How I would handle Roman Reigns push


Championship Contender
It seems pretty clear that WWE are positioning Reigns for a big 2014 and I have thought of a plan for how I would do it

New record eliminations at Royal Rumble and last eliminated by Bryan or Punk
2 eliminations against the Wyatt's inside the elimination chamber before being eliminated by Bray with the help of Harper and Rowen( H and R won tag titles at Rumble)
Reigns takes a loss to Taker at Mania in a close match who is getting revenge for the attack
Shield break up after Mania with Reigns turning face and Ambrose and Rollins staying heel
Reigns wins a triple threat against Ambrose(lost US title to Bray at Mania) and Rollins in a cage match at Extreme Rules
Reigns wins against Ambrose in a LMS match at Payback
Reigns wins MITB at PPV and cash in later that night and then a long title reign
Beats Taker in a streak vs title at Mania 31
I agree with all of this except for the match with Taker at WM30. I think The Shield should wrestle The Wyatt Family at Mania. We saw how much the crowd would be into that when they started brawling a couple months back, before Bray turned everyone's attention back to Punk and Bryan. The Shield lose, and Ambrose blames Reigns after they suffer another miscommunication to cost them the match.

The following night on Raw, Ambrose defends the US Title and Reigns interferes to cost him the belt. That way there's no title in the equation when they have their triple threat match at Extreme Rules.

Reigns is definitely a no-brainer for MITB winner in July. When he becomes champ isn't too important, but I would crown him by Survivor Series so that he has at least a 6-month reign going by the time Mania 31 rolls around.

I'm definitely not opposed to a Taker/Reigns match at WM31, but Reigns should not end the streak. It's just not going to happen, nor should it. Even if it's for the title, Taker still has to win. I'd have Reigns regain the title in the rematch the very next night or at Extreme Rules, but by no means does Reigns (or anyone else) go over Taker at WrestleMania.
well I agree with reigns fighting taker but just not yet.
for the rest I think it would be awesome if reigns goes in the rumble as the number one entrance, and of course have him eliminate as many people as you want, including ambrose, by mistake, maybe someone pushed him against ambrose. yeah its ok for him to be eliminated second to last by brian, that way brian will have the momentum to eliminate whoever it is is left. then find him something to do this mania, leave taker for later. ,aybe the wyatt shield match can happen here with ambrose turning his back on reigns because of the RR elimination. they yada yada yada match at Extreme rules, and then money in the bank, also lets have a big champion, meaning strong, fast, and big. probably not cena, maybe have sheamus be champion (sheamus can be heel, its ok with me) then lets wait for people to start chanting for the cashing of the briefcase, like ziggler. and of course big title reign, big match against rock at summerslam since the rock never got his re-match and IDK lets have him be get close to beating Punks title reign, but punk wins the tittle like 3 days before the record is broken.
Let me try break this down real quick:

New record eliminations at Royal Rumble and last eliminated by Bryan or Punk

This could happen easily, and I agree it should be done in the 2014RR, have him eliminate Batista too or be eliminated by him, throw some big names in his eliminations not just mid-carders and jobbers.

2 eliminations against the Wyatt's inside the elimination chamber before being eliminated by Bray with the help of Harper and Rowen( H and R won tag titles at Rumble)

Not sure about this one, but I'd let it roll out.

Reigns takes a loss to Taker at Mania in a close match who is getting revenge for the attack

Yes, I'd love to see this and really let reigns take him to the limit and really let people believe he could have beat the streak, this can create more tension/jealousy in the Shield if they already haven't split up by this point.

Shield break up after Mania with Reigns turning face and Ambrose and Rollins staying heel

Easy one, have this start the NIGHT AFTER WM as the crowd is gonna be hot for the start of a new 'WWE Year' and have Ambrose and Rollins attack him and say he's no longer part of the Shield, let them go as far as taking his 'Shield Attire' of him (like when Bully Ray took the kuttes from ex A&8's members). This also gives Reigns his own identity by having to wear a new wrestling attire.

Reigns wins a triple threat against Ambrose(lost US title to Bray at Mania) and Rollins in a cage match at Extreme Rules

Have Reigns decimate the match near to the end and climb over the cage to win because he has time.

Reigns wins against Ambrose in a LMS match at Payback

Have Rollins run-in for Ambrose and and Reigns has them both laid out for a 10 count.

Reigns wins MITB at PPV and cash in later that night and then a long title reign

(IMO, with only one champion to cash in on they should bring MITB back up to WM but anyways...) have Reigns win this match but don't cash in, he's built himself up yes, but don't cash it in that night, cash it in at a Summer Slam but have him lose (to boost the unpredictability of a MITB winner gaining the championship...) in a really long match (hopefully the champion by this time is a face and...) Reigns can earn the respect of the faces(after all, he did terrorize them all as part of the Shield) and win a another match to get a shot at the WWEWHC by Survivor Series and win the WWEWHC from whoever is champion (in another epic match...) and hold it up to WM31 also giving him some credibility for doing something major at all the 'Big 4' PPV's in WWE.

Beats Taker in a streak vs title at Mania 31

By this time Reigns is still champion (obviously) and this time around, HE wants the match against Taker to have another crack at ending his streak, Taker says fine as long as it's for the WWEWHC blah.. blah.. blah.. Reigns says yes, they shake hands, the crowd pops for it, at WM Reigns has all this "big match experience" and can "go the distance" with the UT, Reigns wins the match (...because we all know that Taker can't carry the belt when he wrestles once a year and...) ends the UT's unbeaten streak at 22-1 (which is perfect because 22 looks unfinished).

And that's how I'd book Roman Reigns over 2 years.
*Strong performance in the Royal Rumble, with Reigns outlasting Ambrose and Rollins.
*Shield break-up inside the Elimination Chamber. Reigns once again outlasts the other two.
*Ambrose vs. Rollins vs. Reigns for the United States Championship at WrestleMania. Reigns wins the title and turns face.
*Ambrose vs. Reigns in a rematch at Extreme Rules. Reigns retains.
*Reigns is booked strongly as US Champion for the next two months, but loses the title in June.
*Reigns wins MITB in July.
*Reigns is simply booked strongly for the rest of the summer.
*Reigns cashes in to become world champion in the fall.
I would have him win the IC title at RR.Before the RR match Reigns and Ambrose get in to an argument with Ambrose claiming to own Reigns and Rollins.Rollins steps up and yells you don't own me.

RR Match- I would have The Shield standing tall with Reigns eliminating every one.But Ambrose sneaks up behind Rollins hitting the Headlock driver and lifts him up telling Reigns to spear him.Instead Reigns spears Ambrose.Then checks on Rollins picks him up but Ambrose sneaks up and eliminates him.Ambrose gets eliminated by Henry who gets eliminated by Langston.

Raw- Reigns confronts Ambrose they argue but Rollins is pissed at both.

EC-Ambrose def. Rollins by DQ to retain when he is speared by Reigns.

Raw- Rollins confronts Reigns but they make up for their match.Ambrose/Goldust (who would have turned on Cody at RR) vs. Reigns/Rollins. Rollins walks out on Reigns but Reigns spears Ambrose go for the pin but Goldust causes the Dq Cody makes the save.
Reigns def. Ambrose & Rollins to unify the US/IC Titles

The next night Ambrose comes issuing his rematch clause Reigns win HHH tries to get him to become him and Stephanies new champ.Reigns yells HELL NO! so HHH announce at EC he would face Ambrose,Rollins,Henry,Langston,Rhodes,Fandango for the title with the spear being banned and no DQ gauntlet.Reigns some how wins then comes down to Ambrose,HHH,Kane,Batista comes out Reigns last challenger Ambrose comes down he tells Hunter to go to hell and spears Ambrose for the win.At Payback he beats Ambrose HHH announces at MITB he will defend against Henry he wins at MITB he loses Henry.

Raw- HHH tells him he gets no rematch Reigns says that's cool because he wants him.Before HHH can accept Stephanie does for him.

SummerSlam- Reigns def. HHH with the stipulation if HHH loses he retires.HHH retires the next night and says he got the best out of Reigns and he proved his self.That's something he tried with Bryan last year.Randy Orton comes up telling Hunter to shut up with the sob story.Reigns comes out and spears Randy.

NOC - Reigns def. Randy by DQ
Battleground- Reigns def. Randy
HIAC - Reigns def. (a now heel) CM Punk

SS- Reigns def. Punk

TLC-Langston def. Reigns to retain

RR- Reigns wins the RR

Raw- Cena congratulates him
EC- Reigns def. [insert name here] by dq
Cena (the champ) attacks him turning heel.

Wrestlemania XXXI-Reigns def.Cena to become champ and new face of company he holds the title into MITB Jericho cashes in

Summerslam - Reigns def. Jericho

WM XXXII Reigns def. Cena who turns face passing the torch officially.

SummerSlam- 2016 Cena def. Reigns
If Roman Reigns is going to end up having a big push next year, I say that he should stay as a monster heel on his own. He has that look and intensity of a monster heel and have him squash guys as he starts to make an impression as a future world champion. I believe that Roman Reigns has a bright future as a monster.
Right now, the Shield seems to have regrouped. I would have the cracks opened up completely at Royal Rumble after being teased on the Weekly Shows.

At Royal Rumble; Roman Reigns comes in early and eliminates 10 guys, during this time, the entire Shield is in the ring eventually. Rollins is surprisingly eliminated, and Reigns is eliminated close to the end by Ambrose who gloats and celebrates inside the ring before he is also eliminated by the eventual winner.
This sets up a program for WM eventually,with the US title as the reward. Rollins will be in-between,but eventually Ambrose's gloating ways alienate him, and he begins to side with Reigns somewhat. However, during one of the matches on RAW(a tag team possibly), Reigns mistakenly spears Rollins and this can setup a Triple-Threat match at WM for the US title.

At Wrestlemania; Roman Reigns wins the US title in the Triple-threat match vs Rollins and Ambrose(c).
The rematch occurs on RAW, with Reigns retaining via DQ. Rollins can then be moved on to another program somehow, allowing Reigns and Ambrose to set up a match for Extreme Rules.

At Extreme Rules; Reigns retains the title from Ambrose and finally ends the feud and can move on.
Thereafter, the announcement of the Unification of the IC and US titles occurs. Big E Langston is still IC Champion(after a program where he lost to Mark Henry and won it back at WM), whilst Roman Reigns is US Champion.

At Payback; the unification match occurs, but Reigns loses to Big E Langston in this match by a close margin.
However, he is continuously booked strongly going into MITB.

At MITB; Big E Langston is going for the briefcase but is speared by Roman Reigns at the top of the ladder(Edge & Jeff...) and Roman Reigns goes on to win the MITB match.

....thereafter, he cashes in eventually and wins the WWE World title and goes on to Main Event Wrestlemania 31 vs Daniel Bryan( doesn't matter who is Champion at the time), with both men putting on a 5-Star match for US to Enjoy!

Forgive me for being long winded, but I'll try to be incredibly detailed as well. It would have to be a huge wheels in motion fo the entire situation, meaning that it wouldn't be just Reigns. In the grand scheme of things it would all have to start with Cena, as much as I hate to say it. The wheels would be set forth by Bray Wyatt, with Jake Roberts almost playing the role of a father-esque figure. It would work as a way to explain or put off a certain vibe for the Wyatt family, and would force a Cena turn(think Jake "The Snake"/Randy Savage snake bite incident).

Wyatt Family taunts Cena, hurts/taunts/kidnaps those around him till he hits a breaking point(kidnap a Bella, punish his friends, torture him). Eventually they will have a match or a situation where they draw blood(literally), push him further than he's been pushed so far, till he finally snaps. Force Cena to be a full on monster heel, non apologetic, discredits his whole "Hustle/Loyalty/Respect" and cuts heel promos denouncing everything he has stood for. Cena will make it a point to demolish those around him, physically he will go beyond the match and serve to purposely hurt people. Around the bend Reigns will eventually get tired of being a corporate puppet and obviously Ambrose will eventually piss him off to where he loses it and goes lone wolf and drops both Ambrose and Rollins. By the time this all happens, he says at the beginning it was about standing for justice and writing the wrongs. Cena will try to attack him, and have multiple run ins with Reigns, but no official matches.

Reigns finally seizes the opportunity to get Cena alone for a match, monster heel vs. face in a last man standing match or a Hell in a Cell eventually.
my plan is at royal rumble rr is eliminated by ambrose or rr eliminates ambrose by accident. Then at ec the shield vs wyatts take place where they lost in some form of miscommunication. The next night they fight each other. At wm30 rr wins his first us title. Then they setup ic vs us unification match. That match is setup for next generation stars like scsa and rock, cena and randy, big e and roman. RR eventualy win the match. Then he fued with some top heel and win the wwe title at summer slam.

He wont need mitb win. Bcoz it gives him a fluke win. He wins his wwe championship against a top heels like randy, del rio, sheamus, batista, even lesnar.
man whats with the roman reign facing the undertaker at mania? lol. Taker has like 2 years (2-3 mania matches) in him. Those matches has to be money matches, especially with the absence of a top draw like Rock.

Im fine with roman reign getting his push and theres potential in him. However, hes going to be competing for some midcard title at mania 30 and not challenging for the streak.

Reign is the flavor of the month and has done nothing note worthy at this time to earn that shot to face against the deadman, especially challenging for the streak.

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