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Should Hulk Hogan wrestle one more match? My opinions: He shouldn't do it anymore

Should Hulk Hogan wrestle one more match?

  • Yes, I want to see a last match.

  • No, he gave his life and his body to this business. He doesn't need to do this anymore.

  • I'm torn. I don't know.

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As I've said in other threads I'm one of the few that's want to see Hogan have one more match, because he deserves it. He deserves to have one last match in some form for company he carried for a long time, and no that doesn't make me a fool. It also doesn't mean I want to see him get hurt. As a huge Hogan fan I'd like to see him get in there one more time for the nostalgia of it. He's Hulk Hogan. I've said before that WWE should do whatever they can to help get around his limitations. A tag match would work best.

Hogan knows what he's capable of doing, if he thinks he can get through one more match, why not? All the guy has to do is "Hulk Up" and the place instantly goes nuts. Yes it's nostalgia based but nostalgia is a big part of wrestling these days.

He got through his grand total of two televised TNA matches and I'd venture to say he's in better shape now then he was then.
Calm down. It is well known that Hogan's an attention seeker who would do almost anything to get noticed. Due to the success he enjoyed during the peak of his career he doesn't want to part with it completely. I would say it's a kind of a withdrawal symptom.

Oh yeah, you're definitely one of those "It's still real to me....DAMMIT!" types judging from those first few sentences of your reply. Again, mix an alpha male ego and an endeavor of fame and fortune for good measure and you're going to get people that will be attention seekers. Professional Wrestling is predicated on that as well as Hollywood, TV, and actual sports. Hogan's not an exception, he's the rule. He's in good company.

The way the OP has structured his post implies that Hogan has sacrificed himself throughout his career and wants to work another match merely for the entertainment of the fans, which I don't agree with.

To quote Heath Ledger from "The Dark Knight", "If you're good at something never do it for free."

You could argue that Bruno Sammartino, Steve Austin, Jesse Ventura are just a few short list of names that have come back for reasons more than just the fans as well, the decimal points for them were always put in the right place. Professional Wrestling isn't a Non-Profit Organization there, chief. Until you've actually been in the wrestling business yourself, I'm going to assume you're not based on your asinine generalizations of professional wrestlers. I wasn't either but I know what it's like to take on a challenging endeavor in a competitive environment like the military. Again, most people who go on the internet that buy everything they see, read or here on it usually aren't the types that do they just "talk".

Since I'm going with the initial assumption you're just a fan, I'd say it behoove you to pick which words you would use to question ANY individual that's ever been a professional wrestler. I apply that same mentality to professional wrestlers that I don't even like let alone the ones I grew up idolizing.

But like I said, I can tell you first hand what someone like Hulk Hogan thinks of his fans and that is that he thinks highly of them, I can also say the same about gentlemen like Terry Funk, Bret Hart, D-Von Dudley and others, who I've had the opportunity to meet and have conversations with. Again, I go with the same stance I had earlier, considering the nature of their line of work, I only take things with a grain of salt.

I happen to come from the school of thought that I base my true opinions on people based on how they've treated me, not what some keyboard warriors tap away at on their dirt sheet reports or what sensationalists from outlets like TMZ tell me.

Based on the hook, line and sinker bit Hogan pulled on you through his "calling out" of Brock Lesnar on TMZ, I bet you'd probably of the same camp that thinks Obama is secretly a totalitarian muslim, a modern day Hitler if you will, waiting to amend the constitution to give himself a dictatorship. Or better yet, just flush the entire document down the toilet and bring an overseas Muslim Army to the White House to "fuck shit up".

Maybe, you were told that a seance with Jim Morrison, John F. Kennedy and Elvis isn't necessary because they're actually all chilling on an island somewhere, meaning that you'd probably still have a chance to meet them. Hell, Hitler could even be there too.

It was wrestling that made him a millionaire and global icon that he is. He has clearly gained a lot from being a pro wrestler and he clearly misses having the cameras on him so let's not pretend that he is some kind of martyr who wants to wrestle solely for our sake because quite frankly, most of us are not even interested.

Again, time will tell, if they ever actually pull the trigger on this one. I personally don't see it happening, they haven't let Flair go out there and do anything that would constitute a full length match. And again call the shirt tuckers in Stamford, Connecticut about why Hogan's getting back in the ring, if he actually does. After all, they're the ones signing his paycheck, you whiner.

Even if he were in his prime today his larger than life gimmick and limited move set would not go well with today's audience. This is not the 80's anymore.

If Hogan were around today as a younger performer, it's very likely that he would have done what he had to do work in the time he was placed. Again, Hogan came from a far different era and for your information, despite becoming a TRULY big star in the 80s. Hogan cut his teeth in the business in the 1970s. While I'm inclined to think that Hiro Matsuda breaking his leg was part of the Hogan legend and not 100 percent fact, I'm not going to deny what he had to go through to get where he got.

Personally, I and well any other level headed individual enjoy professional wrestling to allow a break from reality, that's what its actual purpose is. It isn't there to replace reality. You didn't answer my original question about your age either...I'll assume you're over 18, and if you are, shame on you for being so damn gullible. But then again, the fact that Hogan's comments on a platform like TMZ of all places was enough to get you to talk about him, shows that even if he can't wrestle a match anymore, he can still get your attention, meaning that he's doing something right to keep people paying attention.

Hulk Hogan on Brock Lesnar: TMZ 08/20/2014

And look here, instead of making you go and look it up yourself, I did the leg work for you, but then again, when I'm out to make a point and fact find, I always have a source to back it up. But there you go, again a media outlet like TMZ reported something that you're thinking is the 100 percent gospel and not just something to build tension for potential WWE storyline threads.

Dios mio, that's what the Latin part of me just can't stop saying over and over in my mind, and I'm an agnostic in the first place, so getting myself to take the Lord's name in vein...well I save that for special occasions. Congratulations on being one of the few to receive such a dubious honor.

Again though, I part with the following sentence, as only David Wills could say it best, I'm inclined to even think that David himself could be part of the "smoke and mirrors" of professional wrestling lore in the form of a plant. But regardless of whether he is a plant or isn't...he does indeed symbolize what an impressionable lot many of us fans can be at times, and not always in a good way.

HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN should not only wrestle one more match but he should get one more world title win. Every single reason that the haters give for him not wrestling only adds to the story that makes HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN the ultimate underdog which will make the build up all the more great and make his victory all the more satisfying. HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN deserves this last great moment and the fans deserve it as well.
HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN should not only wrestle one more match but he should get one more world title win. Every single reason that the haters give for him not wrestling only adds to the story that makes HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN the ultimate underdog which will make the build up all the more great and make his victory all the more satisfying. HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN deserves this last great moment and the fans deserve it as well.

No, Boss, he does not. A title win?!? I hope to God that you are being sarcastic, because if Hogan ever wins a strap in WWE, Vince might as well close the company because nobody will ever believe anything that WWE does again. I know that you are a Hogan mark to the nth power, but you cannot be so blind as to see that he will never wrestle a match ever again.
No, Boss, he does not. A title win?!? I hope to God that you are being sarcastic, because if Hogan ever wins a strap in WWE, Vince might as well close the company because nobody will ever believe anything that WWE does again. I know that you are a Hogan mark to the nth power, but you cannot be so blind as to see that he will never wrestle a match ever again.

And that is on WWE, if they do something as risky as give Hogan the World Title. However, it wouldn't be as absurd as necrophelia and McMahon's limousine explosion death hoax. Those things have made me stop beleiving in WWE the way I used to. Those angles were utter garbage and not that I want it to happen but it wouldn't be the first time someone pushing 60/past 60 won a title. Vince himself did that...TWICE.

While I appreciate Boss' love for The Hulkster, I don't think it's worth risking any further damage to his health, but let's be real here people, your problem should lie with WWE for most of this because after all, Hogan doesn't run the place...The McMahons do. Do keep that in mind.
And that is on WWE, if they do something as risky as give Hogan the World Title. However, it wouldn't be as absurd as necrophelia and McMahon's limousine explosion death hoax. Those things have made me stop beleiving in WWE the way I used to. Those angles were utter garbage and not that I want it to happen but it wouldn't be the first time someone pushing 60/past 60 won a title. Vince himself did that...TWICE.

While I appreciate Boss' love for The Hulkster, I don't think it's worth risking any further damage to his health, but let's be real here people, your problem should lie with WWE for most of this because after all, Hogan doesn't run the place...The McMahons do. Do keep that in mind.

What in the blue hell are you talking about? This has nothing to do with age! The whole Universe knows that Hogan is one legdrop from headlining the Paralympics wrestling event with Droz. He can barely walk, and you want to give him the strap? Yes, VKM runs the company. But, even that egomaniac is not stupid enough to give Hogan another title run.
What in the blue hell are you talking about? This has nothing to do with age! The whole Universe knows that Hogan is one legdrop from headlining the Paralympics wrestling event with Droz. He can barely walk, and you want to give him the strap? Yes, VKM runs the company. But, even that egomaniac is not stupid enough to give Hogan another title run.

Where did I even say anything about giving him the strap? All I said was, it wouldn't be any worse than some of the other stupid stuff WWE has done. Hell, they even had Bret Hart win the US Title, years removed from a stroke. Like I said before, it's on WWE if they make that decision, brush up on your reading comprehension there, boss.
No way should he ever wrestle again.

He's done enough! He needs to let everyone enjoy what he's done and not hurt his legacy by having a bad last match.

Plus, he's already had numerous "last matches" in WWE. He wrestled Undertaker and won the WWE title again. He wrestled Shawn Michaels and with Shawn Michaels and wrestled The Rock. Those are all sufficient 'last matches'. Any of them could have been his last match and yet he wrestled more. But now, now for sure, he should not wrestle anymore.

It's stretching it to say Sting should wrestle one more match. But I'm okay with that because Sting is 55 but says he is in shape for one more match and hasn't had nearly the number of surgeries as Hogan and when Sting wrestles one more match it WILL be one last match and he'll be done.

Hogan, the guy is an icon for sure, but he needs to know when to stop. Hey, he should be lucky he CAN walk and isn't in a wheel chair. He should feel lucky he can talk. And, that, I'm okay with. I'm okay with him being in WWE for panel discussions, interviews and hosting. That's cool, because he's still got a great voice. I wouldn't mind him even being a guest commentator at PPVs.

But wrestling? No.
No, Boss, he does not. A title win?!? I hope to God that you are being sarcastic, because if Hogan ever wins a strap in WWE, Vince might as well close the company because nobody will ever believe anything that WWE does again.
Um, nobody believes anything WWE does anyway because EVERYONE KNOWS IT'S FAKE.
I know that you are a Hogan mark to the nth power, but you cannot be so blind as to see that he will never wrestle a match ever again.
Oh, but he will wrestle. Just like Andre the Giant continued to wrestle for years after his back and knee surgeries, HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN will stop only when he wants.
Let alone not wrestle a match, Hogan should never get physical in the ring. No one wants to see that. Fans want to see Hogan come, rip his shirt, flex, cut a promo and leave. Nothing else. Same with Flair. No one wants to see Flair wrestle.
Where did I even say anything about giving him the strap? All I said was, it wouldn't be any worse than some of the other stupid stuff WWE has done. Hell, they even had Bret Hart win the US Title, years removed from a stroke. Like I said before, it's on WWE if they make that decision, brush up on your reading comprehension there, boss.
You insinuated it when you said that "they put the title on Vince....TWICE." after the fact Hogan was in his 60's. Yes, I know that the McMahon's own the company. I also know that, while VKM is an egomanic to the nth power, he is not stupid enough to put his own company in jeopardy.

Um, nobody believes anything WWE does anyway because EVERYONE KNOWS IT'S FAKE.

The World knows that wrestling is scripted storyline. However, in any script, there has to be an aura of believability. Otherwise, no scripted program would exist because nobody would find anything to be believable. For example, it has been said that good science fiction must be based on science fact.

Oh, but he will wrestle. Just like Andre the Giant continued to wrestle for years after his back and knee surgeries, HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN will stop only when he wants.

And, I will say this once more: This is not 1987 anymore. You have not only medical issues, but LIABILITY issues which did not exist back then in wrestling. Furthermore, WWF/E is NOT a "McMahon Family enterprise" in its basic form. The WWF/E is a publicly traded company now. VKM has to answer to a board. If he allows Hogan to wrestle, and again, no physician worth his licence will clear him to wrestle, and the Hulkster gets seriously hurt in the ring, it COULD go as far a gut the stock price and WILL have VKM's shareholders question once again VKM's ability to run WWE. ESPECIALLY if Hogan turns around and sues, which can happen.

Hogan will NEVER wrestle again, period.
You insinuated it when you said that "they put the title on Vince....TWICE." after the fact Hogan was in his 60's. Yes, I know that the McMahon's own the company. I also know that, while VKM is an egomanic to the nth power, he is not stupid enough to put his own company in jeopardy.

I insinuated nothing, I merely stated what has occurred in the past with the WWF/E when it comes to some of their more dubious title changes. At the end of the day, the company is going to do what they want, and I hold them as responsible for their decisions if not more so when it comes to said decisions. So dial back the putting of words in other people's mouths.

So again, I have no clue what Vince McMahon and his cronies will do or won't do, but knowing the stunts they've pulled in the past, nothing will ever surprise me...ever.

My only reason for posting on this subject is the fact of what I've heard people say about Hogan when it comes to criticisms about him. It's fine to not like Hogan, it's fine to not be keen on a return to the ring. Of course, I'm a fan of Hogan but even I can't see where a return to the ring and title win would benefit anyone. I'm only challenging the statements of those that act like whatever Hogan decides to do next along with WWE is a major precedent, when that's hardly anywhere near fact.

But regardless, I've seen WWE do some stuff that goes from the ludicrous all the way to the tasteless, so I won't be surprised at anything that happens.
Vince did win the WWE championship in his 50s, but what you fail to realize that is for about an year and a half before winning the championship Mr. McMahon was the most hated man in pro-wrestling and got more heat that almost anyone ever did in the company. Mr McMahon was over.

Could Hogan come out and get a huge pop on a consistent basis for even 2 months? I highly doubt it. Especially since all he can do is talk.
So saying Hogan could win the title in his 60s, just because Vince won the title in his 50s is absurd and laughable. Completely different scenarios.
Vince did win the WWE championship in his 50s, but what you fail to realize that is for about an year and a half before winning the championship Mr. McMahon was the most hated man in pro-wrestling and got more heat that almost anyone ever did in the company. Mr McMahon was over.

When Vince won the WWF Championship, it was still an asinine move, he was the owner of the actual organization. I think they could have been a little more creative than that. Again though this was the WWF Attitude Era, and titles were changing hands like one would change a pair of socks or underwear. The plot device of "champion" of any kind be it World, IC, Tag Team and so on lost a lot of its meaning and purpose for a competitor to pursue in a storyline due to moves like this and the constant "hot potatoing" after.

Could Hogan come out and get a huge pop on a consistent basis for even 2 months? I highly doubt it. Especially since all he can do is talk.

I'm indifferent to the scenario regardless, as far as how serious Hogan is about getting back in the ring, we'll have to wait and see. Again, the guy is known for telling tall tales and staying in character practically 24/7. Who really knows.

So saying Hogan could win the title in his 60s, just because Vince won the title in his 50s is absurd and laughable. Completely different scenarios.

Time will tell, I put nothing past WWE. Do I think it should happen...absolutely not. Do I think it will happen? Not likely, since I am pretty certain Hogan's not going to wrestle again, despite saying how badly he wants to. But who really knows what can happen, I think WWE and Hogan know better about what will and can happen than you or I.

The could part? Even with the lower tier titles, I've seen people get in the ring that shouldn't have been there. I mean The Miz tapped out to Bret Hart for the United States Title, and Vince was walking around with the ECW Title as well. Those were very absurd storylines, merely for the fact that yes while I get Mr. McMahon was a heel magnet, and that Bret Hart was being given his "feel good" moment, there could have been much better scenarios to utilize.

So, yeah, while it's a ridiculous notion that Hogan in his present condition should get into the ring and win a major title, I've seen silly shit happen in wrestling before, so this definitely wouldn't be a precedent.

If you need it broken down any further, there's a fine line between how I would want to see something happen and I how I think something COULD happen. The way I see it right now, I'm content with Hogan's legends appearances and his WWE Network sponsorship, I don't need to ever see him wrestle again, however I can't say how him and WWE feel about that situation and that's for those two parties to discuss.

We'll just have to see what happens from there.
The World knows that wrestling is scripted storyline. However, in any script, there has to be an aura of believability. Otherwise, no scripted program would exist because nobody would find anything to be believable. For example, it has been said that good science fiction must be based on science fact.
But great writings are based on imagination, great story telling and an ability to bring the audience into a world of fantasy. For example, Ali Baba and his Forty Thieves. The idea of opening up the side of a mountain with a magical command, "Open Sesame!" fascinated generations of readers and movies goers and remains one of the most famous lines ever written. There was no reality here, just great story telling and a great imaginary concept.

And, I will say this once more:
Good because we're tired of hearing it.

This is not 1987 anymore. You have not only medical issues, but LIABILITY issues which did not exist back then in wrestling.
HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN was already cleared to wrestle several times in TNA. So the medical clearance is not the issue.

Furthermore, WWF/E is NOT a "McMahon Family enterprise" in its basic form. The WWF/E is a publicly traded company now.
All the more reason that we will see HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN back in the ring. More likely than not this board is made up of people old enough to remember what HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN did for the sport in the 80s and definitely what he did in the 90s. And just as likely many only know about wrestling because of HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN and with WWE not doing so well right now they will be likely to look at what has worked in the past.

VKM has to answer to a board. If he allows Hogan to wrestle, and again, no physician worth his licence will clear him to wrestle, and the Hulkster gets seriously hurt in the ring, it COULD go as far a gut the stock price and WILL have VKM's shareholders question once again VKM's ability to run WWE. ESPECIALLY if Hogan turns around and sues, which can happen.
Again, HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN was already given clearance to wrestle several times in TNA and the board, like the rest of the world, knows that HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN is the most popular wrestler ever and a return to the ring could help sell the network.

Hogan will NEVER wrestle again, period.
Oh, but he will. And anyone who says, "period" is essentially saying, "Please don't debate me because I have no credible material with which to defend my argument."
Oh, but he will. And anyone who says, "period" is essentially saying, "Please don't debate me because I have no credible material with which to defend my argument."

And you have no credible material with which to assure us that he will. He cannot be medically cleared to compete, so why are you so sure that he will end up in a match? If it's because Hogan said it, then he's his own biggest mark.

And on an unrelated note. This is not the first time I've seen 'HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN' over and over again. Did you used to post under a different name? The reason I ask is not only is it very unique, it's fucking annoying at the same time.
And you have no credible material with which to assure us that he will. He cannot be medically cleared to compete, so why are you so sure that he will end up in a match? If it's because Hogan said it, then he's his own biggest mark.
Oh but there IS proof. He wrestled a handful of matches in TNA. So despite what the dirt sheets and mark blogs write, HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN has already been medically cleared. It's just a matter of when WWE wants to use him. True he can't perform at the level that he once could and once WWE fans see his limitations they won't be as inclined to buy a second PPV to see him. So they must save him for the right moment and build the match properly because they only get one shot at this. I'm not saying that the fans will suddenly turn on HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN, but there's no doubt that they will get more buys before their fans see his limitations.

And on an unrelated note. This is not the first time I've seen 'HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN' over and over again. Did you used to post under a different name? The reason I ask is not only is it very unique, it's fucking annoying at the same time.
No, but I have posted under the same name. I am "The Boss" of Pro Wrestling - the one and only. :headbanger:

And what makes me "The Boss" you ask? 'Cause HOLLYWOOD told me so!
Oh but there IS proof. He wrestled a handful of matches in TNA. So despite what the dirt sheets and mark blogs write, HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN has already been medically cleared. It's just a matter of when WWE wants to use him. True he can't perform at the level that he once could and once WWE fans see his limitations they won't be as inclined to buy a second PPV to see him. So they must save him for the right moment and build the match properly because they only get one shot at this. I'm not saying that the fans will suddenly turn on HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN, but there's no doubt that they will get more buys before their fans see his limitations.

No, but I have posted under the same name. I am "The Boss" of Pro Wrestling - the one and only. :headbanger:

And what makes me "The Boss" you ask? 'Cause HOLLYWOOD told me so!

Oh God I don't know why I bother, but I can't sleep so yea.

Your proof is that he wrestled a handful of matches with TNA. That's it, that's your proof? That proves nothing. He is a wrestler and he wrestled in the past, so what, that doesn't mean he's ready to go again.

And TNA might have cleared him in the past, notice I said, THE PAST. That doesn't mean the WWE will clear him now. Even though some of their decision have been questionable, they aren't that stupid. Putting Hogan in a match is not a good idea for anyone. Hogan himself, the WWE and the fans who want to remember him as he was.
Definitely not, Hulk seriously needs to think of his health his back is done in. Plus he has nothing left to prove, he's done it all. Its sad for wrestlers they don't know when to call it a day, that buzz they get from doing it with the crowd reactions etc must truly be something special.
Your "PAST" was three times AFTER his back surgeries. And let us not forget that they were building toward a match for the TNA World title at Bound For Glory up until HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN'S contract expired.. HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN says that he's ready to go and there is no reason not to believe him.
Even though some of their decision habe been questioning tionable, they aren't that stupid. Putting Hogan in a match is not a good idea for anyone. Hogan himself, the WWE and the fans who want to remember him as he was.
It's a good idea for him so that he can end his career with a big match on a large stage like he deserves. It's good for WWE because they have become very stale as of late, and they have lost a lot of main event talent as of late due to injuries and other means. A big build up to another HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN match will be a great way to pass time while wrestlers heal. And him winning the title and retiring as champion will force them to have a tournament for the vacant championship and allow future main eventers to get their first taste of the main event scene without sending them in full throttle to soon. And finally it will be good for the fans who have grown the of WWE's stagnant product, who would like to see HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN Hulk Up again and once again overcome the odds and bring home the victory. And like you said, fans want to remember him as he was... that is in a WWE ring as WWE World heavyweight champion.
Your "PAST" was three times AFTER his back surgeries. And let us not forget that they were building toward a match for the TNA World title at Bound For Glory up until HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN'S contract expired.. HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN says that he's ready to go and there is no reason not to believe him.
It's a good idea for him so that he can end his career with a big match on a large stage like he deserves. It's good for WWE because they have become very stale as of late, and they have lost a lot of main event talent as of late due to injuries and other means. A big build up to another HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN match will be a great way to pass time while wrestlers heal. And him winning the title and retiring as champion will force them to have a tournament for the vacant championship and allow future main eventers to get their first taste of the main event scene without sending them in full throttle to soon. And finally it will be good for the fans who have grown the of WWE's stagnant product, who would like to see HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN Hulk Up again and once again overcome the odds and bring home the victory. And like you said, fans want to remember him as he was... that is in a WWE ring as WWE World heavyweight champion.

So you want Hogan to show up and beat Lesnar? I'm not arguing the believability or anything but that's just bad booking. I like the tournament idea but why do it for Hogan and not Lesnar? There's nothing new about Hogan being champ, just like there's nothing new in Cena as champ.
So you want Hogan to show up and beat Lesnar?
Not necessarily Lesnar but, whomever is WWE World champion. Although I would enjoy watching HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN defeat Lesnar, I would also be just as happy to see him win the title from Cena, Orton or Bryan (all of whom are Hulkamaniacs and would probably mark out for a chance to be the guy to drop the title to him).
I'm not arguing the believability or anything but that's just bad booking.
How is it bad booking? HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN teams with Cena at the Survivor Series in a traditional match of survival. This way he spends most of the time on the apron playing to the crowd and tags in just a few times to throw a few punches, a corner clothesline, a big boot or two and tags out quickly. HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN gets a couple of false tags but keeps getting pushed out until finally making the hot tag. This way the crowd only gets a taste (while hiding his limitations) and as a result they become hungry for more. But nothing is mentioned of another match.

Everyone thinks that was his "one last match" until the Royal Rumble. When the count down for #27 reaches 0 Real American begins to play and out comes HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN! Have the last guy in the ring with him be someone from the authority like Triple H, Randy Orton or even Batista (if he decides to return) because these are the heels the fans ate tired of and are surely to get behind HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN for. HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN must win the Rumble as it is the only logical way to get him into the WrestleMania main event without wrestling and one on one matches first.

Now that HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN is securely in the WrestleMania main event,it's time for the build. Paul Heyman starts to cut promos about HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN'S surgeries, showing the x-rays and pictures of the scars that have been seen on the internet. Heyman makes HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN look very weak and says that he was warned, to stay out of the ring but he just had to have one more moment of glory and now Lesnar is going to cripple him like he's never been crippled before. Heyman says, "When Lesnar is through with him, all the king's horses and all the king's men will never put Grampa together again!"

The purpose is to make HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN a huge underdog so that his comeback upset victory is that much more impressive and guarantees a bigger pop and also to lower the fans expectations of what HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN will be able to do so that his match will feel more intense. In the end, HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN'S come from behind upset victory over the most dangerous man in wrestling today to over come the odds and win the title one more time and end the greatest career, on the greatest stage with arguably his greatest victory will make for one of the greatest WrestleMania moments of all time.

Then, like I said, HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN retires as champion (after appearingon RAW and reminding us that he set another record by becoming the oldest World champion of all time). This opens the door for a tournament to be held where in addition to current main eventers, several future main eventers can compete so to get a taste of the main event scene and thus start their transfer to the main event. One or two of them can even pull off a major upset over a main event guy to get the fans to support them.

So how is that bad booking? It utilizes the most famous wrestler of all time in a realistic angle while the WWE face roster is slim and the product feels stale. It tastes HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN at first to hide his limitations and allows him to play to his strengths of working the crowd and leave then wanting more. He wins the Rumble as a surprise entrant (I believe he would be the first legend to do so thus bringing back that feeling that anything can happen) and secures his match at WrestleMania assuring that he will be healthy and have time to build the match. Then the twist of Heyman "revealing" (to the casual fans anyway) HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN'S injuries and more important, playing to them and stating how Brock is going to focus on them and cripple him like never before. HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN comes back out to the event that he made famous and against all odds pulls off the victory (and hopefully steals a quote from Rocky II, "Yo Hulkamaniacs, WE DID IT!") to end his career on top and make for one of the most memorable moments in wrestling history. And it gives reason for the tournament to push the new guys so it is even good for the long term as well.

So again, how is it bad booking? It has everything. Short term, long term great timing - WWE is in need of something while their main event face roster, HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN wants to wrestle and seeing as how it is already autumn the time line is just about right and the tournament takes place when WWE traditional begins new angles - great story and fun.

I like the tournament idea but why do it for Hogan and not Lesnar?
Do what for Lesnar? He's the champion. He's not retiring anytime soon. He's not the greatest of all time. Oh, and most important... how in the name of Hell could their be a tournament if Lesnar is still champion?
There's nothing new about Hogan being champ, just like there's nothing new in Cena as champ.
Big difference, HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN has not been champion for 12 years. The majority of WWE's audience were not even born then. So yes, a HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN World title victory would be new to many.
Not necessarily Lesnar but, whomever is WWE World champion. Although I would enjoy watching HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN defeat Lesnar, I would also be just as happy to see him win the title from Cena, Orton or Bryan (all of whom are Hulkamaniacs and would probably mark out for a chance to be the guy to drop the title to him). How is it bad booking? HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN teams with Cena at the Survivor Series in a traditional match of survival. This way he spends most of the time on the apron playing to the crowd and tags in just a few times to throw a few punches, a corner clothesline, a big boot or two and tags out quickly. HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN gets a couple of false tags but keeps getting pushed out until finally making the hot tag. This way the crowd only gets a taste (while hiding his limitations) and as a result they become hungry for more. But nothing is mentioned of another match.

Everyone thinks that was his "one last match" until the Royal Rumble. When the count down for #27 reaches 0 Real American begins to play and out comes HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN! Have the last guy in the ring with him be someone from the authority like Triple H, Randy Orton or even Batista (if he decides to return) because these are the heels the fans ate tired of and are surely to get behind HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN for. HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN must win the Rumble as it is the only logical way to get him into the WrestleMania main event without wrestling and one on one matches first.

Now that HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN is securely in the WrestleMania main event,it's time for the build. Paul Heyman starts to cut promos about HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN'S surgeries, showing the x-rays and pictures of the scars that have been seen on the internet. Heyman makes HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN look very weak and says that he was warned, to stay out of the ring but he just had to have one more moment of glory and now Lesnar is going to cripple him like he's never been crippled before. Heyman says, "When Lesnar is through with him, all the king's horses and all the king's men will never put Grampa together again!"

The purpose is to make HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN a huge underdog so that his comeback upset victory is that much more impressive and guarantees a bigger pop and also to lower the fans expectations of what HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN will be able to do so that his match will feel more intense. In the end, HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN'S come from behind upset victory over the most dangerous man in wrestling today to over come the odds and win the title one more time and end the greatest career, on the greatest stage with arguably his greatest victory will make for one of the greatest WrestleMania moments of all time.

Then, like I said, HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN retires as champion (after appearingon RAW and reminding us that he set another record by becoming the oldest World champion of all time). This opens the door for a tournament to be held where in addition to current main eventers, several future main eventers can compete so to get a taste of the main event scene and thus start their transfer to the main event. One or two of them can even pull off a major upset over a main event guy to get the fans to support them.

So how is that bad booking? It utilizes the most famous wrestler of all time in a realistic angle while the WWE face roster is slim and the product feels stale. It tastes HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN at first to hide his limitations and allows him to play to his strengths of working the crowd and leave then wanting more. He wins the Rumble as a surprise entrant (I believe he would be the first legend to do so thus bringing back that feeling that anything can happen) and secures his match at WrestleMania assuring that he will be healthy and have time to build the match. Then the twist of Heyman "revealing" (to the casual fans anyway) HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN'S injuries and more important, playing to them and stating how Brock is going to focus on them and cripple him like never before. HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN comes back out to the event that he made famous and against all odds pulls off the victory (and hopefully steals a quote from Rocky II, "Yo Hulkamaniacs, WE DID IT!") to end his career on top and make for one of the most memorable moments in wrestling history. And it gives reason for the tournament to push the new guys so it is even good for the long term as well.

So again, how is it bad booking? It has everything. Short term, long term great timing - WWE is in need of something while their main event face roster, HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN wants to wrestle and seeing as how it is already autumn the time line is just about right and the tournament takes place when WWE traditional begins new angles - great story and fun.

Do what for Lesnar? He's the champion. He's not retiring anytime soon. He's not the greatest of all time. Oh, and most important... how in the name of Hell could their be a tournament if Lesnar is still champion? Big difference, HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN has not been champion for 12 years. The majority of WWE's audience were not even born then. So yes, a HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN World title victory would be new to many.

Or we could have the same thing except instead of Hogan winning we could have Lesnar break Hogan's neck and arms and legs and bam. Then Lesnar comes out the next night and says this is boring and vacates the title leaving forever. xP
Hogan I can't see him ever wrestling another match again considering his bad hips but also because of the fact that he is barely able to move in the ring but also take into consideration his age, Hogan is 61 years old, look at how long he has been in this business, he basically made wrestling what it is today, he transcends wrestling and he gave his body to this business so why would you want him to have another match where he could possibly face paralysis or something much worse?
Hogan I can't see him ever wrestling another match again considering his bad hips but also because of the fact that he is barely able to move in the ring
He's been wrestling with artificial hips since 2005 and it hasn't stopped him yet. He may be a bit slower but the fans still blow the roof off of the building whenever he wrestles. And he always gets the loudest pops for his matches so that is not a factor. Fans are willing to over look his limited mobility because of his unbelievable charisma.
but also take into consideration his age, Hogan is 61 years old, look at how long he has been in this business,
Don't be a bigot. This is professional wrestling. Age is a non factor. Many legends far older than HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN have laced up the boots. Men like Lou Thez (74), Buddy Rogers (71), Jimmy Snuka (still wrestling at 70) and the Funk Brothers (both in their 70s) have competed in their 70s. The Fabulous Moolah won the WWF Women's title at the age of 76 and both she and may Young continued to wrestle up until their death in their 80s. That's two decades older. HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN is still a young man by those standards.
he basically made wrestling what it is today, he transcends wrestling and he gave his body to this business so why would you want him to have another match where he could possibly face paralysis or something much worse?
It's not about what I want. HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN wants one more match. I'm merely stating that after all that he has done he deserves to have his request granted and do it in the biggest way possible. After all he has done for this business it's the least WWE could do and we the fans should be 100% behind him showing our appreciation for all of the years of joy he has given us and give back to him by supporting him in his quest to go out on top. He deserves it.

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