Kane and the mask

Mr. Artistic guy

Better Off This Way
I think somewhere I read that kane gave up his mask first hand because it was getting uncomfortable on his face. Naturally this means it was not on the request of vince unlike kurt angle shaving his head. This may mean that it has more chance of becoming masked again because if vince asks it because it's good for business, more than likely kane will comply. But conversely if kane doesn't want to go back to being the masked character it may make it less likely to happen because kane is a vet and vince might not want to make him do anything he doesn't want in case he leaves the company prematurely.

Personally I view it as an undertaker or a cactus jack situation. Kane with no mask is still good as was proven by his initial run after he lost the mask or his current feud with the undertaker but he pales in comparison to the big red machine, which right now he isn't.

So do you think in homage to a legend and a guy everybody wants to see return vince will allow kane one last masked run? Just like he did with foley to cactus jack in 2000 or the taker at WM 20 until present. Or do you think the WWE may noty allow it because or PG concerns of children being scared. Personally I'm far more terrified of vicky guerrero but you know the WWE.

Whats your opinion?
This is a topic that is discussed at least once a month on here and typically you find people saying, 'but we know what his face looks like, what's the point (in re-masking him)?'. In a normal world, that remark would make a lot of sense but not so in WWE and that is why I think before it's all said and done that we will see the mask again. Just like Undertaker is finishing his career in the gimmick which first brought him to the dance, I feel they will do the same for Kane. Call it pointless, stupid or impossible but something tells me Glen Jacobs will wear the mask again and it wouldn't be something I'd be particularly against - I like both versions of the Kane character.

All it takes is for WWE to inform us that Kane has been burnt (wouldn't even have to show it on camera if it's too out there for PG purposes), take him off T.V. for a few months and voila, we have masked Kane again and everyone will be marking out over it whether they would admit to it or not...
Maybe they could work it into his Undertaker feud. Make it sort of like power of the urn vs power of the mask. Maybe have Undertaker beat him at the buried alive match and when he return he comes back stronger and rejuvenated, wearing the mask.
Maybe they could work it into his Undertaker feud. Make it sort of like power of the urn vs power of the mask. Maybe have Undertaker beat him at the buried alive match and when he return he comes back stronger and rejuvenated, wearing the mask.

You see that was precisely my idea, ever since kane did his whole vegetative state speech months ago and it was obviously kane behind it I realised. This is another kane and taker feud but this time it is the final one. Ideas then raced through my head and that was exactly what I decided upon. Kane is beaten by the undertaker and at some point you see kane's face somehow (I'm not sure how) is damaged, not by fire this is PG times damn! No he hits it on something, or taker bludgeons his face in few times with a chair or something and you don't see it because he covers it up and falls down the pit trying to run away from taker, something like that, it could work.

Anyway he loses the match and doesn't appear the next smackdown show. You leave it a good few weeks and taker is having a match defending his title against say del rio who he obvious beats but after the match the pyro on the ring sets off somehow and taker looks bewildered and the show ends with him just looking bewildered and fading out. A few shows later taker comes out and cuts a promo about how kane was sentenced to an eternity in flames in hell etc. All of a sudden the lights go out deadman style. The lights come back on and in corner of the ring is........THE MASK!!!!. Taker looks a little concerned and picks it up and leaves.

Once again long time no sign of kane. Undertaker has nothing booked for wrestlemania and five/six weeks beforehand sorry gotta go
I would really like to see the mask back, I like Kane but he's not the same without the mask. It could easily be brought back; he could be "burnt" and then because of that he needs to wear the mask, or he could just say to completely get rid of the Undertaker he needs to bring his mask back. But would the PG restriction stop the mask from coming back?
For fucks sake people. Kane is not going to put on the mask again. There are a few reasons for this. THe first is that it would make no sence. Kane wore the mask to hide his scars. Turns out he has none, so why wear the mask? Secondly when he wore the mast the first time he wasn't any better than he is now. He was still used inconsistently and pingponged between jobber and monster with roughly the same frequency. Unless you've forgotten him saying suck it with a voicebox. And thirdly him putting on the mask would be a big step backwards, and that's a bad thing.

Kane won't put on the mask again for the ame reason The Undertaker is never going to ride a bike to the irng again. Because he's moved on from it.
There's no reason for him to wear the mask anymore. The only reason he was so scary and intimidating in the first place was because of the mystery. If he goes back to the mask, it's going to be goofy, unrealistic, and it'll completely eliminate suspension of disbelief. If Kane got "burnt" again, it wouldn't make any sense for him to be wearing some leather mask with designs on it. He'd be in bandages.

He won't magically regain the mystery if he puts the mask back on, because he uses his real voice and shows his real face now.

I don't even get why people want him to go back to the mask. It's not going to add a single thing to the canon in terms of character development. In fact, you'll be going in the opposite direction of development.
For fucks sake people. Kane is not going to put on the mask again. There are a few reasons for this. THe first is that it would make no sence. Kane wore the mask to hide his scars. Turns out he has none, so why wear the mask? Secondly when he wore the mast the first time he wasn't any better than he is now. He was still used inconsistently and pingponged between jobber and monster with roughly the same frequency. Unless you've forgotten him saying suck it with a voicebox. And thirdly him putting on the mask would be a big step backwards, and that's a bad thing.

Kane won't put on the mask again for the ame reason The Undertaker is never going to ride a bike to the irng again. Because he's moved on from it.

Yeah but you can tie up loose ends like that. For example did taker ever NEED the urn to win, erm nope and yet when paul bearer returns with it, it is still meant to represent increased power for the undertaker. So did kane ever need the mask, nope, but you can still act as if it gives him an irrational sense of increased power, like popeye and his spinach oh yeah. And putting the mask on him for THIS FEUD EXCLUSIVELY would be significant because I personally would not mind watching kane end undertaker's WM streak no matter how much people say it never will. To me its the perfect way if at all.

OK now there is a fair bit of contradiction in the last bit you said. kane is done with the mask so it won't ever come back?? Yeah I'm fairly sure undertaker was done with being the deadman, WM XX ring any bells? Same applies to taker being the biker, although I wouldn't want to see that return, dont rule out that it could if deadman did. Now you may well say that well deadman returning made sense with the story. In which case construct a story in which kane getting his mask back makes sense, a little imagination and there is no reason why it shouldnt happen. That it might happen is another matter.
For fucks sake people. Kane is not going to put on the mask again. There are a few reasons for this. THe first is that it would make no sence. Kane wore the mask to hide his scars. Turns out he has none, so why wear the mask? Secondly when he wore the mast the first time he wasn't any better than he is now. He was still used inconsistently and pingponged between jobber and monster with roughly the same frequency. Unless you've forgotten him saying suck it with a voicebox. And thirdly him putting on the mask would be a big step backwards, and that's a bad thing.

Kane won't put on the mask again for the ame reason The Undertaker is never going to ride a bike to the irng again. Because he's moved on from it.

It can make sense if the writers put it all together right. For instance like what people above stated, have Kane be burned again and he'll come back in a month or so with the Mask. This can also be a change of Kane because with the Mask he can come back like how he debuted and just wreck havoc. He's not the monster he is when he first took off his mask that's why people are suggesting for a remask of Kane. As for the Undertaker and his Biker gimmick, of course that won't happen again. This is a totally different situation. Undertaker debuted as The Dead Man. Kane debuted as the Monster with the Mask. Fans, want to see them end there careers as what they started.
The reason it was cool before was because of the mystery behind the mask and the story that followed. He was burned in a fire set by the Undertaker when he was little. No one except Paul has seen him since then (back in 97), he comes back and 'Taker is suprised. Great story. This was the time before the internet, before people knew who Kane really was. We all know who he is now. There would be no mystery behind it. What would be the purpose of bringing it back? Cause its cool. Not these days. Look, I loved Kane with the mask and I wished he'd would've never taken it off until his final match. But he did. Putting it back on now, no matter the storyline would be a little pointless and would add absolutely nothing to his gimmick. It'd be like Rey Mysterio taking off the mask now days and putting it back on in a year or two. What would be the point? We've had enough of Kanes mask. Buy some DVDs and watch him with the mask. Those days are over.
if the undertaker can go back to the deadman then kane could, yea we know what his face looks like but we also knew what foleys face and reys face looked like..
taker went back to this gimmick after he became a normal biker dude, what did he lose his powers and find them again? its wwe, anything could happen.
I think it would be a good idea since it would be a way to re educate the new fans about masked kane, as well as bring the story to a full cicrle. Expecisally since they have taker kane, and paul beaer, the only thing missing is the mask. Also It is actually possible for this to happen if writen right, and the interent doesn't affect the story.

Ok lets say taker defeats kane at BR and after Kane is defeated, taker grabs a match, or use his lighting that he's used time to time, something that will cause Kane's face to be "burned", there fore forcing Kane to bring the mask back. The urn helped motivate taker when ever it was used, therefore leading him to dominate anyone like they were a freakin bug. Well maybe that's the same with kane and his mask. Even though I missed masked kane, it sounds like he was a tough sob, who went kicking ass and taking names. Lets say kane returns after a few months, with him saying he needed to find himself so to speak. He comes back with the mask, as his last hope/chance of destroying taker once and for all, and have a series of matches leading to wreastlemania with a casket match, or something along those lines. And Before anyone says crap about the fire idea and pg era, go on youtube and look up edge vs undertaker hell in a cell 2009. Then comeback and tell me about my idea, whether good or bad.:shrug:
When Taker went back to the Deadman gimmick, he had his brother turn on him. Thus bringing out the true evil out in The Undertaker again. How in the hell could WWE have Kane put the mask back on that would make any sense? The mask didn't give him any power, in fact, he's more dominate now than ever before.

We always say that he shouldn't put the mask back on because we always say we know what he looks like. Well it's the fucking truth! I mean, how could you put the mask that doesn't give him any powers, and wear it when his face isn't disfigured? The only way it would make sense, is if Undertaker threw a lightning bolt at him or something, and in this PG era WWE it's very unlikely to have someone maim someone else on PG television.
Kanes my favorite wrestler of all time. I think ill cry the day he retires. But it would make me happy to see the mask on him one more time. And yes the mask gives him his power, Undertaker has stated this in an interview or some shit.

This is off subject but i think if Kane had his mask all along til this day i think he'd be just as popular as REY. why do i say this? because all the little kiddies like Rey because he has a mask. Kanes mask is way better than Reys and i think if Kane still had that mask it would sell major big times!!!
Kanes my favorite wrestler of all time. I think ill cry the day he retires. But it would make me happy to see the mask on him one more time. And yes the mask gives him his power, Undertaker has stated this in an interview or some shit.

This is off subject but i think if Kane had his mask all along til this day i think he'd be just as popular as REY. why do i say this? because all the little kiddies like Rey because he has a mask. Kanes mask is way better than Reys and i think if Kane still had that mask it would sell major big times!!!

No, the mask doesn't give him any power. It was used to cover up the scars that were supposedly on Kanes face when the Undertaker burned him many years ago. There is no reason to even think that the mask gives Kane power, when he has been more dominating since he's taken the damn thing off.
nothing will ever compare to when Kane first debuted, his first few months in the WWF were amazingly dominant and he really was a beast. After he took his mask off yeah he was a beast for a little bit but then just as before, he was put into some so-so feuds like with Snitsky, Lita, even the feud with Shane wasn't sold to me (a McMahon can go toe to toe with a monster?)

I'd love to see Kane with the mask again for a little while, even if it's the last few months to finish up his career. There are plenty of ways to do it have him lose the Buried Alive match, somehow his face gets destroyed ect. It can happen.

Taker turned a different gimmick then came back to it, Mysterio lost his mask but when he was in WWE it was treated like he never took it off before.. the same can be done for Kane. Just a big when and if it will ever happen
Kane should put the mask back on because he looks cool with it on.

Cool................................................................Not Cool

He hasn't changes as a wrestler. He is just as good in the ring as he always was, if not better, but he just don't look as cool as he did with his mask on. The WWE could also make a lot more merchandise money with Kane putting his mask back on, hell the crappy plastic Ray mask is $10. I don't see them putting the mask back on any time soon, but I wish they would.
nothing will ever compare to when Kane first debuted, his first few months in the WWF were amazingly dominant and he really was a beast. After he took his mask off yeah he was a beast for a little bit but then just as before, he was put into some so-so feuds like with Snitsky, Lita, even the feud with Shane wasn't sold to me (a McMahon can go toe to toe with a monster?)

I'd love to see Kane with the mask again for a little while, even if it's the last few months to finish up his career. There are plenty of ways to do it have him lose the Buried Alive match, somehow his face gets destroyed ect. It can happen.

Taker turned a different gimmick then came back to it, Mysterio lost his mask but when he was in WWE it was treated like he never took it off before.. the same can be done for Kane. Just a big when and if it will ever happen

Yeah I agree, I would love to see Kane with the mask again, just because it looks awesome, and makes him seem more threatening to me. I always loved the original Kane look, and hope WWE return to that. Kane without a mask is not the "real" Kane to me. Similarly, I never liked it when Raven wrestled in a kilt or shirtless, that isnt the real Raven look. I much prefered the original ripped jeans style.

WWE could easily pretend that Kane needs his mask for extra power, its PG and all the little kids would buy into it, just like they buy into Kane and Taker have super powers or whatever it is. Or, I'm sure they can find a way of Kane supposedly damaging his face again, which means he can return to the mask for this last run.
I think that could be the direction they are going. Kane is on a huge roll right now and they know how badly the fans want to see his masked self one last time. It could happen, but then again it might not. Remember the Kane VS Fake Kane feud? A man we now know as Luke Gallows put on a Kane mask and came out as Fake Kane to feud with the real Kane, and the unmasked Kane won. That could very well have been WWE's way of saying the mask is never coming back. Or could it for one final run? It's up to Kane and Vince. If Vince wants it, Kane might go for it in just one feud or match because a ton of fans would want to see it. They could announce that on PPV Kane's putting the mask back on for a world title match, or something. That PPV's buyrates would then be a bit higher from all the people who'd want to tune in for masked Kane. We'll just have to wait and see.

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