short-lived revival of Indian was selling. Hell to keep this wrestling-related, New Japan and All Japan have even had working agreements. Again though most assholes would go and say "Well that's different." It's really not, to be honest it's Vince and his WWE subordinates that have a bigger problem with this, but to his credit and like I mentioned above we have seen some of that change a little bit.

So Ric Flair being at the Hall Of Fame for Shawn shouldn't offend anyone, and if it does offend any fans on here, then quite honestly those types are fucking assholes, period. Instead of being wrestling fans all I am hearing is a bunch of fucking asshole trolls overemphasizing and embracing the term "brand loyalty" just a little too much.
Ric is important enough in TNA that he can pretty much show up wherever the hell he likes, he'd probably have been told that he wasn't allowed to go but then turned round and said, 'screw that, i'm not missing this, do whatever you like' and with that was going, there's no way they could really punish him or have enough influence to stop him doing stuff like that, so if the shoe was on the other foot it'd be different, because WWE don't need him, TNA need all the help they can get.
After reading everyones post on how 'Vinnie mac would lay the smackdown on TNA and sue them'.

Iv'e come to the conclusion, no wait, Im positive that no one has a degree in law or here or understands law in anyway or form of capacity. If you guys were lawyers then you would SUCK guaranteed.

Back to the question, he is Ric Flair, yu cant tell him what to do. From what everyone says, TNA is comfortable company to work with unlike WWE.
TNA's just letting everyone know that Ric is still alive. I mean, the general wrestling public probably thought he was really retired or dead. Plus TNA still thinks they can play off of WWE to generate a "war" or any kind of interest.
This doesn't hurt TNA, only helps them gain exposure. Weeeellll...it would if any of the WWE fans who see Ric this weekend would actually watch TNA..HEY! LOOK! Macho and Warrior are being inducted together into the HOF!!!!.........yeah, that'll happen too...lol
I had no idea Ric Fair had attended the WWE HOF or even when this was (I’m assuming it was held last night?) But this can only be positive for TNA.

TNA are a growing company and having one of their stars at a WWE event (the biggest wresting/entertainment company out there) can only bring exposure to TNA. Which is clearly a good thing for TNA.

I’m not sure whether the Nature Boy would have needed permission from TNA to attend (as I don’t know Ric Flair or any of TNA’s management team) but I would assume no one would have objected had he asked for their blessing. TNA are trying to grow and bring their product to a wider audience and what better way to do this than have one of your big stars at a WWE event? People might see Flair and think ‘I remember that wresting God, I wonder what he’s up to these days?’ A quick Google search later and you see he’s in some company called TNA. You may even then look out for one of TNA’s programs to see what he’s up to.

Nothing negative can come of Ric Flair attending the HOF ceremony. If it was a WWE star at a TNA event, then that’s a different story all together. WWE are the top dog, so they don’t need the exposure of having one of their guys at someone else’s event. However TNA, as a growing company, can do with all the exposure they can get. Smart move on TNA’s part, for not objecting to a wrestling God getting them some exposure.
Lol this thread is stupid. Flair can go where he wants when he wants as long as he is not suppose to work in the same time. Do you realize that Flair or any wrestler for that matter is friends with wrestlers from the WWE? For crying out loud, all wrestlers know each other because, 1 they might have grown up in the same town or gone to the same school or 2 because they have worked together either in the indies or WCW and ECW, so they are bound to talk to each other some times. Yes TNA and WWE are seperate companies, but it isn't the cold war people .The only thing that would put Flair in trouble is if he would wrestle in WWE and TNA at the same time. Anyways it doesn't really matter he wont even be on camera.

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