Should the "This is Wrestling" Chants retire in TNA?

Captain Insane0

Dark Match Winner
im a wrestling fan. Smackdown is my fav show of any now. cuz of CM Punk and SES. I watch TNA every week online though cuz i just think Raw is a little bit better and Orton is on Raw. I always used to get tired of this is wrestling chants. i felt it was so stupid. Your at a wrestling show of course its wrestling. Well watching tna lately it just lacks actual wrestling. All i see are weapons and blood and beautiful ppl. I swear someone bleeds each week which is so stupud. Bleeding doesnt make wrestling more real cuz most of the time they have to actually cut themselves to bleed. But last night was the final straw. To have the KO division end the show with some sort of stupid gameshow straight outta Raw's handbook. You have the champ lose the title cuz she opened the wrong case and she gets her spider back and we get a striptease. That is the freaking main event that is wrestling. I would love to see what TNA marks think of this cuz they bash wwe all the time with the same things TNA is doing write now. And in my book Gimmick matches arent actual wrestling. their just spotfests. A ladder match to get keys for an upcoming cage match wth.
And in my book Gimmick matches arent actual wrestling. their just spotfests.
And this is exactly why I fucking hate that chant. Some people think certain types of wrestling matches are not real wrestling and that's so damn annoying to me. I love a good technical match, but if that was all I was getting then I'd get bored of it quickly. Hardcore matches and gimmick matches, even a good brawl, are great too.

But I think the main point of your post was to say that TNA cannot claim that they are the superior company to watch wrestling anymore. If your reasoning for that is because they have gimmick matches then I disagree with that COMPLETELY, it's still a wrestling match, your still watching a match as opposed to a stupid segment.

But if you were going strictly on the stupidity that was the KO segments on Impact... then I would have agreed with you. The segments were confusing, stupid, and a waste of time for me. And I did bash WWE for doing these kind of stupid things, and I will do the same for Impact, because they were not enjoyable and I think the segments sucked (even if they brought in ratings, that doesn't make me like it any more than I do now).

The ladder match was very fun to watch, it was an actual match, and it was more interesting than a normal match would have been, so IMO to complain that it wasn't real wrestling is just infuriating to me. Some other segments were very bad, though.
And this is exactly why I fucking hate that chant. Some people think certain types of wrestling matches are not real wrestling and that's so damn annoying to me. I love a good technical match, but if that was all I was getting then I'd get bored of it quickly. Hardcore matches and gimmick matches, even a good brawl, are great too.

But I think the main point of your post was to say that TNA cannot claim that they are the superior company to watch wrestling anymore. If your reasoning for that is because they have gimmick matches then I disagree with that COMPLETELY, it's still a wrestling match, your still watching a match as opposed to a stupid segment.

But if you were going strictly on the stupidity that was the KO segments on Impact... then I would have agreed with you. The segments were confusing, stupid, and a waste of time for me. And I did bash WWE for doing these kind of stupid things, and I will do the same for Impact, because they were not enjoyable and I think the segments sucked (even if they brought in ratings, that doesn't make me like it any more than I do now).

The ladder match was very fun to watch, it was an actual match, and it was more interesting than a normal match would have been, so IMO to complain that it wasn't real wrestling is just infuriating to me. Some other segments were very bad, though.

The ladder match was ok. but it just seems that every week TNA is having some sort of gimmick matches on TV. i thought gimmick matches were usually saved for ppv. They had a ladder match for keys for a cage match they are gonna have thats plain stupid. WWE does have stupid segments sometimes most involve guest hosts i tend not to care cuz sometimes they are funny. TNA seems to be just loading up on gimmick matches to get ppl tuned in. Next week a lace and leather match what the hell man. And i partly disagree with u on gimmick matches being actuall wrestling. some can be. Submission matches, ironman matches. but any match that focuses on weapons primarily arent wrestling to me. cuz it revolves around the table, ladder, or chair not the actual wrestling. There might be some amazing athletic moments involving a ladder it might show skill it the wrestler but i just see that as spots. WWE has ppv which have all gimmicks. Seeing TNA now i think all the fans should order Extreme Rules cuz i guess thats what they love. but they will complain for reason of no blood
I know when I think of wrestling, the first thing that comes to mind is a guy who simulates getting splattered with man juice...but, ask TNA fan, and "this is wrestling".

Look, TNA fan who chants "this is wrestling", do you really believe that what TNA does is so much more real "wrestling" than the WWE, and the chant is just a fuck you to the WWE, or are you just trying to convince yourself of something? Like if you keep telling yourself how great it is, maybe someday it will be true?

Its like the saying, if you have to tell people how cool you are, you aren't cool. Well, if you have to chant "this is wrestling"...
its not just this chant. its all the chants and all the tna crowd. they were chearing "this is awsome" in the ladder match last week. it was ok but by ladder match stand points it was not awsome. its was mediocer(sp?) at best. impact zone fans are all stupid. theres always some marks that chant for the heel. its so annoying. the point of being a heel is to get booed, its not a good thing to cheer a heel.
Oh no. The crowd speaks. Run to the hills. What will we ever do now? Seriously, why is this a problem? That means they are enjoying the show. Unless they're the Crucial Crew in disguise trying to get back at Hogan, I see zero reason to worry about an entertained crowd. At least they speak. Which is more than we can say for some of WWE's "dead asleep" crowds. Recall WWE' Slammy Edition of Raw last December (Corpus Christy). Totally dead. They didn't even boo the bad comedy segments or cheer Cena or anyone. Now what do you prefer? A crowd that's so dead you think you're on stage alone, or an overreacting crowd who show passion and devotion even though they're a bit over the top? I'll take the live chicken over the dead rat any day.
Since this clearly an attack thread thinly veiled in an actual problem I'll respond accordingly.

I have no issue with most chants, some add to the excitement of a match. The "This is Wrestling" chant is not one of those. It stopped being the cool thing to say awhile ago. It is no longer clever at all and should be replaced with the much superior "This is Awesome" chant. That actually gets me into a match sometimes.

However, having said that, I would prefer they chant that then sit in silence only popping for entrances then sitting back down.

Also, Lockbox matches will always be more relevent to wrestling then Guest host segments. Always. Even if they are the same level of ridiculousness.
I would love to see what TNA marks think of this cuz they bash wwe all the time with the same things TNA is doing write now.

you are bashing tna and tna fans for bashing wwe for doing the things tna is doing now. that is the most incredibley hypocritical statement i have ever heard. it is absurd to attack just one of the companys for something stupid they do and support the other company for the exact samething, and that goes for those who support each company, and with that statement u r being no better than the tna marks you are complaining about.

i do agree that tna has been using to many gimmick matches though. they have such talented wrestlers and they would be much better suited giving more time to regular wrestling matches and less time to setting up rediculous gimmicks and 4 promos to each 3 minute match. i still support tna and have my tv set to it every week in hope of its rating to raise (tnas a long ways away from even being close to competing but if they could it would help both companys) but with the direction they have been going its getting harder and harder to support.
Personally, as a wrestling fan, I felt insulted by that "Lockbox Match". Only in TNA can you have a match where the Champion "Wins" and still loses the title. I hate matches like that, where the Champion doesn't lose, and yet still drops the title. I feel bad for Lisa Marie Varon, because she left WWE because of bullshit, and she gets put into bullshit in TNA.

As far as the "This Is Wrestling" chants, personally I would rather have a dead crowd than some of these chants. I personally find that sometimes the crowd can detract from a match. Personally, I actually could have done without the crowd reaction to any of the Undertaker/HBK Wrestlemania Matches, and just let the match tell the story. Look at MOST Japanese wrestling, the only time that they react to the match is before and after the match. They (the fans) tend to be more stoic during the match, and prefer to let the wrestling tell the story, and actually pay attention to it.

It's like years ago, at the second One Night Stand PPV, when the fans were chanting "You Can't Wrestle" "Same Old Shit" and "You Still Suck" at John Cena in the main event. I personally thought that those chants were bullshit. First of all, if Cena can't wrestle, then why is he there and not you? Second of all, the "Mob Mentality" of many of the fans allowed the stupidity to permeate the event.

I've been at events where there's been a hot crowd, and at some where the crowd had that, as Raven once called it, "Japanese Heat".
Get rid of that stupid chant and all other dumb chants TNA has. I know what is wrestling and what is not. I don't need TNA marks trying to convince me. Who do they think they are, ECW? When ECW shouted out "You can't wrestling" to Cena at ONS, they had a purpose. They were trying to get under his skin, and it appears to did. I don't need people chant, "This is awesome" after a dive to the outside. You think because you chant, "This is awesome, or TNA, TNA", I would get more excited, NO!!! I get excited if it is an unique move or great series of moves, I don't get extra excitement through a chant. I don't mind the passion or the excitement, I just don't get these stupid chants.
there is nothing wrong with chants in wrestling. it is just showing they got what they came to see. there was a match between AJ and Kurt Angle that was a crazy good match, how can you say that TNA has no wrestling, sure there is alot of backstage segments and in ring segments, but there are alot of good matches, so the fans should be allowed to chant as they will.
Personally, as a wrestling fan, I felt insulted by that "Lockbox Match". Only in TNA can you have a match where the Champion "Wins" and still loses the title. I hate matches like that, where the Champion doesn't lose, and yet still drops the title. I feel bad for Lisa Marie Varon, because she left WWE because of bullshit, and she gets put into bullshit in TNA.

totally agreed. I saw the introduction for it and i was like what? why? has she punched out that bubba stooge? has she been pictured at a WWE event? why is her title and her pet up for grabs? it makes no sense. Personally, i would have had her win the title and daffney win poison to continue their feud, and Velvet win the strip tease HOT!!!
nothing could be worse than still hearing wwe crowds yell WHAT! that should be stopped.

I second you on this. I'd rather listen to the TNA crowd chant "this is wrestling" to every lame thing they do there than hear "WHAT???" or "REALLY?"

And for the guy who commented about how fans shouldn't cheer for the heels. That's BS. Here is how it SHOULD work. We have our favourite wrestlers, heel or face. Why should I not cheer for the wrestlers I like when often times, they're wrestling wrestlers I can't stand? That whole good guy/bad guy mentality is so 1980's WWF. Vince even said they're not good or bad, but a shade of gray or something like that. So cheer for who you like, not for who happens to be the good guy this week.
Yeah sure, absolutely. TNA should get the "This is wrestling" chant to go out the ring and proclaim that it will be retiring shortly. Then, they can hold a celebration night of sorts dedicated to that particular chant so WWE can blame their awesome ratings due to the other companies retirement plans for that chant.

Jesus man, a crowd can say whatever the hell they want. We don't have to like it, but it doesn't mean we can't tell them what to say to an extent. 99% of the things crowds say these days are acceptable enough to feature and if the audience is having fun, why stop them? Stopping an audience from having fun who clearly bought tickets to be entertained is pretty fucking stupid. It's like going to Six Flags and telling everyone not to ride the roller coasters because the fun your generating is causing those looking from outside the park to be depressed. The crowd chanting "This is wrestling" to matches that aren't really wrestling will just make the crowd look like idiots and will indirectly switch over viewers. If the crowd are telling viewers that a shit match is epic in TNA, they will most likely switch to the WWE for some comparison.

I say let the crowds chant what they want, as long as it's acceptable. I'd mention what's not acceptable, but it would be in poor taste on my behalf.
those chants don't bother me as much as the "you fucked up" or "you can't wrestle", i mean, those guys are a bunch of fat asses that never in their miserable life had to step through the ropes and perform, never went to a Wrestling scohol or got trained in any form of it. or even worse, the chants that are direct shoots to the wrestlers like when those fucktards chanted to AJ "you are married" or to GenMe "you're the Young Bucks", lol, we know that the Crucial Crew guys are indie regulars and have the inside scoop, but nobody cares
Retire? No.

Granted I didn't read every single response, but "This is Wrestling" occurs during long, entertaining matches. It's a form of rebellion against what pro wrestling has become and is the crowds way of letting management know what they want to see. You don't hear it while Hogans giving another 30 minute promo, or while a fake ass hit and run is being shown in the parking lot. TNA as a whole doesn't listen to anyone outside of it's own office, so you can't hate the chant because 90 minutes of TNA sucked dick, but 30 mins of Kurt Angle vs Aj Styles made you want to orgasm.

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