Should Regal get a big send-off?


Dark Match Winner
On the recent European tour, William Regal alluded to an upcoming retirement by telling the fans this would likely be his last overseas appearence.

Now as someone completely buried in the lowercard shuffle, you'd imagine a talent in that position would just be quietly 'future endeavored' when their time came to retire with zero fanfare, but do you think Regal deserves something more?

Now of course i'm not talking Ric Flair or Sean Michaels levels of send-off (as both were a million times more relevent story-wise at the end of their WWE careers) but Regal is a long-time veteran, someone held in huge regard by the core fans and young wrestlers, and does a lot behind the scenes in terms of training, not to mention his past involvement in big storylines, most notable of which being the GM angles.

So should he or not? It'd bend kayfabe in a way to do so, as in story terms he's currently buried and his character is regarded as a bit of a blustering fool who demands yet commands no respect, so it wouldn't make sense to show respect to his career, but it'd be a shame to just let him disappear from our screens after such a solid, and long career, and someone who is known as one of the last "wrestler's wrestler" workers still around today.

On a side-note, if WWE films ever do make that Gorgeous George biopic, he really should be the one to play him.
I really do think that if Regal just went away without anyone saying anything about it, nobody except some of us on here would notice or quite frankly, care. However as someone who respects Regal and all of his contributions to the business throughout his lengthy career, I think he should get a proper send off. Not a huge one like Flair's, but like the poster above suggested, a loser leaves WWE match or something with Daniel Bryan.
I would love to see Regal get a regal send off (Pun intended) but he has been too irrelevant for too long of a time. As GCoh said he will probably end up losing an all or nothing type match followed by a patronizing "nah nah nah nah hey hey goodbye" chant. I think he deserves a lot more than that after all the time and effort he has put into WWE, but we never know, stranger things have happened and he may well get a minor send off.
First thing I'll say is I disagree with him playing Gorgeous George, Regal just isn't flamboyant enough to pull it off and I think it would be near impossible for him (just with his past and accent) to actually make the audience believe he is Gorgeous George (like George Steele did when he played Tor Johnson in Ed Wood, he just fit the role unbelievably well).

Now personally I don't see him getting a huge sendoff as he was never a huge star in the WWE and it seems like the big stars are the ones that get the big send offs. If they decided to give him a big sendoff I would be all for it because Regal was a solid wrestler and I think his career warrants a memorable send off, but that could be said about a lot of wrestlers not just Regal (where was Ted Dibiase's big sendoff, or Macho Man, or the 100 other wrestlers that deserve a big sendoff).

All in all it would be nice to break the norm and give dedicated, hard working wrestlers big send offs (like Regal) but he wasn't a big star and for that reason he won't.
From a personal standpoint, I think that Regal does deserve to have a nice, memorable send off. I've always been a fan of William Regal and I believe that he is one the legitimately rare cases where a great wrestler wasn't used to his ultimate potential by the big companies. In this day and age, it's common to hear mediocre talents bitch and moan via Twitter or youtube! about how great they are. In Regal's case, I think he could make such complaints and they'd be valid.

Regal is someone that can legitimately wrestle. His style was never flashy or anything, but the man has great mat credentials. I always thought he had a great personality, good mic skills and just had a very natrual heelish aura about him. He plays the snooty, aristocratic Englishman very well even though he comes from a working class background.

I think that Regal's career would have taken a pretty decent upswing had he not failed a drug test. He'd won the 2008 King of the Ring so a decent push wasn't out of the question. However, failing a drug test in the WWE tends to result in a wrestler's career coming to an abrupt standstill or in the wrestler being buried.

In spite of all that though, Regal has always been loyal and I'm someone that enjoys seeing loyalty rewarded. He's ALWAYS done whatever has been asked of him like a true pro should, even though I'm sure he's absolutely hated some of the stuff that's landed in his lap.

So yeah, from the point of view of a fan, I do think that Regal deserves a good send off and rewarded for years of loyalty and good work. Regal is a real pro and a class act, a real dying breed in American professional wrestling.
Personally i think that the WWE should recognize that Regal has entered his last few months in the company. They should begin a small but actually noticeable push after the Royal Rumble, leading to the Daniel Bryan feud which was mentioned earlier in this thread. But make this 'Loser gets Fired' match happen on the European tour in April, in England of course. So that when the inevitable happens, he will be in his home country for his Final match. Unfortunately the chances of the WWE making this happen are extremely slim!
First thing I'll say is I disagree with him playing Gorgeous George, Regal just isn't flamboyant enough to pull it off and I think it would be near impossible for him (just with his past and accent) to actually make the audience believe he is Gorgeous George (like George Steele did when he played Tor Johnson in Ed Wood, he just fit the role unbelievably well).

Now personally I don't see him getting a huge sendoff as he was never a huge star in the WWE and it seems like the big stars are the ones that get the big send offs. If they decided to give him a big sendoff I would be all for it because Regal was a solid wrestler and I think his career warrants a memorable send off, but that could be said about a lot of wrestlers not just Regal (where was Ted Dibiase's big sendoff, or Macho Man, or the 100 other wrestlers that deserve a big sendoff).

All in all it would be nice to break the norm and give dedicated, hard working wrestlers big send offs (like Regal) but he wasn't a big star and for that reason he won't.

Regal is also over weight and ugly to play a gimmick like that aswell. WWE should send him off with a decent title run with the U.S. Championship or Tag Team Championship. Have him partner with a young superstar and put him over with being Tag Champions. Thats how he can get a good send off and also have a young superstar be put over aswell. He could maybe even maybe lead a stable like how Right to Censor was, and put young guys over.
From a personal standpoint, I think that Regal does deserve to have a nice, memorable send off. I've always been a fan of William Regal and I believe that he is one the legitimately rare cases where a great wrestler wasn't used to his ultimate potential by the big companies. In this day and age, it's common to hear mediocre talents bitch and moan via Twitter or youtube! about how great they are. In Regal's case, I think he could make such complaints and they'd be valid.

Regal is someone that can legitimately wrestle. His style was never flashy or anything, but the man has great mat credentials. I always thought he had a great personality, good mic skills and just had a very natrual heelish aura about him. He plays the snooty, aristocratic Englishman very well even though he comes from a working class background.

I think that Regal's career would have taken a pretty decent upswing had he not failed a drug test. He'd won the 2008 King of the Ring so a decent push wasn't out of the question. However, failing a drug test in the WWE tends to result in a wrestler's career coming to an abrupt standstill or in the wrestler being buried.

In spite of all that though, Regal has always been loyal and I'm someone that enjoys seeing loyalty rewarded. He's ALWAYS done whatever has been asked of him like a true pro should, even though I'm sure he's absolutely hated some of the stuff that's landed in his lap.

So yeah, from the point of view of a fan, I do think that Regal deserves a good send off and rewarded for years of loyalty and good work. Regal is a real pro and a class act, a real dying breed in American professional wrestling.

Well after reading this I was prepared not to even post at all. Jack-Hammer hit this so right on the money that there's really nothing much a person could add to it. I'd also venture to say that if there was ever a moment that deserved a fan written accolade on a WWE television screen, this would be it.

But I do have to answer the question now that I've started writing, so I will say that I believe he should, and for the very reasons quoted above. He has been a very talented, very loyal, dying breed in the wrestling business and I don't see why they couldn't do with Regal what they are doing now with Lawler, i.e. inserting him into a little side story to give him his last hurrah before retiring.

Regal could pull this off as well as the King, I think, because he's played the babyface before and came across decently. All you would have to do is interject him into a story with a major heel. My initial thought would be Sheamus, having him help out Morrison in some fashion as to get a bit of Morrison's popularity reflected onto himself in the process. At the very least he could be put into something with Del Rio to play on the royalty angle, but I'd think that Sheamus would be the bigger pay-off. On the other hand, the Del Rio angle could be surprisingly effective and well received also.

I think Regal could hit it out of the ballpark, and even though he hasn't been very significant as of late on the screen I believe he would surprise everybody and get a really big face pop ala Santino/Kozlov or even Lawler.

So to answer the question, I really do hope that they come up with something to truly and respectfully honor Mr. Regal because anything less would be a major shame.
Thanks for the good replies so far!

In regards to bigger stars such as Macho Man not getting a send off, i'd argue that's because they left for more political reasons, and never actually retired from the ring when leaving WWE. You don't want to give someone a big farewell only for them to end up as an asset for another company, as you've built them up only for them to now be a threat to you.

Also an argument is the rarity of people like Regal in today's industry. In the older days hard working, life-long veterans were the norm. But now the temptations of Hollywood tend to lure away the charismatic wrestlers, and MMA lures away the technical ones. Regal however is part of a dying breed of people who live and breathe the industry, and a 20 year+ uninterrupted career is nowadays a rare thing, and if anything it's that I feel should be rewarded if nothing else.

But yes, I think the bare minimum he warrants is a "loser leaves WWE" angle rather than simply not showing up one day. As wrestling seems to be in his blood though, hopefully we'll see him back sooner rather than later in some kind of authority figure once he hangs up his boots.
Regal is also over weight and ugly to play a gimmick like that aswell. WWE should send him off with a decent title run with the U.S. Championship or Tag Team Championship. Have him partner with a young superstar and put him over with being Tag Champions. Thats how he can get a good send off and also have a young superstar be put over aswell. He could maybe even maybe lead a stable like how Right to Censor was, and put young guys over.

Gorgeous George was hardly built like a monster. In fact nobody was back in those days, and unless you're going to get a non-wrestling actor to play him, I think Regal is your best bet as long as he could manage the accent, as he does the snooty heel down to a tee. There's nobody else currently in wrestling that has more similarities in gimmick apart from Cody Rhodes, but he's far too young, and WWE films seems averse to use anyone but their own roster for starring roles.

Otherwise you'd need an actor to learn mat skills, which could work, but could also fail hugely. I'm just saying if you had to use a wrestler to play that role, IMO he's the closest fit.
If by huge sendoff you mean a Ric Flair type good-bye, then no. If by huge sendoff you mean an HBK type farewell address, then no. If by huge send off you mean any sort of noble speech announcing his retirement, then no, you're getting closer, but still no.

However, it is worth bringing up that Regal has given much of his life to the WWE and has provided us with a lot of moments over the years. He's given us good wrestling matches, set up good feuds, and has even made us laugh during his time as GM and as Eugene's tag team partner (Eugene cover your eyes!).

I think Regal's departure will be publicized at least a little bit. Someone suggested giving him Loser Leaves WWE match with a younger talent, and that's something I could definitely see the WWE making use of. Or maybe he'll come out and complain that the WWE is misusing his talents and he demands a title shot against Daniel Bryan, DBD will oblige and beat him, and Regal will quit the WWE out of humiliation. I think the WWE will give him some sort of televised send off simply because of that he has done for the company, but they won't give him anything super special because he is very much buried on the undercard now.
I think this is the year Regal goes into the HOF as Shawn is not gonna wrestle, I can see Regal v Lawler in a HOF'ers match at Mania (also giving Jerry his long awaited Mania match and Cole his refereeing gig)

Remember WWE signed him to a 3 year deal so we won't be seeing him just disappear, I think he will be the head coach on Tough Enough... and possibly DH Smith's manager soon...
For a man who is quite possibly Englands greatest Pro Wrestler, there is no way people in the USA Crowd would respect Regal and what he's done. Not disrespecting anyone from the US, but the majority of fans in the crowd, would only really want to see the bigger names.

If Regal was to bow out, it would have to be in the UK, where the crowds would give pops to Regal like, say Pheonix give to Orton. Give Regal a big match in Britain, Win or Lose, you know the crowd would all be for Regal, and would give him the upmost respect if he bows out infront of his home fans. It would be more suited as Regal has never really been Main-Eventer like HBK...It would be the biggest send off, but would be what Regal would want...I'm Just Sayin...
William Regal does NOT deserve a sendoff. He was never a main eventer in either WCW or WWE. He was ALWAYS a solid supporting midcarder who could work and talk but never got the big push. He is good friends with Triple H and he still hasn't gotten the big break with them. There is so many people who worked for WWE that would get a sendoff before him due to the fact they made a bigger impact with Vince.
He may get a small send off just cause he probably wont retire from wrestling, just from on camera. He may take some time off, but he is type of guy IMO, that will be back in FCW or backstage helping bookings and younger guys.
He deserves a small send off at the very least. Show a 5 minute video of his accomplishments/best moments/matches on raw. Have him do a quick speech and let him announce his retirement match which would be in the UK or Wrestlemania. Maybe give him a small program like others have mentioned.
From a personal standpoint, I think that Regal does deserve to have a nice, memorable send off. I've always been a fan of William Regal and I believe that he is one the legitimately rare cases where a great wrestler wasn't used to his ultimate potential by the big companies. In this day and age, it's common to hear mediocre talents bitch and moan via Twitter or youtube! about how great they are. In Regal's case, I think he could make such complaints and they'd be valid.

Regal is someone that can legitimately wrestle. His style was never flashy or anything, but the man has great mat credentials. I always thought he had a great personality, good mic skills and just had a very natrual heelish aura about him. He plays the snooty, aristocratic Englishman very well even though he comes from a working class background.

I think that Regal's career would have taken a pretty decent upswing had he not failed a drug test. He'd won the 2008 King of the Ring so a decent push wasn't out of the question. However, failing a drug test in the WWE tends to result in a wrestler's career coming to an abrupt standstill or in the wrestler being buried.

In spite of all that though, Regal has always been loyal and I'm someone that enjoys seeing loyalty rewarded. He's ALWAYS done whatever has been asked of him like a true pro should, even though I'm sure he's absolutely hated some of the stuff that's landed in his lap.

So yeah, from the point of view of a fan, I do think that Regal deserves a good send off and rewarded for years of loyalty and good work. Regal is a real pro and a class act, a real dying breed in American professional wrestling.

Like UltimateHitman said It's hard to post anything when Jackhammer hit the nail on the head. I would love to see him get at least a descent push before he retires. Topped of by a farewell by the wrestlers many of them he trained personally or helped out during their career. I wont hold my breathe but I really hope it happens. I would love to see it happen in the UK true American fans respect him, but nothing like they do over. He definitely deserves it after a tremendous career.
Erm..... Why? I mean, seriously, can somebody give me an exact reason why William Regal, of all people, deserves a large send off? His greatest feat was, what, being Intercontinental Title? There are former World Heavyweight Champions who haven't received the proper send off. Of course, that's likely because everyone's waiting for that star to come out of retirement, but still, what exactly has Regal done to deserve the send off?

Oh, he worked real hard for a long time? Yeah, so did the Brooklyn Brawler. But that standard, why don't we give him the big send off? Look, context people, context. William Regal would deserve the send off if he did something to change the wrestling business. He's done no such thing. As a matter of fact, he's pretty much accomplished a big old pile of nothing in the WWE.

Should he be recognized? Sure, why not. Hall of Fame, and a big send off? Not on your life

Oh, you know what? I'm calling bullshit on this.

For a man who is quite possibly Englands greatest Pro Wrestler, there is no way people in the USA Crowd would respect Regal and what he's done. Not disrespecting anyone from the US, but the majority of fans in the crowd, would only really want to see the bigger name.

Yeah, that's a large load of horseshit. If that were the case, you know who British fans would hail as the greatest of all time? Big Daddy. Yeah, calling Regal the best British wrestler of all time isn't even close to right. He's not England's greatest wrestler, he's England's wrestler who accomplished most in the WWE. Big fucking difference.

Oh, and just before you get in to say it; yes, Big Daddy's a shit worker. Can it, you knit. Because next to Hulk Hogan, no one is more beloved in British wrestling quite like Big Daddy. His crowd reactions and ability to make the crowd give a time would make Regal besmirch his shorts.
I think for as long as he's been around and as much work he's put in, he deserves a small sendoff. That being said, it's doubtful that he'll get one. He'll most likely quietly retire and it may be briefly announced, but nothing much.
Erm..... Why? I mean, seriously, can somebody give me an exact reason why William Regal, of all people, deserves a large send off? His greatest feat was, what, being Intercontinental Title? There are former World Heavyweight Champions who haven't received the proper send off. Of course, that's likely because everyone's waiting for that star to come out of retirement, but still, what exactly has Regal done to deserve the send off?

Oh, he worked real hard for a long time? Yeah, so did the Brooklyn Brawler. But that standard, why don't we give him the big send off? Look, context people, context. William Regal would deserve the send off if he did something to change the wrestling business. He's done no such thing. As a matter of fact, he's pretty much accomplished a big old pile of nothing in the WWE.

Should he be recognized? Sure, why not. Hall of Fame, and a big send off? Not on your life

Oh, you know what? I'm calling bullshit on this.

Yeah, that's a large load of horseshit. If that were the case, you know who British fans would hail as the greatest of all time? Big Daddy. Yeah, calling Regal the best British wrestler of all time isn't even close to right. He's not England's greatest wrestler, he's England's wrestler who accomplished most in the WWE. Big fucking difference.

Oh, and just before you get in to say it; yes, Big Daddy's a shit worker. Can it, you knit. Because next to Hulk Hogan, no one is more beloved in British wrestling quite like Big Daddy. His crowd reactions and ability to make the crowd give a time would make Regal besmirch his shorts.

Like has been said many times before, you don't need to be a World Champion to have a great career, so making the comparison that if former world champs never got one he shouldn't is wrong.

Khali was a world champ. Piper never was. Need any more examples?

Sure Regal is not at the level of Piper, and maybe he hasn't achieved as much as some others onscreen, but in terms of his commitment offscreen, few can match him in terms of staying power and his commitment to training new talent and the industry. You say he's achieved nothing, but in fact it seems to me he's achieved everything he's been asked to do. Do you forget that it's scripted? And regardless, did Brawler ever get the level of heat Regal did during some angles such as the blackout GM? Or laughs as he did with Eugene? Your comparison is ridiculous.

It baffles me when people shit on The Rock for going to Hollywood, yet happily shit all over people who gave their entire lives to the industry and don't want to give them any recognition because they weren't part of a storyline at the end of their tenure. Do you wonder why he upped sticks for greener pastures? Wrestling fans are so damn fickle. Give me a technically excellent and selfless worker with a loyal, long term career like Regal than an average talent, selfish, roided-up world champ like many past ones the WWE have had.

As for Big Daddy, no, he isn't beloved among wrestling fans. He is among people who nostalgically remember World of Sport on ITV, and in a very ironic and mainly mocking manner towards the industry. He's regarded as a TV character, not an athelete. Among actual fans, you're looking at the British Bulldog for that accolade. No comparisons to Hogan like popularity in the UK can ever be made about anyone simply because, by and large, not many here in the UK has actually given much of a shit about pro-wrestling since the 80s.
One thing I should state about Regal however is that regardless of his current level on the card, he's completely solid and reliable in every area.

Unlike other bottom carders, he can lose and make the winner look like they've achieved something in the process. He can put on a solid match with anyone on the roster. He can put in an authority position and own it. He can be put in a trainer position on NXT and command respect, something even the current champion The Miz couldn't manage. When utilised right, he can draw as many laughs as Santino and nearly as much heat as Vickie. Nobody else on the lower card or mid card can do all that, and i'd venture to say even a few upper carders can't.

That's his difference between say Finlay and Goldust, the other life-long vets on the card. He can, and has, achieved huge amounts in many roles (heel, clown, trainer, authority) and still has the goods, but due to the fact that he didn't win the big one because he was never scripted to means his retirement should go unacknowledged to me seems strange and unfair, when he's done everything you can in the WWE but that or have a face run.
Despite my personal feelings for Regal, I don't think there's any reason to give him a huge send-off. Sure, he worked his ass off for every company he's been a part of, but he's never been the huge draw that HBK was, or that Ric Flair was. I don't see a reason for him to get a send-off. The casual fans would be utterly confused.
Regal doesn't need a big send off. He's a great wrestler but he never had or will have the fame of Flair or HBK, but I don't think that he will leave WWE after he stops wrestling. He should be one of the head coaches for Tough Enough when it re-debuts after Mania. Regal has trained some greats: Daniel Bryan, Brian Kendrick, CM Punk, Chris Hero, and Samoa Joe
WWE needs talent like that in the company.
Any sort of "acknowledgment" of his retirement, other than a Flair/HBK-level one that everybody knows he doesn't deserve, isn't in the nature of the business. I am surprised Vince didn't at least slap Regal on the wrist for even suggesting that he may be retiring soon.

(Actually, there was one "low-level retirement" that was done right - Arn Anderson's "my spot" speech.)

What they should do: announce a "retirement match" (he retires, win or lose), but hold it in England. Any sort of "loser leaves the WWE" match could cause a problem if they want him to stay in a non-wrestling capacity.

Here's something I don't remember ever seeing done that they can try; have Regal "collapse" in the middle of a match (not go unconscious in the middle of the ring, like when Shawn did back in the 1990s to sell a concussion, but have somebody up in the air and then just collapse and get covered for a 3 count) and then after the trainers start helping him out of the ring, have him grab a microphone and announce that he realizes that was "one match too many." (Bret Hart did something similar, but it wasn't in a retirement angle - it was to intensify a feud with Owen.)

Another idea: have him be the RAW Anonymous GM, and when it is revealed, have him announce that he is no longer actually wrestling - that way, it will make it look like he "retired" on his own terms while staying with WWE.

-- Don
Regal is a legend and he deserves some kind of big send off, now whether or not he gets one is different story unfortunately...

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