Should Shawn Michaels return?


It seems that a lot of fans want to see Shawn Michaels back in the ring, i was a big fan of his when he was active in the ring, he retired when he was still relevant, he had a great good bye on Raw, my question is: Do you think he should come back for one more match, or should he stay retired??
Could of used a better title. But he should come back from a fan point of view but i doubt he would want to be a hulk hogan/ric flair and retire come back retire come back. He might go for one last match but i dont always liie the idea of a wrestler retireing then coming back for another match. Yes he was still relevant but he was also getting old
Yes, I agree Shawn Michaels is the best wrestler of all time.

And I agree, he should be the commissioner as well because we all need the god to presence us every Monday. He should bring his family on the road too.

And Shawn Michaels doesn't lie leave him alone. He's not gonna become a Flair or Hogan. He's not money hungry and he's not a bum arsed spotlight stealer.
Unless he's coming back to wrestler in a big marque match up against a wrestler he's never wrestled like The Rock or he's coming back to put over Bryan or Punk to help solidify their spots at the top of the WWE, I think he should stay retired. I'm one of HBKs biggest fans but he's done just about all he can do in the business. He has put his body on the line for us fans & has nothing more to prove.
I've been an HBK fan since the mid-90s and would love nothing more than to see him back in the ring, but he retired for all the right reasons: spending time with his kids and his wife with his health. He was still at the top of his game when he retired, still pumping out 5 star matches with just about anyone he faced and how can you have a greater ending than he had? The Wrestlemania 26 match against the Undertaker was UNREAL. The only way I'd like to see him back is a Wrestlemania showdown with The Rock/Brock Lesnar...two guys he never faced or another big profile match at one of the big four against Daniel Bryan, which they put on a classic. Those would be HUGE matches.
the only reason i think he should return for one more match is because he did have a great send off. But against Undertaker, that doesnt help Taker's career except the undeafeted thing which we all knew was going to remain in tact. But i think he should come back, face off against someone that needs that big push like Ziggler, Dolph Ziggler vs HBK at like Raw or something and HBK wins, then Ziggler complains and complains until HBK gives him another shot at a PPV where Ziggler beats him clean! Then that should be HBK's way of giving back one more time to the WWE
Shawn was arguably the greatest wrestler of the last 20-30 years and I don't want him to tarnish his legacy by turning into another Terry Funk, Ric Flair or Hulk Hogan who just couldn't hang it up. He got to go out in a blaze of glory, so let his in-ring career be over.
Shawn got to go out on his own terms.. In the mainevent at a wrestlemania and he got to walk off into the sunset as the greatest in ring performer in WWE history. I think it's probably the grandest exit we've even seen in wrestling. It would have been 2nd had Ric Flair actually walked away after WM24. The only way I see Shawn having another match or run would be if it was huge. I would hate to see him retire after main eventing a classic match at mania only to have him return 3 years later to face Alberto Del Rio at Night of Champions.. But if he did have one more huge main event wrestlemania match against.. HHH or Rock ect then I can accept it.
I've been a huge Shawn Michaels fan since I first started watching wrestling, but no. He already had the great send-off. He was retired in the main event of Wrestlemania by The Undertaker. Had the emotional good bye on Raw the next night. Then gets inducted into the HOF a year later. Why ruin a great ending by coming back for 1 match? I just don't want to see Shawn "Ric Flair" his legacy. It's an insult to the fans that teared up because you were leaving, just to come back a couple years later.
Simply put.....No. He shouldn't come back. Not for "one more high profile match", not for anything. Shawn's returning, in any in-ring capacity, would totally negate the entire WM26 match. It would make Shawn look like he's desperate to recapture his "glory days". Flair did it. Hogan did it. But those two legends are NOTHING without the business. They need it. It's like their own drug. It completes them. That's why I think they can't stay retired. Shawn seems to have more fulfillment in his life with his wife, his children, and his faith. I'd love to see HBK back as an on-screen non-wrestling role like manager or commentator. I think he'd even be great in an off camera position working with other talent or in an executive role (something it's been reported he's turned down for the moment), but I really feel like it would tarnish his legacy if he did the whole "one more match" thing.
No. Shawn Michaels has sacrificed his body for us enough years of his life he has bad knees, back, and apparently in pretty constant pain. Was this not enough for us? It should be.

We've seen many 5 star matches from Shawn throughout his career, the first ever ladder match, and a plethora of quality matches for nearly 2 decades; and if this is not enough then we seriously need to reevaluate the value we put in the hard work these men put in. If I could have Shawn back in his prime? Absolutely. However, it's time for Shawn Michaels to simply sit down and finally relax with his family.
As GM of Raw, for sure! In ring, absolutley not. HBK is awesome, of the GOAT - but WWE needs bigger stars, that in turn will help the industry... and if you wanna make bigger stars, they need air time to develope their characters etc.. bringing back legends will just take up air time that could be utilized to get others over.
Not at all.

Yes, he's arguably the greatest in ring performer of all time, and granted could still put on a helluva match with anyone, but he went out in the perfect light for a guy like Shawn Michaels.

He served his time entertaining us for so many years and now he has made a decision to spend time with his wife and kids and pursue other projects. He owes us nothing more.
Shawn was arguably the greatest wrestler of the last 20-30 years and I don't want him to tarnish his legacy by turning into another Terry Funk, Ric Flair or Hulk Hogan who just couldn't hang it up. He got to go out in a blaze of glory, so let his in-ring career be over.

Yes, I agree totally. Shawn has nothing else to prove. He's already the bench mark for what an in-ring performer's expectations are. I'm sure he's not hurting for money. Guys that walk away from the allure of the spotlight are far, few and between. It would be nice if Shawn was one of those guys. There are too many Randy "The Rams" in wrestling today. Shawn should now set the bench mark for guys leaving the game while they're still physically (sort of) and mentally, and financially intact!
If he does still have the ability, he could do just one more match, maybe against HHH or Rock. Also, we could think about how much a win over him could do for CM Punk or Daniel Bryan. They would become bigger stars than they already are.
No, I don't think he should. For some reason I think he is going to be the guy that sticks to his word and doesn't come back to wrestle. He went out on his own terms and that must feel good. He can spend time with his family and do what he wants. As a fan I would love to see him for one more match, but I don;t think we will.
ONLY for one match...

The Rock. If it's not The Rock, at WrestleMania 30 and Austin/Punk as another headliner and Taker defending his streak, and HHH putting over a young star like Miz or someone to make it the biggest Mania of all time, it's not worth it.
I don't think he should. I would rather see Shawn Michaels go down as a guy who left when he said he would and then stuck to it. I'm a big boxing fan, and you see it a lot in boxing where a guy retires, then keeps coming back, retiring, and coming back until he's a pathetic shell of the fighter he once was, and it becomes sad to watch. Remind you anyone? Maybe Flair or Hogan unfortunately? I don't want to see Shawn Michaels be that guy, there's enough wrestlers who have already done that too much. What he gave me over all the years was far beyond good enough. I can live my life without another Shawn Michaels match, and be satisfied with everything he gave, and enjoy his work over and over.

It would be cool to see him eventually come back as some kind of on-screen character, like a general manager of one of the shows, or a manager to a wrestler, something along those lines. I couldn't imagine never seeing him in WWE again period, but he has done enough in the ring to never need to do it again.
I can see both sides of the argument here as both have made valid points.

From an overall perspective, Shawn Michaels might be the best wrestler of his generation. He's arguably the best of all time. He never had quite the star power of a Stone Cold Steve Austin or The Rock, but HBK often gave very good promos, always generated a lot of buzz and his matches were almost always second to none. Given how good he was, it's easy to understand why some would want to see him come back. I mean, let's be honest, most of us would love to see Shawn Michaels come back in order to feud with CM Punk or Daniel Bryan or maybe even Dolph Ziggler at some point. He's still in great shape and he's certainly taken care of himself, especially the past few years. He's not let himself go and I'm guessing it wouldn't take long to work out any ring rust he might have.

At the same time, I can also see the desire for him to stay retired. Whenever I see Shawn Michaels, and it might just be me, he seems to radiate this aura of contentment. He's someone that seems very much at peace with himself and all he's accomplished. He certainly left on a high note. His matches at WM against The Undertaker are some of the best of all time and his legacy isn't going to be ruined. Also, despite how he looks, Shawn Michaels is still 47 years old and wrestling for roughly a quarter century has taken its toll on him. He's in great shape but it's pretty much impossible for a man to be the same at 47 as he was at 27 physically.

If Michaels were to come back, I think it should be done as a special attraction, pretty much like what WWE is doing with The Undertaker. Build up a feud, give it lots of time and exposure and have it culminate at WrestleMania or SummerSlam or something along those lines.
Only Rock or Austin no exceptions for anyone else because those are mega paydays that insure that his grandchildren never have to work a hard day in their life. Triple H or Taker? It's been done. Punk or Bryan? All it means is they get put over by someone almost 50 and does very little for his legacy. Shawn Michaels staying out of the ring physically keeps Shawn in a unique class of the few people leaving on their terms vs clinging on ala Hogan/Flair. Do I think he has a few occasional sweet chin music's left on marquee shows sure and maybe even take a beat down to further a SL once in awhile that I think is very plausible that does not tarnish hardly anything to do with Shawn's leagacy. Maybe when his kids grow up he can take Pat Patterson's job when he retires, but that's about it.
IF shawn was to come back then it would be to face lesner and lesner only. with shawn know going to be in triple h's corner at summerslam you can see all the pieces of the puzzle falling into place. summerslam comes along and triple h gets beaten badly by lesner and gets taken to hospital. this would leave shawn wanting revenge for what happened to hhh. a bit like what happened in rocky 4 with orlando creed only triple h would not be dead.
Shawn got to go out on his own terms.. In the mainevent at a wrestlemania and he got to walk off into the sunset as the greatest in ring performer in WWE history. I think it's probably the grandest exit we've even seen in wrestling. It would have been 2nd had Ric Flair actually walked away after WM24. The only way I see Shawn having another match or run would be if it was huge. I would hate to see him retire after main eventing a classic match at mania only to have him return 3 years later to face Alberto Del Rio at Night of Champions.. But if he did have one more huge main event wrestlemania match against.. HHH or Rock ect then I can accept it.

People get so upset that Flair worked for TNA... he wasnt a full time wrester, in fact he hardly wrestled at all. No one was upset when he returned to WWE as Batista's Enforcer or when he and Jericho were a big part of the build up to WrestleMania 25.

As for HBK, he didnt retire because he was too old to continue full time (actually part time, HBK hasnt wrestled a full time schedule since 1997) he has chronic back issues, related to Royal Rumble 98. That was why he didnt wrestle at all from 98-Summer 02 except for losing the title to Austin at WM in 98.

HBK came back for the same reason Flair came back in 02. To put a positive cap on their careers and legacy. For Flair it was a chance to end on a positive note after Bischoff & Hogan nearly S$#%canned his career in the late 90s. For HBK it was a chance to give back, to make up for the guy who was by many accounts including his own a total selfish jerk during his heyday, refusing to lose, refusing to elevate anyone, going out of his way with his "Backstage politics" to protect his image at all costs, even at the expense of the company as a whole. No matter what Hulk Hogan does or how much one can celebrate his past accomplishments he will never get away from that same stigma. HBK didnt want to be remembered that way. He came back, he turned in good perofrmances no matter what the match result, he elevated Jericho, Orton, Chris Masters (he didt take advantage of it), yes he won his share of matches but he did what was asked of him and helped build the product. Same with Flair at that time.

Should HBK come back ? He probably cant come back for more than a match or two due to health concerns. You get the impression that HBK is happy at home with his family, away from the bizz, so why give that up ? At least he found some peace, I wish Brett Hart would do the same.
HBK got one of the more rare great sendoffs that WWE have done with retirees. He left still being "Mr. Wrestlemania" and he got inducted into the WWE Hall Of Fame. I don't want Shawn to return because he's done it all. He's getting older and I'm sure he doesn't want to risk further injury. Other legends like Flair, Hogan, or Terry Funk have all had past "retirements" only to break them and return yet again. Michaels doesn't need to keep coming back to remain relevant. He could become a GM of either show or become an announcer, something along those lines would be great to see. This whole thing with Brock Lesnar and Triple H looks interesting enough and having HBK in his corner most definetely means he'll[Lesnar] attack Michaels on this week's upcoming RAW. I just hope it doesn't mean it'll lead to a return, just an angle in which HBK helps HHH and gets revenge. He doesn't need to tarnish his legacy or his sendoff by returning and he really has nothing to gain. I'm a big fan of HBK which is why I'd rather see him remain retired instead of jeopardizing his health just because some fans can't accept it.
Nobody stays retired in wrestling. Every wrestler has "one more match".

Simple question: when will HBK have another match.

When Shawn first retired in 2010 he adamantly claimed he would NEVER have another match in every interview he gave. Recently his tune has changed some. I'm paraphrasing here, but he recently gave an interview in which he said "never say never, the situation would have to be right".

Shawn has also gotten more physically involved when he shows up on RAW over the last few years. Now, he superkicks someone every time he shows up. Last night he took an F-5 and had his arm "broken" by Brock Lesnar. Not exactly the actions of someone who is content to sit at home for the rest of his days.

Also, WZ had a report that got forgotten about as soon as Lesnar came back the night after WrestleMania. WZ was reporting that Triple H vs. HBK was likely going to be the big match they announced for next years Wrestlemania. Shawn will come back. It's simply a matter of time.

I would be highly surprised if HBK didn't have a match at WrestleMania 29.

NOTE: Before anyone says "he's retired, get over it", I want you to remember something. The Rock came back. Lesnar came back. And two years after his retirement ceremony, Ric Flair was losing his HOF ring to Abyss in TNA. ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN IN WRESTLING!
So I guess Edge will have a match in a couple of years or so, right?

I really don't give a fuck if he has one more match or he doesn't. It's his life, not mine. He can do whatever the hell he wants to do because he's earned it. If he decides to stay retired, then that's fine with me. If he decides for one more match, then that's fine with me as well. I don't have a vested interest in whatever this guy does. You may worry about it more than me and that's fine because that's you.

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