Should Lashley Return Heel?

Slim Pickns

Has Been Drafted To RAW
Looking at the RAW roster you can notice it is lacking top heels. Besides Orton and Kennedy they have essentially no one unless Booker returns. Another thing to think about is that Bobby Lashley has already faced Kennedy and Booker at PPV's. So would it make more sense for Lashley to make his return in December as a heel?

He could feud with HBK, Jeff Hardy, or HHH; thats three possible feuds that would be brand new, never before seen. Plus, I think his power move set would suit a heel very well. If you don't think he should return heel, please provide more reasons than, "Triple H will just bury him after a month."
well i dont know... if he was to return as heel i think it would be better for him to have a manager or something, cuz i love his ring work but his mic skills and promos are really bad =/

and heels usually need to be good on the mic, look at snitsky.. no1 has any feelings torwards him, hes just annoying cuz he takes up time... though he could come back either way cuz will have few faces and heels, raw is in a hard spot right now...

so should he come back heel? well it could work, though like i said i think he would need a manager or a stable to be that quiet guy that kicks every1s ass like benoit was... it could work with him on his own but would be much harder IMO

either way i just want him to come back, i loved his matches, very entertaining XD
If Lashley were to return as a heel it would be nice to see him perhaps be a bodyguard to Vince. Perhaps he could come back to combat Triple H. When Trips would attack Vince, Lashley could play the role Umaga had. It would lead up to a decent PPV match. However, I am sure that the Kennedy/HHH Mania match is still going to go down.
well raw doesnt really seem to be lacking top heels if you ask me. theres orton, kennedy, umaga, carlito, snitsky and maybe even hardcore holly as well as the current tag team champions. my question is besides hhh, hbk and jeff hardy, were are the top faces?

you could really go either way with it, but the fact is that lashley doesnt have the might skills to get seriously over or to get any significant heat. he needs someone else to do it for him, the way vince was carrying him thru all those promos before wm.

i agree that he would be perfect for the role of a bodyguard, simply because they do the brawling and leave the talking to everyone else. that seems to fit him quite well but i dont see that happening.

i say turn him heel. he wasnt too entertaining as a face so whats the worst that could happen?
well actually now that you bring this subject up, in ovw when he was under the name Blaster. Under that character he was a heel, and had some manager who i dont remember, just some fat guy lol. But in any case he actually can work being a heel, but something entertaining is you should watch Blaster vs Mickie James on Youtube then youll really see why noone should give him the mic.

But in any case he did fit the role of a dominant heel well, just as long as he doesn't get a mic everyone will think hes the best ever.
I think Lashley should be a heel, but change Ken Anderson (Kennedy) to a face so that way they could feud, TNA turned the Steiners face and the Dudleys heel so why not do this in Double Double E.

I love Double Double E!-Vladimir Kozlov
I guess there's good arguments for both. The reason I asked is because Jericho will most likely return face because either way he'll get cheered. Even if there are more heels than faces Lashley has already feuded with most of the heels except Carlito.

Also, The Whole Fucking show listed Carilto and Kennedy as top heels. I don't consider them top heels because they haven't won a top match in a long time. Kennedy hasn't won very often since coming to RAW.
I really hope lashley comes back heel. I really hate him as a face just because there is nothing there personality wise with a heel turn he could side with a manager/wrestler who can talk the talk whilst he walks the walk. From what I've heard he has lost a bit of muscle mass too so I wonder if he'll actually be allowed to - dare i say - wrestle. Cause his match against Cena impressed me although it might be that Cena made him look good
I feel Lashley as a hell would be a very good idea... while he may not be the best on the Mic, actions speak louder than words. When he speared Cena out of nowheres earlier in their feud for example. A good heel can be built on actions alone and not charisma and mic skills. Also someone mentioned earlier that there are alot more heels than faces... i personally feel Kennedy is becoming more of a tweener, the pop he gets when he comes out reminds me of the beggining of the Rock era
YES! Someone agrees with me, Lashley would do incrediably well as a heel.

I would like to see him vs hhh in a hell in a cell, and playing out this:

Shane and Vince managing Lashley
Stephanie and Linda managing HHH

It would be just like the rock vs hhh fued a while back ago, this would be the perfect McMahon feud right now, and i would love to see it fold out. Boost in ratings?
IMO Bobby Lashley would make a good heel but his heel turn would have to be done right. I think that on his own with the limited charisma he already has he would be a terrible heel because the talking is what makes alot of the heel if you cant talk a good heel game then what good are you. I think in order for Lashley to be a great heel he needs a manager, and IMO the best person to manage him would probably be Armando Estrada, yes I know hes the gm of ECW but you dont see him that much on tv anyway so I think he should be moved over to Raw and should manage potentially the next great heel Bobby Lashley
I agree that Lashley would need a manager but Armando is not that person. I would be in favor of JBL coming out of retirement to be Lashley's manager. He is one of the best heel promo guys in the business. He is one of the few men that can show up randomly and get booed just because he exudes heelness.
Am I the only one that does NOT want to see Lashley go heal? Think of it this way. You all say he lacks mic skills? So do Umaga, Snitsky, Kahli, and Big V. How many Face wrestlers can get as over as they are without talking? taker, thats about it. I say keep him Face, he's doing a good job of it, and there are to many silent heals already.
That is the most on target statement I have heard. I mean he could cut promos like Ric Flair himself but when you hear that voice come form that body I cant see him as a heel. Now give him a manager and it could be good. problem is that havent been very many good managers in years . Maybe Melina or Vince could do it. But quite frankly Lashly has never been very good period.
One other option is to make him help out either Kennedy or Jericho as a heel becasue both those guys are gold on the mic especially Jericho. I mean who else could get over a gap-toother, overweight old man with plumbers crack named Ralphus but the Lionheart

I dont think lashley is horrible on the mic, he's just green.. also his voice does not match his body
i dont believe lashley is ready yet to become a heel...i think he should build towards it..lashley still has tons to learn..he still gets cheers..tho i agree his voice does not fit his figure what so ever...lashley should defitnatly try to improve on his mic skills...lashley as a heel wuldnt b bad but it would ahve to b done right..with a manager it wouldnt hurt at all either..tho ron simmons is face i wuldnt mind seeing him as a heel manager for lashley it could work..esp since he use to be the leader of the nation of the domination which was fuckng awesome
Im all for Lashley becoming a heel, but he is still a month or two away from fitness. I think Cody Rhodes could have been used as a heel for a while, he isnt a poor wrestler either, and his mic skills arent the worst on the roster.

Santino to be a manager - That would make someone a heel....
well no doubt with a manager lashley has the potential to be a great heel IMO, but the more i think about it the more i think of brock lesnar.. it would be the same thing but with a black guy o_O... they both are really big but fast, and would let the manager do the talking...

i think a stable would be more interesting, and he would kinda be the muscle of that stable u know, like tomko is in TNA... though i think either way could work for him being a heel, i just think if he had a manager it would be too lesnar like =/
You people are really forgetting a problem with lashley. You all keep saying he should be a bodyguard type character. He really cant do that anymore hes already a high card wrestler, if they made him like that hed be more of a midcarder. Its like saying batista should now go back to being a bodyguard for triple h. The question would be why go from a main eventer to a mid card body guard
You people are really forgetting a problem with lashley. You all keep saying he should be a bodyguard type character. He really cant do that anymore hes already a high card wrestler, if they made him like that hed be more of a midcarder. Its like saying batista should now go back to being a bodyguard for triple h. The question would be why go from a main eventer to a mid card body guard

not really, the most aproved idea is for him to just have a manager, kinda like umaga had, that type of role can still work really well with a main eventer

and being a muscle in some kind of stable can also still work well for a main eventer, but being just a simple bodyguard, then ya that kinda would be a step back sometimes, but it actually could work also

for example, if vince made him his bodyguard, and the guy would dominate the title scene and vince would really have power over every1, instead of umaga who always gets beat o_O

but bodyguard isnt the best idea, the best is for him to just have a manager, but like i said, the problem with that is that he would be just like a new lesnar.... though hes way over with the crowd i doubt WWE will make him heel anyway, its not like they have many top face main eventers, i can think of HHH. HBK, jericho and... thats it...

heels they have orton, umaga, vince and could easily send kennedy up there with them... and carlito.... or snitsky
I'd like to see him come back as a heel just as a change of pace.
The thought of VKM pushing Lashley down our throats like Cena keeps me up at night.

IMO, I don't even think raw needs Lashley right now. With HBK,HHH,Orton,Kennedy,Y2J(?)Umaga, and even Hardy to an extent i think eventually they will be fine without him. Send him back where he came from- The "B" show.
The McMahon/Triple H angle can't last forever as it is already getting stale. I would like to see it end by Survior Series with a McMahon lead team vs a Triple H team with Lashley returning somehow and beating down the Game for Vince.
At this point in time Vinny really needs to do something to get things stirred up...everything on raw is just so damn predicable, it would be great to see lashley return as a heel

I remember reading the his real life girlfriend Krystal was coming to Raw, so have her be his manager

But the only question do they get over Lashley as a heel? I would say beat down and bloody John Cena in Boston but thats outta the picture...They are going to have to find a babyface that he can beat down and feud with for awhile...and someone other than HHH or Michaels

At this point the only ones I can think of would be London and Kendrick...Have Lashley interupt one of there tag matches and beat down and bloody both of them..and the whole two on one thing is kinda appealing...but not worthy of a long lasting fued

The only other one I can think of would be Y2J after he comes back, but I'm sure they already have plans for Y2J...
I really think it would be good to see Bobby Lashley come back as a heel and it certainly would ruffle some feathers and make an impact BUT I just can not picture Lashley as a heel. He does not carry the necessary charisma to pull of the role of a heel. And hey, as his titantron video says "Hard Hitting, Soft Spoken..."

Lashley the Soft Spoken Heel.
Anyone who goes back and watches Royal Rumble 2005 can see that Lashley is actually acting alot like a cocky young kid and was playing the heel role throughout the match. I watched that and thought he had alot more natural charisma acting this way and really seems a little uncomfortable in the role he is in now. So i say definately yes, a good, slow heel turn where he just gets more arrogent week after week until he beats the shit out of a top face/friend will do wonders for his career and spark fan interest in him.
It wouldnt be that hard to pull lashely off as a heel. WWE could be smart and have him use the excuse that the "fans" turned on him when he was injured and out and stoped caring about him when john cena was still there and even after the injury there were still "get well john cena" signs.... then bring out the only guy who seemed to give a damn about him.. his new heel manager, or hell, he could say randy orton and help start a new heel stable. with it looking like king booker is pretty much gone, it would probably help lashely out more being a heel than a returning face

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