Should he do it?

Should/Can He Do It?

  • He should and he can.

  • He should but he can't.

  • He shouldn't but he can.

  • He shouldn't and he can't.

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is losing his edge
Yeah, so with KB's talk of heirs, I've begun to consider my legacy on WZ.

It doesn't extend past the bar. I came up around the time of Blaze, and we were some of the earlier total barflies.

Now I'm considering building a reputation as an all around poster. I think it would help if my contributions were more well rounded. I also want to be a mod again, and I think this is the only way.

What do you think? Poll coming.
I'd like to become a mod again as well sometime. You get far more noob rep. And rep, after all, is the point of a message board, right? :D
I think so. My philosophy is Give little, receive a lot.

It's worked so far. Most times that I want to rep someone I can't because I haven't repped enough other people.
????????????????????????????? xfear? WTF you change your name for?

Well a bunch of us got into a big discussion about meeting up in a bar in New Jersey, and than the fact that I'm such a stoner I'd end up forgetting the directions...thus Towelie X was born. I want a sig that combines Malcolm X and Towelie, but I have no idea how it would work.

I'll probably change my name back in like a week at most. I like to stick to my original name and not change it every 2 weeks like some people.

When did you change YOUR name? Atleast I kept the X.
I try to green rep everyone who gives me green rep. But that's only when I feel like it.

Murfy, I think you could do it but it would probably take a longer time for you to be modded.
Well a bunch of us got into a big discussion about meeting up in a bar in New Jersey, and than the fact that I'm such a stoner I'd end up forgetting the directions...thus Towelie X was born. I want a sig that combines Malcolm X and Towelie, but I have no idea how it would work.

I'll probably change my name back in like a week at most. I like to stick to my original name and not change it every 2 weeks like some people.

When did you change YOUR name? Atleast I kept the X.
You said that you liked my new name. Also I HATE Death Is A Right. Moon Knight is soo much better and was the name I had when I was last GMod.

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