Should Lashley Return Heel?

I HATE Bobby Lashley. He is built, granted but his face just looks ******ed. When he is trying to pull off the wholee mean powerhouse thing he just annoys me. He cant do a decent promo, and I find his matches boring. In short I hope he never returns. I hate Lashley!!!
I reckon they should turn Lashley heel, because in the next few months I can see them turning Kennedy face, maybe after mania. people are cheering for kennedy, so I reckon they should turn Lashley heel, he would have new feuds, HHH, HBK, Y2J, Jeff, the options are there, and I dont think that HHH would bury him, cause isnt Vince a fan of Lashley, plus I reckon that Krystal would be a really good heel manager, also I would be temted to put Lashley on Smackdown, cause he could feud with guys like Batista, Rey, Undertaker. What does anyone else think?
I reckon they should turn Lashley heel, because in the next few months I can see them turning Kennedy face, maybe after mania. people are cheering for kennedy, so I reckon they should turn Lashley heel, he would have new feuds, HHH, HBK, Y2J, Jeff, the options are there, and I dont think that HHH would bury him, cause isnt Vince a fan of Lashley, plus I reckon that Krystal would be a really good heel manager, also I would be temted to put Lashley on Smackdown, cause he could feud with guys like Batista, Rey, Undertaker. What does anyone else think?

I like your idea of having Krystal as his heel manager, I could definitely see that happening because I still can't see (Mr Nice Guy) Lashley making it on his own as a heel. He needs someone to a be a mouthpiece for him and Krystal could be a good bitchy heel manager who just sets "her man" on anyone who gives her hassle. Lashley then goes in and destroys anyone for her.

I still don't see Lashley getting a heel turn although it would make perfect sense and do his character a world of good. I think one factor that comes into play is Lashleys military background. With Lashley being a former corporal in the US Army and Vince being an uber patriot at a time when it seems like its "America vs The World" you just know Vince wont do it.

Hopefully I am wrong though.
Is the Tag champs really heels though The fans seem to like them a bit..and remember Stone Cold was to be a heel but the fans love him so much he turned into a good guy. In the end I guess it up to the fans who is to be a heel or good guy based on their reaction.

Though Lashley as a heel would be cool and have him at times tag with Umaga now that would be a powerful heel tag team that has not been seen in a long time.
Is the Tag champs really heels though The fans seem to like them a bit..and remember Stone Cold was to be a heel but the fans love him so much he turned into a good guy. In the end I guess it up to the fans who is to be a heel or good guy based on their reaction.

Though Lashley as a heel would be cool and have him at times tag with Umaga now that would be a powerful heel tag team that has not been seen in a long time.

I think that the heel angle wouldnt work too well. Lashley doesnt/hasnt worked the mic enough to lead me to believe hes even capable. It kind of seemed that WWE tested what they can do with Lashley when they had him against baby faced Cena but in the end they had him remain respectful and shake hands after losing.

and a side note... with the stone cold heel run, the WWE wanted CM Punk heel but he was still so popular that he eventually became a face again... CM Punk is a star
Lashley as a heel could defo work.I could see him have a great feud with jeff hardy for some reason.Lashley as a face is annoying.He beats everyone on ecw.Then they send him to raw.It made ecw weak(which it is)
If Lashley were to return as a heel, he would almost definitely wither need a mouthpiece, or he would need to be the silent dude who just destroyed you in the ring. Either way, the baby-face act is real old and I think he'd be served best as a heel, he's got the build and I'm certain he could bring the demeanor to the table.
Lashley would be a great monster heel but he'd def need a manager to get over, especially since he can talk just about as well as Khali. If only Armando Alejandro Estrada was still a manager. So since hes out of the picture i nominate Coach. He would be perfect for the roll of a cocky heel manager, and Lashley may be the one to get them both over. Although he's kinda busy in a stupid Hornswaggle chasing storyline right now, so If not him I'de say Ron Simmons. I'de like to see him as a manager, managing not only managing someone with his finisher, but when he ends a promo he can say damn, and a lot of people still think its entertaining.
Lashly needs more training, if he returns i think he needs to work more technical matches instead of imitating bill goldberg develop some charisma aswell, coz basically the guy sucks
I think Lashley needs a heel turn. He is pretty boring as a face and a heel turn could make him interesting again. I think if he was to become heel he would definetly need a manger(heyman, bischop, estrada?). I think a heel turn would be great and make him like a unbeatable monster/brock lesnar type where he just destroys everyone in site, and then let hhh bury him, but yeah he really needs to turn heel to make him interesting, if not I see him as a Batista type(yawn)!
Lashley is good in the ring, and I'm personally high on the guy. I think he has a ton of upside which a lot of people refuse to acknowledge.

However, how could you turn Lashley heel? The guy doesn't have the mic skills to cut a "screw you" promo to let everyone know that he is turning heel. What's he going to do, beat up Triple H or HBK to get over. Hell, there are probably some that would like to see it and just make him a bigger bad ass.

Without a proper mouthpiece to turn him heel, Lashley shouldn't even attempt it. I can't see any scenario unless you stick him with a Paul Heyman character that turns him into a legit heel.
How can somebody so big and muscular look so unintimidating? I just can't see Lashley as a heel. Certainly not if he was cutting his own promos. He looks too baby faced and he doesn't have an intimidating voice at all. I suggest at least 30 cigarettes a day, so he developes a gruffer voice. And possible a beard so he looks older.
How can somebody so big and muscular look so unintimidating? I just can't see Lashley as a heel. Certainly not if he was cutting his own promos. He looks too baby faced and he doesn't have an intimidating voice at all. I suggest at least 30 cigarettes a day, so he developes a gruffer voice. And possible a beard so he looks older.

I think you answered your own question, refering to how he can look so UNintimidating.

My take on Lashley as a heel.. not workable. Look at the one, slight heel turn he took, when he speared John Cena. Even then, while I think they were just pushing him as the downside face of the two.. he's still worthless as a bad-guy, with his voice.

If Lashley took on a manager as a mouth piece, he might stand a remote chance of becoming a heel. But Lashley is big enough that he doesn't need the mouth piece. And as a result, he won't ever be a good heel.

Frankly, I'm surprised he can scare any heel, as a face, with his voice. Thats the one thing that just surprises me greatly, everytime I hear him in a promo. I'm seeing this big huge muscle bound guy.. then all that comes out is what I'd assume it'd sound like, if he was continuously kicked in the nuts, repeatedly.
How can somebody so big and muscular look so unintimidating? I just can't see Lashley as a heel. Certainly not if he was cutting his own promos. He looks too baby faced and he doesn't have an intimidating voice at all. I suggest at least 30 cigarettes a day, so he developes a gruffer voice. And possible a beard so he looks older.

I completely agree with you Jake, Lashley has quite possibility the worst mic skills of any main eventor in WWE, thats including Khali and Umaga. As a face he never really has to do anything as long as he beats up the heels. Surely WWE knows that talking on a mic is not Lashleys stong suit.

After watching this video, where Lashley competed as a heel in OVW, and actually did his own promos, or at least attempted to. If this is what it'll mean if Lashley becomes a heel and does his own promos when he returns, I might just watch RAW, just so I can laugh my ass off
I wanted to comment on this because I had an idea about this. What about Jonathan Coachman as a mouthpiece? I mean it would be totally unexpected and Coach knows how to rile up a crowd..Coach can like start a little feud with a super face and Lashley can surprise the face by turning heel on him. But Coach would be good because he has years of experience annoying the crowd and getting away with it.

Another option would be Theodore Long as his mouthpiece. Remember when Long was Mark Henry's manager and Jaz's manager? He was pretty good at speaking for them while they did the damage. Both of these guys would be great for Lashley as a mouthpiece if they ever wanetd him heel. Long knows how to please and rile up a crowd too.
Lashly needs more training, if he returns i think he needs to work more technical matches instead of imitating bill goldberg develop some charisma aswell, coz basically the guy sucks

I'm sorry but how can anyone who performs clean T-Bone suplexes need work in the technical aspects? Wow. To me thats like saying Dean Malenko could use some training from MVP.

Lashley as a heel could definately work with his ferocity. "He's a man of few words" to describe his maniacal behaviour. But you've got to consider that since his inception he's been rooted for by the fans due to his size strength and obvious technical ability. That being said who wants to boo the true blue off the bat? Him returning could be a great opportunity for his first heel run considering he's gone a round now.
Lashley is a good wrestler, he has all the credentials and training to put on a great technical wrestling match. He also has the speed and the agility, not to mention the look of an intimidating powerhouse. Despite all this, his mic skill, suck to put it blantly, if Lashley NEEDS any kind of training at all, it would be for his mic skills.
Lashley as heel would work if he had a mouthpiece like Paul Heyman. I mean it worked for Brock before he threw it all away. As stated before though Lashley is horrible on the mic. Another good mouthpiece is James Mitchell but he's at the other place.
I don't think there's a need for Bobby Lashley to come back as a heel. He's plenty over with the crowd already, and I think the persona that he has right now fits him. I remember watching a video of a heel Bobby Lashley in OVW and it just didn't seem right. Of course having a manager for Bobby might help if he turned heel, but I don't think there's really anyone who's available for that role.

Flames Out
if he does go heel, the best way to do a storyline for him would be to put him against some mid card guys, have him dominate the mid carders and take the IC belt, have him just destroy someone in a hell in a cell match or something. And then let HHH get the belt... cuz u know it's only a matter of time... and have lashley and HHH fight for the belts... an ddepending on how lashley developes as a top mid card IC champ on raw, would decide the outcome of the match with HHH.
they need to make him an absolute monster, lashley would be insane as a madman. kinda like how they shaped umaga! i hated that turd bag at first, but as time goes on he kinda grows on people. and that's what they need. Because he's not the Rock (Kennedy has that role) he doesn't have that natural ability to be affective on the mic he needs to just dominate the weaker guys and just go on a tear.
lashley would be an awesome heel. it be cool to see him fued with triple h there both huge powerhouses and both are pretty damn entertaining
I think he would be very limited as what he could do as a heel. He doesnt have a gimmick, he can't do anything on the mic, and he doesnt really get a massive fan reaction. The WWE would have to think up a pretty damn good storyline to make him into a heel who can draw heat. My point is- what is LAshley as a heel, without all his muscle? Shelton Benjimin
The idea is excellent as RAW is lacking quality heels. I am concerned with his character. It was easier to hide as a face, bring him in at the right time with some power moves and the crowd goes nuts.
But what would he do as a heel. His mic skills aren't the best. The possibilities of matches are mouth watering, but I just don't know if he could hold the character. Maybe in 12 months with more experience he might do it well but I have to agree with the person's comments above me, you would need a very good story line for it to work.
But who knows he may come back as a heel and surprise every1.
actually lashley has always been over pretty well with the crowd, and i can see why, his matches are very entertaining, any1 who bashes his ring skills is clearley blind or is just happy to be ignorant, hes a great wrestler with great moves, speed, agility, everything actually, i really hope he becomes a monster heel so that the mic isnt a problem anymore for him, kinda like what they do with umaga, but not so over the edge obviously

but many ppl now like umaga for his skills, but i think if WWE pushed umaga like they were pushing lashley ppl would be bashing him also, if someone sucks on the mic IWC usually craps all over them, except for maybe shelton...
Lashley turn Heel? That would mean he'd have to turn from Face. Which would mean that he'd have a personality to begin with. Which so far he doesn't.

I would assume that a man of his size and technique should have a long Heel run through before he tried any sort of serious Face attempt again.

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