Could Ric Flair Induct HBK?

There's no chance in hell that Ric Flair will be inducting either Arn Anderson or Shawn Michaels into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2011, as long as he is still employed by TNA Wrestling. I just cannot see Vince McMahon allowing someone, anyone, from the "competition" to be an integral part of the festivities on the night preceding Wrestlemania. There would be the uncertainty of what may be said or done, but over and above that, the fact that Flair appears on Spike TV on a weekly basis as part of a significant storyline, there's no way WWE will let him induct either of these guys.

Well said, not a chance in hell of Flair being the guy to induct Shawn. Apart from Naitchs last match being against Michaels, what other reason is there for him to be the guy who does it. Their careers have never really been linked in any way, and they spent most of it in seperate wrestling companies.

Not only that, but while TNA may be willing to let Flair appear on a WWE show, if only for the extra publicity it MAY bring them, but Vince would certainly not want an employee of the "competition" (if he even classes TNA as such) inducting HBK, who is probably the main event of the HOF 2011 class. It will not happen.

Plus, Triple H will clearly be the guy to induct the Heartbreak Kid this year, it would be a slap in the face at him to have it be anyone but him. And Michaels will re-pay the favor when HHH's time comes.

Agreed, it will probably be The Game. However, I would like to see it be Kevin Nash, another member of the Clique. While HHH's career has been more closely linked with HBK's throughout his 2nd run in the WWE, and the latter part of his earlier run, Nash was closest to Shawn in his earlier days and remained very close friends with him over the years. I personally would find a Nash speech much more entertaining than one from Triple H.

You are probably right that Triple H will induct Shawn, with Michaels returning the favour when Hunter's time comes, and believe me it is 100% certain it will (unless he cheats on Steph and they divorce or something like that), but I wouldnt call it a "Slap in the face" for it to be Kevin Nash that does it...and he is a free agent, so it could happen.

More than likely it will be Hunter though.
Well it makes no sense for anyone other than Triple H to induct HBK into the Hall of Fame. He has been with HBK through at every moment in his career and sometimes been the only man on his side. I think even HBK would like Hunter to induct him into the Hall of Fame. And HHH has been loyal enough to HBK to deserve it.

As for Ric Flair, the only association he has had with Shawn is the fact that he had his last match with HBK and that he has praised HBK as a performer. The reasoning behind him having his last match with HBK is the fact that he thought that in the state he was in, HBK was the only guy who could have had a great match with him. So there is no reason why Flair should induct HBK in the HOF.

He probably deserves to include Arn Anderson into the HOF but obviously his contract with TNA would prevent him from doing so. I guess it would probably be Dusty Rhodes who inducts Anderson because he had a terrific feud with the Four Horsemen stable back in the day.
I'm gonna have to go with the consensus here and say no to Flair. Not only because I dont see TNA letting him do it, but because I'm about 99.9% sure that Triple H will be the one inducting HBK into the HOF.

HHH and HBK have been together for most of their careers. Their careers will always be connected and most people will immediately think of the other when discussing one. Their connection is probably one of the strongest in the history of the business. Also, remember when Shawn retired, HHH came out to say a few words before he was attacked by Sheamus? That right there shows you that no one would have more to say than Triple H. Its a no brainer. HHH will be inducting Shawn.
As others have said, Flair will not be inducting HBK into the Hall of Fame. For one, Vince won't let anybody currently under contract from TNA showing up simply because they are competition. If anybody's going to induct him, it'll be Triple H, and when Triple H's time comes, HBK will be the one inducting him.
First of all... Thanks to all the people who red repped me... It's not like I came up with the idea... I just thought it was something that would be cool to discuss...

Ross and Micheals have both mentioned the Flair would be a good choice... Ross' comment that it was Shawn's choice is what struck me... I even said in my OP that I thought it was highly unlikely...

Obviously there is a deeper bond between Flair and HBK than most of us know... HBK always looked up to Flair and they became good friends... Maybe there is more to it than we know of...

Anyway, I will agree that it makes more sense for HHH to do it than Flair, I just found it odd that Ross dropped Flair's name and then said it was up to Shawn...

I just seriously wonder what Vince would say if he asked for Flair... We know Shawn and Vince are close and Vince has always given Shawn his way...

I would also love to see Nash involved in some way...

Arn Anderson... If he is in fact inducted this year, it would be a crime if Flair wasn't there to induct him... I would even consider holding off on inducting Arn until Flair is able to be there...

Thanks to the few who thought this was a good topic...
I dont see Flair inducting HBK into the hall of fame, not now, not ever. He spat in HBKs face and HBK has publicly made point of this when he mentions how some people don't keep their word and stay retired. Its most probably going to be HHH.

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