Should they retire?: HHH

Should Triple H retire?

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Pre-Show Stalwart
This is the first of many posts, hopefully.
So, my first question is: Should 'The King of Kings' Triple H retire?


8 X WWE Champion
5 X World Heavyweight Champion
5 X Intercontinental Champion
2 X European Champion
2 X World Tag Team Champion
1 X WWE Tag Team Champion
King of the Ring (1997)
Royal Rumble (2002)

Triple H has had some amazing matches in his career, and I'm only going to name a few.

Triple H vs Mick Foley - Royal Rumble Street Fight.
Triple H wins after two Pedigrees. Made my blood crawl.

Triple H vs Randy Orton - One Night Stand - Last Man Standing
When Triple H caused Orton to break his collar bone, legitimately, it made me feel he should still be in WWE.

However, HHH is 41, so bless him, he's getting on.

My opinion is, one or two more years, then retirement after being beat by a young starlet.

So, Should HHH retire?

Yes, I know perfectly well that Triple H said this years ago during the DVD called "The Game". However, this more or less explains everything as to whether Triple H should retire. I have on doubt that Triple H is still able to go in the ring in some manner, and I have no doubt that he would be able to continue for at least 1 - 2 years time.

Triple H has had quite a bunch of injuries, however he has always been able to recuperate and return, he has torn his quad 2 times and returned to wrestle each time, that in itself should be more than enough to say that he at least loves the business enough to be able to work through injuries, work through recuperating after heavy injuries, and to keep going until he really just cannot go anymore. And I don't see that happening in the nearest future.

Triple H will return, most definitely, and he will finish his feud with Sheamus most likely, and then go on to do something else. Eventually he will then get his retirement angle, which will most likely, just like Flair, just like Shawn, become a match with a stipulation that if he looses, he retires.
This is the first of many posts, hopefully.
So, my first question is: Should 'The King of Kings' Triple H retire?


8 X WWE Champion
5 X World Heavyweight Champion
5 X Intercontinental Champion
2 X European Champion
2 X World Tag Team Champion
1 X WWE Tag Team Champion
King of the Ring (1997)
Royal Rumble (2002)

Triple H has had some amazing matches in his career, and I'm only going to name a few.

Triple H vs Mick Foley - Royal Rumble Street Fight.
Triple H wins after two Pedigrees. Made my blood crawl.

Triple H vs Randy Orton - One Night Stand - Last Man Standing
When Triple H caused Orton to break his collar bone, legitimately, it made me feel he should still be in WWE.

However, HHH is 41, so bless him, he's getting on.

My opinion is, one or two more years, then retirement after being beat by a young starlet.

So, Should HHH retire?

My answer is yeah he should retire he has done and seen it all so he has nothing more to prove, but i don't want him to if he can still go. He is one of my favorite wrestlers in WWE right now. If he does retire it should be in a match to put over a young star like wade barrett or Sheamus or Daniel Bryan.
Unless a major injury puts him out again, I think he should be able to stay for at least another 10 years. I don't think the business really NEEDS him, but I feel he may slowly drop off the radar in less of an onscreen role as he gets more experience in the corporate aspect of things. I think he'll probably go out at a Wrestlemania though. I hope when he does he puts over another younger guy that will need the career boost. But not just anyone. They need to have HHH go out against someone who's going to be a long time player in the business. In the end though, I have a feeling it'll be Orton. It would make sense for Orton to end HHH's career (I can't believe I typed that) but with Orton's old Legend Killer gimmick and the relationship HHH and Orton had in the past with Evolution I think it would make a logical "full circle" to HHH's career.
No way should he retire. he has another title run in him somewhere. He is one of the top heels of all time, and I think he'll come back soon enough. He'll have to run the Sheamus course for a minute or two, but after he does that, he asly can be propelled into the main event scene for one last BIG HURRAH
Give it a couple of years and he should in my opinion. Give him perhaps one more good run with the title, have him work with a number of up and comers (Wade Barrett, The Miz, Dolph Ziggler) because really having these guy's feud with him would help build them up, especially if Triple H was to job to them occasionally. He does deserve a Ric Flair/Shawn Michaels style send-off, but you know he'll still have an active role in the company behind the scenes and make the occasional guest appearance and that would be fine because regardless of whether he's wrestling or just cutting a comical promo, Triple H sells.
I think he still has some to offer still and its not time yet he will go for 3-5 more years 10 years is a little much not everyone is a Ric flair or Hulk Hogan and not know when to stop. Only 2 reasons he would retire soon would be another big injury or if he wants more time with his kids and family but he will be at wrestlemania
Would I like him to retire, sure down the road, but what I would REALLY like more than anything else is to play the new "Vince McMahon." By that I mean, I want him still be around vocally, cause let's face it, though he was over-shadowed on the mic surrounding guys like Jericho, Rock, and SCSA..well, he's pretty much one of the best guys on it now.

I always wanted HHH to be revealed as the mystery GM, bringing back the king of heels to the E, but I guess that's not gonna happen. (I honestly hope it does once his fights with Sheamus are done, cause I've wanted a heel HHH for a REALLY LONG TIME! Cause seriously, who didn't hate this guy back in the day)
From the looks of it he pretty much already has. Now obviously he'll come back for one last mini run to get revenge on Sheamus so he can go out on top and not be remembered as the wuss who go taken out by a pipe to the back of the head but he's clearly set himself up nicely in his new backstage role. People talk about all his injuries and how he's always been able to come back from them but that's just the point he's had so many injuries happen so close together that it's not just about coming back from them it's coming back and being able to stay healthy for longer than a couple of months.

He's also at the point in his life where I'm sure he's wanting to spend more time with his kids and not wanting them to grow up with a dad who can barely get out of bed in the morning or who can't get through the day without taking prescription pain pills. He's not one of those guys who has to stick around 15-20 years longer than he should have because he needs the money like Flair and Hogan he's set for life being married into the family.

My guess is HHH HOF class of 2012
I pose the question WHY should he retire?

He's still able to put on pretty good matches and can go at it with the younger generation and still looks in good shape, he hasn't let himself go drastically, I don't see why he can't go at it for another 2-3 years easy without any injuries, maybe longer if he wrestles now and again like the Undertaker.
hhh shoudl not retire. falir still wrestles and his lke 60 and hhh is in way better shape then him. hhh still has many years ahead of him. i feel he will one day surpass flairs 16 world chamionships. plus shawn eevn went farther than him and the undertaker. hhh does not need the championship but he has the potential to make amny 5 stars matches jst lke hes bff shawn so i see hhh stayina round for awhile still and then he will be the new owner of the wwe when vince is gone
Well of course he's going to have to retire some day,but for the time being i say no. Triple H,the last time i saw him in the ring, wasn't at all what he used to be but he wasnt bad at all. If he really is 41 like others have said, he's in great condition for being that age.

I just read an interesting interview in the new WWE magazine in it he says that yes he is returning but he said when he returns that he will NOT be in the ME picture, he said people like shawn michaels,undertaker, and himself are a point in their carrers where they can put on a great show etc. without needing a championship to prove their the greatest.

I beleive this is great it says that yes hunter is willing to "take a backseat" so to speak to the new talent. I beleive one last run as a heel(leader of nexus anyone?) because in an interview in late 2009 i beleive when edge was attacking vickie for re signing taker, he said that heels always get to the better stuff and he always enjoyed being heel better than face.

So I just hope if he does retire then he stays around as the new GM or something because He needs to stay a part of WWE He is a Must-have for the HOF and a Must-see superstar.

yes i did stray away from the general topic,sorry but eh
Id say no in this aspect... Cause Vince is gonna be on his way out and Ive heard theyre grooming HHH in the corporate offices. So that tells me hes gonna be around the company for a good 20 years or so.

But I do see HHH retiring by the time hes 50... Depending on how well his shape holds up.

So I didnt vote on this one cause there should be a 3rd option regarding corporate office/on screen character.
No, why the hell should he?! Just so that people can get over the “fact” that he supposedly holds people down? Get a grip of yourselves!

Triple H is still one of the most entertaining and well-rounded superstars on any of the WWE's multitude of shows and as long as there is still gas in the tank, then he will continue to wrestle and that is the way it should be. Throughout his career, Triple H has been the workhorse of the WWE. He is was the standard that people like John Cena and The Miz have tried to obtain in the recent history of the company. People in the IWC might not like him but Triple H is one of the finest wrestlers of this generation and I might stop watching as soon as he is gone from the company. He is probably one of the sole reasons that I am still watching and having him retire, although inevitable, will put a huge strain on the WWE.

Look at the company right now, they are calling out for a veteran face and heel on Raw. They have, whether or not people will admit, missed the reputation and presence that Triple H brings to the table each and every week. He is still a great personality on the stick and his in-ring work has never suffered. In fact, he is always getting better in the ring. He has been labelled a student of the game for his whole career and that has never stopped being true of The Game. As his body gets older and he struggles to do some of the things he used to do, he will think of ways to stay relevant and in-touch with the younger generation. I have missed him on Raw and the sooner he returns, the happier I will be when watching the show.

As for his retirement, I don't think it should be now. Triple H has never been a quitter. He never quit after snapping his quad and he wont stop until he physically cannot keep up any more. He and Shawn have a deal that they will stop each other before they embarrass themselves and Triple H is a long way off of that standard. He still has the legs and the engine to keep going for a couple more years at the very least and I am thankful for that.
Even though he has had a lot of serious injuries during his career. I do not think he should retire quite yet. I don't want him to continue and over push himself till he is a broken down old man. But, I think he can still go and convincingly at that. I believe he should pass Flair in World Titles won. He has 13. If he stays a couple more years, he will pass "The Nature Boy".

Triple H has nothing to prove to anyone. But, I think if he ended up passing Flair, he would have to be in the conversation regarding the best of all time. I think he wants that. When people talk about the best ever, especially from The Attitude Era, The Rock and Austin are looked at as the front runners. I think HHH deserves to be in that conversation too.

If he were to pass or tie Flair, it would be much harder to argue against him being at least in the Top 5 of ALL TIME!
I'm going to say, No, he should not retire.

He still has the ability to tell a story and cut a promo. He still can work circles around most of the young guys. So, why not let him stick around if he'd like to. However, if he feels he's finished, then he should remain out.

Nonetheless, I think he has maybe two or three quality years left in him.
HHH is among my top 5 wrestlers ever but im sorry it's time to hang the boots already. HHH has done everything and fought the best of the best. The longer he stays the more he chips away at his own legacy. Why the hell do you want to see him go out jobbing to no talent losers like Miz or Barrett. This ia guy who had awesome fueds with rock and austin, now he has to serve as jobber to these nobodies, sorry leave that for orton and cena, HHH and all the other attitude era stars are way to big to be playing on this level, it's way past those days, and they certainly dont belong in this era. Besides how many more times does he need to win the strap, im frankly sick of 9x,10x and up champions. Atleast Shawn could still wrestle at this stage of his career, HHH barely gives stellar performances anymore. Taker, HHH, Kane, love em all, but they got to retire, it's for their own good anyway.
I voted no but I think the word that he is going to be taking an approach like HBK when he comes back is good news. He doesn't need to be the top guy anymore and always in title matches. He's nowhere near the performer he once was but he can turn it on enough to feud with some of the younger guys and help elevate them.

Personally I hope he goes heel when he comes back, I've never been overly keen on him as a face, he's way too smug, but as a heel I think he could help elevate the young faces, in particular I'd like to see him in programs with JoMo and Daniel Bryan.
This year's Wrestlemania is missing his star power, he can still draw. While the youth movement of the WWE have been good, you can't imagine this year's Mania without him. He has one more solid title run left in him and even a long run as a heel. Whatever it is, he still has 'it' as he definitely should not retire until he shows that he can't hook it in the ring any longer.
In a couple of years? Yes! Look at Taker, he is 46 I think and still in there, sure he takes time out but when they need him, he returns.. Triple isn't really needed anymore, but that doesn't mean he can't work with some of the youngsters, put them over as main event competitors... I even see HHH have another world title run before he retires Just as a little send off present.. We know he won't actually leave the WWE because of his off-screen role in the WWE.. but as for in-ring retirement! Maybe give him a few years!
Not yet. He is a very valuable member of the WWE roster. He can be used as a tool to put younger superstars over, but at the same time he is still very over and capable. He has a few more years left in the tank. We'll start seeing less and less of him, which we already are since he's been out for a while, but he'll be used intelligently. I think he could put a young guy over, like he did Sheamus, and then go. He still has a few more WWE Title reigns left in him, too. He's the veteran, the anchor of the roster. I don't think they can afford to lose him and 'Taker in a small amount of time, so he'll definitely be around for some more time.
I Honestly have to say no, WWE has to have talent like him. As a big fan of him Heel or Face, He is The only the only king of kings and he needs to stay, When he gets a few more titles, he should just lay down like shawn michaels had to.
I dont think for his career personally HHH needs to continue he has achieved everything a Hall of famer needs to and will undoubtedly go down as one of the greats. He was a leader of the ATTITUDE era and will be the man who inherits the biz when his father in law buys the farm

Im not at all saying we need another HHH vs Seamus zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

but i think he should do his due dillegence and put a couple of young guys over before he goes out.

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