Should Kurt Angle be a Heel?

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Pre-Show Stalwart
this is such a huge missed opportunity. TNA desperately needs new heels. i mean jarrett is a heel with heat but its more REAL heat than stage. people actually hate jarrett.

angle SHOULD have come in as a heel claiming he wants his job back at wwe. he could talk smack and say he is here in tna to kick everyones ass to prove to vince he should have his job back. he could say things like wwe has 'the best wrestlers in the world, the best matches...and the best writers!' which of course would draw many Boo's! he could have dissed christian, rhino and so many others....
Thats not right...that is like back in the Monday night wars if Hogan came to WCW and said all of that, would people then want to watch all the best wrestlers and writers on RAW? and dont worrie Angle will turn heel soon enought.
I think it would have been almost impossible to get Angle over as a Heel initially. He was such a huge acquisition for the company that the fans wanted to cheer him. I think no matter what they would have done he would have been cheered so they are running with it. Angle has worked in the WWE as both a Face and a Heel so he should be able to do the job in TNA, obviously eventually it will be necessary for him to turn Heel, but being a Face leaves him open to feuds with the likes of Jarrett and Christian in the future.
I honestly think Angle doesn't need to play the whole heel/face card. He's like Samoa Joe in that respect. They don't have to cater to the old wrestling stylings like a lot of wrestlers because they can get by in TNA based strictly on their workrate. No one even cared at BFG that there really wasn't a storyline behind the two going at it except that they want to see the two meanest bastards on the block tear each other apart.
I prefer Angle as a heel but there was such anticipation of him entering T.N.A. that it would'nt have worked. He would become a tweener, which personally I dont think any wrestler should be.
Tna:shit: is gay angle should go back to wwe all Tna is a bunch of wrestling wannabees If I was angle I would kick their crappy Tna asses and go back to Wwe
Michael Mills said:
Tna:shit: is gay angle should go back to wwe all Tna is a bunch of wrestling wannabees If I was angle I would kick their crappy Tna asses and go back to Wwe

You are an idiot? That was highly unintelligent, it is fine to criticize TNA for specific things, as I do often both to WWE and TNA, but what you said was just plain dumb. WWE has great performers, TNA has great wrestling, and no worker in either company comes close to qualifying as a wrestling "wannabee."

I agree that it would have been impossible to get him over as a heel from the get go. It was a huge deal to get Angle, and there is so much respect for him in the wrestling world that they wouldn't boo him right then. Down the line he will no doubt turn heel, but TNA really needs to milk his presence for as long as it can, and right now he will do best as a face. It just wouldn't seem right for him to come into TNA and immediately start bad mouthing things, I don't know why, but I cannot imagine that.

But your idea of him saying stuff about how he wants his old job back and stuff is not ever out of the window, he will always be an ex-WWE wrestler, so someday he could "have a change of heart" and do everything you described (his character, not him actually.)
Michael Mills, f*ck off you WWE mark and stop being such a cry baby. God, I'm sick of little b*tches such as yourself. I think Angle will fit in perfectly with the more wrestling-orientated side of things in TNA. Unlike in WWE where you have no-talents like "sh*t Samoa Joe" Umaga hold down very talented young guys like Shelton "I didn't know you COULD jump off sh*t like that" Benjamin.
Angle is better suited to tna as a face right now. The momentum he has coming in needs to be harnessed to draw good ratings, after a while he will turn heel though
They did it the right way by haveing him come in as a face, I'm sure somwwhere down the road they turn him heel, just look at what their doing with Chirstian Cage, he came in as a face then graddually turn heel over time, now he's one of the biggest heels in TNA
than for the replies :) (well some of you anyway...)

ok, maybe it would have been kinda hard to bring him in as a heel after reading some replies, but do you even think a storyline like i suggested in the first post would even work, like when they do have him go heel someday? i just ask this because it would have to be a huge name for this to even work...someone like christian couldnt have pulled it off i dont think because he was just a mid carder anyway (or maybe its just because i never thot much of him)
With the obvious positive crowd reaction that he will receive because he's Kurt Angle, the logical thing would be to have him work as a face for now. Eventually as time goes on, perhaps he can turn heel much like Christian Cage did after a little less than a year with the company. I always thought that Angle's best days were as a heel (the ruthlessness combined with some very funny mocking promos), but as a face he has had memorable moments as well. We can all agree that having Angle in the ranks is a huge coup for TNA - they now have the one superstar they needed to earn a two-hour timeslot and to raise some more eyebrows of WWE personnel.
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