Should there be another REALLY LONG title reign?

The fans today have a very short attention span. When Cena had his year long reign everyone complained about it. Then he stayed away from the title for awhile and the first time he got a title shot everyone complained again so theres no pleasing the IWC. I think that if there was to be another long title reign it wold be someone that needed the credibility..

CM Punk after the way they handled his first reign I think he deserves it. He's been a hard working company man with a good image. He could be Smackdowns equivelant to Cena. As long as they don't turn him into a bland face like they have Cena and MVP.

On Smackdown CM Punk is the only logical choice for champ right now

John Morrison, Ziggler and Matt Hardy are still to green at the moment for a title run. Batista and Undertaker are above the title and do not need it to get over. Rey and Kane are former fluke champs that would never be taken seriously again IMO.

The only reason I see to take the belt off him would be to give it to Jericho if Edge would be returning in time for Wrestlemania for their feud. Another option though would be to keep it on Punk and make it a three way match between Punk, Edge and Jericho at Wrestlemania. I think that would be an amazing match and could go down as one of the best triple threats in Wrestlemania history no matter who won

As a rule though I think titles reigns should always last at least two months but no longer then six

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