Bobby Lashley Returning to TNA?


Pre-Show Stalwart
According to the Wrestlezone News pages, Bobby Lashley is rumored to be in Contract Negotiations to return to TNA. Is this a good idea?

I never was all that impressed with Lashley. Clearly he was big and athletic, but I never really enjoyed his matches. Also, I don't think he he has any mic skills to speak of. His last run, his wife did the majority of his talking for him. Is this a good signing, if he returns. Should he be heel or face? Does anyone know if he is still fighting MMA and will he return full time?
Just my personal opinion, but Bobby "my wife has better mic skills than me" Lashley never really stood out to me during his last TNA run. I do remember that he became number one contender after beating Robert Roode in the finals of a tournament. In the end, he never even got his title shot. Didn't hurt my feelings to see him go. Also, the TNA roster is pretty stacked as it is right now. I'm not exactly sure if he would fit in with the feud with Immortal/Fortune. Besides, from what I've been told, Strikeforce is still pushing for a Batista/Lashley fight. Not sure if there's any truth to that so please correct me if I'm mistaken.

To be brief, just because TNA CAN sign Lashley doesn't mean they SHOULD sign him.
Depends on price and how he is going to be used. Lashley has the ultimate WWE "personality" and consequently I have never cared about anything he has done. Everything else about him is actually pretty good so I guess he still theoretically has potential. Straight to the main event? Hell no. Some other role with some form of a mouthpiece? Sure. If TNA has to have a Batista, there are worse options than Lashley. Lashley is not a bad worker and has a convincing power game.
How 'bout nooo...?

Honestly, I started watching TNA around the time Lashley (or as I like to call him - Fit D'Von) left it in 2009 (I think). As pathetic as this is, it's one of the reasons why I kept watching TNA. I couldn't stand the empty look on his face. Seriously, the guy is the epitome of a dumb muscle head. Just look at that shit ..


... it's like a deer startled by the headlights of an incoming truck ... kind of ironic that the girls' shirt reads "Wanna make it" and he never did ... heh ...​

He's great in the ring and all that, but what about his mic skills? What about his charisma? He has no personality. If you freaking wife has to come to your workplace and talk for you, then sir go back to MMA and join the rest of the emotionally crippled, tribal-tattooed fighters - wrestling ain't for ya.

However, unlike Nash and Hardy I'll wait this one out. He's young, he's fit, he's good in the ring, there's a spark of potential. Maybe he'll reform The Nation of Domination with D'Von and Pope.
The man needs to take acting classes and develop a mean streak, and he'd be fine. He has the look and he's good enough in the ring, but he has the personality of Todd Grisham.
I was a fan of Lashley right from when he started with WWE. I don't think that he would be utilised as well as he could be if he were to re-sign with TNA. If he decides to get back into wrestling then he needs to give Vince a call. Stick him on SmackDown, make him heel, give him a manager to do his talking, he would be champ in no time. Job done!
I agree witha couple things here.

First off, if Lashley does re-sign with TNA, make him a heel, but, DO NOT put him in Immortal, when, they have damn near every heel in TNA already anyway. Maybe just put him in a feud with Samoa Joe, both of them know submission type moves, and Lashley wont have to talk.

Second, outside of his feud with Vince McMahon, Lashley never really did anything in WWE. As a matter of fact, as far as his wrestling career goes, he is known for the man that helped get Vince McMahon's head shaved.

If he does sign with TNA, putting him by himself would be a mistake. He needs someone to do the talking for him, whether it is a manager, or a leader of a stable. I dont think it would make much sense to put with the Main Event Mafia either, assuming they dont all re-sign.
This is just a personal idea, but if Lashley comes in as some robotic machine thats DESTROYS everything I wouldn't mind it, he's already got the personality of a spoon why not enforce it and make that his gimmick. Make his gimmick something along the lines of "wrestling sucks, he's just their to kick ass".

I wouldn't mind him say coming with MEM as an enforcer *if MEM are returning* and I suppose he does bring some viewers because he's done just about enough to be recognised by fans.

After all thats it's a simple matter of price, if they dare sign him just because he's an ex-WWE wrestler I'd eat TNA Creative or w/eva eye's off with the same spoon Lashley is as boring as.

TNA have the talent they just don't have the backroom-suited-know-it-alls to use it -.^
Depends on price and how he is going to be used. Lashley has the ultimate WWE "personality" and consequently I have never cared about anything he has done. Everything else about him is actually pretty good so I guess he still theoretically has potential. Straight to the main event? Hell no. Some other role with some form of a mouthpiece? Sure. If TNA has to have a Batista, there are worse options than Lashley. Lashley is not a bad worker and has a convincing power game.

I pretty much agree with everything written here.

I always found Lashley an incredible bore in terms of personality, because frankly, he doesn't have one.

I was actually starting to turn around on the guy when his wife started acting as his mouth piece. Reminded me of what Sharmell did for Booker T (though Booker could actually hold his own).

Frankly, as you noted, this will all be highly dependent upon where he's slotted in the roster. If he shoots to the main event again, i'll be a mistake.
To be blunt, I think this guy was all hype and no substance. Granted he was a monster in the ring, but no charisma when it boils down to it. I mean, I don't hate him, and I don't much care for him. He is a nice guy outside of the ring, but performing to an audience for 'acting' is not his strong suit. It really doesn't make a difference to me if he comes back. I mean, his athletic ability aside, there's not all that much there other than a grizzled veteran. I mean, my best friend trains with him for wrestling and MMA, and I do like Lashley as a person, but as a performer and 'hamming' it up is not his strongest area. I mean does that make him any less talented in my eyes? No. I personally thought MMA was better suited for him, less glitz and more sport. He was a bad ass in the ring, and didn't take any prisoners when it was time for conferences before the fights. but either way, I don't think it will help or hurt. He will probably just get stuck and end up being future endeavored sooner or later which would be sad since he is a genuine athlete.
Even though Lashleys TNA run was really poor i loved this guy in WWE. He was awesome on Smackdown then even better on ECW. His dive threw the cage was a crazy spot that i'll never forget and he looked the part. His mic work isnt important though last time i looked this was wrestling and hes damn good in the ring. I would rather see Benjiman in TNA over Lashley anyday but thats a different story.If TNA choose to reform that group Lashey could be a nice addition to them(not saying there name for spoilers) even though he wasnt in the original, if one of the members doesnt turn up he could be the replacement. If they all turn up he could act like an enforcer!
I am sticking up for lashley here because he is AWESOME, this guy could wreslte with anyone and make it look awesome, made big show look better, umaga at maina was awesome and john cena v lashley was brilliant, if lashley was to sign with TNA again he needs a strong run with strong matches lik he did as an ECW title holder and people will love to see him wreslte, plenty of champions aren great on the mic and lashley is better than people ae giving him credit for but a top manager could push him further, if lashley goes to TNA itll be good for TNA but lashleys real home is smackdown hope vince resigns him as he has the potential to do great. some1 bring back lashley as i love to watch him in the ring than most about nowadays!
I'm going with most of the people here, he was a bust. He didn't even have 'the look'. He was big.....that's it. He looks slightly ******ed in the face with those vacant eyes and no way shape or form should he be near a microphone. His biggest issue, besides being incredibly green, is that he has no natural charisma at all. I'm not talking mic skills, but in-ring. Look at Benoit, he was shit on the mic but in-ring he had that charisma that made you want to root for him. Same with like Ricky Steamboat. Lashey has none of that. He looks a little slow, isn't very good in the ring, and has no speaking ability. Besides his big muscles, he's worthless. I would rather TNA buy another fruity Jeff Hardy belt than waste money on this guy.
Generally speaking, Lashley is someone that I've never been overly impressed with. He's ok I guess, but nothing to write home about. Lashley has a great look and is a legitimate powerhouse, I do have to give him that. Watching him lift, hold and maneuver The Big Show onto his shoulder for that power slam finisher he used to have in WWE when Show was legitimately well over 500 pounds was damn impressive. As far as his in-ring ability goes, he's not bad. He's hardly what I'd call great either but he's certainly much better than most other wrestlers of his type.

As others have said, however, he has pretty much no personality and no real charisma to speak of. His voice also annoys the crap out of me. I know that's kind of trivial and I understand that. His voice simply doesn't match up with the rest of him. It's not a deal breaker, but it's just a little bit of a pet peeve.

When it's all said and done, Bobby Lashley is an African American version of Rob Terry with the exception that Lashely actually has some degree of capability. If the asking price for a Lashley return is right, TNA could do worse I guess.
I don't have a problem with Lashley whatsoever. I think he has potential but I don't think it's fair for anyone to judge him based on any of his runs. He barely got the ball rolling before the carpet was taken from beneath him in the Hogan regime and in WWE it was sort of the same thing. He's never really had a chance to prove himself because all of his runs have been cut short. Lashley sucks on the mic and is bland but his look and powerhouse strength and ability kind of make up for it. Bringing him back wouldn't be such a bad idea either since the last time he was in TNA, he was kicked out by Eric Bischoff so if he was to comeback, he'd comeback in opposition of Bischoff and Immortal.
I wouldnt be against him returning. I always found Lashley pretty entertaining in the ring. I enjoyed his power and athleticism. It was just when he opened his mouth that I lost interest. The man was one of the least intimidating wrestlers on the mic I have ever heard. He has all the physical gifts in the world a body that most other wrestlers would kill for, awesome strength and technique but seriously, he has the personality of a plantpot.

He needs to seriously work on this, or be given a manager to cover up his lack of promo skills if he wants to be a major name in the business. I would personally like to see him succeed
I just do not see the point in TNA bringing back Bobby Lashley. He will inevitably screw them over in some way. Bobby Lashley does not care about professional wrestling. He thinks he is larger than life and the business. The bottom line is that the business has been doing fine without him.

Talent wise, Lashley is ok. I'm not going to reiterate everyone else's points. But Lashley will want to be in the spotlight, and TNA has too many people competing for main event status right now that actually deserve it

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