My god, I hate how people love to bring up the fact that Shawn wasn't able to beat Nitro in the ratings whenever the topic of his accomplishments during the 90's are brought up. I have said it before, and I will probably say it a million times more, THAT WAS NOT SHAWN'S FAULT AT ALL! Nobody, and I repeat, NOBODY could possibly compete with WCW during this time. They had the bigger stars (that were well established during their WWF days), they had the cruiserweights who were putting on 4-5 star matches during every Nitro, oh, and they had the biggest star on the planet, HULK FUGGING HOGAN, doing something that nobody had ever seen before in their life, playing a BAD GUY. You add in the fact that WCW had lured away all the stars out of WWF, and all the WWF was left with was Shawn, Bret, and Taker and it is a wonder how the WWF actually survived during this time, let alone compete. As for burying talent or refusing to do jobs, or politicking backstage, that is something that every major star has done at one time or another. Hogan did it, Bret did it, Austin did it, Rock did it, HHH did it, Flair did it, HBK did it. It happens. Does that take away from their accomplishments INSIDE THE RING though? Some people will say yes, others will say no, it all depends on how you want to look at it. I look at it as Shawn being a two time rumble winner, with one of those times being from the number one spot, the first time anyone has ever done that, being a 3 time IC champ, being a 3 time WWF champ, being the first Grand Slam winner, and being the man who put on the most memorable matches of the 90's, namely the ladder match at Mania 10, The Iron Man match at Mania 12, and The first HIAC vs Taker at Bad Blood 1997. Does politicking have anything to do with putting on a show in the ring, and being the best at it? I don't think so at all, and that is why Shawn was considered to be the best in-ring performer ever at the time of his first retirement, and that is why he damn sure would have been a HOFer if he had never wrestled again after that.
I'm trying to think of these performances he put on that he wasn't carried though and i'm drawing a blank, sorry. Unless you mean that hour he kept potatoeing Bret Hart at WM. You know, before he told Hart to "get the f' out of my ring" in front of Brets children.
Anyways look, people bring up the ratings because it's a fact. The quarter hour blocks Michaels was featured in were consistently the lowest drawing of the night and Nitros highest drawing 1/4 hours. Fans tuned out when he came on. His little fanclub can hate it all they want but it will never change history. Btw, when he won the belt? He had a full three months to gain momentum over WCW before the nWo angle took off. He wasn't competing against Hulk "fuggin" Hogan, he was competing against Lex freakin' Luger, WCW Champion The Giant and the Dungeon of Doom for three months between WM 12 and Bash At The Beach. Not only was that his competition but thanks to The Ultimate Warrior returning he started in the 3's and 4's range in the ratings against the high 1's WCW was pulling in going against Bret Hart every week.
Do I need to remind people how that played out? Okay then, well Warrior left the WWF again leaving Michaels as the draw. Those 3's and 4's left along with him as Raw collapsed into the low 2's... and high 1's several times. In fact one of those times came right after he infamously lost his smile when it came to doing a job and handed the title back. Surely you remember it, no? After the WWF invested tons of airtime into building Wrestlemania 13 around Bret v.s. Michaels 2.0 for the belt he walks out on TV pouting and whining, lets the paying fans know he "lost his smile" and was returning to TX to put on a search & rescue for it until the mean old WWF stopped telling him to put someone over? Yeah, that night. Remember how the already low ratings further tanked culminating in a TNA-esque 1.8 as Vince scrambled to try and rewrite the entire WM lead in and angles after dedicated months to building up something else? Yeah....
Then there was the final run which i'm sure SOMEONE will mention when he was largely relegated to his ******ed little DX skits as 60% of every Raw revolved around Stone Cold culminating in those 1/4 hour breakdowns receiving the highest ratings. More interesting than that was how Raw gained 1 MILLION viewers within a week of Michaels retiring and TWO million total within that next month. Weird how that worked out, well not really considering that's how it ALWAYS worked out. Bret takes over from Diesel and the ratings go from the high 1's to high 2's and low 3's. Warrior returns and they hit the 4's. Michaels is made "The Showstoppa" and for several million fans the show actually DOES stop as they turn it off. Belt goes back on Bret and onto The Undertaker, ratings go back up into the high 2's, low 3's. Belt back on Michaels they drop back down into the low 2's. Even in his last few runs soon as they started building around him the ratings fell.
Now to address your other issues, namely "noone could compete with that!" Well.... Hart did. Undertaker did. Austin did. Warrior did. They had no problems getting fans to turn the channel back or new fans to tune in.
As for it not being his fault well actually alot of it is. Going back a bit further than WM 12 he and the Klique made it a regular habit of sabotaging the programming. He loved going into Vinces office and pitching horrible ideas for other talent to bury them. He loved jobbing them out and pulling politics. One example would be Shane Douglas, err Dean Douglas. See Shane here, he expressed to the boys he wasn't digging the Dean gimmick and wanted to pitch The Franchise gimmick to McMahon. Yet everytime he tried The Klique had a meeting with Vince at the time but they would let Vince know all about it. As we all seen, Douglas was relegated to being a jobber hanging out with Bob Backlund instead as Michaels suggested even worse gimmicks to him to pitch to McMahon telling him that gimmick sucked.
Yeah, sucked so bad HHH carbon copied it in 1998 and is now a legend. Next up we'll talk about Chris Candido, a highly talented young man at the time whom with a better gimmick than "Skip" would have worked out great. He had talent, had ability and was over with the fans. Until Michaels convinced Vince to fire him so he could make a play on Sunny. After that maybe i'll mention... Vader. The beast himself. The guy who was a World Champ in WCW and pulling decent numbers as the Main Event over there. You should know the story by now, Vader gets over in the WWF as a megaheel and is promptly jobbed out to Michaels before being relegated to lame mid card feuds.
Next up good ole Mick Foley. The fans have always loved Mick. Loved him in WCW, loved him in the WWF. Undertaker gets him over as a megaheel with MAJOR heat even though the fans dug the guy... Jobbed out to Michaels and buried back onto the midcard again. Ohh yeah, that's right, Vince flirted with the idea and wanted the belt on Mankind to elevate the Mankind/UT feud but Michaels refused(Like always) so they had to do that lame DQ and send Foley back to the midcard looking weaker than he was built up to look.
Neeeext.... How about.... Using TV time to try and destroy another mans marriage? Was that not his fault either? I mean he said it, and it wasn't scripted to be said yet he went into business for himself yet again. Last but not least his refusing to job the belt to Steve Austin at Wrestlemania until The Undertaker threatened him with physical harm if he walked off(again) or continued to refuse to do the job. Interesting how he leaked to the dirt sheets and everyone who would listen his back had an owie and he was retiring after Wrestlemania the same day that meeting ended.
Those are just the talent he tried to screw, that's not including the part discussed above about when he threw months of TV time and money down the drain walking off on live TV because it was time to do a job. One of THREE times. Let's not forget how he was fine to wrestle at IYH until Vince made it clear Douglas would be IC Champion and he held up the company only agreeing to walk out and forfeit the belt if they hotshot it onto Scott Hall. Or the time he got his ass kicked backstage after running his mouth and quit the company in the middle of another program that the WWF spent months building.
Not his fault? No actually it is. I just gave you seven different instances where he went out of his way to harm the product in order to guard the spot Nash politicked for him to get. Nine if you also wanna count his politicking Vince to job Davey Boy in England nearly destroying that WWF stronghold and if you count walking to the ring and laying down to job the Euro title to Triple H.
Last on the list, "so what? Everyone does it." No actually they don't. Hogan: Savage is over as the #2 face and HTM refused to job the IC belt unless Vince gave him a plan for his character, Hogan steps aside and lets Savage run with the title. Warrior gets over as popular as Hogan, Gogan put him over. Taker got over, Hogan put him over. Put Yokozuna over as the man Hogan couldn't beat and retired. Put over The Giant(Big Show) in WCW. Put over Luger. Put over Goldberg. Put over DDP. The Rock. Kurt Angle. HHH. Brock Lesnar. Ric Flair and Bret Hart made careers out of trying to help other guys get over. Austin refused quite a few times so you got me there. The Rock? Serious? Mankind, HHH, Lesnar, Goldberg, Orton. The Rock worked his ass off to help others get over.
There are basically two guys who didn't do that and didn't care if the rest of the product sucked. Kevin Nash and Shawn Michaels. One kissed Vinces ass nonstop(Or worse according to alot of the boys) to keep getting pushes. You're right about one thing though, it IS a wonder the WWF is still in business after The Ratings Killer nearly put it out of business.