Should Lashley Return Heel?

good moves and all. a good amateur wrestling background, but no mic skills what so ever. BUT, if he does go with McMahon, then he could work with his mic skills and can take him up as a top heel. But first, fued with kennedy and then with triple H. my opinion
I'd rather Lashley be a face than heel. I don't see how he could protect Vince seeing as they had a feud a couple months back with the ECW title, involving Vince, Coach, Umaga and Shane.
I would rather Lashley quietly retire and never show his stupid face on T.V again.
From the neck down, he has a chiselled, athletic frame of a champion.
Then theres his face. He tries to look mean but, bless him he just looks stupid. His voice is girly and he has all the mic skills of a turd.
I am sorry, I know I go on about this but just do not understand why Vince loves hims so much when he will never ever be marketable or much of a draw at all.
I think he should start cross dressing and trying it on with Hacksaw Jim Duggan.
to be a heel you have to be able to cut a promo lashley cannot cut promos he is soft spoken hard hittn heels are not soft spoken!!! so where this idea came from is completley beyond me...if this was the plan it should have been trialed in ecw where no one would have caed if it failed or succeeded as les face it ecw does not get thebest ratings in the world so what difference would it of made to his career???
I would like to see Lashley return in a heel stable.... With someone great on the mic. WWE need to run a heel stable that interferes with matches and destroys superstars with lashley as the powerhouse and a smart ass on the mic, (Jericho would be perfect for this, if he indeed returns) and the stable can expand over time, like evolution in a way

Although it looks like Kennedy will be forced to job to a revengeful, infriating lashley
well i have to look at this long term.

1.Assuming jerricho returns, it would be impossible to put y2j over as a heel

2. After HHH beats Umaga 20 times he is gonna be moved to SD!

3. The ecw/sd! merger will allow a big name face to jump to raw, most likely batista or mysterio and possibly undertaker.

4. Fans wanted Cena gone and HHH back on raw and are now having their second guesses. Cena is the franchise.

For these reasons i think its logical to bring lashley back as the feared heel. Orton and Kennedy play perfect cheat to win guys but you need a feared heel to even the playing field. It seems like a perfect story line for vince to throw HBK and HHH a curveball to reveal lashley returning at his side. the possiblity of a cena/hhh/batista/undertaker v. lashley fued would be a breath of fresh air for the wwe.
I'd love to see Lashley as a heel with JBL as manager, the manager would be good because he doesn't need to talk and the heel alignment because I want to see him feuding with Undertaker, Batista, Mysterio, HBK and HHH.
Now I never got the whole thing with Lashley, he is a big guy, decent wrestler, but there is nothing else. I think the right thing would be to bring him back face, as most returning wrestlers seem to come back as faces, quickly make him do some sort of screw job, and turn him heel, there is far far too many faces on Raw, he could perhaps work as a heel, the big silent type obviously, his voice just couldn’t pull off being heel.
I think they should even consider putting him over on Smackdown, there is way too many high card wrestlers on Raw, and its going to be really unfair on the mid card guys if they put Lashley right back in with the top carders.
I personally feel there isn’t a place on Raw for Lashley, unless they could solve two problems in one! Give him a fued with Carlito, make it a long one, with a good storyline!
Oops getting carried away, well yes Lashley should be heel on raw, or put him on smackdown as a face.
Ok Lashley as a heel would be simply awesome, but there are some much needed things for this to happen and for it to work correctly.

1) Lashley needs to take acting lessons, so he can actually show some expression in his face.

2) He needs someone who is awesome on the stick. Shane O'Mac would be my front runner for this. Sure he was part of the Vince/Lashley feud, but maybe Shane promises him something to come work for him.

3) Lashley needs to never speak another word, ever AGAIN! Like not even outside of the ring. I'm sorry but if I was a guy his size and build and my voice sounded like that. I would be pretty pissed off with GAWD.

4) Continue using the same moves he was using during his brief feud with Cena. I actually love Lashley's spear and the Argentine backbreaker he does is just increidbly sick looking.
Lashley should return a heel because i think when y2j comes which is next week lashley could fued with him when he comes back. so lashley (heel) vs. jericho (face)
And while lashley is still out jericho wins the ic title and feuds with lashley for the ic title when lashley is active again. so and that could have a rivalry up to no way out. and finish their or royal rumble.
Lashley cannot be a heel, because a heel needs mic skills, and Lashley has none. He could possibly be a heel inforcer for a top heel, but that wouldn't be good because enforcers, bodyguards, etc, with the exception of Kevin Nash, rarely move up the ladder, and Lashley has already been ECW champ.

I'm not sure if he can make it on Raw at all, unless he gets a manager to talk for him. You might be able to start him off again slowly. Come back as a face, and fued with Snitsky or Kennedy or someone. Kennedy would be a problem because he's not sparring with Kennedy on the mic. He will probably get revenge on Kennedy, and then become a ham and egger mid card guy.
thats not true nysandmn. if you remember what just recently happened evolution, batista was nothing but the enforcer the whole time till they started the fued w/ him and HHH, and he got over very well without saying too much of anything.

if lashely was used the right way in the heel stable, it could work very well for him to help him stay in the main event level without him having to be in the title hunt picture. and during that time where his character is a say nothing/ destroy everything type of character, they could work on his speaking till the time of the break up of the heel faction
i can see lashley returning heel and him, orton, kennedy and maybe one other forming a faction with orton and kennedy doing the mic stuff and lashley being an enforcer type person. it would be weird having lashley and kennedy in the same group but i think we ned a new group like that could do things like evolution or even 4 horsemen type deal. and then we can do the same thing that always happen watch the group break apart and have lashley fight orton or kennedy whoever comes out as the top guy.
First, supurman, you are right. I forgot about Batista! And, I think Coach or Shane would be good mouthpieces for Lashley. Or, have him team with Santino! LMFAO! You would have this huge, quiet black dude, and Santino on the mic backing him up. Santino could wrestle too, they could just have some buddy/tag team shit going. I think the interactions would be great! Santino talking all this shit, and then Lashley just looking at him with that bulging eye shit he does. LOL! :D
lol thats a great idea sandman, they could even use the return the favor angle since lashely helped him get the intercontinental belt. those two together would be comedic genius
When Lashley does eventually turn heel, it'll be for the better, because it seems like stars are always more over when they turn from heel to face for the "near-permanent shift". Look at Shawn Michaels. Babyface at first that was getting attention but needed some focus, so they made him a heel, he got a lot of heat until everyone started liking him more, and once they turned him face again in 95 he just skyrocketed. If you can get attention as a face from the get-go, then turn heel for a while enough that the fans start liking you as a performer (Stone Cold, Kennedy, etc), when you eventually turn face, you'll be a big hit.

However at the moment, Raw needs someone to step up in the midcard as a face. HBK and HHH are permanently in the main event scene and Hardy is stepping up soon I think, which leaves us with no solid faces in the Intercontinental race. It seems like they aren't ready to give Kennedy a main event push yet, so he'll win the IC title from Hardy, and he needs someone to feud with. In comes Lashley. With Kennedy on the mic all the time, the feud could be somewhat of "the guy who talks too much vs the guy who's the strong silent type", since Lashley sounds ridiculous lol. Without the mic skills or a strong enough gimmick, you can't succeed at the top, so Lashley isn't ready yet as he's just a strong muscular guy who isn't too bad in the ring.
Should he return heel? he shouldn't return at all. He's got medium level skills, no mic skills at all, and is just pushed as a super wrestler like cena. He's boring as hell in the ring with no personality, there is no way he could EVER be a heel

This is one of the better eras of Raw, Lashley and cena both out with injuries and all....
while these are all good ideas creatively, unfourtunatly none of them will ever happen. the wwe will never let something good like these ideas happen. ive said before, its all too predictable.

however i DO think lashley coming back as a heel would be very interesting. no, he does not have ANY mic skills whatsoever. but he does have SOME wrestling skills. IF the writers played their cards right, they could end up making lashley into a solid heel. faction ideas are great. along with a destroy everything attitude. but in order for lashley to play that part he WILL need some work. both mat AND mic skills.

who the bleep knows?
Absolutely, Lashley should DEFINITELY return heel. Think about it: Almost no heel on Raw can be called the 'greatest heel.' Lashley could make his return in December by attacking someone during a match or right in the midst of a promo, setting up a perfect scenario for a return match.

Long story short, Lashley coming back heel would be a great opportunity to give Raw more heels and to also establish the fact that he is not just a soft-spoken, Big Show beatin, muscle-bearin former ECW Champion. COME ON LASHLEY, RETURN HEEL!
I don't think it would be a good idea for him to go heel. My reason:his voice. Think about John Morrison on the mic. Bobby is worse than that. I really think Lahley needs to head back to SD! as Hayes does a great job of building contenders and giving them credibility. He could be put in the US title scene and do some awesome work there for a while to help him out some.
i think it would be a great idea for lashley ta be a heel...especially with that god awful voice...but he need a manager so who would it be...ELIJAH F'N BURKE!!!!!!! to take even further wwe should use the return of a heel lashley to link him up wit some other great performers that need just that edge...first on the list would be to break up the worlds greatest failure in benjamin and hass and pick up tha human highlight reel in benjamin....they could do some kind of New Nation of domination gimmic. they could eved do a beat dwn of ron simmons to further their overness.

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