Should Roman Reigns break Kane's RR record?

I doubt Kane gives a flying shit about the record and pushes these days move very fast, I expect post-Mania we'll be getting a lot of Roman Reigns, might as well get things off to a big start by giving him the Rumble record, I mean didn't he break the Survivor Series elimination record for a single match?
It's a nice stat that Kane had but in the end it only happened to showcase Austin and the struggle he had to go through to win that Rumble. I don't really care either way if Reigns breaks the record or not. He just needs to have a great showing like Diesel had in 94.

Hopefully though, they don't go through with Ambrose eliminating Reigns. I don't want The Shield to start breaking up soon. In fact, I never want them to break up. Yes, I am being selfish. I do see Big E Langston eliminating the three members of The Shield and being part of the final four.
It's not really an "official" record. I suppose it's more of an interesting statistic that commentators bring up every once in a while. But, technically, it's still a record as Kane's eliminated more guys in any single Royal Rumble match than anyone else.

As for whether or not Reigns should break it, I think that's the direction they're going in. On Old School Raw this coming Monday, Punk goes one on one with Roman Reigns. Like Rollins, we haven't seen Reigns featured in very many singles matches, so this is his opportunity to really make an impact. As a result, I'm thinking that Reigns either winds up beating Punk, is accidentally cost the match by Ambrose's loose cannon behavior or is purposely cost the match by Ambrose under the pretense of it being an accident. The ending of the match will be almost certainly play a role in the growing rift within the group. If Reigns looks dominant here, I expect him to at least tie Kane's record of 11 eliminations, if not surpass it. If WWE is genuinely serious about elevating Reigns as a singles guy, then it's a good way to make an impression. I agree that it might be a little too soon but, at the same time, part of what's made The Shield so entertaining for the past 13 or 14 months is the consistently strong booking they've gotten. They've scored huge wins, the vast majority of them clean in fact, over the biggest names in the company. As a result, they've been established and accepted by fans as major players. Reigns having a strong booking at the Royal Rumble would only be following a formula that's definitely paid off.
Yeh, I called it. It was pretty obvious but I'm glad they did it. Reigns is clearly on his way to the top and now we get to enjoy a feud between the three Shield members before he moves on to better things.

He didn't win the Rumble which is, in my opinion, understandable. Batista isn't the best choice in the world but oh well. Next year, however, Reigns will almost certainly be on course to win the entire thing. Survivor Series and now this is a clear indication, in my eyes, that they are high on Reigns.
Before I start I just wanna say I hope we can all agree that this was by far the best performance in the short-yet-VERY-promising career of Roman Reigns. Anyway...

At first I was against Reigns breaking Kane's record because I felt that Kane needed the 11-man record to cement his legacy in the Rumble as a guy who never won it but gave so much to the company. That all changed when Reigns started tossing guys left and right. And when he tossed out Cesaro, Ambrose, and Rollins, I marked big time. I mean I knew Batista would win because WWE is the most predictable thing on TV nowadays, but I wanted him to win. Even so, major congrats to Reigns. Things can only go up from here.

The other reason I'm alright with this now as apposed to before was because I had no idea Kane has one less elimination than the all-time leader, Shawn Michaels, but that's a discussion for a different thread.
So the 2014 Rumble finished the same way that the 2001 Rumble did. One man had such a dominant run & then the returning superstar gets the victory, same shit booking for the last 13 years, really :shrug:. Now before people start saying that Austin wasn't returning, he sort of was, he was returning to the title picture, not the same as Batista, but you all get my drift. Reigns has had one of the best performances I have ever witnessed in the Royal Rumble, to me he was definitely the man that everyone was trying to beat.
Difference is:
Austin got a big pop for winning. Batista got booed out the building.

Nevertheless, being a Roman Reigns fan, I am happy that he is going to be eased into the Main Event and will be allowed a decent singles run first. Don't want him to be Ryback no.2.

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