Should Kane be masked?

I think WWE made a huge mistake unmasking kane, they also made a mistake humanising him, putting him with X Pac all those years ago when wrestling was half decent. I am not a fan of the big monster gimmick on any wrestler, thats why I think i don't like Umaga, Snitsky (but who does like him?) Khali... etc... the only one who really worked was Kane, back in 1997, because he was a bit different, had a good character at the time and wrestled a lot better than he does now.
When they demasked Kane they got rid of his character in my opinion, and they can't just stick a mask back on him, was a big mistake in my opinion.
I would love for evil Kane to return and destroy everyone. Will he ever get a decent title run???? I think he deserves it. He's a company guy that has kept his head through everything including Katie Vick and HHH. IT PURELY DISGUSTED ME ON MON. NIGHT RAW WHEN HHH GAVE KANE A HI-5!!! DON'T THESE WRITERS AND MCMAHONS HAVE ANY MEMORY OF PAST STORYLINES???
its nearly impossible to put the mask back on him this would not look good without the hair...and we already know whose under it therefore losing its would need a well developed storyline and plenty of time to make this happen frankly at this point in his career its not worth it..leave without the mask and just make him turn completely evil once evil kane running around the wwe wuld destroy the likes of umaga and khali and big v...

What about Rey Mysterio? He took his mask off in WCW yet has it back now. What about the Taker? He went from deadman, to BIKER and now back to the deadman. Yet everyone still loves him. They could do a new mask thats a full head one. Kane is a jobber now. I wish he would tear everyone a new ass cause he is losing his legacy to people like umaga. I want the KANE of old.
What about Rey Mysterio? He took his mask off in WCW yet has it back now. What about the Taker? He went from deadman, to BIKER and now back to the deadman. Yet everyone still loves him. They could do a new mask thats a full head one. Kane is a jobber now. I wish he would tear everyone a new ass cause he is losing his legacy to people like umaga. I want the KANE of old.

Rey Mysterio is a different circumstance its part of the tradition as a lucador if u were to wear a mask it stays on unless told otherwise....kane is completely different from this...kane had a storyline and a reason to wear his mask because of supposedly having scars but it turns out they were just psychological scars so once he took it off it lost the purpose of putting it back on revealing all this time it was in his head...unless an incident happens where he actually does get burned then its different but that wont happen...taker changed gimmicks that has nothing to do with kane losing his mask....i agree kane is losing his legacy he was one of the original monsters of the wwe but thats all lost....
Kane to masked ? I was pushing for this but was thinking about it the other night and no he shouldn't be Masked. The point of havign the mask ok and too hide his face is Gone and no matter what it will not like be before. What I would LOVE to see is the Kane that we saw weeks after he took of his mask were he was the Freak MONSTER.

Make him leave for a month or 2 with a storyline , let him sell an injury or something , then start having some mysteriouse stuff appeare on Smackdown the second month like in middle of match the Fire aroudn the ring goes on, lights go off etc... then out of the blue he appears and jsut destroys everyone in sight. Let him destroy a bunch of people week in week out , injure them , return him to the dirty monster. Then he puts his focus on the Big one and destroys his way to there and simply have it for a long time as he FULLY desreves it.

Do it Pretty similar to the Undetaker - Kane feud were Taker got buried but for the myteriouse stuff that appear have absolute no conformtion it's kane.
i agree with erkbono...they couldnt put the mask back on him after all this time, eventhough masked kane was scarier....they totally just need to make him pure evil again "ITS FIRE AND BRIMSTONE!!"-JR
while i liked the mask better it is pretty impossible to put it back on, but i do agree that he should take like a month or so off and do the paranormal thing for a couple weeks like the fire around the post thingbut instead of putting the mask back on what about how the had him wear a black towel on his head while he went to the ring. Have him wear that until he grows his hair out long enough to do it with his hair, but atleast itll give him a bit of a mystirous look while coming to the ring
I wanna see him go back to his psycotic ways they shoud make it so someone pisses him off in a massive way so he can be like he was when he was pratically killing RVD
PS and be like he was in the early days i loved it hes just different people are ment to be scared of him hes not as intimidating anymore he should be a heel not a face
Putting the mask back on Kane is like a demotion, the man wore it for 6 years, ALL THE TIME, coming to the arenas, in airports etc to keep his gimmick believeable, he needs a good storyline and a push, simple as that. The fans are there, give us something to believe in!
Kanes a big Vagina now, there's nothing scary about him! Mask or No mask he's finished! the sad part is he still has selling power, and could be used in great ways but *shrugs*
Kane doesn't need a mask. Even with another burn angle it still wouldn't work. Are we expected to believe that he gets burned again, and puts on a mask and a wig?

What he should do is turn monster heel again and start destroying everyone. (and lose some weight). I would much rather see and enjoy a psycho Kane playing mind games and destroying all the faces on whatever show he's on.
Kane>Mark Henry as a monster heel
MASK or NO MASK---WWE please give Kane a run with a world title belt. I don't care if it's RAW, ECW, or Smackdown. I support Kane to be a title holder!!!!
putting the mask back on kane would really change not just his image but the way the crowd react to him because he aint as popular with the crowds since he lost the mask he not even had a proper chance to go for the wwe championship so i think they should give him another run with it
One of the reasons that wwe decided to remove kane's mask in the first place was like what AustinAriesMArk said. In those days, kane had to always keep his mask on in public, for more than 6 years so that no-one could figure out his real identity and no-one did until the masked was removed. I really feel for the guy because it's got to be really hard for a person to keep a mask over their face for more than 80% of the time. It's got to be really hot and sweaty under that mask if you think about it and like I said before, you've really got to feel for the guy.
It is obvious that Kane was more intimidating with the mask on and it is one of the things that made him quite popular with the fans over the years. Putting the mask back on Kane would make him look more "cool", but his less than stellar wrestling ability is not going to improve to the point where he was decent in the ring from his debut to 2001. He is not as big of star as he was nearly a decade ago, he is jobbing from left to right now(first man eliminated in the SS match last Sunday pretty much shows his role in the WWE) so I doubt the WWE will put the mask back on him since they have bigger stars to work on. I would only go for this idea if the WWE is going to invest in a big time storyline where someone burns his face and he is forced to wear the mask again and seek revenge, that would be an interesting storyline, other than that I don't see any reason to put the mask back on Kane.
i think it would be a good idea to re mask kane. but at the same time it is a step backwards for his character, but at the same time we all know isaac yankem... oops i mean kane....was never really burned alive at their (kane and taker) parents funeral home where paul bearer was the family help! so i mean taking his character backwards wouldn't really effect anything greatly. I think to see the old kane come out with a mask would be the best thing to do with kane. Just like how taker went biker and then all of a sudden he's lord of darkness again. it's just a quick and easy fix that fans will get over pretty quickly. Just have an inferno match, which gets him burned.....again?... take time off... and while in his absence he goes nuts again, and the original BADMAN! comes back! burned face = mask... going insane from being burnt again = one insane mean kane!!!. and then there we go, kane is now back to being a scary ass m*thafu@ker.

He's only gunna be around fora few more years anyways...why the hell not
I agree there's no way WWE can do a burn angle for Kane's character again, because it has already been established that his 'burn' scars are merely psychological scars.

I guess we can do an angle similar to Undertaker's transformation from Biker back to Deadman. Get a credible heel to feud with Kane, whooping his ass week after week, while at the same time, Kane gets frustrated and ponders over what has happened to him.

Then, cues in creepy voiceover which reminds Kane of who he was in the past, leading Kane on a quest to find the source of this 'hallucination', and end it all with Paul Bearer (maybe? I dun even know where this fat dude is at now) in a haunted rundown house, offering him back the mask.

Juz my 2 cents. I was a big fan during the Attitude Era, and although Kane cannot be compared to The Rock and Stone Cold in my eyes, he still played an instrumental role in getting all the high profile names together and I respect him. I guess WWE can do something much more for him and his character.
This idea of kane reflecting his past dominance might just work because it could link to what is happening to him, currently, inside of the ring as he is getting pushed around easily by big daddy v. Maybe something snaps inside of him and during a cutscene, he could walk up to the room where his mask is, maybe stare at it for a bit to show that he is thinking about his olden days. Then suddenly grab it all of a sudden and walk out of the room ready for his next match. This doesn't necessarily have to a permanent thing but it could be a twist to bringing him back to his original gimmick that so many fans have missed. Or maybe they could have a two-faced kane roaming around. One week he could be the masked
kane and another week, the kane that we see these days. This idea could work better if the masked side of kane could roam around on Monday night raw and the other side of him on smackdown/ecw or vice versa.
Mask is not the answer. WWE just doesn't know how to handle a Kane push. He's over enough to play a much bigger part than he is. The answer isn't the mask, the answer is giving him a worthwhile angle. They almost had him in one with Edge before Edge was injured this past Summer.

Remember that if there was ever a point that WWE would entertain masking Kane it was during that Imposter Kane angle. He just held the mask, stared at it. He disappeared, came back a month later and nothing had changed. That was supposed to be the beginning of a huge angle for Kane, a heel turn for Kane, and a push to the top of the card. This was all reported a while back. WWE dropped the ball with it though, and Kane was reportedly very upset about WWE promising him something big and then giving him nothing.
There's no point in the mask now we all know what he looks like. Kane is suposed to be an evil monster who has no remorse and a high threshold of pain but since his face turn 3 years ago that all slowly dicsintigrated. Even though he draws alot of positive crowd reaction, he's a natural heel. Imo there should be a change in attire, a change in gimmick, weight loss and more focus on working on his speed he's also looking rather flabby and sloppy in the ring these days i want to see the old phsyco kane back.

I don't think Kane needs to be masked again. He should get a push again as a monster. Back when Kane was unmasked, he was psychotic and I think would have made an impressive World Heavyweight/WWE Champion at this time. Now Kane is just a glorified jobber. The more he jobs, the worse it is on his character. It makes it far less believable.

I think the best way to push Kane again is to make him a hybrid character of his past gimmicks, kinda like what they've done to The Undertaker. Kane should have that crazy psychopath character mixed with his old recuperative abilities as Masked Kane. It's really sad to see that Kane went from requiring 3 Tombstones to be pinned to a man who loses to an elbow drop (SS 07).
i have to disagree. like in 2002 when he had his mask i thought he was with the top dawgs in wwe withalong with brock and hhh. i would personally think it would help his career and make him more feice
personally i dont think it matters he wasnt really championship material with it and isnt with out it (according to creative, mr mcmahon whoever choses who has the belt.) i like kane better now then i did with the mask he looks scary without the mask and it makes him look more human then anything which imo is a good thing. it wouldnt make sense if you was to put the mask back on him becouse there is no way of doing it becouse like reymesterio once you have seen some one with out the mask thats how you will always remember them.
I say leave the mask off, we know who he is and what he looks like. To put the mask back on would be a joke and if you ask me an insult to him. People keep saying his career is just about over, I thought that about Taker 10 years ago. He does need time off and to come back as a heel would be good. I do like the heel Kane alot better than the babyface Kane. I think he's in his element when he's being evil.

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