Should Kane Be Heel Again ?

I agree with Siege that Kane is nothing but a jobber these days. He has only done two things in his career that I can remember

1. Win the Belt from austin in that first blood match(only to lose it the next night)

2. Take off his mask and feud with RVD and the Big Show

To me Kane has always been one of those people that were under used and could be so much better then they are. But to me the fact that the WWE didn't give him a title when his movie was out came out, shows me that they must not have a lot of faith in him. Kane can cut decent promos and he can wrestle a lot better then some of the other people that have been getting pushes lately (Big Daddy V, Batista, Kahli)

I agree with seige27 that Kane should get a heel turn and a title such as the ECW title. Having him on ecw full time would be a good fit as a heel but not as a face. And he deserves it for all the years of losing he has had to deal with.

Apparently, Kane was supposed to get the title at two different times in '06, but both times it was nixed. WWE keeps citing his bad knees as reason not to give him a title run, but heck. They keep pushing Mysterio who is always injured, and yet always returns to the main event scene. Plus, if he gets injured with the title, it's not the end of the world, a lot of guys had.

He's got bad knees, but heck, is more reliable in there than most.
I heared a lot thay Kane doesnt want gold as he wants to give over younger guys and give theam a push. But I believe Kane really does deserves title, and then turn Heel as well and mabye then go on foro World Title.
I think they could do one more big storyline with him and the Undertaker. Presuming that Taker wins the title at Wrestlemania I would like to see them work together against a group of heels. Bring over Umaga and have him do the bidding of Edge and the Edgeheads. The brothers of destruction fend them off and somehow after Taker defends against Edge or Umaga, Kane turns on Taker, says he is sick of doing Taker's dirty work and getting the oddman beat downs. He is sick of Taker getting all the credit for the the team and wants a title shot, but more importantly wants his brother to respect him and pay for holding him down. Big time feud culminating with Hell in a Cell at either Survivor Series or Summer Slam. One last big feud and big payoff for Kane. I think Taker should win this and the feud should be finally over after the match. Keep them away from each other for the rest of their careers.
I think what Kane needs is to go back to his old attire and mask from the 90s. He was the perfect masked monster. And he wouldn't be the first wrestler to put the mask back on. If we remember, Rey Mysterio did the same thing.

The difference is that Mysterio came from a different company and was unmasked there. He probably wouldn't have worn the mask at all when he came to WWE but they probably pushed him to wear it again.

Kane is still with the company he lost his mask in. It wouldn't make any sense to have him wear it again. I think somethinig needs to be done because he hasn't been in any major feuds or really done much of anything at all lately. I think putting the belt on him would be awesome.
I loved Kane as heel; the Big Red Machine. And he truely was a monster. I don't think being unmasked did any favours for his career. The mask gimmick was great for someone, who otherwise may have often been unnoticed. He's good, but I don't think he's ever been great. He's never had a proper title run, and I don't think he ever will.

And then there came the storyline with Snitsky and Lita, something I really hated. It was a sensitive, stupid storyline, the WWE habdled it badly, and it just worked badly for both Kane and Snitsky. Even now I still think of Snitsky as the guy that killed Lita's baby.

Turning Kane heel again would be so much better; he can play that character, and knows it well. He could easily get the crowd to hate him, and he can generate heat better than a lot of people. Heel makes Kane more interesting, and more of a character. He's one of the wrestlers that generally needs a gimmick, or he'd get lost in the bounds of everyone else.
i've thought that Kane should be turned heel again for a long while now. (posted this before, but it's a good idea!)

here's how i think it can be done.

1. Put Kane into a feud with JBL.

2. JBL in a most cowardly act throws "acid" into Kane's face, scarring him severely and forcing him to wear the mask again.

3. the mask reverts Kane to his former self and he no longer speaks (here you can switch out Glen Jacobs for a younger wrestler with a similar build. no offense to Glen, he's getting old and looks like its time to hang it up)
i've thought that Kane should be turned heel again for a long while now. (posted this before, but it's a good idea!)

here's how i think it can be done.

1. Put Kane into a feud with JBL.

2. JBL in a most cowardly act throws "acid" into Kane's face, scarring him severely and forcing him to wear the mask again.

3. the mask reverts Kane to his former self and he no longer speaks (here you can switch out Glen Jacobs for a younger wrestler with a similar build. no offense to Glen, he's getting old and looks like its time to hang it up)

Great idea phill because you can change Kane and hardly noone will be the wiser and still keep his legacy.

But the only problem with that is that glen jacobs will never be in the hall of fame, and the new guy will( i know im thinkin ahead lol)
First of all, I dont see them switching Glen Jacobs out of the kane character and putting someone else in there for a long time, if ever. The fact is Glen is one of the most respected wrestlers backstage, he really cares for the business, which is one reason why he has never had a world title reign, he would rather have the young stars get elevated, for the good of the business.

Second, they are not going to put the mask back on Kane. Once they removed the mask, it wouldn't make sense to put it back on, I mean the whole point of the mask was hiding what the looked like, "his burns". When he kicked that fake Kane's ass, and took his mask, I thought it might happen, but when it didn't, I and all of you should realize it will never happen.

In regards to him turning heel, I dont think it is going to happen. The fact is he gets cheered, which is one reason why he doesn't and wont win one of the two main titles, the ECW title maybe, but thats it. Its just like Kennedy, cant have heels getting cheered, so they can't really turn him heel.

As for the HOF, no he isn't in the same category as Bret Hart, Ric Flair or Eddie Guerrero, but not a lot of guys are. In baseball they call guys like that first ballot hall of famers, guys who once they are eligible get in. Glen wont get in the minute he retires, but he will get in eventually, he is too respected back stage to not get in.
again i say:

Originally Posted by peterf
Great idea phill because you can change Kane and hardly noone will be the wiser and still keep his legacy.

But the only problem with that is that glen jacobs will never be in the hall of fame, and the new guy will( i know im thinkin ahead lol)

whose to say that Glen Jacobs is worthy of being in the HOF? Does his name really compare to the likes of Bret Hart, Ric Flair, Eddie Guerrero? I don't think so.

(and this time, so i don't get an infraction for spamming, i'll try to write a book.)

Glen Jacobs, while he is a veteran, is not worthy of being in the hall of fame. i don't say this out of spite for the man or the character. but in the annuls of wrestling history, i don't think he'll be remembered as a truly great wrestler. he did have tons of fans as Kane, i'll give him that. but having lots of fans doesn't make you a great wrestler, it just means you have a lot of fans. when i think of wrestlers who without question should/will be in the Hall of Fame (not necessarily the WWE HOF) i think: Bret Hart (for obvious reasons), Ric Flair (see Bret Hart), the Road Warriors (arguably the greatest tag team in history), Bruno Sammartino (i don't think i have to explain that one), Bob Backlund. Does Glen Jacobs compare to these men? somewhat. but does he deserve to be in the Hall of Fame? No.
Hopefully the WWE realise that Kane isnt just a back up wrestler. They should put him into a big story line with someone maybe taker in a inferno match, make he loose and he comes back as the masked monster and get the title run which he deserves.
I thought that when Kane took the mask from imposter Kane he was gonna come back with the mask, maybe he shouldve started to have an obsession with it and then put it back on and become a heel. It should be like the mask makes him evil kinda like the jason hockey mask and whoever wheres it. thats how he should become a heel again.
Good god what the hell is with everybody's obsession with Kane putting the mask back on, that would make no sense what so ever, the whole reason the mask work was cause it added a bit of mystery to his character, that mystery is gone now, it left when they took the mask off, so putting the mask back on him would just be pointless, give it up folks the mask is gone, and is never coming back

As far as being heel goes, no he should not turn heel right now simply because WWE has enough monster heels, you got Umaga, Mark Henry, BDV, Khali, & Snitsky, do we really need another one right now, leave him face WWE is over saturated with monster heels right now and doesn't need another

Now onto Kane getting a push...why?, why the fuck should Kane get a push now, what the fuck has he done lately to deserve it, absolutely nothing, Kane has past the point in his career where a push would be worth anything, at this point he's just too old, slow and just not what he once was, basically his prime has passed him by, there are better people to give the push to
I think Kane should be a heel. He's done some really good storylines being a heel. They should even make a Kane vs. Undertaker at Wrestlemania part 3. That would really get Kane a good start at better storylines. His rivalry with MVP only gave him that "Monster" title for a month or two. His charcter is getting pretty dull and I think he needs to be a heel again.
2. JBL in a most cowardly act throws "acid" into Kane's face, scarring him severely and forcing him to wear the mask again.

While we're at it why don't we have someone fall into a vat of chemicals and emerge with green hair and a permenant smile on his face who has a maniacal laugh and kills without hesitation? Or have a short fat guy with weapons in his umbrella? I'm sure the guys at DC can spare some writers for WWE Creative.

Kane was best as a heel who destroyed everyone. In his early years we saw Kane beat 6 or 7 guys senseless on his own, he set the current trend for beating on Taker to get over and his fueds w/ Y2J and a couple of years later w/ Shane McMahon were classic. He also gets to cut a few promos when he's heel to and is very good at it for a guy who's gimmick didn't allow him to talk originally.

24 hour title run? yeah that sucked, but he didn't actually beat Austin himself did he? But then First Blood matches with actual importance don't tend to end without intereference or something else affecting the match.
e.g. Kane v Austin - Taker run in
Taker v Austin - Xpac run in
Shamrock v Jericho - Jericho had a hockey uniform on and stood inside a cage
Austin v Booker T - Bossman run in
Taker v Kennedy - MVP run in

What doesn't make sense is that Kane hasn't had World title run since then and that was a decade ago. He has the ECW belt now but that's clearly not on the same level as the WWE title or World title, which is sad because Glen deserves a run with the Big title IMO
I'm sure theres another thread regarding the remasking. But I think both sides have a point, it'd need to be done really well to avoid looking like a step backwards.

I think he'd work better as a tweener heel, like when he first arrived. Yeah he turned on the Undertaker etc, but NWO 1998 against Vader, Kane was heel, but still got cheers, just for how impressive he was. Just reverse it slightly, have him play face, but take it too far. Let him be feared by the roster, but loved by the crowd. Again like NWO 1998, when he turns back and hits Vader with the wrench, have him turn back after a victory and deal some real damage. Have him go over the other monsters, but absolutely annihalate them, and take it too far.
I think kane should be a heel.I am a big Kane fan and I think he has many skills that are not realized by the fans and WWE.I think he should team up with a huge face in a tag match then get mad in the middle of the match then snap on all three men in the ring and go on a rampage injuring faces and heels every week.Come on WWE it is time for Kane to be a monster heel again and have one more title run before he retires.
Kane as a heel just makes more sense than the other way around. Take a look at the guy and you have the perfect monster character (which is how he came into the business) Around 7 foot tall with the ability to make one of the ugliest faces I have seen apart from snitsky (who just seemed like a lame Kane rip-off anyway) add that to the fact that he (Kane) has at best sub-par skills on the microphone and you have a lame babyface. Having Kane change back to heel is the best thing they could do for the guy at the moment. Do I think it's going to happen any time soon? probably not, but WWE has surprised me in the past. Here's hoping they'll throw another one at me.
I can back up some of my logic to why Kane is good as a face and a heel.
If he were heel, you can recall many of the amazing things he has done in the past as a heel..
1. He chokeslammed Rob Van Dam on a stage-it was cool to see his heel turn fully.
2. He threw Matt Hardy off the stage. This was something that many people probably laughed at. I mean come on, Matt Hardy tries in vain to stop Kane-Matt Hardy wedding and gets thrown off a stage for his efforts (kayfabe I know but still funny)
3. He tears off the door to Hell in a Cell and tombstones Undertaker helping Shawn Michaels win. Amazing debut probably the best debut ever. He was a legit world title contender from the minute he debuted. The writing back then was so good based on that.
4. He tombstoned Linda McMahon on the stage. O NO HE DIDNT! No heel wrestler had ever done something so inhumane to tombstone the CEO of the company on the stage. He garnered such amazing heel heat and everyone wanted Shane to run in and kick his ass even tho we all knew that he couldn't. (and he didn't)
5. Buried Undertaker alive...helping Vince mcMahon beat Undertaker was one of ther worst things that Heel Kane ever did because so many ppl were looking for a Vince ass kicking and it never happened. Taker did eventually get Kane back but still, this was amazing. If you all remember, Kane also set Taker on fire at one point.

Amazing things he did as a Face
1. in May 2000, his pyro exploded out of nowhere and he came out during about 3 straight Raw is War main events and beat the shit out of anything that moved, amazing and everyone marked the fuck out!!!
2. Chokeslammed Eric Bischoff off the stage....true he was making his heel turn but still, this was an amazing sight to see and Bischoff took a ridiculous bump.
3. During his return in mid 2002, his pyro went off several times before he finally made his comeback and beat the shit out of Test and the Unamericans.
final thoughts; he is good at doing both but is remembered more for his heel days...
In order for Kane to turn heel again, he'd have to be involved in a pretty major storyline, and I just don't see that happening. Kane is slowly being phased out and will likely be retiring somewhat soon, and a storyline that will turn him heel and keep him going as a heel for a while will put the spotlight on him probably more than the company or Kane himself wants at this stage in his career.
i dont know, i like Kanes character, theres just something amusing about a 7ft psycho who likes hurting people make little kids cry when HE gets hurt, like when Henry/BDV double teamed him a load of kids where crying in the audience. I remember thinking he'd do worse to them give him the opportunity, it just makes me think what i like about WWE, in any other TV program Kane would be the bad guy

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