Should Roman Reigns break Kane's RR record?


King Of The Ring
With the Royal Rumble upcoming there are plenty of viable options the WWE could use to build stars. It is clear that those in power are fans of Reigns - and rightly so. Survivor Series was the first clear indication that he could be their guy heading into the future after he eliminated four wrestlers in the Traditional Tag Team match. He was, of course, the sole survivor.

The Royal Rumble is another opportunity to make Reigns look like an absolute beast. I'm not suggesting he should win the match but taking the record for most eliminations is something that could be done. Kane eliminated 11 superstars in 2001 and perhaps this year; Reigns surpasses that.

It would be a great achievement for Reigns making him look strong and the most dominant guy on the roster. If the break-up of The Shield is upcoming then this could be another feather in his cap - adding to his performance from Survivor Series.

I think it would make a lot of sense for The Shield to dominate the entire Rumble. As a faction they could perhaps eliminate half the field before the eventual winner clears them out. Think 2009 with Legacy except even more dominant and they don't win. Perhaps Reigns could even eliminate Rollins and Ambrose which could act as the beginning of their split.

I don't see any good reason why they shouldn't. I suppose it would be a shame for Kane but doesn't really need this record and he is pretty close to having the most overall eliminations in Royal Rumble matches.

Simple question, Should Roman Reigns break Kane's Royal Rumble record?
Is it actually an official record, or just a statistic occasionally referred to by the ring announcers? I was never even aware of Kane's accomplishment until reading your post.

One thing seems certain: if anyone beats 11 eliminations, it's a sure sign that the wrestler is going to be featured in the near future. We've already gotten an indication of this from Reigns' performance in the Survivor Series.

The writers are doing a good job teasing the coming Shield break-up. When Dean Ambrose starts acting superior to his buddies.....or when Roman Reigns starts staring ugly at his teammates, I swear the move will take place very soon.
why shouldnt he win?? so he could job to the same old crappy winners such as cena?? if he doesnt win i dont think its a succesful "monster" push. even i know though wwe doesnt have the balls to push him to the top so the coolest scenerio would be the last guys left in the ring are the wyatts daniel bryan and roman reigns. they all circle each other and reigns and bryan look at each other and become a team to eliminate the wyatts then fight each other and the winner is daniel bryan. more likely to happen though is reigns is one of the last Five and gets eliminated. and if cena is in the rumble everyone just give up and hang your bootstraps because hes going to bring out his golden shovel and bury everyone
How have you not heard it before? Its always in the Numbers promo just before the rumble itself!
Yes. That record should've been broken with the 40-man Rumble three years ago.

Kane, of all people, eliminated 11 guys. It's a strange record for somebody who's never been a top guy to have. Let Reigns eliminate the same or more then have Ambrose eliminate him. Simple booking.
the last people remaining are cm punk daniel bryan wyatts and the shield each team on their own side. cm punk and bryan are inbetween the oher teams as they regroup and circle each other. daniel bryan looks at punk seeing he has no chance with punk slowly backs away from punk into the wyatts corner. as punk is confused and angry at daniel bryan the shield slowly creeps up to punk and when punk is ready to fight them off roman reigns gives punk a nod and punk understands and turns around. so we have daniel bryan with the wyatts on one corner and cm punk with the shield on the other. after a showdown the last ones left are reigns and daniel bryan.

now i know what your thinking bryan hates wyatts and punk hates shield but in the royal rumble you have to do what is in your best position to win. 4 v 4 is better then 3 v 3 v 2. its not completely illogical this is not the first time crazy alliances have been made. also it doesnt symbolize a heel turn for punk or bryan its just in their best interest to do what it takes to win. most importantly imagine how the fans would completely mark out when you have bryan with tge wyatts behind him and punk with the shield behind him that staredown would be a epic moment. forgive me for my grammer and rambling it probably doesnt make complete sense but maybe some people can envision this awesone ending play out lol. one last time storyline wise bryan joined wyatts because he hates them however he still knows them more then shield. and shield decides to take punk because they dont want wyatts to have the advantage
I'm fine with Roman Reigns or any member of The Shield breaking Kane's Royal Rumble elimination record at some point, but not this year. It is too soon. They have only been on the active roster for about 13 months. Once they have reached veteran status then it would be fine. Why hand out achievements for Reigns when his career has only just started? Do you want him to brag about the 2014 Royal Rumble forever? Allow him some time to find his place on the card and accomplish some other things first so that breaking Kane's record can be a bigger deal, and he will be more believable in the role by then. I'd say next year maybe it can be considered, it's too soon to do it now.
Yes. That record should've been broken with the 40-man Rumble three years ago.

Kane, of all people, eliminated 11 guys. It's a strange record for somebody who's never been a top guy to have. Let Reigns eliminate the same or more then have Ambrose eliminate him. Simple booking.

This. Give Reigns that pop, Ambrose the heat and set up something for Wrestlemania, hopefully a triple threat between all three members for the US title, which by then should be elevated.
Kane, of all people, eliminated 11 guys. It's a strange record for somebody who's never been a top guy to have.

I think it was done to make Austin look strong eliminating the last entrant. Sure The Rock was also in the rumble but it probably would have made The Rock look weaker if Austin eliminated The Rock clean. Taker was not an option for some reason. So they went with Kane, and yes he wasn't a top guy even at 2001 but he was an upper mid carder and making him eliminate 11 guys and starting at 6 (or 7) made Austin look good winning.
Roman Reigns should definitely break Kane's record.

I think it would be epic if Reigns broke Kane's record by eliminating Kane as the number 12 eliminated by Roman.
Reigns shouldn't break Kane record they are shoving this guy down our throats so much it's sickening


Oh right, this is Non Spam.

Yes, I feel that Roman Reigns should break Kane's record, though not by a huge margin. 12 eliminations, with Roman Reigns perhaps eliminating Kane as his twelfth man and then getting eliminated by Dean Ambrose for a good bit of heat, while Seth Rollins attempts to go the distance but fails (perhaps taken out by the Wyatt Family during a significant solo streak). That way, all three members of the Shield get their standout moment, while seguing into the Wyatt Family doing a New Nexus style holdout until Daniel Bryan and some other faces come in to take them out.
Yes he should. It writes itself.

Reigns enters early, 2 or 3, and gets up to 9 eliminations. He is left alone in the ring till out comes big show. They fight. Next come the other 2 shield members. They team up, to take show down only for show to quickly knock down Seth and Dean. Reigns finally gets him over himsel. At this point Dean and Seth celebrate, this angers Reigns, he counts the 10 eliminations on his fingers then tosses out Seth and Dean. Giving him 11 and 12. They both jump back in the ring and take of Reigns. Setting up a 2 on 1 match at wm for the us title.
I mentioned my thoughts briefly on another topic, but I think the best thing is for Reigns to tie the record. Think of it this way: Kane has had a plethora of unsuccessful gimmicks in his career before Kane (Remember Isaac Yankem? Yeah, I'm cringing, too.), and he's put in a hell of a lot more work than was ever asked from him over his career. The least WWE could do is give him this little bit of history to acknowledge his career, unless for some reason he wins the WWE WHC.

That being said, I want to see Reigns in the final three with 10 eliminations under his belt. That way, Cole could hype up the fact that if he eliminates both of the remaining Superstars, not only does he win the Rumble, but he breaks Kane's record. Then have him only eliminate the final Superstar. In the end, you get your singles push for Reigns, a huge pop from the crowd in Pittsburgh, and no disrespect to Kane.

(I spent an unnecessary amount of time thinking about if that last sentence should contain a reference to Kanye West's rant against Jimmy Kimmel, like I would write #NODISRESPECTTOKANE #ALLDISRESPECTTOKANYEWEST or some shit like that, but I decided not to because I have no idea how much heat I'll get for using hashtags here :p)
When I read that WWE had big plans for Reigns at the RR I assumed their plan was for him to break Kane's record. I would be all for it, why not? The guy just looks like he's going to be a big deal very soon, I doubt he's winning the thing but have Reign's eliminate 12 or more guys and (as Jake said) have Ambrose eliminate him, start his face turn and give Reigns the US title at WM 30.

I think something simple like that would work out very well and would be a great start to his face turn (assuming those are still the plans).
I'm fine with Roman Reigns or any member of The Shield breaking Kane's Royal Rumble elimination record at some point, but not this year. It is too soon. They have only been on the active roster for about 13 months. Once they have reached veteran status then it would be fine. Why hand out achievements for Reigns when his career has only just started? Do you want him to brag about the 2014 Royal Rumble forever? Allow him some time to find his place on the card and accomplish some other things first so that breaking Kane's record can be a bigger deal, and he will be more believable in the role by then. I'd say next year maybe it can be considered, it's too soon to do it now.

So what if he's been on the active roster for 13 months? Kane was in the WWE for 3 1/2 years before he eliminated 11 people in 2001 and his accomplishments up to that point was basically a one-day world title reign. I don't see a point of waiting until he accomplishes more. It's not like Randy Orton couldn't wait years before he became the youngest world heavyweight champion. Kane accomplished more after the Rumble than he did before. This could springboard Reigns to something bigger. Kane didn't reach veteran status before his achievement so Reigns doesn't have to either. I'm all for it.
Yeah Id like to see it...but in a 40 man Rumble. This will allow other guys to get eliminations...not one guy eliminating damn near half the participants.
I am on the fence with regards to Roman Reigns breaking Kane's record, due mostly to the fact that Kane is one of the remaining few veterans left in the WWE from the Attitude era and this record is something that defines his Big man/Monster legacy. Maybe, it is better to wait until Kane is retired and in the HOF to break his record of eliminations in one rumble.
At this time, Kane is ONE Elimination behind HBK in overall eliminations in Rumble history. Let Kane get that record first and extend it, and then let someone break the record since Kane would have another one by which to be remembered.

My Roman Reigns/the Shield Royal Rumble split story is similar to most here. Have Reigns come in early,probably no.5/6/7 and go on an elimination spree. Then have the other 2 arrive mid-way, and Ambrose with his superiority complex over the other 2, says 'let us work together till the end'...they eliminate a couple more but Rollins is somehow surprisingly eliminated, and then Ambrose double-crosses Reigns ,eliminating him and then is eliminated by the Winner or another top guy(Punk,Sheamus,Bryan) near the end....cue Roman Reigns face turn(note: nothing about him beating Kane's record, probably leave him with 10 eliminations which would be good enough,lMO)
Of course, this leaves Rollins as the in-between and I am stuck with regards to what should be done with him in a possible Roman Reigns vs Dean Ambrose feud...
This year, Reigns should hit about the tenth elimination - then have him eliminated by Kane himself.

Next year, Reigns is trying the same thing, you build up to the same spot and tension of last year, but Reigns outsmarts Kane this time - and he eliminates Kane to tie the record before being eliminated.

The year after next, this is where you finally have Reigns hit that mythical twelfth elimination. And, who knows...maybe he can even go on to win it from here.
Yes, and it's not even close.

Kane's elimination record is just a cool fun facts stat WWE uses to help promote (i.e. the Rumble By The Numbers promo video) the Rumble every year. That's it. It's not something with sacred value, because we're not talking about The Streak here.

And yeah, Reigns breaks the record by eliminating Rollins or Ambrose (or both), and one or the other turns the tables on him with a returning elimination to progress the storyline for the inevitable break up between all three men.
I agree if someone does break the single rumble mark they'll be getting a push.
I can't remember,Does Kane hold the career mark for eliminations as well?
I couldn't remember if it was him or HBK.
Roman Reigns should definitely break Kane's record.

I think it would be epic if Reigns broke Kane's record by eliminating Kane as the number 12 eliminated by Roman.

I agree records are meant to be broken. It's about time the new era of wrestlers like The Shield leave their imprint on the WWE.

Honestly, I just hope Sheamus don't win the Rumble, to make history himself being the fifth multi-rumble winner.
As both a Kane and a Roman Reigns fan, I'd be happy either way. Part of me would like to see Kane hold onto it at least until he gets into the HoF, which I don't think will be too far into the future now seeing as Kane's in-ring activities have certainly taken a back seat lately. But it's clear that Glenn Jacobs is more than happy at this time, and for quite a while too to just be the serviceable veteran who still gets some time as a title holder, but generally will be happy to do what is best for the storyline, whatever it means for Kane, so I don't think he'd be too unhappy about losing the record to Reigns.

I agree with a few posters who say Reigns could come into the Rumble around the 5-6-7 spot, go beast mode and have some time working with the other two Shield members, before he has an issue with Ambrose likely eliminating him, or at least trying to take some shine away from him or showing some sort of jealousy.

This does indeed, leave Rollins in an in-between kinda role. Honestly, I could see him siding with Reigns, at least for a short time. They already have the connection of being tag-team champions together, and Rollins has joined in with Reigns shooting an ugly glare at Ambrose when he's decided to remind everyone that he's the only Shield member with a title currently.
Completely disagree. It would look fake and felt forced.

Depending on how many men are in the rumble (I'm assuming 40), able to eliminate 8, 9, or 10 is already a huge achievement in itself -- that means you probably have the upper hand when you're in the ring with these 8, 9, or 10 individuals.

The two Wyatt towers are the beast. They could literally throw everybody off the ring if they work together even if they were the first to enter the rumble.
No as i feel they should let it stand for awhile before it gets broken as a nice tip of the cap to kane. I am of the view that Kane was undervalued and misused in the early to mid 2000's and should of had a nice long Title run during that time. However WWE derailed the push right when it was really picking up steam and from there on Kane was misused when he was at his prime. The least they can do imo is let his record stand for awhile

I would be fine with Reigns getting near the mark or even tying it but let it stand for awhile Reigns doesn't need it. Its not like people will go oh he broke kanes rumble record he must be legit. Most people already do and there are far better ways to build him up then kanes record.

Really that is a sad testament to how misused Kane was in his prime the fact that record would be something nice for WWE to let Kane have if only for awhile. I mean Kane has the same number of WHC title reigns as Khali and save for some money in the bank cash ins and maybe The Million dollar man, kane has the shortest WWE title reign in history. Just shows how undervalued the man was in the company.

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