Should Kane be masked?

i personally liked the Kane with the mask, but also it would be very hard to pull off it at all possible. One idea i thought of would be to have him find the mask and think about the old days with the mask. Then have him maybe put it on for old times sake and have it make him feel like a new person. But instead of having him wear right off the bat maybe have him be tempted to start wearing it and when he wears it he becomes more and more evil with it on. Then after a couple weeks have him just wear it all the time and become the monster heel once again.

Im not too positive that this would work, but what do you think about it?

if they wanted to do this i think that this would be the best way to do it storyline wise
It might be a good idea but i dont see no point to it. Everyone knows what Kane looks like anyway. Unless Kane decides to get surgery and make his face more scarier. Then that will change everything!
i think kane should stay as he is. he already took off his mask and revealed the "mystery" beyond the mask so it wouldnt matter

i admit that he was way better wif the mask and definately less "psycho" but without the mistery i rly dun find a point to it
I completely agree that Kane should stay unmasked. It's helped his career. But as for him having only a few years left I totally disagree.He's big, strong and he will hold up against all.
I would put Kane back in a mask because I found him more intimidating with it on, I feel he has lost his title of being the "Monster" in WWE, as he has been squished by Umaga, Mark Henry, Khali & Big Daddy V.
I think he should sell an unjury for a little while, come back with what hair has grown out and throw the mask on him. Let him run rampant for a few months, headline a few pay-perviews and come close to the championship and have a happy send off.

I personally like the gimmick with the mask way over the unmasked. I think its more entertaining and it actually scared me when I was young lol. I say let him have one more go with it.
at this point in his career where we know there is limited years to the man we know as kane its very doubtful it could be done...ontop of him having to grow his hair back to fit the image of his mask there would have to b a storyline to go along with it....a storyline that comes to mind would be for perhaps the undertaker himself to express to kane how he has lost the image of a monster and a ruthless being...this would occur after a numerous amount of losses and beat downs...eventually the disappearance of kane would occur only to bring him back with promos...this is why it is very doubtful because such a numerous amount of time would need to be put in to make this happen....ontop of that the mystery of the kane mask seems to have been resolved seeing as the scars were just mental...the kane mask could have perhaps been returned had the fake kane angle been progressed but at this point i see him staying maskless for the rest of his career..of course his career could be refreshed in a numerous amount of different ways...however im afraid i see kane stayying in the spot he is in now unless he is called upon for a title oppurtunity that chance could have happened instead of having khali hold it but its watever..he's still good to see in action and a rememberance of the golden era
I guess Kane's mask is unlikely to return, because of his age. And I do see Kane as a main-eventer but comes up just short to the title.
The guy has no credibility as an 'unmasked monster'. The nickname given to him is the Big Red Machine, but now there really is nothing red about him. His pants are more black with what could be compared to red pinstripes. So to answer your question, yes, bring back masked Kane. He actually was a LOT more intimidating while masked.
I reckon as a big big kane to put him wit the mask i loved the kane wen he was a man of mystery dont get me wrong i love kane as he is right now but his not doing anyting lately wen was the last time he got a 1 on 1 world championship match.... wen he versed chris benoit seriosly make him a better supster make him be on top again and start it by putting on the mask again make him get burnt and then get him to come back old school style trust me wwe the fans and ratingd would go up just to see kane like this make him champ
what will giving him the mask back actualy achieve? He is by god awful in the ring, every single match he wrestles bar maybe an inferno match makes you want to turn the TV off. So whether he has the mask or not his matches will still be boring, gimmick wise his gimmick was good 10 years ago, now it is also boring. In fact he doesnt even have a gimmick anymore because it got so boring, so unless this mask has magical properties it would be totaly pointless.
how is kane awful in the ring? Is it because he doesn't squash each and every opponent in 4 minutes like almost every other super heavyweight in WWE? Kane displays technical abilities and mat wrestling skills against smaller opponent and can actually draw out match with an opponent smaller than him and make it exciting. Kane has switched his style over to a brawling type style with some mat skills thrown in. His matches move at a different pace now than they did 5 years ago, but at least now, one can argue that Kane's matches look more realistic then they did 5 or 10 years ago.
I really do think that the kane should put his mask back. Im not sure if you will agree but if you think about it, the kane these days is just become an ordinary wrestler who can easily gets pushed around by anyone such as MVP and khali constantley. However if you were to put the masked kane against these wrestlers, he would rip them apart as he had a reputation of not allowing anyone come near his mask. I can understand what the wwe are doing as they want new talent to emerge, but by letting wrestlers like kane to lose more frequently just puts there old reputation and aggression aside if you know what i mean. Just look at the undertaker, you don't see him losing alot to the likes of MVP. Also people like him alot more because of his dominance and other wrestlers respect him alot more. So I think that kane should be dominating alot more too and the only way I see this is by the mask returning.
phenoms_death_crew i understand what you are saying but tell me the last time kane was in a main event when the undertaker had already wrestled earlier that night. Even better, tell me a time when kane was put in a main event at a pay per view. The point that im trying to say is that the mask just changes his entire character by making him look more aggressive and dominant. I think that wwe definatley is going to have to do something soon as more injuries are occuring causing the ratings to decrease. As far as i can see it, the undertaker and maybe batista are the only two wrestlers on smackdown that prevent the ratings to drop even more. Now what happens if either one of them get injured again soon?
They need to turn Kane heel again... more demonic and tormented Kane should come back, and push him into the world title seen. He deserves that Championship. It sucks he only had it for one day almost 10 years ago.
Kane/Taker fueds are always interesting.
In my very humble opinion they should have never taken the damn mask off to begin with. The old OG Kane back at the first hell in the cell days was the sickest thing ive seen. He looked like a slipknot member or something. Just soo different than everything else at the time. Then they started F'n wit him. He should have never teamed with taker. His whole point was to take out Taker No?? Then put him in factions where he doesn’t fit..Corporation,Dx (Kinda)..Then they changed his attire. Same mask but now tanktop outfit(Not That Bad) Then that other stupid mask which I F'n hated...I know they had to freshen him up a bit but in the process he lost his Monster appeal Ohh also the voice box thing was very lame as well..Should have left him alone. Its way to late now with movies, Tv spots and another Fake Kane to bring him Back, It just would work....Sorry Glen and sorry us for having to look at that face... BTW anybody now where to find unmasked pics during the OG Kane days not yakkem or fake diesel???? Ooooo FYI Pats sooo not better than GB
Kane should have never took his mask off. he was much better and much evil as masked kane. now he has become a jobber on smackdown! when Kane was with that mask he actually won the WWF title. granted he lost it the next day. but atleast he won a world title back then. but now we might never see Kane become the World champion ever again. and i don't think putting the mask back on Kane is gonna do any good. it is sadly too late for that. once he took off his mask the mystery was gone and that gimmick for kane wont work again.
what's done is done, the masked was removed. you can't go back in time and alter that however they should concentrate more on kane's future as their ratings are very poor these days and i really think that they will do something or else wwe will continue to decrease in popularity.
okay I know everybody love tha Kane under the mask gimmick........ it probley was his best ever....... but since Kane is unmask it really hard to see him playin the heel role again........ but he need to become a monster like he was...... the whole ECW thing is cool but only Big Daddy V stand in his way as the only Monster (on ECW)............
Definitely give him the mask, hair, and something to wear over that gut of his. All you have to do is run one little story where someone damages his face in some way (either some cheap pyro or whatever, it'll come off looking weird no matter what it is but that doesn't matter, we put up with a lot of cheap effects and don't complain) and then have him gone for like a week to sell the injury. When he comes back, he's got the mask on and everything else, without the wig. Let him grow his hair out so it looks at least slightly believable that he's growing it back as opposed to one week and he's got a full head of hair lol. Then let him run loose on ECW, but as a tweener, not a heel.
I think he should be masked. I wish he was never unmasked really, but seeing that it has already happened and it has been so long and we know what he looks like, although some of us did anyways, its too late to put the mask and hair back on. Now putting something over the gut? Maybe. Its not pretty to look at but with the double strap along with no mask and no hair it doesnt work well. But I do agree that he should have never been unmasked. It almost devastated the gimmick. Luckily they showed it only turned him into more of a monster so it, however, that faded after a while. He recently has started to show signs of the old Kane and I think he is WHC material. They need to give him a major push because he has been one of the most loyal and hard-working wrestlers in WWE today considering he has never really been considered a "big name" or main eventer and has stuck with the same gimmick he has ALWAYS had unlike most people.
Now some people are bashing that the fact he was un-masked from the first place. No I think that was a smart move because seriosuly for the past what 4 years he has been un-masked don't you think you would have got a lill bored with the same ol shit but now it's a MUST for him to put the mask on. Have him get burnt is some weird storyline like the was he go burnt by shan o mac when he was dumped into the fire let him go for more than one month and coming destroying the person who cauzed it. Pretty much like when Kane buried Taker and how Taker retunred. Do that now to Kane.
Nah to mask Kane is to really complicate the storylines i mean he already unmasked and they had to think of an excuse for him having no burns or scars,

JUST have him put Khali, Henry, Umaga and Big V into the big man wrestling scrapheap actually have Kane call it that and have him defeat all of them in some sort of elimination match where he actually pins each one or he one by one buries them alive except have Khali return after a successful time in OVW trying to get him a moveset as his strength and size is too good to be wasted by letting him only do 2 moves.

Also just have Umaga come back as a different character i hate his character just have him return as Jamal but keep all of his mentalness maybe have Jamal team with Cena when he returns like a Ghetto team as Cena NEEDS SOMETHING!

Also if you have to keep Big V call him something else and have him be a modern day IRS have him come in a suit and have a briefcase and have him follow Vince around like he was his Lawyer or something but have him do a thing were IRS returns to be his manager for a while to explain why he was becoming like that.

Have Mark Henry return to join the Nation Of Domination again with Simmons as its leader but he only occasionally wrestles, have Shelton Benjamin in it and have Burke join it and have at least one "converted" person in it like maybe Hass just so we can see WGTT in a stable but obvo not by that name.

Kane after taking out the whole of the Big Men signals a return to the old Kane cept without mask, where people try to chair him and he turns and laughs or chases people backstage and stuff yeah...

OR Taker makes Kane realise his potential and helps him win a title or a big matchup smple but effective?

Hate to say all of that in a big post but its honestly what i believe could work for Kane and some of the other big men of wwe.
Who wouldnt want to see Big Daddy V in an IRS gimmick? Come on he s half there with the suspenders! Eh minus the boobs obviously.
Oh look whenever Kane turns heel , he should wear the mask, For wrestlemania I would love to see Masked Kane Vs Undertaker hell in a cell. And end the streak of Taker and that would take him to retirement.
its nearly impossible to put the mask back on him this would not look good without the hair...and we already know whose under it therefore losing its would need a well developed storyline and plenty of time to make this happen frankly at this point in his career its not worth it..leave without the mask and just make him turn completely evil once evil kane running around the wwe wuld destroy the likes of umaga and khali and big v...

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