Should Kane Be Heel Again ?

Mr. Showtime

Occasional Pre-Show
I think Kane should have one last run as a heel before he retires. He's suposed to be a monster and being face honestly isn't doing him any favours. At least when he was heel he was getting more exposure, storylines etc.)

So what do you think ? Should Kane stay face or turn heel ?


I agree, Kane should definitely go back to being a monster heel again. I loved him back when he first took off his mask and he was burning people, it just really brought out his monster gimmick. But noaways Kane has just been so stale with the whole babyface routine. Also maybe he should actually have a semi-long run as World champion, too me that could make smackdown alot more interesting.
Definitely. Kane is one of the greatest monster Heels of all time. During his first year and when he was initially unmasked were his best eras. They were what brought out the best of his monster gimmick.

He should have one final run as champion. It's a shame that such an awesome heel only had a 24 hour reign.
At the moment kane just seems to have become one of the jobbers and just someone to fill the time in on the show.
I think a heel turn would be great for him as it would add some spice back to his charater.
I for one would love to see another lilttle taker / kane feud. that never gets old
Kane should go heel because that's what he's all about. Being the sadistic "Big Red Machine" who everyone is scared of. For example Kane, back in '03-'04 was a respected monster heel. In the storylines, he came out as a guy that everyone was scared of, because he burned people. I don't think he should burn people, but he needs to do something to get over as a heel, fast. Kane right now is bland, and is jobbing alot. He needs to reinvent himself.
Well I think this decision depends on what Glen Jacobs wants to do, I think Kane would be great as a heel but I don't think he wants to and Kane's number is up, all he can do now is job. For Kane to become a monster again would effect the "Jobbing" side of WWE to a great extent as Kane is one of the best Jobbers WWE has and he can really put talent over, every time I see some one pummel Kane into the ground I think to myself "No impossible" because Kane is a big guy and a WWE Legend to see him get beat by people with out much reputation is kind of wierd and it also makes his opponent look sadistic.

I would like to see Kane go on a giant Rampage like in 04 and 03 but it's just not going to happen.
Kane doesn't need a change like that. But instead head into another direction. The WWE should let Kane have some gold around his waist...come on. It doesn't matter what brand he should win one of the World Titles, or just because the U.S Champion because MVP as champion is getting old. He rarely defends the belt. Or have Kane win the ECW champion? Or a tag team champion with Taker' (brothers of destruction). The WWE could really use a new champion and it should be Kane. They can do so much with Kane but instead they put him in a BORING feud with Big Daddy V.
I don't think Kane needs to turn heel. he is my 2nd favourite superstar (next to taker) and i like him as a face. they have enough monster heels (Big Daddy V, Mark Henry, Umaga etc). I think wwe r using him wrongly. It rly pisses me off that he isnt in the EC match. I think him and taker could have a really good run as the tag team champs. That is what people wanna see. I think Kane should have 1 more title reign (and not 1 that lasts for only a day) before he becomes a jobber. He deserves it. It might be just me but i find him really entertaining (even though hes not quick and flashy) and he deserves to be in the title picture. If he won the ECW title i think that people would care more it.
Id like to see him as a heel again but now I dont think would be the right time for it. As said Smackdown is flooded with the monster heels (BDV, Mark Henry, Khali). I think sometime after Wrestlemania I could see him feuding with Taker for the World title. Ive always wanted to see the two in Hell in a Cell. I think he will have some new faces to feud with once he turns like CM Punk, Mysterio, Cena.
Sorry to say but Kane pretty much sucks as a face, People still cheered /kane from time to time when he was heel so I still want him to turn heel none the less. I do believe how ever that if he ever does decide he wants one last run as world champ then he should be face.
I think Kane needs to just move to the main event exclusively. These random matches with V and Henry and tags with taker are just him sitting around doing nothing. Maybe he does need to be a heel, but as someone said earlier give him a damn title, just please not the tag belts. That's not a title thats throwing a bone to him so he'll be happy. Give him a world title run, even if its in ecw. He's earned it, the fans are still into him, and he's not as bad in the ring as people think he is. Kane hasn't done anything new in a few years in the ring supposedly. Why in the hell would he want to? If he kniows he's not going to get a big push if he does, why waste the time? Maybe making him a heel would give him that push though, so I'd say sure why not make him a monster again.
Kane should definately go heel. He needs to be in a role where he's in a good feud that can last a while. And he always has the best rivalries with good guys. I wouldn't mind seeing him feud with some of the top guys like HBK or Cena. He deserves it.
Maybe even a legit shot at the title...
Kane is these days, as everybody knows, a glorified jobber. creative need to put him in a decent feud in at least a US title feud. but more importantly, he needs to be in the main event world title picture, as he can main event; he can pull in the crowd; and is needed in the main event scene as there isnt many wrestlers to main event for the title.

it would be great to see him in a feud with the Undertaker, after undertaker beats Edge for the title. i was going to say turn him heel, but there are enough 'monster' heels already on smackdown, even though they are jobbers too (mark henry, great khali, big daddy v - who shouldnt even be on smackdown.)

if he was to turn heel, it would help him in terms of being fresh, and put him in some fresh storylines. he could even go to ECW, and win the ECW title for awhile. have Kane pin CM Punk for the title. decent feud right there.

or even swap him with jeff hardy or someone from Raw and Kane could turn heel and feud for the IC title, if jeff drops it to someone else.

just a thought
I agree with Siege that Kane is nothing but a jobber these days. He has only done two things in his career that I can remember

1. Win the Belt from austin in that first blood match(only to lose it the next night)

2. Take off his mask and feud with RVD and the Big Show

To me Kane has always been one of those people that were under used and could be so much better then they are. But to me the fact that the WWE didn't give him a title when his movie was out came out, shows me that they must not have a lot of faith in him. Kane can cut decent promos and he can wrestle a lot better then some of the other people that have been getting pushes lately (Big Daddy V, Batista, Kahli)

I agree with seige27 that Kane should get a heel turn and a title such as the ECW title. Having him on ecw full time would be a good fit as a heel but not as a face. And he deserves it for all the years of losing he has had to deal with.
Definitely. Turn him heel, set him loose on ECW and have him win the title. Kane is excellent at hardcore matches. his ambulance match with shane? their last man standing match. those were golden.
The way I see it, Kane is "Evil", but how evil can you be as a Face? As a heal, Kane can do so much more, where as a face, he can't do much to anyone. His heal charecter was always better IMO. So I agree, turn him heal, send him to either RAW or ECW (theres not enough faces on Smackdown) and don't job him out like Snitsky, Khali, Big V, or Henry, cause this guy is a legitimate Big Man. But therein lies the problem. The WWE is using all their Big Heals simply to push the physically smaller faces (Cena, HHH, Batista, etc) with the whole "against the odds" thing, but really, they've ruined it. when was the last time any of the big heals I've mentioned actually won a match that WASN'T against a glorified jobber?

So if they're gonna turn Kane heal, they have to keep him away from Jobbing, he's way better and more deserving than that.
I agree that Kane should go back to being a heel. They aren't really doing much with him, and he doesn't really have much of a character as a face. He defiantly needs a title run too.
i think that Kane was more dangerous and scary when he had a mask! i still love him now but i liked him even more when he had the mask. but if they did give it back to him i wonder how they would go about doing that. I hope that he wins the ecw or united states title because he has more than earned it and that would let everyone know how serious he is.
I think Kane should be a heel again because as a face he hasnt had any good feuds, he was supposed to wrestle Edge for the World Heavyweight Championship at the Great American Bash but Edge got injured & since hasnt done anything. As a heel he could have more feuds in Smackdown or ECW like Kane vs Batista or Kane vs CM Punk. If not heel then WWE needs to use him better as a face not like they did at last nights Smackdown wrestling the Grat Khali in a very bad match
I think it would be great to see Kane as a heel again because his character is better in that role. The problem is that everybody cheers for him and if he becomes a heel i think everyone will cheer for him anyway. Who doesn't want to see Kane get a legitimate title run, but if he goes vs. a face, people will be want to see the heel beat the face, which is not what WWE wants. I could see him staying heel and beating Chavo for the ECW title, but sadly i think that is about the limit for what Kane will achieve throughout the rest of his career.
I think Kane is a better heel than face. Regardless, WWE should probably make some changes to the Kane character.

I think what Kane needs is to go back to his old attire and mask from the 90s. He was the perfect masked monster. And he wouldn't be the first wrestler to put the mask back on. If we remember, Rey Mysterio did the same thing.

What WWE did was humanize Kane like they did with the Undertaker. After that ran its course, they made the Undertaker in to the Dead Man again. The same could happen with Kane. After treating him simply as a normal wrestler with an edge, they could turn him in to the Big Red Machine. This could be accomlished with the mask, the old tights, and the organ music that played before the fire explosions.

If this was done Kane would be back to the rock star status that he had in the late 90s. And though I would rather seem him as a heel, the fans would still cheer for him. He would essentially be a face.
I agree with the whole idea of kane being a heel again, minus the mask. Once you take a mask off a wrestler, the mystery is gone. While all the time we knew kane's face wasn't really burned, we always kind of wondered what his face looked like after the "fire". Putting the mask back on him to me just wouldn't work. He'd be perfect just as a monster heel, maybe with somethign like the towel he had over his head after he was unmasked.
it would be better for him to turn heel
but think about it
even him being heel would not do anything because he is a fan favorite
just like with hhh or cena when they were heels
if he turned heel now, cm punk would win the ecw title and go into a long feud with him
it would do ecw mad ratings
I think Kane should be masked aswell, hes obviously fit to be a heel and i don't think that just because people like him he needs to be a face. Whats wrong with a heel being liked by the fans? I know that heel implies bad guy which implies people shouldn't like him. I think he should turn heel tweak his character and if he gets the title on any brand he should be that heel that actually wins matches cleanly, I think it would be good to have a heel in the company that doesn't have to win by cheating. Even make him into a heel that even the other heels are intimidated by.
Sure, Kane as a face is pretty over even though WWE does nothing with him. Heck, he got great reactions over the Summer in his very brief run in with Edge since they actually put him in a main event angle.

BUT, Kane from '03 and '04 as a heel was pretty much one of the best in the WWE. From a psychotic, unstoppable monster who was more mentally burned than physically, to a guy that tortured innocent women and forced her to have his baby, he was the ultimate psychopath!

And, he still got pops from the crowd even as a heel, so he should DEFINITELY be heel again.

It would breathe some new life into him. Even if it's just the same kind of character as he was a couple years ago, at least it's a change of pace.

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