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Should Hulk Hogan wrestle one more match? My opinions: He shouldn't do it anymore

Should Hulk Hogan wrestle one more match?

  • Yes, I want to see a last match.

  • No, he gave his life and his body to this business. He doesn't need to do this anymore.

  • I'm torn. I don't know.

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This is my opinions.

Would you let your father wrestle again in this condition?

First off I'm not bashing on anyone who wants to get in the ring, I'm just like everyone else I respect the hell out of Hulk Hogan. He's the man who made WWE and Wrestlemania to a global phenomena.

We never may had the chance to watch Wrestlmania shows today on TV - and todays wrestlers may never would have been millionaries because of Hulk Hogan.

All real fans respect that, respect the history and respect for all that he's done. He's the man who made it what it is today. He made WWE and Vince filthy rich.

But... seeing Hulk in that ring, in that state he is in. I think it's unfair and the nostalgia factor that drives all the people.

He's seriously hurt as hell, sometimes, he could fucking barely walk. He has done nothing more then sacrificed his whole body, and his whole life to this business.

Why does he do that?

Because he loves you, us, the fans. He loves to hear the people scream one more time, when he says: "This business is my life, and I gave my life for this business"
he's not kidding, he loves the fans, he loves wrestling deeply.

But what does that make us, bringing him out and screaming: "HOGAN HOGAN HOGAN!" do we want this man to be crippled because the fans just want a match out of him time after time?

We need to remember Hulk for what he gave, just craving one more match and seeing the man get seriously hurt in that ring would be devastating for the sport.

Imagine the headlines if he got hurt, it would be a blow to this business as well, and the fans would probably feel bad for craving one more match.

I'm not saying I knows best for what he should or shouldn't do, Hulk can only do that.

I just think we shouldn't crave so much from him, or one more match, because he already gave everything had.

The man have 9 back surgerys. 9 fucking back surgerys!!!
+ Hip replacments... Kneereplacements...and the list goes on.





And his ex-wife, she was a fucking bitch that took half of his money.

He's s basically coming back for everything that ever loved him and stood by him in his career.

He gaved everything for this business, but he don't need to do this.

I'm not saying I decide, but I'm telling you all I don't think he should.

And I'm saying that with all respect I have.

This is not how we should remember the granddaddy. The man who made WWE to what it is today.

Would you let your own father wrestle in this condition? I know I wouldn't.

Hulk has already given us so much.
Does anyone want to see Hogan wrestle? I certainly dont. For various reasons, one of which is because the match will be absolutely horrible, and no one will buy him as a threat to a serious wrestler. There are some people who should never wrestle again, and Hogan and Flair are at the top of that list.
I respect and acknowledge their contribution to the world of pro-wrestling, but please dont have another match. I dont want to see people having to run into Hogan's boot again.

I haven't seen a single person wanting to see Hogan wrestle one more time. I've seen people wanting Austin, Rock, Michaels, Sting, etc to wrestle once more. But never Hogan.
I'm of the opinion that anyone who wants to see Hulk Hogan wrestle again is a fool that needs to stop living in the past, a sadist that relishes the possibility of seeing an old man get hurt or possibly a little bit of both.

Hulk Hogan's 61 years old, he's had multiple, invasive, serious surgical procedures over the course of the last 4 or 5 years on his back, he's had both hips replaced with artificial implants and a right knee implant. Whether Hogan genuinely wants to wrestle in WWE again or not, WWE officials aren't going to let it happen because doctors won't medically clear him. He underwent WWE's various medical exams and evaluations upon signing, so there was probably some interest in him wrestling at one point, but he wasn't cleared. Not only was he not cleared, but WWE went the extra mile of making sure that Hogan wasn't involved in anything physical whatsoever.

However, some of the comments made in the OP are a little ridiculous.

First, I don't know all the details surrounding Hogan's divorce and I'm betting the OP doesn't either. From what I understand, Hogan's wife filed for divorce in late 2007 after it came out that Hogan had an affair with a woman named Christiane Plante during the filming of the Hogan Knows Best reality show. As far as Linda taking half his money, actually she took quite a bit more, that's just par for the course. One of their primary residences was in Beverly Hills, California and California is a community property state where a 50/50 split, at least, is mandatory. It's not exactly fair, or at least it doesn't seem fair, a good deal of the time. If I'm not mistaken, Linda took 70% of Hogan's assets in the divorce. She received property valued at $3 million as part of the settlement and $7.44 million in cash. Hogan's net worth has recovered some as he's estimated to be worth about $8 million.

The notion of Hogan wanting to wrestle again for the love of it, to me at least, is ludicrous because the guy's a 100% shameless self-promoter. What Hogan loves is the spotlight and he's long since been known as someone with problems stepping away from it. Over the past several years, Hogan's stated during interviews that he wants to get back in the ring, that he has "one more match" left in him, that he's training hard to get back into things, etc. It's a means of generating buzz and keeping his name relevant in the wrestling industry because it gets people talking about him. Not holding that against him, as it's a smart thing to do from a business perspective, but it's all just smoke and mirrors.
NO! Hogan had his "one more match" teaming up with Michaels against Hassan and Daivari! Remember that? HBK had the crowd chanting "one more match" to get Hogan to come back.

Then he teamed up with HBK again in the summer, then HBK betrayed him and they wrestled.

OK, that's it right? Nope, he came back the next year and beat Orton.

That's it, right?

Nope, came back 5 years later in TNA and wrestled again.

He's had his "one last match" multiple times. It's over.
Hogan is the ultimate self-promoter and loves the spotlight. He will kick anyone out of the way,who even dares step foot in it.. His divorce cost him a lot it did.. Being a resident in California when your married and get divorced,one or both parties will be screwed.

Who cares If hogan cheated or not,its all a non point. Being 61 years old,and having both hips replaced,knee replacement,and multiple back surgeries he is no way cleared to wrestle ever again.. His body is wrecked beyond belief and i would venture to say he is in pain everyday..

As much as hogan is a dick and the very definition of a narcissist,i would want him to stay out of the ring.. I dont want to see him get hurt at all.. I grew up a hogan fan,as im sure everyone in my age range did as well.. Please Hulk stay out of the ring
For everyone who wants to see Hogan have one last match...

Just remember what happened at Wrestlemania 26, when Bret Hart had his "one last match".
Does anyone seriously want to see Hogan wrestle again, I don't? The man is in his sixties and should be enjoying his life to the extent that his broken down body will let him. Those people that want to see him wrestle again, well the word douchebags springs to mind.

There is enough talent on the roster, and those are the people I want to see in the ring. Now don't get me wrong, I love Hogan and always have, but the last thing I want to see is him, do an elbow drop or a big boot and have to be stretchered away.

No stay out of the ring, wrestling wise for fucks sake.
He's had his "one last match" multiple times. It's over.

I agree that it's over. I don't want to see him wrestle.

But I wouldn't put him in the same class as Flair, who had a grand send-off into retirement, and was wrestling in TNA not too long after.

Maybe I missed something, but Hogan has never really "retired", it just got to a point where his body couldn't let him do it anymore.

Since he has been back in the fold in the WWE he has left the door open to having another match, and if I had to put money on it, I would bet it happens.

I think his last match will be with Cena. A heel John Cena.;)
I think his last match will be with Cena. A heel John Cena.;)

No really, seriously. You said in your first statement that it's over for Hogan in the ring, and then you end by saying he should have a match with a heel Cena.

Well Cena will never turn heel, and Hogan shouldn't be anywhere near a ring if he is wrestling. He wouldn't be medically cleared to do it. He might have left the door open, but the WWE aren't idiots........okay well they are at times, but this isn't one of those times.
its Like what others said before, he already gave everything he had in the ring, a long time ago. in fact some people say he shouldn't have wrestled back in 2003 or 05. i think he has done enough.
No really, seriously. You said in your first statement that it's over for Hogan in the ring, and then you end by saying he should have a match with a heel Cena.

Two different things here. "Should he?" and "Will he?".

The question was "SHOULD" he wrestle again. I said no, I personally think it's "over" and he should not have another match.

But whether he WILL have another match is a different question. And I just think that the WWE & Hogan will try to put together an official "final match".

And I was joking about Hogan vs. a heel Cena, hence my use of the ";)" emoticon at the end of that comment.
No, I most certainly don't want to see him wrestle again. In fact, his last match should have been against Vince at WM19. Perfect scenario, epic comeback in 2002-2003, epic match with everything coming full circle.The poor guy can't leave it be until his body physically won't let him though. I wouldn't mind seeing him get a little physical sometimes though, or part of a decent storyline from time to time.
ok now this is an opinión of a guy Who didnt start to follow wrestling hulk hogan or his carreer till late 1998.. Now you might call me one of the biggest hulk hogan fans in the whole world. I may know more about him than most people. To the people who knows everything he has been thru his whole life and if he can go all those surgeries and claim he is 100% to go out and wrestle again, are we to stop him because if his age ?! I say if he is still got it at 61 years of age... we all know he can still draw better than most in the business, why not let him do it till he physically can't anymore ? Because we are not him only he knows if he us up for it and most people wrestlers or non wrestlers, anyone who goes thru that many surgeries and still want to do it again so chalk it up that he is supernanlike and age shouldn't stop him or anyone else until they physically can't do it anymore. His heart is in it and he still claims he can physically do it throughout everything he has been thru I say give him as many matches as he can handle not one but lets see him do a fill time run till he can't do it anymore if the ratings are higher and it provides a lot more viewers than usual why should we stop him from going out there? because of his age? come on people age never stopped Brett Favre or Michael Jordan, it was themselves that said they physically couldn't perform anymore not their ages that did the talking. Remember without hogan in the first place what's to say we would have a wwe to talk about ? I say let him do it whether its one match or a hundred ..out of respect ..plus we all know the man will draw ratings regardless so why deprive the man after everything he had been thru ? I say let him be the one to decide when to puts the boots up for good because the company would never be here today without him.
I would agree with hulkfan84...if he could still pull off an actual match.

Unfortunately he cant, so why should the fans have to sit through a cringe worthy punching and kicking shit fest just because hogan either needs the money or simply refuses to give up the spotlight?

If its the former I would hope Vince could just set that right.

Why not just embrace the Brock Lesnar "grandpa" comment and portray a new "wise elder og" type of hogan character?
First, I'll preface this post by saying that while I am a HUGE Hulk Hogan fan, I say no way to another match. I personally wouldn't want to see it after what I saw at TNA Bound For Glory 2011. Just not something I think The Hulkster should do.

The notion of Hogan wanting to wrestle again for the love of it, to me at least, is ludicrous because the guy's a 100% shameless self-promoter. What Hogan loves is the spotlight and he's long since been known as someone with problems stepping away from it. Over the past several years, Hogan's stated during interviews that he wants to get back in the ring, that he has "one more match" left in him, that he's training hard to get back into things, etc. It's a means of generating buzz and keeping his name relevant in the wrestling industry because it gets people talking about him. Not holding that against him, as it's a smart thing to do from a business perspective, but it's all just smoke and mirrors.

Jack-Hammer, you're an awesome poster, and I am not saying that to kiss ass. I sincerely mean that man. However, as far as what Hogan does being for the "love" or not. I feel, from my own experiences on multiple occasions, he is a guy that does care. I really do. There’s a video later on I will provide. Hogan's not the only one guilty of being around well past their "shelf life” in wrestling, I mean Ric Flair had an IC Title run of 155 days at 56 years of age, that exceeded the amount of time that fellow legends such as Rick Rude and Ricky Steamboat had held the strap, and this was when they were youngsters with a career ahead of them still. Sammartino was utilized at a similar age as Hogan when he was waylaying youngsters like Piper, Savage, and Honky Tonk Man. Well I should say, at the time they were youngsters. And there also has to come a time where you can only blame Hogan so much for the "spotlight hogging" when WWE always finds a way to bring him back, that's on them. However, it’s been YEARS since Hogan has been in a wrestling role where he was headlining shows for the WWE. We haven’t seen that in almost a decade.

Even with his TNA run, while he was definitely on TV and you were aware of his presence, I'll stand to say that the conception of him overpowering the whole company is an oversimplification as well. He wrestled a handful of matches, most being tag team scenarios where he just got a few hits in on his opponents while someone else did the rest of the heavy lifting and in his ONE singles match in TNA he lost to a fellow "old timer". Not once did he ever win a title, I know health reasons are something most people will counter to say why he didn't win a title, but let's put it this way. His first night in WCW, he was World Champion. His TNA debut predated him having to get all these surgeries, if a World Title run was that important, he would have gotten it right there and then the night he showed up. As an authority figure, there were times they used him a lot, no different than the Mr. McMahon nonsense. But there were also several shows where he was nowhere to be seen. I know people also groaned when he brought friends in, but it’s not like he was doing what Verne Gagne was doing with the AWA Title bookings by keeping the belt between them more often than not.

Anyway Jack-Hammer, again always love getting your insight, but I had to point out what I disagreed with. Just the same, still love reading what you got to say, no ifs, ands or buts.

As much as hogan is a dick and the very definition of a narcissist,i would want him to stay out of the ring.. I dont want to see him get hurt at all.. I grew up a hogan fan,as im sure everyone in my age range did as well.. Please Hulk stay out of the ring

Pedigree1, love your posts too man and always appreciate your insight. As far as the terms dick and narcissist. As I was touching on with Jack-Hammer, wrestling and well any other fame and fortune based endeavor is not a road paved of altruism for completely selfless individuals to walk on. I’m not saying that Hulk Hogan would be an easy person to work with, but to be honest, I am sure many a people in the wrestling world could be difficult. When you think of the competitive nature of wrestling despite it not being an actual contested sport, I don’t expect these guys and gals to not have a rod up their ass a time or two when it comes to their best interests.

However, the way I base wrestlers is on how they treat me, I don’t care what I hear about on the internet or the crazy stuff they’re saying on TV to promote themselves, if they treat me well, that’s all I care about.

Unless any of us have been on the other side of the wrestling business and not just a fan, how do we really know how we’d act when we’re working in an arena where our livelihoods are not guaranteed and are contractually based with no union representation? Hell, even actual sports have that.

I’m biased because I’ve met Hogan and what I thought was going to be a “Thanks for the funds BROTHER…NEXT” type of experience, considering the line was snaking down and around the hallway of the venue I met him at, it turned out to be more than just that.


An experience I’ll never forget, I am not the biggest TNA fan but meeting Hogan, Sting, D-Von Dudley, and others was a fun time for me, and it was a good experience even if these guys aren’t the young lions they once were. And they went above what they were “obligated” to do in pleasing a fan. At the end of the day, that’s what it should be about instead of just always standing by the fact that it’s always just for a paycheck. Again, like I said before these people have to make a living, I can’t blame them for that.
How is this a thread? He's over 60 years and can barely walk. What the hell kind of match do you think he even has the capability to put on for anybody? One fall to his ass to deliver a senior citizen legdrop will put him in the hospital because he'll probably screw up every bone in his body that's been fixed over the past how many years. Hell... his spine will probably rupture and come out of his skin.

Enough with the Hogan "One More Match" chants, threads, thoughts, etc.... If you have a thought about Hogan wrestling one more match and trying to come up with a way in your head he can do it, just go smack yourself in the head with a pail. Let. It. Go.
Oh hell yes I want to see HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN wrestle again. Anyone who says that he couldn't be taken as a serious threat, that he is too old or has had too many surgeries to be taken seriously needs to take off the mark feeding bag and realise that pro wrestling is a work. Every criticism that can be applied to HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN getting back into the ring could also be applied to one of the most famous and fondly remembered matches of all time: HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN vs Andre the Giant at WrestleMania III. Andre, like HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN today was crippled. He had previously retired because he was in extraordinary pain as a result of his disease as well as wrestling injuries. He had to have severe back surgery before he could return to the ring. When he returned he could barely walk, he was practically immobile, he was slower than ever and could barely bump without risking severe injury. Yet he and HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN had what is arguably THE most famous match of all time. Yet the match was technically a total disaster. Andre couldn't even lift HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN up for a backdrop on the floor. HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN had to crawl down his back. So then how is it that this match is remembered so fondly? Especially since these two men had so many matches that were so much better. Because their legacies carried them through. The build up for the match was extraordinary yet their physical contact prior to the match consisted of a single headbutt in a battle royal. But that's all that was needed. In the end an incredible story of betrayal and overcoming the odds was told without the need of a five star quality match to make what remains to this day one of if not THE most famous match of all time.

The same is true with HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN. He has the same problems that Andre had at WrestleMania III. Like Andre he has the back issue, the bumping issue and other similar wellness issues. But like Andre he also has the reputation, legacy, popularity and nostalgia to draw from.Andre was carried at WrestleMania III and HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN can be carried today. But in both cases a great story can be told. So there is no such thing as "he can't be seen as a threat". It's a work people. It's not real.

In the end only HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN knows if he is capable of it. If he is physically capable of pulling off ANY kind of match -even one as ugly as Andre the Giant's performance at WrestleMania III - and, more importantly if he really WANTS to do it, then I am not only all for it, but I think that it is our duty as wrestling fans to support him. Just as surly as we support Randy Savage getting into the HOF we should support HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN getting one more match.
Oh hell yes I want to see HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN wrestle again. Anyone who says that he couldn't be taken as a serious threat, that he is too old or has had too many surgeries to be taken seriously needs to take off the mark feeding bag and realise that pro wrestling is a work. Every criticism that can be applied to HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN getting back into the ring could also be applied to one of the most famous and fondly remembered matches of all time: HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN vs Andre the Giant at WrestleMania III. Andre, like HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN today was crippled. He had previously retired because he was in extraordinary pain as a result of his disease as well as wrestling injuries. He had to have severe back surgery before he could return to the ring. When he returned he could barely walk, he was practically immobile, he was slower than ever and could barely bump without risking severe injury. Yet he and HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN had what is arguably THE most famous match of all time. Yet the match was technically a total disaster. Andre couldn't even lift HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN up for a backdrop on the floor. HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN had to crawl down his back. So then how is it that this match is remembered so fondly? Especially since these two men had so many matches that were so much better. Because their legacies carried them through. The build up for the match was extraordinary yet their physical contact prior to the match consisted of a single headbutt in a battle royal. But that's all that was needed. In the end an incredible story of betrayal and overcoming the odds was told without the need of a five star quality match to make what remains to this day one of if not THE most famous match of all time.

The same is true with HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN. He has the same problems that Andre had at WrestleMania III. Like Andre he has the back issue, the bumping issue and other similar wellness issues. But like Andre he also has the reputation, legacy, popularity and nostalgia to draw from.Andre was carried at WrestleMania III and HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN can be carried today. But in both cases a great story can be told. So there is no such thing as "he can't be seen as a threat". It's a work people. It's not real.

In the end only HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN knows if he is capable of it. If he is physically capable of pulling off ANY kind of match -even one as ugly as Andre the Giant's performance at WrestleMania III - and, more importantly if he really WANTS to do it, then I am not only all for it, but I think that it is our duty as wrestling fans to support him. Just as surly as we support Randy Savage getting into the HOF we should support HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN getting one more match.

Boss, this is not 1987 anymore. That match was 27 years ago. Yes, Andre was near crippled because of his weight, and nearly destroyed Hogan's career when Hogan body slammed him. You now need medical clearances to wrestle in the WWE today. No way in God's name will ANY physician worth his license clear Hogan to wrestle.

That said, Hogan is trying to create hype for Hogan., period, end of discussion. Hogan only gives a damn for the paycheck, not his legacy, not the business. If he really gave a damn for the business, he would just come out when he is told to and do the sketches he is told to do and that is it. If he really wants to open his mouth about the business and where he fits, he should be doing it to try to help those colleagues via the Cauliflower Alley Club in raising money for those wrestlers in need. Iron Sheik needs knee and hip replacement surgery and cannot afford it. Kamala had his leg and foot amputated and needs help. Lord knows about other wrestlers from Hogan's era that need help. Why does he not use his voice to say, "Let's help these great wrestlers of yesteryear in need, Brother."? Because Hogan is all about Hogan, period. That said, if the Titan Towers Gang even DREAMS of letting Hogan wrestle one last match, I will quit them cold turkey like I did when that title change BS at Caesar's Palace between Yokozuna, Hart and Hogan. Worst finish in history, and NWA/WCW found a new fan.
Oh hell yes I want to see HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN wrestle again. Anyone who says that he couldn't be taken as a serious threat, that he is too old or has had too many surgeries to be taken seriously needs to take off the mark feeding bag and realise that pro wrestling is a work. Every criticism that can be applied to HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN getting back into the ring could also be applied to one of the most famous and fondly remembered matches of all time: HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN vs Andre the Giant at WrestleMania III. Andre, like HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN today was crippled. He had previously retired because he was in extraordinary pain as a result of his disease as well as wrestling injuries. He had to have severe back surgery before he could return to the ring. When he returned he could barely walk, he was practically immobile, he was slower than ever and could barely bump without risking severe injury. Yet he and HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN had what is arguably THE most famous match of all time. Yet the match was technically a total disaster. Andre couldn't even lift HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN up for a backdrop on the floor. HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN had to crawl down his back. So then how is it that this match is remembered so fondly? Especially since these two men had so many matches that were so much better. Because their legacies carried them through. The build up for the match was extraordinary yet their physical contact prior to the match consisted of a single headbutt in a battle royal. But that's all that was needed. In the end an incredible story of betrayal and overcoming the odds was told without the need of a five star quality match to make what remains to this day one of if not THE most famous match of all time.

The same is true with HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN. He has the same problems that Andre had at WrestleMania III. Like Andre he has the back issue, the bumping issue and other similar wellness issues. But like Andre he also has the reputation, legacy, popularity and nostalgia to draw from.Andre was carried at WrestleMania III and HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN can be carried today. But in both cases a great story can be told. So there is no such thing as "he can't be seen as a threat". It's a work people. It's not real.

In the end only HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN knows if he is capable of it. If he is physically capable of pulling off ANY kind of match -even one as ugly as Andre the Giant's performance at WrestleMania III - and, more importantly if he really WANTS to do it, then I am not only all for it, but I think that it is our duty as wrestling fans to support him. Just as surly as we support Randy Savage getting into the HOF we should support HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN getting one more match.

You cant compare Andre and Hogan. You cant compare 1987 and 2014.

Andre was 7'4" and around 450 pounds, a true giant. But more importantly, people didn't have to suspend their belief to believe that Andre The Giant was a threat to Hulk Hogan.
Not just that, many people, including Hulk Hogan, have said several times that if Andre The Giant chose to walk out of WrestleMania III as the WWE champion, Hulk Hogan couldn't have done anything to stop him. Which means that in 1987, even with all his injuries Andre The Giant could have whooped Hogan in a legit shoot/fight. Is there a single person in the WWE roster today who Hogan can beat in a legit fight?

Also it was 1987, the internet was pretty much non-existent. No one really know exactly what Andre The Giant was going through, and WWE build him perfectly.
Everyone today knows Hogan has both his hips replaced, went through several back surgeries, had a knee replaced, etc.

Thanks for everything Hogan. But please, not another match.
I don't understand the point of this thread. The way this thread has been written kind of implies that it is the fans who desperately want to see Hogan work another match but I don't see anyone wanting to see Hogan do another match, apart from Hogan himself. He has been talking shit about guys like Brock and Austin hoping Vince would let him do another match. Personally, I would love to see Lesnar absolutely destroy Hogan again like he did back in 2002 and put him out of his misery.
I think Hogan wants one last match, that's why he's hyping for one more match.

I think him and Austin have talked with eachother about this, and are hyping it up a little . Austin said he could wrestle too one more match.

Hogan and Austin are good friends. And Kevin Nash is one of Austins best friends, and one of only 2 people he has regualry contact in this business, like Austin said in the interview.

I think Hogan&Austin are trying to hype the match up. And throwing it out there to see the response.

But look at Hulk Hogans body in the first page, look what he have done.

We all have a friend, mother, father that have gone through operations. We know how much it hurts and what it cost.

Look at Hogans body man, the man has sacrificed everything for this industry.
If I'm not mistaken, Linda took 70% of Hogan's assets in the divorce. She received property valued at $3 million as part of the settlement and $7.44 million in cash.

You may be right, that she took 70%. Holy shit, I only thought it was 50% that she stole from him.
Linda divorced again what I heard, from that young guy. She's one dirty bitch.
I don't understand the point of this thread. The way this thread has been written kind of implies that it is the fans who desperately want to see Hogan work another match but I don't see anyone wanting to see Hogan do another match, apart from Hogan himself. He has been talking shit about guys like Brock and Austin hoping Vince would let him do another match. Personally, I would love to see Lesnar absolutely destroy Hogan again like he did back in 2002 and put him out of his misery.

Before I go any further, I have to ask if you're over 18 or not? That way I can have a sense of understanding as to why you ABSOLUTELY think that Hogan "talking shit" about Steve Austin and Brock Lesnar is on the level...I mean for Christ's sake most of this stuff Hogan is more or less trolling the internet about is done on sites like TMZ for starters.

I mean seriously man, if you're anywhere near the age of where you should already know that this is make believe, then I really have to wonder what's becoming of people today.

No one here knows exactly how Hogan's contract is worded, I am willing to venture an educated guess as to that being the case. For all you know, there could be a stipulation that if Hogan can ever physically be cleared that WWE would want him to do some sort of match. Again, this is speculation on my part, not certainty...again though, I'm not a doctor nor do I work for WWE, so I am not privy to this. That's just one scenario I'm speculating could be possible but who really knows? At the top of this discussion, I said I definitely don't think it's in his best interests to get back in the ring, but again blame Hogan all you want but don't forget to hold WWE just as accountable. Once more, they are the ones giving him the platform.

But seriously, this "Keeping Up With The Kardashians" style of banter that all these wrestlers are doing today is really unbecoming and sadly has really duped a lot of people.

I always say, if I can't trust public officials to be telling the truth why the hell am I going to be so quick to buy the sincerity of anything a pro wrestler says, especially when deception, misdirection and manipulation of what's true and false is the tactic du jour in their job description.

My advice, take anything these people, not just Hogan, say with a grain of salt. Especially when Hogan's under a WWE contract just like Brock Lesnar. Before I end this latest post, please don't tell me you bought CM Punk's little sitdown verbal teardown of WWE to be 100 percent on the level either, did you?

Again, at the end of the day, this stuff is entertainment...next thing I know, I'm going to be reading someone talk about the latest bullshit on the front page of the latest edition of Weekly World News.

Oh god, how I just wish for a simpler time where what happened on the screen is what wrestling fans would primarily discuss...not this "he said, she said" tabloid bullshit.
Before I go any further, I have to ask if you're over 18 or not? That way I can have a sense of understanding as to why you ABSOLUTELY think that Hogan "talking shit" about Steve Austin and Brock Lesnar is on the level...I mean for Christ's sake most of this stuff Hogan is more or less trolling the internet about is done on sites like TMZ for starters.

I mean seriously man, if you're anywhere near the age of where you should already know that this is make believe, then I really have to wonder what's becoming of people today.

No one here knows exactly how Hogan's contract is worded, I am willing to venture an educated guess as to that being the case. For all you know, there could be a stipulation that if Hogan can ever physically be cleared that WWE would want him to do some sort of match. Again, this is speculation on my part, not certainty...again though, I'm not a doctor nor do I work for WWE, so I am not privy to this. That's just one scenario I'm speculating could be possible but who really knows? At the top of this discussion, I said I definitely don't think it's in his best interests to get back in the ring, but again blame Hogan all you want but don't forget to hold WWE just as accountable. Once more, they are the ones giving him the platform.

But seriously, this "Keeping Up With The Kardashians" style of banter that all these wrestlers are doing today is really unbecoming and sadly has really duped a lot of people.

I always say, if I can't trust public officials to be telling the truth why the hell am I going to be so quick to buy the sincerity of anything a pro wrestler says, especially when deception, misdirection and manipulation of what's true and false is the tactic du jour in their job description.

My advice, take anything these people, not just Hogan, say with a grain of salt. Especially when Hogan's under a WWE contract just like Brock Lesnar. Before I end this latest post, please don't tell me you bought CM Punk's little sitdown verbal teardown of WWE to be 100 percent on the level either, did you?

Again, at the end of the day, this stuff is entertainment...next thing I know, I'm going to be reading someone talk about the latest bullshit on the front page of the latest edition of Weekly World News.

Oh god, how I just wish for a simpler time where what happened on the screen is what wrestling fans would primarily discuss...not this "he said, she said" tabloid bullshit.

Extremyl well well said.

It's pretty amazing that still a few people doesn't get it when wrestlers are just trolling and creating a buzz around a match.
That should be a sticky so those ******-people know it's not reality.
Before I go any further, I have to ask if you're over 18 or not? That way I can have a sense of understanding as to why you ABSOLUTELY think that Hogan "talking shit" about Steve Austin and Brock Lesnar is on the level...I mean for Christ's sake most of this stuff Hogan is more or less trolling the internet about is done on sites like TMZ for starters.

I mean seriously man, if you're anywhere near the age of where you should already know that this is make believe, then I really have to wonder what's becoming of people today.

No one here knows exactly how Hogan's contract is worded, I am willing to venture an educated guess as to that being the case. For all you know, there could be a stipulation that if Hogan can ever physically be cleared that WWE would want him to do some sort of match. Again, this is speculation on my part, not certainty...again though, I'm not a doctor nor do I work for WWE, so I am not privy to this. That's just one scenario I'm speculating could be possible but who really knows? At the top of this discussion, I said I definitely don't think it's in his best interests to get back in the ring, but again blame Hogan all you want but don't forget to hold WWE just as accountable. Once more, they are the ones giving him the platform.

But seriously, this "Keeping Up With The Kardashians" style of banter that all these wrestlers are doing today is really unbecoming and sadly has really duped a lot of people.

I always say, if I can't trust public officials to be telling the truth why the hell am I going to be so quick to buy the sincerity of anything a pro wrestler says, especially when deception, misdirection and manipulation of what's true and false is the tactic du jour in their job description.

My advice, take anything these people, not just Hogan, say with a grain of salt. Especially when Hogan's under a WWE contract just like Brock Lesnar. Before I end this latest post, please don't tell me you bought CM Punk's little sitdown verbal teardown of WWE to be 100 percent on the level either, did you?

Again, at the end of the day, this stuff is entertainment...next thing I know, I'm going to be reading someone talk about the latest bullshit on the front page of the latest edition of Weekly World News.

Oh god, how I just wish for a simpler time where what happened on the screen is what wrestling fans would primarily discuss...not this "he said, she said" tabloid bullshit.

Calm down. It is well known that Hogan's an attention seeker who would do almost anything to get noticed. Due to the success he enjoyed during the peak of his career he doesn't want to part with it completely. I would say it's a kind of a withdrawal symptom.

The way the OP has structured his post implies that Hogan has sacrificed himself throughout his career and wants to work another match merely for the entertainment of the fans, which I don't agree with. It was wrestling that made him a millionaire and global icon that he is. He has clearly gained a lot from being a pro wrestler and he clearly misses having the cameras on him so let's not pretend that he is some kind of martyr who wants to wrestle solely for our sake because quite frankly, most of us are not even interested. Even if he were in his prime today his larger than life gimmick and limited move set would not go well with today's audience. This is not the 80's anymore.

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