How long until CM Punk loses the mask?


Representing Seattle's Finest
Every opponent CM Punk has faced since Over The Limit has tried to manipulate Punk's mask in some sort of way. Most recently John Cena and a couple of the NXT rookies tried to take it off. Now in most cases, when wrestlers have lost their hair they have tried to coverup with headsets or wigs, like Kurt Angle or Molly Holly, but it's never too long until somebody takes it off revealing their baldness to the world.

So my question to you is this, how long will it be before CM Punk loses his mask? And how do you think it would happen?

Personally I think CM Punk should keep the mask on for a long time. I've already gotten used to Punk being a masked wrestler, but that's not the reason why. Let's say we get to Survivor Series. Even now Punk's feud with Rey is still pretty hot. They finally have a mask vs. mask match at SS where Punk loses. Now here in June, November is a long ways away, which means within the course of 6 months, Punk should be able to grow some level of hair back. So when Rey unmasks Punk, he is no longer bald but instead has a full head of hair, though probably shorter than it used to be. Thus in both situations (the one at OTL and in SS), the fans are duped and they don't get to see what they want, which in both cases is a bald CM Punk.
Not everybody shows their baldness (ie, Mr. McMahon). I think i would be interesting if Punk keeps his mask until his hair grows back. Have him injured (kayfabe) for about 2 or 3 weeks and bring him back with his symbol of purity. Plus he'd look ridiculous because he's not bald like angle and he has that long ass beard.
Not everybody shows their baldness (ie, Mr. McMahon). I think i would be interesting if Punk keeps his mask until his hair grows back. Have him injured (kayfabe) for about 2 or 3 weeks and bring him back with his symbol of purity. Plus he'd look ridiculous because he's not bald like angle and he has that long ass beard.

You know the injury idea could be a possible option right now considering he did get attacked by the NXT rookies. We could say that due to the attack, he's recovering from his wounds and won't be back for a few weeks. Then by the time he comes back, like maybe for a SmackDown match, CM Punk fights Rey Mysterio and Rey rips off the mask mid match only to see that Punk has grown his hair back.
Yeh...possible injury, comes back with hair...not bad...

I was thinking they can resume the rey/punk feud..not fragging it too long...maybe at SummerSlam, but that seems to far...maybe MitB ppv, a mask vs mask match..obviously reyrey winning here..
I think he if comes back with hair the whole mask vs. hair thing would have just been pointless.. I think somethings going to happen where the mask is pulled off, and the masked man is revealed.
I see it going one of two ways. Punk keeps a shaven head until they reveal it within a month or two and that way the kids can laugh and giggle but Punk will turn it around and say that he could cover again but insted is told by Serena, Gallows and the masked man that bald is beautiful and now the world can see just how pure he is when he grows it back right in front of them to shove it in people's faces OR that he waits a few months and the mask is ripped off only fro Punk to laugh as he has hair again and no one will get to see the bald Punk.
I think when creative feel it getting stale. By which time he'll have a decent amount of hair to not look bald, but I just don't know where they're going with this.
I get the feeling it will be Hornswoggle or Luke Gallows accidently trips and pulls it off.
Maybe Rey Mysterio, but I think the unveiling should be by somebody to start a new feud. Kane or Christian anyone?
I think he if comes back with hair the whole mask vs. hair thing would have just been pointless.. I think somethings going to happen where the mask is pulled off, and the masked man is revealed.

Though it would make for some interesting television, it would be near impossible to pull off. Whoever the masked man is would have to grow a wicked beard as well as chest hair. And even if he could pull it off, there's always those smart asses that when the masked man is revealed would say that they knew it wasn't Punk the whole time.
I agree w/ you,
He should loose at SS (in time for his hair to grow back)
& Go on from there
Though the mask is growing on me
I think that you forgot that huge tattoo on his stomach, as well the Pepsi tattoo?

Ah, touche. Well then it'd be like when Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder interfered with Edge's match looking like him. They drew tattoos on them. Perhaps they'd do the same with whoever is the imitator of Punk.

I agree w/ you,
He should loose at SS (in time for his hair to grow back)
& Go on from there
Though the mask is growing on me

The mask was growing on me, but then I remember Sam's sig where it had a picture of masked Punk and it said, "Bring out THE GIMP!" Now I just laugh everytime he appears on screen.
I'd bow down if they could pull this off, but it's more just me being insane and having a ridiculously wishful thought.

What if they made it appear to be Punk, but then it turns out to be a debut of a new guy. Who, you might ask? Well, think about it. Who has long hair, a beard, a similar build to Punk, and would bring the WWE instant credibility. Of course I'm talking about Tyler Black. I would mark out so fucking hard it might give me a brain aneurysm. Tyler could grow his beard and chest hair out, they could easily paint the tattoos on him to resemble Punk's. They could have it set up so that he wasn't willing to get his head shaved so as a replacement initiation they had him act like CM Punk so Punk wouldn't have to make any public appearances. Maybe Punk knew about the rookie plot to attack Cena and whoever else was around so instead of him being the one to face Cena he got his new lackie Tyler Black to do it.

My imagination is obviously running wild but this would just be so fucking awesome.
See, I am really unsure about this one.

As the original poster stated, everyone has made an attempt at unmasking him at some point and if this keeps up, I don't imagine that he will have it on for long. The other thing that I keep coming back to, is the matches that he had with Rey Mysterio to unmask Rey. I could definitely see the WWE going with something like that and having them compete with both masks on the line or something equally ******ed.

That being said, I think CM Punk is definitely stubborn enough that he will keep it on for the entirety of his baldness. I don't know what it is about this angle that I don't like but I just feel as though the WWE are constantly going around in circles with CM Punk. For months, they had him going against Rey with different spins on the same angle and now that the mask angle has been dropped, in regards to Rey, they have started it up again with CM Punk.

Personally, I think you are right. I can see him losing the mask and I quite sure it will be to Rey Mysterio but to what end? Will it further either of them in a program? No because this thing has already run it's course. I just don't see the point of the mask right now but hopefully it will all come to a head, sooner rather than later.
I'm surprised no-one has mentioned the elephant in the room... it's well known that Rey masks are one of the WWe's biggest money spinners. If SES gimp masks :lol: take off, we could see Punk wearing it for a long long time.
I don't they'll do the Kurt Angle way, a month afterwards in PPV match at the end, I can see WWE building this up to SummerSlam with Rey/Punk in a mask vs joining the S.E.S, with Rey joining then on the SD after Rey unmasking Punk with Punk having some hair on his napper by then.

Just my 2 cents.

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