Should Elimination Chamber be moved to November to replace Survivor Series?


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Ive been thinking about the Elimination ppv recetnly and just today read an article how wwe was thinking about getting rid of Survivor Series, so I wanna know would moving Elimination chamber to november be a good idea?

The Elimination Chamber was debuted in Survivor Series if memory serves me correctly, so it would make some sence to return it to the month it was created.

Also The Chamber just seems like too big of a ppv to be sandwiched between Royal Rumble and Wrestlemania, there really isnt enough time to build up an epic feel to such an epic match, as well as having such a ppv there kinda distrups the build up to wrestlemania, the perfect example is Edge right now, he is the rumble winner but cant begin building his match untill after the chamber match up.

What would you do with the chamber if you had the power? Would you move it, and to what time of the year? Would the gap of no survivor series be the perfect opportunity for it? and What would you put in place of where the chamber is now if anything? Would you keep the name survivor series and just add the chamber theme to sort of spicen it up?

Also a side note a little sad about wwe pulling survivor series its one of the big 4.
I would add the Elimination Chamber match to survivor series not disbad the ss ppv but I would change Elimination Chamber back to St.Valentines Day Massacre and make it a regular ppv. With the Survivor Series I would make five tag teams in the chamber with this it has a survivor series concept it has the chamber.

now, that would spice it up and will keep the big 4 in very well content buyrates and stuff with the chamber in it. :shrug:
I actually like having the Elimination Chamber pay per view where it is because it can serve many purposes for the superstars that are in the elimination chamber matches. Take Sheamus for example. If he were to go into the Elimination Chamber as one of the first two entrants and he walks out the champion then it would give him some serious credibility. The Chamber match is also a great way to setup some undercard matches for Wrestlemania like what I believe is going to happen between Dibiase and Randy Orton. So in that respect I would much rather have the chamber pay per view stay where it is. Maybe they can put Bragging Rights in the slot that the Survivor Series was in and make the Smackdown vs Raw match be an elimination match.
I wouldn't have done anything to Survivor Series to begin with, but, I would agree that having the Elimination Chamber PPV take place in November instead of Survivor Series. Not just because the match debuted there, but because the elimination style of the match would be somewhat of an homage to Survivor Series and it would retain some nostalgia. At little off-topic: I'd like to see a Chamber match featuring tag teams, but 12 pods in the chamber would look too crowded...
I actually like having the Elimination Chamber pay per view where it is because it can serve many purposes for the superstars that are in the elimination chamber matches. Take Sheamus for example. If he were to go into the Elimination Chamber as one of the first two entrants and he walks out the champion then it would give him some serious credibility. The Chamber match is also a great way to setup some undercard matches for Wrestlemania like what I believe is going to happen between Dibiase and Randy Orton. So in that respect I would much rather have the chamber pay per view stay where it is. Maybe they can put Bragging Rights in the slot that the Survivor Series was in and make the Smackdown vs Raw match be an elimination match.

The Wrestling Genius agrees 100% with this idea, I cant believe WWE hasnt thought of this idea in the 1st place. This will give them a chance to promote the SmackDown vs RAW video game and have a SMACKDOWN vs RAW elimination match as the main event of the ppv or a champions vs champions match. The elimination chamber ppv should stay in Feb. As I also to believe it gives great build up for Wrestlemania matches. To answer this thread Bragging Rights PPV should take the place of Survivor Series, and The Elimination Chamber PPV should stay where its at.
This is the strangest thing I've ever seen. I truly was about to sign onto this web site and post the EXACT same topic.

My reasoning for it happening is that the PPV could then get back to what Survivor Series is without spoiling any WM build-up.

Every match would be a Survivor Series match, so no World Title match would be necessary. I hate having a PPV in between the Royal Rumble and Wrestlemania. Especially one that destroys build for the big match.

Having a traditional Survivor Series match could be a way to strengthen a PPV match between say HHH and Sheamus by having them compete in a non 1-1 match. Which is impossible without some form of a title on the line. I am intrigued with having the build for a HHH-Sheamus title match for WM right after the Rumble. So therefore, we can do something like:

HHH/Kingston/Cena/Edge/Morrison vs. Sheamus/Miz/Batista/Jericho/McIntyre.

This is the way to plug a WM match without spoiling it with a 1-1 match, ala Cena vs. Orton from 2 years ago.

I love this idea...although the Elimination Chamber is a nice concept.
When I first heard that the WWE is going to drop the Survivor Series name, it came as quite a big shock to me because the WWE is dropping an event that is considered to be one of the major PPVs for the year. Moving the Elimination Chamber event to fill that slot would be a very welcome change since it's currently sandwiched between Royal Rumble and WrestleMania. Now I'm just throwing this out here, but what if the WWE were to revive WarGames to replace the Survivor Series? Any thoughts or criticism on this suggestion would be nice.
I think Elimination Chamber is happy where it is. It gives the PPVs and weeks leading up to 'Mania a big feel with two major gimmick PPVs one after the other, and can really be used to advance and create storylines heading into 'Mania.

The unpredictability factor is what I really like. No one is sure if Sheamus is going to hold the belt until Wrestlemania because of this feud, and no one knows if Taker will retain either. Edge will have to choose if he still wants to go after the World Heavyweight Championship if Taker loses the belt at EC.

So, I think Elimination Chamber is just fine. It has a fun feel, gives us a good gimmick match, and makes the storylines leading up the the Show of Shows that much more impossible to call.
No, that's a bad idea. Elimination Chamber (in its current "road to Wrestlemania" spot) is the 6th biggest show of the year, 5th if Survivor Series really is ending. It helps determine the main event at Wrestlemania where it is right now. In November it would be "just another gimmick PPV" and no one wants that. It's bad enough that another random gimmick PPV will probably replace Survivor Series if they get rid of it, but to move Elimination Chamber would be really bad because it does such a good job of helping build up to Wrestlemania. The fact that Elimination Chamber is in between the two biggest shows is EXACTLY why it should not be moved. It doesn't need as much build, fans will tune into it to see who is main eventing Wrestlemania by winning the chamber matches. I wouldn't move it. What they should do instead is move another of the "less important PPV's" and put it in Survivor Series' place.... or keep Survivor Series (but it seems like they won't be keeping it). Elimination Chamber deserves to remain where it is though, or else the build for Wrestlemania would get more complicated to set up.
y2straghtedge...First you steal my avatar, then you steal my idea... :guns: ... ugh... what to post... I would've said make a PPV called the St. Valentines Day Massacre, but of course, this avatar stealing guy steals my idea. Well, yeah, I would change the name, but not move the PPV. It's a good name anyway. Elimination chamber is freaking bland.
The Survivor Series has died for the same reason that War Games should not be used any time soon - there is no major stable feuds in the WWE any more. War Games needed the NWO or the Horseman with a cadre of faces to go up against them. There is no major faction in the WWE that needs to be taken down.

DX vs. Hart Foundation or the Ministry vs. the Corporation would have been excellent for a Survivor Series match and a War Games but unless the Straight Edge Society really takes off as a major heel faction then I don't really see the need for multi-team matches
First they get rid of King of the Ring, now they want to get rid of Survivor Series? I suppose in 2013 they'll scrap the Rumble as well.

I don't understand why Vince is taking away all the PPVs that made his wrestling promotion unique. It's like he's saying 'you'll all come back regardless, so i don't need to bother doing anything special anymore. Who else are you going to watch?'

Foolish, foolish Vince.

I think Survivor Series should stay. Each match has the potential to see multiple combinations in the ring during one match. They need to stop having guys get pinned after taking 2 bumps i.e. Finlay losing to Sheamus after a single kick, when Finlay's had 20 minute street fights against ME'ers, just looked so stupid it was unbelievable.

Stables don't need to be a factor either. There have been plenty of SSeries matches that didn't involve any stables, in fact there are loads of 10 men matches where only 2 of them were actually fueding i.e. The British Bulldog teamed with the Mean Street Posse, to face a team of jobbers that included Gangrel and Steve Blackman, just so the Posse could get wiped out, and the Bulldog could cream everyone else on his own. In '99 the Bossman rounded up 3 other guys to help him take on Big Show and 3 other guys, and they were the only 2 fueding!

I've always really liked Survivor Series. The elimination aspect made it so that the Survivors really shined after the match, and it made you believe that out of the 10 you just watched, whoever remained were the ones to watch, thus helping them to get over. Look at how Sheamus, Drew and Miz have flourished since winning at SSeries for example.

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