The Saviour

Dark Match Winner
So, with a few days remaining untill the ppv, I guess it would nice to discuss about your favourite moments in Elimination Chamber.The match started in 2002 at Survivor Series and since has been an annual tradition.It has certainly become prestigious with it being viewed as a chance to main-event WRESTLEMANIA.
Enough of its background now, I am here to ask you this, what is/are your fav. EC moment(s). For me its Shawn Michaels World Title win in the first Chamber match.It was quite an unpredictable match as it had been never seen before.The match itself lived up to its hype as the most dangerous ever, with Triple H suffering a legitimate injury. It was also great to see Shawn winning the title on his return.
Another moment will be Goldberg spearing through the one of the chamber pods. I'll also like to mention Edge cashing MITB briefcase after the '06 chamber match at New Year's Revolution.It wasn't in the chamber, but it was quite related to it and it was quite a shocking moment as well with Cena's year long title reign ending like this.
So, thats it from me.Go ahead with your fav. Elimination Chamber moments
I gotta agree with you, I think a lot of people will remember Edge cashing in at EC to beat Cena for the belt. But my favorite 1 has to be EC 2, when Evolution hand cuffed Goldberg to the cage and hit him with the sledgehammer...for some reason just seemed like everything stopped.
Personally for me it was the first EC where Shawn Michaels walked out as champ. this was back before I even had an internet connect and didn't even know that Wrestling Community wrestling sites even existed so I viewed wrestling as all fans should not knowing the in's and out's of the business. I just remember marking the hell out as all the confetti fell from the roof, though I was pretty disapointed when he lost the title a month or so later.
I'm going to have to go with the only one I have seen that had anything remotely exciting in and say last years where HBK sneaked in and and cost the Undertaker the match. I wasn't expecting it to happen like that as HBK wasn't going to win so it didn't matter if Taker had the belt or not, also I couldn't beliave that HBK would do it and basically hand Jericho the belt seeing the past they have. but I guess it did what he wanted it to.

Oh, the other one I liked was Edge losing his championship by being the first eliminated only to come out during the second match attacking kofi and inserting himself in his place winning the title and moving to raw. My mouth dropped when he came out, it was a good way to get cheap heat and not many people saw it coming.
I have a tie between two moments, although, both happened in the very first Elimination Chamber match.

The first would be when Rob Van Dam hit the Five Star Frog Splash on HHH off the top of the pod. Although, unfortunately, HHH got injured, it was very cool moment.

My other moment was when HBK was slingshotted through the pod. With this being the very first EC match, no one expected this, and their reaction proved it.
No question it was HBK winning on his wrestling return. That place popped like popcorn.

Edge cashing in on Cena after the EC was pretty cool too but not really directly chamber related.
I have a few favourite moments. The entire 1st EC was brilliant from start to finish with not stop action and and the fairy tale ending of HBK winning the WHC.

I also loved last years when HBK came in and nailed Taker whit some sweet chin music. Being a huge Jericho mark i loved seeing him win the title and it also set up for HBK vs Taker at Mania.

And my third favourite moment was in EC2. When Goldberg came into the match and just dominated everyone in sight. Spearing Y2J through the pod and his suplex into a spinebuster on Randy Orton was one of the most vicious and intense moves i have ever seen. We all know how the match ended however.
I'm torn between two here:

Either, Goldberg absolutely anhilating everyone & looking like a monster (Something WWE really dropped the ball on by not continuing with it) or...

Watching someone smash through what we where originally told was, "Bullet Proof Glass"!!!
I quite liked when Batista went on a rampage at New Years Revolution 2005 and included throwing Jericho into a camerman standing outside the ring. Was pretty cool and JR made it sound even more devasting that it was.

Other had to be HBK coming back and winning the first ever. Nothing beats the original and that term definitely applies in this chamber. Filled with awesome moments. From RVD doing the five star frog splash off a pod to Y2J being launched through the "bullet-proof" glass, that match had it all and it had a great finish with Shawn Michaels walking out champ!
My favourite Elimination Chamber moment is Kurt Angle's short but destruction-filled stint in the 2006 New Year's Revolution Chamber match. The explosiveness and intensity he displayed during that burst to me embodied what the Chamber should drive men to. He was a perfect fit for the match and his 2006 effort stands out for me as my favourite chamber moment all time.
Im also a fan on the HBK moment, for all the same reasons, and to add because i was even excited to see him in wrestling pants and not those jeans.

If i had to be different I really liked the year when Edge lost the wwe championship and won the world heavyweight in the same night in two seperate chambers. That for me was a moment that I didnt see coming because I expected to see Edge walk out as champ, then he didn't....But then he DID!

Ohh wwe putting my emotions threw rollercosters you are...lol
there are so many. first i'll list some that others have mentioned and then i'll list one that nobody has specifically mentioned as of this typing.

HBK winning the first one. that was so awesome. huge HBK mark, so that just made it all the more epic for me.

Edge cashing in on Cena. that whole chamber match was brilliant, i thought, with Carlito and Chris Masters and their alliance thing, but the cash-in was genius. and it's certainly started a trend with MITB since then.

Edge also losing one chamber match and then entering the next was great. fantastic surprise writing that still made sense and told a good story. loved that whole night and event.

Goldberg is another good choice.

as is anytime someone went thru the glass.

i'd have to say that one moment really stands out to me, however, and i have not seen it mentioned in the previous responses. in the very first chamber match, RVD totally did a Spider-Man-esque move with the actual structure itself. it just looked so cool. and with it being the first chamber, i had no idea what to expect, but that moment really embodied the "expect the unexpected" idea behind the whole concept. definitely worth the mention and my nod for favorite chamber moment.
Goldberg's performance. Nobody has matched it to this day in terms of dominance and his display of power. I will never forget him spearing Jericho through the glass pod or the gorilla press that he turned into a spinebuster on Orton. I will also never forget him kicking through the glass to get HHH out of the pod. I agree with an earlier post that WWE really dropped the ball on Goldberg as they obviously didn't know what kind of talent they had because they kep misusing him, but that's just my opinion.
Goldberg tearing everyone up he was unstoppable in that chamber i loved his spear through glass or plastic whatever it is and the kick to get HHH who was hiding lmao
Cena starting in the match only to take everyone's finisher and being out within 5 minutes.

Or Kofi Kingston's head going through the chains and I forget who torquing him up. That was brutal AND during PG.
My favourite Elimination Chamber match was a few years back when the Undertaker reversed a Batista jackhammer into a tombstone pile-driver by flipping over the ropes! One of the coolest reversals ive ever seen!
I gotta go with rvds moments in the 1st one the fsfs off the pod, and the rolling thunder over the ropes, those were both sick, i also like edge taking out kofi and taking his spot and then winnning that chamber, i didnt expect it at all, it was a different thing to do that stopped the ppv from being bland and predictable and also got Edge a lot of heat.
My favorite EC moment is with out doubt HBK winning the World Title.It was the first EC and for me was also one of the best matches I've seen in the WWE
People saying Edge cashing in on John Cena at New Years Revolution, that technically, wasn't in the Elimination Chamber. I would have to agree though, that was epic. If that counts that would be my pick, considering it's the most I'd marked out before The Rock returning monday.

If that doesn't count I'll have to go with the first ever Elimination Chamber in general. The idea was new, it was super hyped, and it lived up to the hype. All of the competitors put on a show, and we saw things we would never expect. Shawn Michaels winning along with the way he won put the cherry on top. Probably one of my favorite matches of all time.
It has to be goldberg in the 2003 SummerSlam Elimination Chamber. He destroyed everyone in that match and speared Jericho through the chamber (which is my favorite moment). I've never seen that much intensity ever in a wrestle match before or after that outburst

1) shawn michaels winning the title in the first ever chamber, after 4 years away from the wwe

2) edge cashing in money in the bank on cena after the chamber, the night edge as a top heel was truely born for me!


3) the whole of the extreme elimination chamber at december to dismember ;)

just kiddin!
My favorrite EC moment was in the SD '08 No Way Out PPV match when MVP got chokeslammed by The Undertaker all the way down to the ring. Not only was it the first done in the EC but it reminded me of the old HIAC days if you know what I mean;)
Definitely HBK winning the Championship at SS 2002, My second favorite Elimination chamber
Butt definitely the most extreme moment is Goldberg spearing Y2J trough the glass capsule at Summerslam 2003, that was EPIC! :worship:
when Umaga went on a rampage. he double samoan dropped hbk and y2j. crowd went nuts umaga was so proud he did his exploder taunt, and i think he was grinning ear to ear after that too cause it went over huge. i think it took everyones finisher to get him out. he never went for a pin once. think he might of busted thru a pod on that one too. that was my favorite umaga moment and chamber moment.

then little moments like randy and ted bulling everybody, waiting for someones pod to open like wolves. shoving kofi's head thru a hole in the chains. hbk popping in and superkicking taker. taker falling out of the chamber. edge taking kofi out (chair shot to head on steel steps) and taking his place. edge throwing rey into the pod like a javelin. rey grinning at how cool it looked.

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